Category:Miner Levequest

Miner Levequests[edit]

Name Level Issuing NPC Items Needed Type
Who Needs the Paperwork 1 Graceful Song Wind-worn Slab (Who Needs the Paperwork) Icon.pngWind-worn Slab (Who Needs the Paperwork)
Undamaged Slab (Who Needs the Paperwork) Icon.pngUndamaged Slab (Who Needs the Paperwork)
Piety (Guildleve)
The Primrose Path 1 Graceful Song Rich Yellow Copper Ore Icon.pngRich Yellow Copper Ore Munificence
Rubble Bubble 1 Graceful Song Weather-worn Brick Icon.pngWeather-worn Brick
Undamaged Brick Icon.pngUndamaged Brick
Piety (Guildleve)
Miners' Holiday 1 Graceful Song Low-quality Copper Ore Icon.pngLow-quality Copper Ore Munificence
Do They Ore Don't They 5 Graceful Song Rock Sample (Do They Ore Don't They) Icon.pngRock Sample (Do They Ore Don't They)
Ore Sample (Do They Ore Don't They) Icon.pngOre Sample (Do They Ore Don't They)
Piety (Guildleve)
Vanishing Point 5 Graceful Song Weather-worn Brick Icon.pngWeather-worn Brick
Undamaged Brick Icon.pngUndamaged Brick
Piety (Guildleve)
Pipikkuli's Ship Comes In 5 Graceful Song Brown Clod Icon.pngBrown Clod Munificence
I Don't Zinc It's a Coincidence 5 Graceful Song Rich Zinc Ore Icon.pngRich Zinc Ore Candor
We Do This the Hard Way 10 Totonowa Wind-worn Slab (We Do This the Hard Way) Icon.pngWind-worn Slab (We Do This the Hard Way)
Undamaged Slab (We Do This the Hard Way) Icon.pngUndamaged Slab (We Do This the Hard Way)
That's Why They Call It Fool's Gold 10 Totonowa Rock Sample (That's Why They Call It Fool's Gold) Icon.pngRock Sample (That's Why They Call It Fool's Gold)
Ore Sample (That's Why They Call It Fool's Gold) Icon.pngOre Sample (That's Why They Call It Fool's Gold)
Piety (Guildleve)
It Peiste to Listen 10 Totonowa Peiste Molt Icon.pngPeiste Molt Munificence
Break It Up 10 Totonowa Timeworn Bondstone Icon.pngTimeworn Bondstone
Undamaged Bondstone Icon.pngUndamaged Bondstone
Piety (Guildleve)
The Doom that Came to Belah'dia 15 Poponagu Magicked Stone Icon.pngMagicked Stone
Sunbaked Stone Icon.pngSunbaked Stone
Eiderdown for Eidolons 15 Poponagu Gravestone Block Icon.pngGravestone Block Munificence
Earth Sprites Are Easy 15 Poponagu Earthen Power Stone Icon.pngEarthen Power Stone Munificence
A Man's Gotta Dream 15 Poponagu Sample Rock Icon.pngSample Rock
Sample Ore Icon.pngSample Ore
Piety (Guildleve)
Elemental Housekeeping 20 Nyell Moss-covered Stone Icon.pngMoss-covered Stone Munificence
Location, Location, Location 20 Nyell High-density Siltstone Icon.pngHigh-density Siltstone Munificence
Look How They Shine for You 20 Nyell Dull Sand Icon.pngDull Sand
Sparkling Sand Icon.pngSparkling Sand
Piety (Guildleve)
Rock My Wall 20 Nyell Wall Stone Icon.pngWall Stone Candor
Can't Start a Fire 25 Nyell Sharpened Flint Stone Icon.pngSharpened Flint Stone Munificence
Fool Me Twice (Levequest) 25 Nyell Dirt-caked Stone Icon.pngDirt-caked Stone
Engraved Stone Icon.pngEngraved Stone
Piety (Guildleve)
Baby, Light My Way 25 Nyell Unseeing Stone Icon.pngUnseeing Stone Candor
Tag, You're It 25 Nyell Wall Stone Shard Icon.pngWall Stone Shard Candor
I Kidd You Not 30 Nahctahr Brown Glass Shard Icon.pngBrown Glass Shard
Green Glass Shard Icon.pngGreen Glass Shard
