Battle Lion Horn

Battle Lion Horn Icon.png
Battle Lion Horn  
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An iron-banded horn used to summon your battle lion battle!
Level 1
Item Level 1
Statistics & Bonuses:
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Battle Lion Horn--20210306000930.png
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Achievement Reward (1)
Name Achievement
Tank You, Paladin III Complete 300 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, level 50/60/70/80 duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a Paladin.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.

Used to Summon

Mount Information
Battle Lion (Mount) Icon.pngBattle Lion (Mount)Flying Mount 
There was a time when members of Ul'dah's elite Sultansworn strode the Steps of Nald and Thal atop silver-plated lions, striking fear and awe into the mewling masses. An effort to return to those days of glory has seen the summoning of several of Thavnair's most prominent beast tamers to the Rose of the Desert.
Battle Lion (Mount) Patch.png

Bright as a lamp, brave as a lion.
- Haermaga

Acquisition: Completion of the Tank You, Paladin III achievement.
Requires: Battle Lion Horn
Movement: Terrestrial (Flying)
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