The Manipulator has 3 distinct phases, during which it uses the following moves and mechanics.
Phase 1
Choose either the Right or Left Forleg to burn down and ignore the other; the remaining leg will fully regenerate upon one leg dying.
Attack Name |
Aetherochemical Missile
A small, unmarked AoE centered on the MT. Deals moderate damage. Players should avoid standing near the MT; standing on opposite sides of the leg works.
The OT and a random DPS will be sucked into the sky and flung to a separate room with a single Panzer Doll. The two must kill this add to return to the fight. It has low health but has a frontal cleave, so the OT should tank it facing away from their DPS partner.
A random player will be marked with a large blue orb over their head. After a few seconds, multiple waves of orange orbs will appear from two of the intercardinal directions and begin moving towards the marked player. If they encounter a player, they explode in a medium sized AoE, damaging anyone in the radius around it. To avoid the death of the marked player, Other players should make sure to stand in the path of these orbs, alternating players to ensure no one dies from taking too many hits.
Mortal Revolution
A raid-wide AoE that deals heavy damage. Only used after a leg has been killed and the boss is no longer vulnerable.
Advice and Tips
- After killing the leg, The Manipulator will become vulnerable to damage for ~20 seconds. Players should save CDs and burn as much of the boss as possible.
- Waiting for a Quarantine to go off and the players to come back before killing the leg will also ensure you have all players available to deal damage to the boss.
Phase 2
Uses all abilities from Phase 1 except Orbs.
Attack Name |
Magitek Bits
Four untargetable magitek bits will spawn along the edge of the arena and tether to a single person. After a few seconds, each bit will deal moderate damage to the person they are tethered to and everyone around them in a small AoE, resulting in death for taking all four hits. To avoid, other players can stand in the path of the tethers to take the tether from the targeted player, taking the damage themselves. Players should take at minimum two tethers from the targeted player.
Jagd Dolls
Three Dolls will spawn at Northwest, Northeast, and South during Quarantine. Each remaining DPS must pick up one of the dolls and kill it. Every ~7 seconds, they will apply a stack of Luminous Aetheroplasm to everyone in a large AoE around them. Reaching 4 stacks will kill the player, meaning the DPS gotta keep 'em separated and burn them down ASAP.
Advice and Tips
- The player marked by Magitek Bits should refrain from moving, as the tethers will move back to them if they are within line of sight of the Bits.
Phase 3
Uses all abilities from Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Attack Name |
Judgement Nisi
Each healer will be afflicted with a stacking debuff, one red and one blue. To start with they will have 5 stacks of the debuff. After a few seconds, it will explode, dealing higher damage the more stacks it has, and lose a single stack of the debuff. It is extremely important to stay spread apart for this and for all other players to keep far away from the healers. The debuff can spread to others, and will again start at 5 stacks on the newly debuffed player. If a player gets both debuffs, they will die.
Laser Diffusion
Moderate raid-wide AoE damage.
Multihit tankbuster and raid damage. Two sets of four AoEs will target random players in the raid while the tank is hit with Perpetual Ray, which deals increasing damage each hit.
Advice and Tips
- Healers should be assigned to stand in the Southwest and Southeast for Judgement Nisi and other players should avoid standing near them.
- Other attacks will happen during Judgement Nisi, including Magitek Bits. Players should ensure they take the tethers off of any healers that get it without getting too close, and not expect a healer to pick up a tether while they are dealing with the damage from Nisi.
- Tanks should be sure to shield during Discord to prevent death by Perpetual Ray.
(Blue Mage Spell Acquisition)