Piety (Guildleve)
The Midden Fair 30 Nahctahr Mollusk Fossil Icon.pngMollusk Fossil Candor
That's What the Money Is For 30 Nahctahr Rich Iron Ore Icon.pngRich Iron Ore Munificence
Shell Game 30 Nahctahr Moraby Oyster Icon.pngMoraby Oyster Candor
Mythril Madness 35 Cimeaurant Blue Mythril Ore Icon.pngBlue Mythril Ore
High-quality Blue Mythril Ore Icon.pngHigh-quality Blue Mythril Ore
Eye for an Eye 35 Cimeaurant Highland Limestone Icon.pngHighland Limestone Candor
There Are No Good Answers 35 Cimeaurant Block of Snow Icon.pngBlock of Snow Munificence
Rocks for Brains 35 Cimeaurant Repair Stone Icon.pngRepair Stone
Superior Repair Stone Icon.pngSuperior Repair Stone
Piety (Guildleve)
Breach and Build 40 Voilinaut Building Stone Icon.pngBuilding Stone Candor
Brother in Arms 40 Voilinaut Marcasite Icon.pngMarcasite Munificence
Not Losing Our Heads This Time 40 Voilinaut Tundra Icon.pngTundra
Permafrost Icon.pngPermafrost
Nature Is a Monster 40 Voilinaut Snowcloak Slab Icon.pngSnowcloak Slab
Clear Snowcloak Slab Icon.pngClear Snowcloak Slab
Piety (Guildleve)
Hybrid Hypotheses 45 K'leytai Crystallized Root Icon.pngCrystallized Root
Crystallized Trunk Icon.pngCrystallized Trunk
Sucker Seer 45 K'leytai Scratched Allagan Runestone Icon.pngScratched Allagan Runestone Candor
Crystal Mess 45 K'leytai Overgrown Crystal Icon.pngOvergrown Crystal Munificence
Metal Has No Master 45 K'leytai Dreadnaught Hull Icon.pngDreadnaught Hull
Dreadnaught Heatshield Icon.pngDreadnaught Heatshield
Piety (Guildleve)
Taken for Granite 50 Eloin Solid Volcanic Rock Icon.pngSolid Volcanic Rock
Porous Volcanic Rock Icon.pngPorous Volcanic Rock
Piety (Guildleve)
The Basics of Forgery (L) 50 Eloin Porous Volcanic Rock Icon.pngPorous Volcanic Rock
Solid Volcanic Rock Icon.pngSolid Volcanic Rock
Piety (Guildleve)
The Merits of Upcycling 50 Eloin Jagged Stone Icon.pngJagged Stone
Weather-worn Rock Icon.pngWeather-worn Rock
The Road to Pilgrimage 50 Eloin Head-sized Stone Icon.pngHead-sized Stone Munificence
Breaking Beacons (L) 50 Eloin Weather-worn Rock Icon.pngWeather-worn Rock
Jagged Stone Icon.pngJagged Stone
For Vares Beyond Compare (L) 50 Eloin Head-sized Stone Icon.pngHead-sized Stone Munificence
Polished till They Shine (L) 52 Eloin Large Raw Sapphire Icon.pngLarge Raw Sapphire Munificence
Halone's Jewelry Box 52 Eloin Large Raw Sapphire Icon.pngLarge Raw Sapphire Munificence
I'll Show You My Battle Shards 52 Eloin Lancite Icon.pngLancite Candor
Forging Lance Base (L) 52 Eloin Lancite Icon.pngLancite Candor
Rose Never Lets Go (L) 52 Eloin Foundation Stone Icon.pngFoundation Stone
Rune-covered Rock Icon.pngRune-covered Rock
Piety (Guildleve)
Permit for Destruction of Religious Property 52 Eloin Foundation Stone Icon.pngFoundation Stone
Rune-covered Rock Icon.pngRune-covered Rock
Piety (Guildleve)
From Creepers to Squatters 54 Eloin Floating Soil Icon.pngFloating Soil
Floating Rock Icon.pngFloating Rock
Piety (Guildleve)
There's Sand in My Water (L) 54 Eloin Heavensand Icon.pngHeavensand Munificence
History Needs Some Revisions (L) 54 Eloin Buried Coin Icon.pngBuried Coin
Burnished Arrowhead Icon.pngBurnished Arrowhead
