I pray your meeting with the Elder Seedseer went well,
my lord envoy. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but did you not also deliver a message to Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn of Limsa Lominsa?
While you were there, did you happen to meet Baderon, the proprietor of the Drowning Wench? Gregarious gentleman, always happy to help his fellow man.
Well, I am told that he has a task for a capable adventurer. I know not what the task entails, but I daresay the Flame General's personal envoy would make a fine candidate. If you are interested in learning more, pray speak with Baderon at his establishment.
Should you decide to visit Limsa Lominsa, pray speak with Baderon at the Drowning Wench. The man has a task for a capable adventurer, and I daresay the Flame General's personal envoy would make a fine candidate.