Anemos Lockbox

Anemos Lockbox Icon.png
Anemos Lockbox  FATE Icon.png
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A firmly sealed box discovered deep in the Anemos wilds. Only a skilled picker of locks might grant you access to the treasure within.
Level 1
Item Level 1
Statistics & Bonuses:
Repairs, Recycle & Style:
Stack Size 999
Sells for Unsellable
Noconverticon.png Nodyeicon.png Nocresticon.png Noprojectableicon.png Nodesynthesizableicon.png Nostorableicon.png Nocollectableicon.png
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Rewarded from FATE (20)
FATE Location Level
By Numbers The Orchard 6
Caym What May Klauser's Peace 9
Disinherit the Wind The Orchard 7
Don't Judge Me, Morbol The Val River Swale 12
Drama Lamashtu Newvoid 19
I Amarok Newvoid 18
One Missed Callisto The Orchard 5
Prove Your Amemettle Klauser's Peace 8
Short Serket 2 The Val River Swale 11
Simurghasbord The Anemos Seam 15
Sing, Muse The Anemos Seam 14
Teles House The Orchard 3
The Killing of a Sacred Bombadier The Val River Swale 10
The Shadow over Anemos The Val River Swale 2
The Swarm Never Sets The Orchard 4
To the Mat Uncanny Valley (Area) 16
Unsafety Dance Heartbreak Holt 1
Wail in the Willows Newvoid 20
When You Ride Alone The Val River Swale 13
Wine and Honey Uncanny Valley (Area) 17
Rewards one of the following on appraisal by Expedition Lockpick
Miscellaneous Use

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