'Tis well that the sultana has awoken. The Syndicate yet needs to put its house in order, but 'twould seem the worst of the confusion has passed.
Ul'dah has taken control of its future...and I must do the same.
I have decided to disband the Crystal Braves.
Among the recruits, there were those who supported our order's goals and convictions with all sincerity. 'Tis my hope that these loyal men and women will choose to remain our allies in the battles to come.
As for those who sided with the traitor, Ilberd, they shall be hunted down and held to account for their crimes. It is my earnest hope that they will surrender themselves peaceably when the time comes...though I think it unlikely.
Ah, my all-conquering Crystal Braves... The model army meant to pave the way for a single, unified Grand Company of Eorzea. That so high an ideal should be brought so low...
I need not tell you how deeply the betrayal stung me. Yet I see now that it was mine own naivety and pride which allowed the Braves to fell prey to corruption.
As ever, it is to your own shining example that I turn for inspiration. Like you, I mean to stand firm in the face of hardship, and give mine all for the cause.
Let us resume the search for our missing comrades, that we might come together to shine the light of dawn across the realm once more.
The role of Crystal Brave commander suited me ill, and I shall play it no longer. Henceforth, I shall be no more or less than Alphinaud, proud member of the Scions.