Category:Demographics:Wildwood NPC
Pages in category "Demographics:Wildwood NPC"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,438 total.
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- Abelie
- Accused Knight
- Adaillie
- Addled Amaurotine
- Adelphel
- Adjutant
- Administrative Clerk
- Adventurers' Guild Investigator
- Aeglyffe
- Agdistis
- Aiglephine
- Aimebert
- Airship Ticketer (Airship Landing)
- Aisara
- Aiscar
- Akadaemia Academic
- Akadaemia Researcher
- Akadaemia Researcher 1 (What's in a Name?)
- Akadaemia Researcher 2 (What's in a Name?)
- Akadaemia Student
- Alaimbert
- Alaimbert of the Spiked Butt
- Alaisse
- Alamenain
- Alboise
- Alderique
- Alexois
- Alexondre
- Alianne
- Alinaure
- Alisaie
- Alissie
- Alixie
- Alkaios
- Alkmene
- All Saints' Wake Crier (Limsa)
- Almiline
- Aloyse
- Alphinaud
- Alxaal
- Amaurotine Firebrand
- Ambarth
- Ambitious Crone
- Amelain
- Ameliance
- Ameline
- Amiable Apothecary
- Anaelle
- Anagnorisis Beastkeeper
- Anagnorisis Observer
- Ancient Spirit
- Anguished Spirit
- Angular Adventurer
- Annoyed Knight
- Ansaulme
- Antoinaut
- Anxious Amaurotine
- Anxious Citizen
- Anxious Crystarium Guard
- Apartment Caretaker (Ingleside Apartment Lobby)
- Apartment Caretaker (Lily Hills Apartment Lobby)
- Apathetic Porter
- Approachable Amaurotine
- Approachable Archivist
- Arc Guard
- Archeion Custodian
- Archevauliere
- Archombadin
- Ardolain
- Armed Escort
- Armelle
- Armor-clad Wanderer
- Arms Supplier & Mender (Upper Paths)
- Arnoulain
- Arrivals Attendant (Gridania)
- Arthilbur
- Arthurioux
- Artoirel
- Astidien
- Astrid
- Athena
- Aube
- Aubierault
- Aubrenard
- Audaine
- Audrie
- Augustiniel
- Aulie
- Aunillie
- Auphiliot
- Aurelle
- Auriaune
- Aurifort of the Three Clubs
- Aurvael
- Avian Observer
- Avian Specialist
- Aymeric
- Aytienne
- Bamponcet
- Baptistaux
- Barnabaix
- Barnabontant
- Barnier
- Barthovieu
- Bashful Boy
- Basildere
- Basyle
- Baucharldaire
- Baurendouin de Haillenarte
- Bauricoin
- Beatin
- Bedraggled Commoner
- Befuddled Commoner
- Beggarly Fellow
- Begrimed Commoner
- Belligerent Broker
- Beltardois
- Benathaire
- Beneficent Botanist
- Berengeoit
- Berenice
- Bernadette
- Bertennant
- Berthe
- Bewildered Temple Knight
- Bion
- Bitter Ancient
- Bitter Knight
- Black Rabbit Trader
- Black-robed Man
- Blaisette
- Blaisie
- Blamprest
- Blaste
- Bliaurette
- Blissful Bather
- Bloisirant
- Blond-haired Man
- Blonde-haired Woman
- Bloodied Adventurer
- Blue-haired Observer
- Blue-haired Student
- Bohemondas
- Boiselont
- Boisterous Bather
- Bonifoix
- Boorish Banneret
- Boorish Bowman
- Borlent
- Bothered Bowman
- Braitognieux
- Brawny Knight
- Brazen Boy
- Brazen Outlaw (NPC)
- Breaking Bowyer
- Briannaix
- Briardien
- Bricelt
- Bright Boy
- Bright-eyed Knight
- Brigie
- Brucemont
- Brume Beggar
- Brume Elder
- Brume Starveling
- Brunadier
- Bruvagnon
- Bureau Attendant
- Bureau of the Architect Envoy
- Bureau Provisioner
- Bureau Reconditioner
- Calamity Salvager (Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre)
- Calm Observer
- Camillain
- Capitol Attendant
- Captive
- Captive Soul (A)
- Captive Soul (Ballroom 1D)
- Captive Soul (Ballroom 1E)
- Captive Soul (Ballroom 1F)
- Captive Soul (Ballroom 2E)
- Captive Soul (Ballroom 2F)
- Captive Soul (Ballroom 2G)
- Captive Soul (Ballroom 2H)
- Captive Soul (Ballroom 2J)
- Captive Soul (Ballroom 3B)
- Captive Soul (Ballroom 3H)
- Captive Soul (Ballroom 3J)
- Captive Soul (D)
- Captive Soul (F)
- Capucine
- Caravan Guard
- Caravan Merchant