Category:Main Scenario Quests

(Redirected from Category:Main Scenario (A Realm Reborn through Endwalker))
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These quests comprise the main storyline of A Realm Reborn. This storyline is mostly linear, meaning one and only one quest follows the preceding one, although there are few limited instances where there is a small branch. Progressing through this storyline will unlock most aspects of the game, including Inns, Guildleves, Guildhests and Dungeons among many other game systems.

Patch/Expansion Description Quests
Dawntrail Title Logo.png
Though but freshly returned from the Thirteenth, the Warrior of Light is poised once more to embark upon the road to adventure.

In the nation of Tuliyollal, far to the west, claimants prepare to compete for the throne of the Dawnservant. Eorzea's champion is to accompany Wuk Lamat as her ally in this rite of succession─an endeavor which calls them across the glittering seas to the distant continent of Tural.

The contest ahead promises challenges far beyond simple combat as they navigate the unique cultures of Tuliyollal's many and diverse clans. Little by little will their journey unravel the mystery of the legendary golden city, and so begin a new tale for a new decade of FFXIV!

level 90-100
Crossroads Title Logo.png
Though the spectacle of Living Memory and its threat to the star have been laid to rest, the shade of remembrance lingers both within and without the dome. As the Warrior of Light and their companions seek to help the people of two worlds move forward, they find that some secrets of the past must be unearthed...
level 100

Patch/Expansion Description Quests
Endwalker Title Logo.png
Yet shadowed by their triumph in the First, the Warrior of Light and Scions of the Seventh Dawn are home at last. An even greater calamity than refulgent oblivion has been building in their absence, however─a second advent of the Final Days. Should all despair, the myriad conflicts that now ravage the land cannot but foretoken an end to life in the Source.

Our tale─of a star, and of its souls─will see the Warrior of Light sail north to Sharlayan and east to Thavnair, forge a path to the heart of the Garlean Empire, and ascend to the heavens to set foot upon the very moon itself. FINAL FANTASY XIV's first grand saga approaches its highly anticipated conclusion!

level 80-90
Final Fantasy XIV Newfound Adventure Promo.png
With despair silenced and hope restored, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn step back into the shadows, their star's hero to don the mantle of simple adventurer once more. Eager heart never idle, 'tis not long before the Warrior of Light hearkens unto journey's call...
level 90
Final Fantasy XIV Buried Memory Promo.png
Five millennia ago, the great wyrm Azdaja vanished into the void, and for long years Vrtra had despaired of being reunited with his dear sister. With the encouragement of his people, however, he has found the resolve to search for her, and sets forth with the Warrior of Light for a world engulfed in Darkness...
level 90
Final Fantasy XIV Gods Revel, Lands Tremble Promo.png
In the darkness of the Thirteenth, the Warrior of Light finds an unexpected ally in a half-voidsent woman named Zero. She returns with them to the Source for a time, and upon recovering from their recent trials, they prepare to continue the search for Azdaja. But an unforeseen threat bars their path...
level 90
Final Fantasy XIV The Dark Throne Promo.png
With a gambit that would cost them their very lives, the archfiends Cagnazzo and Rubicante succeeded in destroying the voidgate hidden within the depths of Alzadaal's Legacy, thus barring the path to the Thirteenth. Yet where there is a will, there is a way─and so the Warrior of Light and allies continue the search for a new means to reach the void.
level 90
Final Fantasy XIV Growing Light Promo.png
The Warrior of Light's victory over Golbez proved hollow, for it did nothing to stop the awakening of Zeromus. Its strength was beyond reckoning, clad in Darkness nigh-impenetrable. Indeed, naught save resplendent Light could pierce such a tenebrous veil, and so the Warrior of Light seeks aid from their allies in the First.
level 90

Patch/Expansion Description Quests
Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Promo.png
Ala Mhigo is at last free from imperial rule, but that liberty may prove fleeting as the Empire moves to both reclaim this bloodied nation and subjugate all of Eorzea.

