Alexandrian Foot Gear Coffer (IL 270)
Req. Level 1
A heavy chest containing a piece of Alexandrian attire.
Required level: 60. IL: 270. Foot gear type determined by current job or class at time of opening. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids.
Alexandrian Hand Gear Coffer (IL 270)
Req. Level 1
A heavy chest containing a piece of Alexandrian attire.
Required level: 60. IL: 270. Hand gear type determined by current job or class at time of opening. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids.
Alexandrian Head Gear Coffer (IL 270)
Req. Level 1
A heavy chest containing a piece of Alexandrian attire.
Required level: 60. IL: 270. Head gear type determined by current job or class at time of opening. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids.
Alexandrian Leg Gear Coffer (IL 270)
Req. Level 1
A heavy chest containing a piece of Alexandrian attire.
Required level: 60. IL: 270. Leg gear type determined by current job or class at time of opening. Cannot be opened in instanced areas such as dungeons, PvP areas, or raids.
Alexandrian Manifesto - Page 3
Req. Level 1
The third page of the Illuminati's least-known catechismal masterwork.
Manifesto pages of the same type can be traded for special gear.