AAC Light-heavyweight M1

Raidicon.pngNewAAC Light-heavyweight M1
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AAC Light-heavyweight M1.png
At Metem's invitation, you have entered the Ascension Arcadia Championship, a competition in which the greatest fighters of Alexandria face off in a bid to become grand champion. Yet your opponents wield feral souls to augment their strength, so you in turn must use the simulacra of past warriors to balance the scales. Your debut match is against Black Cat, a fellow rookie harnessing the power of Cath Palug, and if you are to seize victory against this feline foe, you shall need to be agile indeed...


1 to 8 players (2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 4 DPS)
Unrestricted Parties Not Allowed
Class: Disciples of War or Magic
※ Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
Level: 100
Average Item Level: 685
※ Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements.

Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png
2 2 4
Minimum Level: 100 (Sync from 100)
Minimum iLevel: 685
Time Limit: 60 Minutes
Unrestricted Party: Not Allowed
Unlock Quest: The Claw in the Dark
Regular Duty: Raids: Dawntrail
Duty Roulette: Normal Raids
Type: Raid
Zone: Scratching Ring
Region: Xak Tural
Expansion: Dawntrail
Guide: AAC Light-heavyweight M1 Guide
Background Music: It's Showtime!
Victory Music: A Victory Fanfare Reborn
Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics Icon.png

Edit AAC Light-heavyweight M1's Dialogue

Black Cat
Attack Name Description
Bloody Scratch Heavy raidwide.
One-two Paw One hand glows, then the other. Hits the half of the arena the glowing hand is on in order.
Black Cat Crossing Four glowing lines appear on cardinal or intercardinal, followed by four more inbetween. Does conal AoEs out from the boss on the lines in order.
Biscuit Maker Tankbuster.
Clawful Stack marker.
Mouser Multiple tiles flash red in sequence. At the end of the cast, red tiles are hit and crack; tiles that were marked and hit twice will break, leaving a gap in the arena floor. Keep an eye out for tiles that don't flash red, and avoid standing on tiles that flash twice.
Elevate and Eviscerate Marks a player with a tether and a toss animation. Will knock the targeted player into the air and one tile back away from the boss, cracking a tile or breaking it if it was already cracked. Position yourself to knock back on an uncracked tile, which displays a flashing green tile when its safe. Repeats four times.
Shockwave Knockback from boss. Position to be knocked back into a safe corner of the arena, or use a knockback immunity action.
Predacious Pounce The boss summons multiple paw prints that move around the arena, interspersed with large circle AoEs. at the end of the cast, multiple rapid line AoEs and circle AoEs go off. Stand in a clear area, or dodge into the first attack.
Grimalkin Gale Circle AoE on each player. Spread out and avoid overlap.
Leaping ____ Affects One-two Paw and Black Cat Crossing. Places a marker on the arena that the boss is tethered to. At the end of the cast, the boss will teleport to the marker and use the respective mechanic. Treat the marker as if it were the boss to more easily dodge the mechanic.
Copycat Boss summons a copy that uses Elevate and Eviscerate. Handle the same way.
Overshadow Line stack mechanic.

Advice and Tips

  • Elevate and Eviscerate knocks the player back in a line from the boss. Find an uncracked tile and position yourself in front of it so it turns green; this indicates you won't fall through after the mechanic hits you.
Chest 1
Light-heavy Holohelm Icon.png Light-heavy Holoarmor Icon.png Light-heavy Holochausses Icon.png Light-heavy Holoearring Icon.png
Chest 2
Light-heavy Holohelm Icon.png Light-heavy Hologauntlets Icon.png Light-heavy Hologreaves Icon.png Light-heavy Holoearring Icon.png
Chest 3
It's Showtime! Orchestrion Roll Icon.png
(Fixed Rate Drop)

Black Cat Card

Drop Table (8)
Item Type iLvl Requirements Stats
 Black Cat Card Icon.png  
Black Cat Card
Gold chest icon.png
 Triple Triad Card  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 410

 It's Showtime! Orchestrion Roll Icon.png  
It's Showtime! Orchestrion Roll
Gold chest icon.png
 Orchestrion Roll  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Music roll for It's Showtime!. Use to add to your orchestrion list.

 Light-heavy Holoarmor Icon.png  
Light-heavy Holoarmor
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
When activated, this electrope-powered device from the Arcadion projects a holographic suit of armor.

Four suits can be traded for special body gear.

 Light-heavy Holochausses Icon.png  
Light-heavy Holochausses
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
When activated, this electrope-powered device from the Arcadion projects a holographic pair of chausses.

Four pairs can be traded for special leg gear.

 Light-heavy Holoearring Icon.png  
Light-heavy Holoearring
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
When activated, this electrope-powered device from the Arcadion projects a holographic earring.

One earring can be traded for a special accessory.

 Light-heavy Hologauntlets Icon.png  
Light-heavy Hologauntlets
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
When activated, this electrope-powered device from the Arcadion projects a holographic pair of gauntlets.

Two pairs can be traded for special arm gear.

 Light-heavy Hologreaves Icon.png  
Light-heavy Hologreaves
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
When activated, this electrope-powered device from the Arcadion projects a holographic pair of greaves.

Two pairs can be traded for special foot gear.

 Light-heavy Holohelm Icon.png  
Light-heavy Holohelm
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
When activated, this electrope-powered device from the Arcadion projects a holographic helmet.

Two helms can be traded for special headgear.

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