Frondale's Phrontistery is an institution of alchemists known for producing respectable physicians. The organization has an intent focus on perfecting and sharing research on the science of alchemy, and seeks to uphold the reputation of alchemy as a legitimate discipline.
Founded in a time when alchemy was considered little more than back-alley witchcraft, Frondale's Phrontistery inspired a change in perception among the people of Ul'dah. Because of its credibility, the Phrontistery soon gained membership from alchemists who wished to study without fear of persection from every corner of the realm.
Though Frondale's Phrontistery began as means of training palace physicians, it has since grown to house seven different faculties of medicine, ranging from the traditional to the alchemical and beyond. The Phrontistery also operates an infirmary, though the care it offers is a luxury only the wealthiest can afford.
A mystical medium that can transform base metals into gold or silver, cure all ills and grant the bearer life eternal—such is the Philosopher's Stone, the fevered dream of alchemists throughout time. To attain their prize, practitioners conducted all manner of queer and unnatural experiments, and accordingly were long abhorred as madmen—their art scorned as lunacy.
The profession eventually gained credibility through its integration into traditional medicine by Frondale's Phrontistery. Thereafter, alchemists flocked to Ul'dah, a place where they might do what research they please without the fear of persecution, and eventually founded the Alchemists' Guild to share their findings.