Talk about Boundaries 54 Eloin Buried Coin Icon.pngBuried Coin
Burnished Arrowhead Icon.pngBurnished Arrowhead
All of These Bases Belong to Us (L) 54 Eloin Floating Soil Icon.pngFloating Soil
Floating Rock Icon.pngFloating Rock
Piety (Guildleve)
Dreams of War, Dreams of Liars, Dreams of Dragon Fire 54 Eloin Heavensand Icon.pngHeavensand Munificence
Fake-icite 56 Eloin Fool's Furite Icon.pngFool's Furite Candor
Fool Me Once (L) 56 Eloin Fool's Furite Icon.pngFool's Furite Candor
What Goes Up 56 Eloin Lightsand Icon.pngLightsand Munificence
Mortarin' 56 Eloin Dravanian Pumice Pebble Icon.pngDravanian Pumice Pebble
Dravanian Pumice Icon.pngDravanian Pumice
A Spire for New Heights (L) 56 Eloin Dravanian Pumice Pebble Icon.pngDravanian Pumice Pebble
Dravanian Pumice Icon.pngDravanian Pumice
The Puppets of War (L) 56 Eloin Lightsand Icon.pngLightsand Munificence
Sharlayan Sympathizers (L) 58 Eloin Cracked Sharlayan Flagstone Icon.pngCracked Sharlayan Flagstone
Sharlayan Flagstone Icon.pngSharlayan Flagstone
Sticking It Out 58 Eloin High-quality Pommel Ore Icon.pngHigh-quality Pommel Ore
Pommel Ore Icon.pngPommel Ore
Piety (Guildleve)
Dragonproofing 58 Eloin Cracked Sharlayan Flagstone Icon.pngCracked Sharlayan Flagstone
Sharlayan Flagstone Icon.pngSharlayan Flagstone
Crystal Chronicles 58 Eloin Transparent Crystal Icon.pngTransparent Crystal Candor
Not So Crystal Clear (L) 58 Eloin Transparent Crystal Icon.pngTransparent Crystal Candor
Pommeling the Enemy (L) 58 Eloin High-quality Pommel Ore Icon.pngHigh-quality Pommel Ore
Pommel Ore Icon.pngPommel Ore
Piety (Guildleve)
Set in Stone 60 Keltraeng Mollusk Fossil (Set in Stone) Icon.pngMollusk Fossil (Set in Stone) Munificence
Cermet Breaker 60 Keltraeng Anodized Cermet Plating Icon.pngAnodized Cermet Plating
Cermet Plating Icon.pngCermet Plating
Piety (Guildleve)
Axe to Grind 60 Keltraeng Eroded Rock Icon.pngEroded Rock
Uneroded Rock Icon.pngUneroded Rock
Hit Rock Bottom 62 Keltraeng Greensea Marl Icon.pngGreensea Marl Candor
Coral-lary 62 Keltraeng Acan Lord Coral Icon.pngAcan Lord Coral Munificence
Ready Ore Not 62 Keltraeng Flawless Ruby Sea Ore Sample Icon.pngFlawless Ruby Sea Ore Sample
Ruby Sea Ore Sample Icon.pngRuby Sea Ore Sample
Piety (Guildleve)
Scraptacular 64 Keltraeng Imperial Assault Craft Exoplate Icon.pngImperial Assault Craft Exoplate Munificence
No Stone Unturned (Levequest) 64 Keltraeng Ryurin Bridge Paving Stone Icon.pngRyurin Bridge Paving Stone
Ryurin Bridge Cornerstone Icon.pngRyurin Bridge Cornerstone
Simply Marble Us 64 Keltraeng Cracked Marble Icon.pngCracked Marble
Uncracked Marble Icon.pngUncracked Marble
Piety (Guildleve)
Dunes of Our Lives 66 Keltraeng Coarse Nhaama Desert Sand Icon.pngCoarse Nhaama Desert Sand
Nhaama Desert Sand Icon.pngNhaama Desert Sand
O Say Can You Rock 66 Keltraeng Steppe Glowstone Icon.pngSteppe Glowstone Munificence
Bead 'Em Up 66 Keltraeng Colorful Pebbles Icon.pngColorful Pebbles Candor
The Ores Have It 68 Keltraeng Valuable Ore Icon.pngValuable Ore
Worthless Ore (The Ores Have It) Icon.pngWorthless Ore (The Ores Have It)
Adios, Ala Mhigo 68 Keltraeng Earthenware Shingle Icon.pngEarthenware Shingle Candor