In their hour of need, however, they cannot turn to the Warrior of Light. Nor to the Scions, who yet slumber, their souls adrift. The realm is left to struggle without its saviors, for they have been beckoned beyond time and space─beckoned to the First. Here a new adventure begins in a world where light ushers all unto oblivion. But hope is not yet lost, for where there is light there is shadow.

level 70-80
Final Fantasy XIV Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty Promo.png
Hades is no more, and darkness at last returns to the mantle of night. But victory does not come without consequence. How will the Scions mend the wounds of this broken world? What nefarious forces would dare rend them anew?
level 80
Final Fantasy XIV Echoes of a Fallen Star Promo.png
With Eulmore on the path to a brighter tomorrow, the Scions await such time as the Exarch might return them home. Not in idleness, however─for when has any world been content to grant its heroes respite?
level 80
Final Fantasy XIV Reflections in Crystal Promo.png
Having confirmed their suspicions that the resurrected Ardbert is none other than Elidibus, the Scions endeavor to shed light upon the Ascian's dark plot. But time is against them, for the hour of their departure─or demise─fast approaches…
level 80
Final Fantasy XIV Futures Rewritten Promo.png
With Elidibus defeated and the fate of the First secured, the Scions make their long-awaited return to the Source. But in the new future they now look towards, will that which is written upon the pages of history be an anthem of hope...or a dirge of despair?
level 80
Final Fantasy XIV Death Unto Dawn Promo.png
The Scions have finally succeeded in discovering a cure for tempering, which should prove instrumental in allowing the Eorzean Alliance and the land's beast tribes to settle their differences. Prospects of peace may soon fall to ruin, however, as Fandaniel and the Telophoroi scheme to recreate the Final Days, and ominous towers rise in all corners of the realm. With the servants of chaos amassing at every turn, will the Scions uncover their plot before it is too late?
level 80

Patch/Expansion Description Quests
Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood Promo.png
Having brought an end to the thousand-year conflict between dragon and man in the north, the Warrior of Light and his comrades prepare to liberate Ala Mhigo, a land conquered by the Garlean Empire twenty years ago. Meanwhile, in the Far East, the freedom fighters of the fallen nation of Doma struggle to rekindle the fires of hope in their countrymen.

The time has come to embark upon a new adventure to realms near and far─to rise up with the people of Eorzea and the Far East, and cast down the curs of Garlemald!

level 60-70
Final Fantasy XIV The Legend Returns Promo.png
The liberation of Ala Mhigo signals the end of an era of tyranny. Here, on the cusp of a new age of freedom, her people must decide how they will greet their future...and reconcile with their past. What path lies ahead for Lyse and her efforts to rebuild the nation? What choices plague Fordola from within her prison cell? And to where will Raubahn return, now that the dream for his homeland has at last become a reality?
level 70
Final Fantasy XIV Rise of a New Sun Promo.png
Thanks to the Warrior of Light’s heroic deeds and Raubahn's long-awaited return, Ala Mhigo continues its steady march towards recovery. Yet there is no rest for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, for the winds of trouble are blowing from the Far East, where an unexpected spark threatens to set the kindling of chaos ablaze. Can Doma survive the brewing firestorm to welcome the light of the new day?
level 70
Final Fantasy XIV Under the Moonlight Promo.png
The arrival of imperial envoys in the land of Doma was as unexpected as their stated purpose: to negotiate peace. Lord Hien, eager to secure the release of his conscripted countrymen, cautiously accepts the agreement, and arranges for a prisoner exchange. Yet even as Doma is poised to welcome the breaking dawn, the shadow of the fallen Zenos enfolds all in darkness and uncertainty.
level 70
Final Fantasy XIV Prelude in Violet Promo.png
The shadow of mystery deepens as the man who wears Zenos’s face continues to move unchecked, sowing the seeds of strife from the heart of the Empire. All indications point to Ascian machination, and the arrival of a messenger at the Rising Stones sets the Scions of the Seventh Dawn upon a path rife with peril, towards an unknowable destination.
level 70
Patch 4.5 Artwork.png
War looms once again. Scarcely has Ala Mhigo taken its first breath of freedom when the Empire reaches out with ironclad fingers to reclaim the bloodied nation. Meanwhile, one after another, the Scions fall victim to an incurable slumber, leaving ever fewer of their number to contend with a rapidly disintegrating peace and the mystery of the voice which haunts them...
level 70

