Category:Demographics:Hyur Highlander Male NPC
Pages in category "Demographics:Hyur Highlander Male NPC"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 501 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Aalart
- Abelard
- Accomplished Alchemist
- Acot
- Adalbert
- Adalfuns
- Adalhard
- Adelard
- Adelstan
- Ademar
- Adrien
- Adventurers' Guild Investigator (2015)
- Aganbold
- Agitated Ala Mhigan
- Agronomics Biologist
- Ala Mhigan Brigade Officer
- Ala Mhigan Delegate
- Ala Mhigan Malcontent
- Ala Mhigan Merchant
- Ala Mhigan Resistance Gate Guard (Castellum Velodyna)
- Ala Mhigan Resistance Gate Guard (Gylbarde's Gate)
- Ala Mhigan Resistance Gate Guard (Specula Imperatoris)
- Ala Mhigan Resistance Gate Guard (The High Bank)
- Ala Mhigan Resistance Gate Guard (Waterways)
- Ala Mhigan Soldier
- Alaric
- Albgast
- Aldis
- Alimahus
- All Saints' Wake Crier (Ul'dah)
- Amajina and Sons Draughtsman
- Ambric
- Amicable Resistance Fighter
- Anafrid
- Ancel
- Anfroy
- Ansehelm
- Ansfrid
- Ansger
- Ansobert
- Anxious Attendant
- Arcavius
- Archembald
- Archimbalt
- Ardaraca
- Ardent Attendant
- Arenvald
- Arnwald
- Ascelyn
- Assaulted Miner
- Attentive Attendant
- Attentive Radiant (Stone, Sky, Sea)
- Attentive Radiant (The Jewel of Thavnair)
- Austere Adventurer
- Averitt
- Battle-scarred Veteran
- Baynard
- Beringaer
- Berinhard
- Beroald
- Berold
- Bert
- Berwelf
- Betyn
- Beves
- Bevis
- Black Lotus
- Blayves
- Bleeding Scout
- Blundering Treasure Hunter
- Blunderville Attendant (Entrance Square)
- Blunderville Attendant (Race Counter)
- Botulf
- Brandihild
- Brass Blade (Downwind)
- Brass Blade (For the Queen)
- Brass Blade (Survivor Rats)
- Brass Blade Recruit
- Brass Blade Runner
- Brooding Recruit
- Burly Man
- Burly Researcher
- Calamity Salvager (Milvaneth Sacrarium)
- Card Square Guide
- Carefree Merchant
- Carle
- Carnifex
- Celestium Announcer
- Celestium Attendant
- Charlet
- Charlet's Uncle
- Chathwick
- Chocobokeep (Ala Gannha)
- Chocobokeep (Ala Ghiri)
- Chocobokeep (Little Ala Mhigo)
- Chocobokeep (Porta Praetoria)
- Chocobokeep (Starfall)
- Chocobokeep (The Ala Mhigan Quarter)
- Coffer and Coffin Heavy
- Commanding Radiant
- Company Muscle
- Composed Adventurer
- Composed Fisher
- Concerned Citizen
- Confident Villager
- Conniving Ne'er-do-well
- Conradin
- Contingent Scout
- Cool-headed Highlander
- Curtis
- Cynical Youth
- Fahruvvet
- Faint-hearted Recruit
- Faramund
- Fastred
- Fatigued Fellow
- Fearful Citizen
- Fiery Recruit
- Fisherman
- Flame Captain
- Flame Honor Guard
- Flame Lieutenant Aubrey
- Flame Officer (Unknown)
- Flame Private (2nd Male)
- Flame Private (Hunters and the Hunted)
- Flame Private (Tempered, Tempered)
- Flame Private (Westward Bound)
- Flame Recruit (An Eye on the Inside)
- Flame Recruit (Drybone Hyur)
- Flame Recruit (East Meets Worst)
- Flame Recruit (Just a Sip)
- Flame Recruit (Taken Hyur Male)
- Flame Scout (An Inconvenient Truth)
- Flame Scout (Dizzy Miss Grizzly)
- Flame Scout (Run Like a Flame)
- Flame Sergeant (An Eye on the Inside)
- Flame Sergeant (Lord of the Inferno)
- Flame Sergeant (MSQ)
- Flea-bitten Scavenger
- Fledgling Adventurer
- Florid Man
- Foolhardy Man
- Fordola's Father
- Former Company Hero
- Former Immortal Flame
- Former Imperial Conscript
- Forthright Gatekeeper
- Fowke
- Fraunk
- Freed Prisoner (A)
- Freed Prisoner (B)
- Freed Prisoner (D)
- Fresh Corpse
- Furtive Youth