No. |
Min. Lvl |
Spell |
Type |
Stars |
Water Cannon Water Cannon
Out of the Blue
Flame Thrower Flame Thrower
Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) The Keeper of the Lake Alphascape V3.0
Aqua Breath Aqua Breath
The Dragon's Neck The Whorleater (Hard) Miss Typhon
Flying Frenzy Flying Frenzy
Pharos Sirius
Drill Cannons Drill Cannons
Magitek Vanguard H-2 Reverse Engineering Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)
High Voltage High Voltage
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 The Me Nobody Nodes
Loom Loom
Flame Sergeant Dalvag The Lost City of Amdapor The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)
Final Sting Final Sting
Killer Wespe The Sunken Temple of Qarn
Song of Torment Song of Torment
Pharos Sirius
Glower Glower
The Aurum Vale
Plaincracker Plaincracker
Basalt Golem, Clay Golem, Sandstone Golem Copperbell Mines (Hard) Dirty Rotten Azulmagia
Bristle Bristle
Wild Boar
White Wind White Wind
Whalaqee White Wind Totem Battle in the Big Keep
Level 5 Petrify Level 5 Petrify
Haukke Manor
Sharpened Knife Sharpened Knife
Marberry The Wanderer's Palace
Ice Spikes Ice Spikes
Trickster Imp Bump in the Night Dirty Rotten Azulmagia
Blood Drain Blood Drain
Black Bat, Cave Bat, Chigoe, Sand Bat Sastasha Cutter's Cry
Acorn Bomb Acorn Bomb
Treant Sapling
Bomb Toss Bomb Toss
Goblin Fisher, Goblin Gambler, Goblin Outlaw Flicking Sticks and Taking Names
Off-guard Off-guard
Whalaqee Off-guard Totem
Self-destruct Self-destruct
Flambeau, Gas Bomb, Glide Bomb, Lady's Candle, Shrapnel Copperbell Mines Halatali Long Live the Queen
Transfusion Transfusion
Whalaqee Transfusion Totem
Faze Faze
Qiqirn Beater, Qiqirn Gullroaster, Qiqirn Scrambler, Qiqirn Shellsweeper Careless Whiskers
Flying Sardine Flying Sardine
Snort Snort
The Dragon's Neck Miss Typhon
4-tonze Weight 4-tonze Weight
The Dragon's Neck
The Look The Look
Amdapor Keep Necrologos: The Liminal Ones
Bad Breath Bad Breath
Goldvine, Halitostroper, Morbol, Stroper, Toxic Tamlyn The Aurum Vale More than a Feeler
Diamondback Diamondback
The Stone Vigil (Hard) The Steps of Faith
Mighty Guard Mighty Guard
Whalaqee Mighty Guard Totem
Sticky Tongue Sticky Tongue
Cane Toad, Giggling Gigantoad, Laughing Toad, Ledge Leaper, Nether Nix, Toxic Toad You Call that a Toad The Aurum Vale
Toad Oil Toad Oil
Giggling Gigantoad
The Ram's Voice The Ram's Voice
Go, Go, Gorgimera Cutter's Cry A Relic Reborn: The Chimera
The Dragon's Voice The Dragon's Voice
Go, Go, Gorgimera Cutter's Cry A Relic Reborn: The Chimera
Missile Missile
Battle in the Big Keep
1000 Needles 1000 Needles
Flowering Sabotender, Sabotender Bailaor, Sabotender Desertor Cutter's Cry Flower Power
Ink Jet Ink Jet
Sastasha (Hard)
Fire Angon Fire Angon
The Wanderer's Palace (Hard)
Moon Flute Moon Flute
Whalaqee Moon Flute Totem
Tail Screw Tail Screw
Crag Claw Pterygotus Sastasha (Hard)
Mind Blast Mind Blast
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft Alexander - The Cuff of the Son
Doom Doom
Whalaqee Doom Totem
Peculiar Light Peculiar Light
Lentic Mudpuppy Brayflox's Longstop
Feather Rain Feather Rain
The Howling Eye (Extreme)
Eruption Eruption
The Bowl of Embers
Mountain Buster Mountain Buster
The Navel (Hard)
Shock Strike Shock Strike
The Striking Tree (Hard)
Glass Dance Glass Dance
Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)
Veil of the Whorl Veil of the Whorl
The Whorleater (Hard)
Alpine Draft Alpine Draft
Griffin You Eat What You Aren't The Dusk Vigil
Protean Wave Protean Wave
Alexander - The Arm of the Father Red, Fraught, and Blue
Northerlies Northerlies
Slate Yeti Mirka Snowcloak
Electrogenesis Electrogenesis
Kaltstrahl Kaltstrahl
