Augmented Law's Order Maiming Set

Main Command 60 Icon.pngAugmented Law's Order Maiming Set
Gear Set

Augmented Law's Order Helm of Maiming Icon.png
Augmented Law's Order Mail of Maiming Icon.png
Augmented Law's Order Gauntlets of Maiming Icon.png
Augmented Law's Order Cuisses of Maiming Icon.png
Augmented Law's Order Sollerets of Maiming Icon.png

Augmented Law's Order Spear Icon.png Icon.png

Set Summary (weapons/tools not included)

Item Level:  510

Defense: +2328
Magic Defense: +1828
Strength: +759
Vitality: +785
Direct Hit Rate: +242
Critical Hit: +389
Determination: +552
Skill Speed: +85
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Gear List

Item iLevel Requirements Stats
 Augmented Law's Order Spear Icon.png  Augmented Law's Order Spear
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000515000000515&000000000000008000000080 DRG
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 104
Magic Damage 52
Strength +204 
Vitality +213 

Resistance weapon.

Item iLevel Requirements Stats
 Augmented Law's Order Cuisses of Maiming Icon.png  Augmented Law's Order Cuisses of Maiming
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000510000000510&000000000000008000000080 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 549
Magic Defense 431
Strength +195 
Vitality +202 
Determination +191 
Critical Hit +134 
Bozja Effect: Bonus only applicable in The Bozjan Southern Front Haste +3 

 Augmented Law's Order Gauntlets of Maiming Icon.png  Augmented Law's Order Gauntlets of Maiming
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000510000000510&000000000000008000000080 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 410
Magic Defense 322
Strength +123 
Vitality +127 
Critical Hit +121 
Skill Speed +85 
Bozja Effect: Bonus only applicable in The Bozjan Southern Front Haste +2 

 Augmented Law's Order Helm of Maiming Icon.png  Augmented Law's Order Helm of Maiming
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000510000000510&000000000000008000000080 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 410
Magic Defense 322
Strength +123 
Vitality +127 
Direct Hit Rate +121 
Determination +85 
Bozja Effect: Bonus only applicable in The Bozjan Southern Front Haste +2 

 Augmented Law's Order Mail of Maiming Icon.png  Augmented Law's Order Mail of Maiming
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000510000000510&000000000000008000000080 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 549
Magic Defense 431
Strength +195 
Vitality +202 
Determination +191 
Critical Hit +134 
Bozja Effect: Bonus only applicable in The Bozjan Southern Front Haste +3 

 Augmented Law's Order Sollerets of Maiming Icon.png  Augmented Law's Order Sollerets of Maiming
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000510000000510&000000000000008000000080 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 410
Magic Defense 322
Strength +123 
Vitality +127 
Direct Hit Rate +121 
Determination +85 
Bozja Effect: Bonus only applicable in The Bozjan Southern Front Haste +2 