Calamity Salvager (Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre)/Deal in Spoils - Gold Chocobo Feather Exchange

< Calamity Salvager (Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre)
 Calamity Salvager (Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre)'s other shops:

⚬ Purchase Job-specific Gear - Purchase Lv. 50 Arms & Tools
⚬ Purchase Job-specific Gear - Purchase Lv. 50 Gear (DoW)
⚬ Purchase Job-specific Gear - Purchase Lv. 50 Gear (DoM)
⚬ Purchase Job-specific Gear - Purchase Lv. 60 Gear
⚬ Purchase Job-specific Gear - Purchase Lv. 70 Arms
⚬ Purchase Job-specific Gear - Purchase Lv. 70 Gear (DoW) I
⚬ Purchase Job-specific Gear - Purchase Lv. 70 Gear (DoW) II
⚬ Purchase Job-specific Gear - Purchase Lv. 70 Gear (DoM)
⚬ Purchase Job-specific Gear - Purchase Lv. 80 Arms & Gear
⚬ Purchase Job-specific Gear - Purchase Blue Mage Arms & Gear
⚬ Purchase Quest Rewards - Purchase Quest Rewards I
⚬ Purchase Quest Rewards - Purchase Quest Rewards II
⚬ Purchase Quest Rewards - Purchase Achievement Rewards I
⚬ Purchase Quest Rewards - Purchase Achievement Rewards II
⚬ Purchase Quest Rewards - Purchase Achievement Rewards III
⚬ Purchase Gender-specific Gear - Gender-specific Gear Exchange (♂→♀) I
⚬ Purchase Gender-specific Gear - Gender-specific Gear Exchange (♂→♀) II
⚬ Purchase Gender-specific Gear - Gender-specific Gear Exchange (♀→♂) I
⚬ Purchase Gender-specific Gear - Gender-specific Gear Exchange (♀→♂) II
⚬ Ceremony Attire Exchange
⚬ Deal in Spoils - Dream of the Fayth Exchange
⚬ Deal in Spoils - Gold Chocobo Feather Exchange
⚬ Deal in Spoils - Silver Chocobo Feather Exchange I ( ≤ Lv. 50 Gear)
⚬ Deal in Spoils - Silver Chocobo Feather Exchange II (Lv. 60 Gear)
⚬ Deal in Spoils - Silver Chocobo Feather Exchange III (Lv. 70 Gear)
⚬ Deal in Spoils - Silver Chocobo Feather Exchange IV (Lv. 80 Gear)
⚬ Deal in Spoils - Silver Chocobo Feather Exchange V (Lv. 90 Gear)
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoW I) - Repurchase Paladin Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoW I) - Repurchase Warrior Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoW I) - Repurchase Dark Knight Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoW I) - Repurchase Gunbreaker Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoW I) - Repurchase Monk Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoW I) - Repurchase Samurai Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoW I) - Repurchase Dragoon Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoW I) - Repurchase Reaper Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoW II) - Repurchase Ninja Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoW II) - Repurchase Bard Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoW II) - Repurchase Machinist Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoW II) - Repurchase Dancer Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoM) - Repurchase Black Mage Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoM) - Repurchase Summoner Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoM) - Repurchase Red Mage Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoM) - Repurchase White Mage Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoM) - Repurchase Scholar Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoM) - Repurchase Astrologian Gear
⚬ Purchase Garo Gear (DoM) - Repurchase Sage Gear
⚬ Certificate Exchange
⚬ Glamour Prism Collection
⚬ Delineation Collection
⚬ Speed Belt Exchange

Old Gridania →  Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre (10-8.4)

Item Statistics Cost

Aetheryte Ticket
Aetheryte Ticket
Seasonalachievementicon.pngQuest Icon.pngDollarsignicon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png

Good for a single journey through the aetheryte network.

[Collected in place of gil when using the Teleport command.]

Gold Chocobo Feather

Amber Draught Chocobo Whistle
Amber Draught Chocobo Whistle
Map75 Icon.png

A small hand-carved whistle that emits a unique, high-pitched tone discernible only by a rare amber draught chocobo trained from capture to recognize and respond to the sound. Use to summon your personal amber draught chocobo.

Gold Chocobo Feather

Jet Black Dye
Jet Black Dye
Dollarsignicon.pngMap75 Icon.png

A rare and expensive black dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.

Gold Chocobo Feather

Managarm Horn
Managarm Horn
Map75 Icon.png

A twisted horn whose eerie bellow renders the deadly moon hound, Managarm, meek as a newborn whelp.

Gold Chocobo Feather

Metallic Gold Dye
Metallic Gold Dye
Dollarsignicon.pngMap75 Icon.png

A rare and expensive gold dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.

Gold Chocobo Feather

Metallic Silver Dye
Metallic Silver Dye
Dollarsignicon.pngMap75 Icon.png

A rare and expensive silver dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.

Gold Chocobo Feather

Pastel Blue Dye
Pastel Blue Dye
Dollarsignicon.pngMap75 Icon.png

A rare and expensive blue dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.

Gold Chocobo Feather

Pastel Green Dye
Pastel Green Dye
Dollarsignicon.pngMap75 Icon.png

A rare and expensive green dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.

Gold Chocobo Feather

Pastel Pink Dye
Pastel Pink Dye
Dollarsignicon.pngMap75 Icon.png

A rare and expensive pink dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.

Gold Chocobo Feather

Pastel Purple Dye
Pastel Purple Dye
Dollarsignicon.pngMap75 Icon.png

A rare and expensive purple dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.

Gold Chocobo Feather

Pure White Dye
Pure White Dye
Dollarsignicon.pngMap75 Icon.png

A rare and expensive white dye, used for coloring anything from cloth to metal.

Gold Chocobo Feather

Twintania Neurolink Key
Twintania Neurolink Key
Map75 Icon.png

A square of hardened resin-like material that, when tapped, summons Twintania, an ancient wyvern enslaved by the Allagans several thousand summers past.

Gold Chocobo Feather