Carpenters' Guild

Oakwood Atrium Banner.png
Carpenter Icon 9.pngCarpenters' Guild
Home to the Carpenters' Guild, the Oak Atrium houses both sawmill and workshop. Drawing from the power of Figaga's Gift, the sawmill slices through timber with astounding speed, much to the satisfaction of Gridanian workers.

To say that carpentry arose with the founding of Gridania is no understatement. After gaining the elementals' permission to fell trees, citizens have used wood in all aspects of life—to build their city, their houses, their tools, and the weapons with which they defend the forest. In time, they also harnessed the power of waterwheels for milling lumber, which allowed for carpentry to grow in scale and efficiency. In fact, the loose association of woodworkers that formed to manage the watermills eventually solidified in the Carpenters' Guild. Thereafter, the guild has acquired its materials from the woodcutters of the Botanists' Guild, and transformed them into all manner of wonders.

Zone: New Gridania (10-12)
Region: The Black Shroud
Landmass: Aldenard
World: Hydaelyn
Type: Guild
Aetheryte: New Gridania
Aethernet/NPC: Gridania Aetheryte Plaza
Weather: Clear Skies icon.png (Clear Skies)
Clouds icon.png (Clouds)
Fair Skies icon.png (Fair Skies)
Fog icon.png (Fog)
Rain icon.png (Rain)
Expansion: Original
NPC Icon.png
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NPCs (9)
  • There are 9 NPCs in this location.
Sidequest1 Icon.png
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Quests (31)
  • There are 16 Disciple of the Hand Quests in this location.
  • There are 1 Gridanian Sidequests in this location.
  • There are 2 Seasonal Events in this location.

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