Owing to schemes in the shadows of Ul'dah, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn have been scattered, and the Warrior of Light has been forced to flee North.
Through granted shelter by Lord Haurchefant, our heroes must press on to Ishgard. But what trials await in this reclusive nation, locked in a never-ending struggle with dragons?
Come what may, they must not falter, lest the light of hope be forever extinguished.
In the wake of the Warrior of Light’s return from Azys Lla, the nation of Ishgard trembled, the faith of her people shaken to its very core.
For a thousand years had they fought and died, certain of the justice of their cause, only to be told that their holy war was born of blood and betrayal. What then, for those brave men and women, thus stripped of their righteousness, but to despair? To deny the truth and decry its speakers? And what then for those whom they defamed but to hope on? To have faith in a brighter tomorrow?
A tomorrow in which man and dragon might live together in harmony─then as distant as the very stars in the heavens...
Truth. Peace. Reformation. These were the keys to Ishgard's salvation. So believed Ser Aymeric, acting ruler of the Holy See. However, not all shared in his dream, and in his headlong rush to unite man and dragon once more, those still bound by the fetters of the past rose up to defend their nation against the forces they feared would destroy it.
Yet change─that great, inexorable wave─was upon them, and soon all of Ishgard would bend to its will.
The conference held at Falcon's Nest was intended to celebrate the reconciliation between man and dragon. But the lingering shade of Nidhogg, clad in the flesh of the Azure Dragoon, marked the occasion by spilling the blood of his own kind─a timely atrocity to remind the children of Ishgard that the conflict was far from over. In those twilight hours Nidhogg cried out for vengeance, and his brethren raised their voices for the final chorus of the Dragonsong War.
After a thousand years of bloodshed and sorrow, the shade of Nidhogg, rage incarnate, fell at last to the Warrior of Light. So it was that the Dragonsong War drew to a close, and the survivors, bloodied but unbowed, could begin to pick up the pieces. A new day dawns in Ishgard, and her champions may rest easy─if only for a moment. For every ending marks a new beginning.
The threat of the Warriors of Darkness is no more. Unexpected reunions salve the ache of bittersweet farewells. And with their ranks further bolstered by the official induction of Alisaie and Krile, once more do the Scions of the Seventh Dawn set their feet upon fate's path and their gaze upon distant horizons.