Alexander - The Fist of the Father
Abyssal Transfixion Abyssal Transfixion
Haukke Manor (Hard) Necrologos: His Treasure Forhelen
Chirp Chirp
Paissa Squonk
Eerie Soundwave Eerie Soundwave
Empuse Empuse The Lost City of Amdapor Battle in the Big Keep
Pom Cure Pom Cure
Thornmarch (Hard)
Gobskin Gobskin
Slipkinx Steeljoints Alexander - The Breath of the Creator
Magic Hammer Magic Hammer
The Great Gubal Library (Hard) Amazing Technicolor Pit Fiends
Avail Avail
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum
Frog Legs Frog Legs
Sonic Boom Sonic Boom
Anzu (Mob) Cornu Anzu Trois Pharos Sirius
Whistle Whistle
White Knight's Tour White Knight's Tour
The Vault
Black Knight's Tour Black Knight's Tour
The Vault
Level 5 Death Level 5 Death
The Great Gubal Library
Launcher Launcher
Baelsar's Wall
Perpetual Ray Perpetual Ray
Alexander - The Burden of the Father
Cactguard Cactguard
The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard)
Revenge Blast Revenge Blast
Whalaqee Revenge Blast Totem
Angel Whisper Angel Whisper
Whalaqee Angel Whisper Totem
Exuviation Exuviation
Abalathian Wamoura The Lost City of Amdapor
Reflux Reflux
Cloud Wyvern The Aery
Devour Devour
The Lost City of Amdapor Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard) The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1
Condensed Libra Condensed Libra
The Great Gubal Library (Hard) Amazing Technicolor Pit Fiends
Aetherial Mimicry Aetherial Mimicry
Pharos Sirius (Hard)
Surpanakha Surpanakha
Thok ast Thok (Hard)
Quasar Quasar
Containment Bay P1T6
J Kick J Kick
Alexander - The Burden of the Son
Triple Trident Triple Trident
Ebisu Catfish
Tingle Tingle
Ebisu Catfish
Tatami-gaeshi Tatami-gaeshi
Kugane Castle
Cold Fog Cold Fog
the Burn
Stotram Stotram
Saintly Beam Saintly Beam
Sigmascape V1.0
Feculent Flood Feculent Flood
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard) The Mudman
Angel's Snack Angel's Snack
Whalaqee Angel's Snack Totem
Chelonian Gate Chelonian Gate
Hells' Lid (Duty)
The Rose of Destruction The Rose of Destruction
The Temple of the Fist
Basic Instinct Basic Instinct
The Temple of the Fist Master Coeurl
Ultravibration Ultravibration
Kongamato (Monster)
Blaze Blaze
Deltascape V1.0
Mustard Bomb Mustard Bomb
Alphascape V3.0
Dragon Force Dragon Force
Whalaqee Dragon Force Totem
Aetherial Spark Aetherial Spark
Salt Dhruva
Hydro Pull Hydro Pull
The Drowned City of Skalla
Malediction of Water Malediction of Water
The Swallow's Compass (Duty)
Choco Meteor Choco Meteor
Courser Chocobo The Royal City of Rabanastre
Matra Magic Matra Magic
Whalaqee Matra Magic Totem
Peripheral Synthesis Peripheral Synthesis
Alphascape V3.0
Both Ends Both Ends
The Swallow's Compass (Duty)
Phantom Flurry Phantom Flurry
Hells' Kier
Nightbloom Nightbloom
Castrum Fluminis (Duty)
Goblin Punch Goblin Punch
Right Round Right Round
Malikah's Well
Schiltron Schiltron
Long-tailed Armadillo
Rehydration Rehydration
Slippery Armadillo
Breath of Magic Breath of Magic
Whalaqee Breath of Magic Totem
Wild Rage Wild Rage
The Heroes' Gauntlet
Peat Pelt Peat Pelt
Matoya's Relict
Deep Clean Deep Clean
The Grand Cosmos
Ruby Dynamics Ruby Dynamics
Cinder Drift
Divination Rune Divination Rune
The Dancing Plague
Dimensional Shift Dimensional Shift
Eden's Gate: Resurrection
Conviction Marcato Conviction Marcato
Mt. Gulg
Force Field Force Field
Whalaqee Force Field Totem
Winged Reprobation Winged Reprobation
The Crown of the Immaculate
Laser Eye Laser Eye
Eden's Promise: Eternity
Candy Cane Candy Cane
Dohn Mheg
Mortal Flame Mortal Flame
The Grand Cosmos
Sea Shanty Sea Shanty
Matoya's Relict
Apokalypsis Apokalypsis
Amaurot (Duty)
Being Mortal Being Mortal
The Dancing Plague