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Aetheryte Ticket   
Good for a single journey through the aetheryte network.
[Collected in place of gil when using the Teleport command.]
Amber Draught Chocobo Whistle
A small hand-carved whistle that emits a unique, high-pitched tone discernible only by a rare amber draught chocobo trained from capture to recognize and respond to the sound. Use to summon your personal amber draught chocobo.
Jet Black Dye
A rare and expensive black dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Managarm Horn
A twisted horn whose eerie bellow renders the deadly moon hound, Managarm, meek as a newborn whelp.
Metallic Gold Dye
A rare and expensive gold dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Metallic Silver Dye
A rare and expensive silver dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Pastel Blue Dye
A rare and expensive blue dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Pastel Green Dye
A rare and expensive green dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Pastel Pink Dye
A rare and expensive pink dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Pastel Purple Dye
A rare and expensive purple dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Pure White Dye
A rare and expensive white dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.
Twintania Neurolink Key
A square of hardened resin-like material that, when tapped, summons Twintania, an ancient wyvern enslaved by the Allagans several thousand summers past.