Patch/Expansion Description Quests
Heavensward Logo Transparent.png
Owing to schemes in the shadows of Ul'dah, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn have been scattered, and the Warrior of Light has been forced to flee North.

Through granted shelter by Lord Haurchefant, our heroes must press on to Ishgard. But what trials await in this reclusive nation, locked in a never-ending struggle with dragons?

Come what may, they must not falter, lest the light of hope be forever extinguished.

level 50-60
In the wake of the Warrior of Light’s return from Azys Lla, the nation of Ishgard trembled, the faith of her people shaken to its very core.

For a thousand years had they fought and died, certain of the justice of their cause, only to be told that their holy war was born of blood and betrayal. What then, for those brave men and women, thus stripped of their righteousness, but to despair? To deny the truth and decry its speakers? And what then for those whom they defamed but to hope on? To have faith in a brighter tomorrow?

A tomorrow in which man and dragon might live together in harmony─then as distant as the very stars in the heavens...

level 60
Truth. Peace. Reformation. These were the keys to Ishgard's salvation. So believed Ser Aymeric, acting ruler of the Holy See. However, not all shared in his dream, and in his headlong rush to unite man and dragon once more, those still bound by the fetters of the past rose up to defend their nation against the forces they feared would destroy it.

Yet change─that great, inexorable wave─was upon them, and soon all of Ishgard would bend to its will.

level 60
The conference held at Falcon's Nest was intended to celebrate the reconciliation between man and dragon. But the lingering shade of Nidhogg, clad in the flesh of the Azure Dragoon, marked the occasion by spilling the blood of his own kind─a timely atrocity to remind the children of Ishgard that the conflict was far from over. In those twilight hours Nidhogg cried out for vengeance, and his brethren raised their voices for the final chorus of the Dragonsong War.
level 60
After a thousand years of bloodshed and sorrow, the shade of Nidhogg, rage incarnate, fell at last to the Warrior of Light. So it was that the Dragonsong War drew to a close, and the survivors, bloodied but unbowed, could begin to pick up the pieces. A new day dawns in Ishgard, and her champions may rest easy─if only for a moment. For every ending marks a new beginning.
level 60
The threat of the Warriors of Darkness is no more. Unexpected reunions salve the ache of bittersweet farewells. And with their ranks further bolstered by the official induction of Alisaie and Krile, once more do the Scions of the Seventh Dawn set their feet upon fate's path and their gaze upon distant horizons.
level 60

Patch/Expansion Description Quests
FinalFantasyXIV-ARealmReborn-Logo.png Five years after The Calamity, the Warriors of Light have returned to Eorzea.

The Garlean Empire has a stronger presence than ever before and now the threat of the Ascians has arisen from the shadows.

Adventurers join with The Scions of the Seventh Dawn in order to combat the beastmen's Primals, the threat of the Empire, and the Ascians, for the benefit of all Eorzea.

level 1-15
level 15-20
level 20-29
level 30-39
level 40-50
FinalFantasyXIV-ARealmAwoken-Logo.png Where there is light, there will always be darkness. The beast tribes persist in their efforts to summon the Primals. The once defeated Garlean forces resurface, harbouring renewed ambitions of conquest. And the baleful Ascians lurk in the shadows, their presence rousing dark forces long since forgotten.
level 50
FinalFantasyXIV-ThroughTheMaelstrom-Logo.png Political unrest pervades the three city-states as the Scions of the Seventh Dawn leave behind their home in the Waking Sands.

