My apologies for the wait. As for what I wish for you to attempt, it is a technique similar to what you've already employed with your egi.
My apologies for the wait.
Now, would you be so kind as to call forth your faerie?
How charming! The tales do little to capture its beauty.
This faerie is no doubt manifested in the image of that which you most closely associate with faeries, but my research suggests this form is not immutable.
Indeed, though a fundamental form may have been incorporated into the original incantation, with sufficient concentration, I believe it possible to supplant this form with the image of another entity. Try conjuring the faerie once more─this time, with a Carbuncle in your mind's eye.
Remarkable! And with only a single attempt!
'Twould seem my theory holds, meaning this transformation should be merely superficial, and has done naught to affect its capacity for healing. Very good.
With that, we may conclude this little experiment. If you would follow me upstairs?