Ever do the mysteries of the Echo and the Ascians elude them, while the beast tribes rally with renewed ambition, threatening to unleash the wrath of another primal upon the land.

To stave off the encroaching darkness and pull the realm back from the brink of destruction, the Warriors of Light plunge headlong into the maelstrom...

level 50
When the world is thrown into chaos, who will rise to defend those too weak to defend themselves?

New voices can be heard. From the deserts of Thanalan, to the verdant woods of the Black Shroud, to the snowy peaks of Coerthas, these voices cry out for a champion.

But who will heed their call as the defender of Eorzea?

level 50
The aches of the realm never cease, and Alphinaud, Scion of the Seventh Dawn, has founded the Crystal Braves in a bid to grant her succor.

In their tireless efforts to protect Eorzea and her peoples, the Warriors of Light now aid this fledgling company in uncovering a plot that could otherwise bring the realm to its knees. What dark forces stir in the shadows of Eorzea?

level 50
With the emergence of a new emperor in Garlemald, the threat of an imperial invasion once again looms over Eorzea. Meanwhile, revelations of conspiracy have sown strife among Ul'dah's ruling class, and the sultanate's precarious peace now hangs in the balance. A storm of chaos gathers; will the Scions of the Seventh Dawn be able to weather the arduous trials it brings?
level 50

Patch/Expansion Description Quests
FinalFantasyXIV-ARealmReborn-Logo.png Five years after The Calamity, the Warriors of Light have returned to Eorzea.

The Garlean Empire has a stronger presence than ever before and now the threat of the Ascians has arisen from the shadows.

Adventurers join with The Scions of the Seventh Dawn in order to combat the beastmen's Primals, the threat of the Empire, and the Ascians, for the benefit of all Eorzea.

level 1-15 (pre-5.3)
level 15-20
level 20-29
level 30-39 (pre-5.3)
level 40-50 (pre-5.3)
FinalFantasyXIV-ARealmAwoken-Logo.png Where there is light, there will always be darkness. The beast tribes persist in their efforts to summon the Primals. The once defeated Garlean forces resurface, harbouring renewed ambitions of conquest. And the baleful Ascians lurk in the shadows, their presence rousing dark forces long since forgotten.
level 50 (pre-5.3)
FinalFantasyXIV-ThroughTheMaelstrom-Logo.png Political unrest pervades the three city-states as the Scions of the Seventh Dawn leave behind their home in the Waking Sands.

Ever do the mysteries of the Echo and the Ascians elude them, while the beast tribes rally with renewed ambition, threatening to unleash the wrath of another primal upon the land.

To stave off the encroaching darkness and pull the realm back from the brink of destruction, the Warriors of Light plunge headlong into the maelstrom...

level 50 (pre-5.3)
When the world is thrown into chaos, who will rise to defend those too weak to defend themselves?

New voices can be heard. From the deserts of Thanalan, to the verdant woods of the Black Shroud, to the snowy peaks of Coerthas, these voices cry out for a champion.

But who will heed their call as the defender of Eorzea?

level 50 (pre-5.3)
The aches of the realm never cease, and Alphinaud, Scion of the Seventh Dawn, has founded the Crystal Braves in a bid to grant her succor.

In their tireless efforts to protect Eorzea and her peoples, the Warriors of Light now aid this fledgling company in uncovering a plot that could otherwise bring the realm to its knees. What dark forces stir in the shadows of Eorzea?

level 50 (pre-5.3)
With the emergence of a new emperor in Garlemald, the threat of an imperial invasion once again looms over Eorzea. Meanwhile, revelations of conspiracy have sown strife among Ul'dah's ruling class, and the sultanate's precarious peace now hangs in the balance. A storm of chaos gathers; will the Scions of the Seventh Dawn be able to weather the arduous trials it brings?
level 50

Pages in category "Main Scenario Quests"

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