Mine All Mine 68 Keltraeng Violet Gravel Icon.pngViolet Gravel
Raw Gravel Icon.pngRaw Gravel
Piety (Guildleve)
Barmy for Ballistas 70 Eirikur Kholusian Iron Ore Icon.pngKholusian Iron Ore
Exceptional Kholusian Iron Ore Icon.pngExceptional Kholusian Iron Ore
The Search for Slag 70 Eirikur Kholusian Slag Icon.pngKholusian Slag Munificence
Jewelry for All 70 Eirikur Raw Callais Icon.pngRaw Callais
Exquisite Callais Icon.pngExquisite Callais
Piety (Guildleve)
Crystallized Revenge 72 Eirikur Il Mheg Topaz Icon.pngIl Mheg Topaz Munificence
Secret Stones 72 Eirikur Voeburtite Quartz Icon.pngVoeburtite Quartz
Immaculate Voeburtite Quartz Icon.pngImmaculate Voeburtite Quartz
Piety (Guildleve)
New Necklaces 72 Eirikur Pink Sapphire Icon.pngPink Sapphire Candor
Rocks from Rak'tika 74 Eirikur Poison-soaked Gravel Icon.pngPoison-soaked Gravel
Poison-coated Gravel Icon.pngPoison-coated Gravel
Piety (Guildleve)
Jewels for Jewelry 74 Eirikur Rak'tika Jade Icon.pngRak'tika Jade Munificence
Knowledge Is Power 74 Eirikur Pip of the Protector Icon.pngPip of the Protector
Perfect Pip of the Protector Icon.pngPerfect Pip of the Protector
The Magic of Mining 76 Eirikur Talos Component Icon.pngTalos Component
Untarnished Talos Component Icon.pngUntarnished Talos Component
Road to Recovery 76 Eirikur Puricon Icon.pngPuricon Candor
Jewelry Is Forever 76 Eirikur Nabaathite Ore Icon.pngNabaathite Ore Munificence
Back Stronger 78 Eirikur Prasiolite Icon.pngPrasiolite Candor
Crystal Meds 78 Eirikur Source Salt Crystal Icon.pngSource Salt Crystal
Source Salt Geode Icon.pngSource Salt Geode
Lakeland's Legacy 78 Eirikur Useful-looking Debris Icon.pngUseful-looking Debris
Sturdy-looking Debris Icon.pngSturdy-looking Debris
Piety (Guildleve)
An Unstable Foundation 80 Grigge Bedrock Sample Icon.pngBedrock Sample
Rich Bedrock Sample Icon.pngRich Bedrock Sample
One Man's Rock 80 Grigge Eye-catching Stone Icon.pngEye-catching Stone
Spellbinding Stone Icon.pngSpellbinding Stone
Piety (Guildleve)
Explosive Progress 80 Grigge Sturdy Silica Icon.pngSturdy Silica Munificence
The Gall on That Giant 82 Grigge Thavnairian Giantsgall Icon.pngThavnairian Giantsgall
Shimmering Thavnairian Giantsgall Icon.pngShimmering Thavnairian Giantsgall
Piety (Guildleve)
Just in Lime 82 Grigge Enriching Limestone Icon.pngEnriching Limestone Candor
To Boldly Gall 82 Grigge Enchanting Giantsgall Icon.pngEnchanting Giantsgall Munificence
A Rock After My Own Heart 84 Grigge Entrancing Northern Stone Icon.pngEntrancing Northern Stone Candor
Training Up 84 Grigge Mark XLIX Plating Icon.pngMark XLIX Plating
Flawless Mark XLIX Plating Icon.pngFlawless Mark XLIX Plating
Piety (Guildleve)
March for Magitek 84 Grigge Military-grade Ceruleum Engine Component Icon.pngMilitary-grade Ceruleum Engine Component
Undamaged Military-grade Ceruleum Engine Component Icon.pngUndamaged Military-grade Ceruleum Engine Component
Stone Cold 86 Grigge Dazzling Volcanic Rock Icon.pngDazzling Volcanic Rock Candor
Enriching the Soil 86 Grigge Stone Powder Icon.pngStone Powder
Glimmering Stone Powder Icon.pngGlimmering Stone Powder
Sand in My Boots 86 Grigge Fine Sand (Key Item) Icon.pngFine Sand (Key Item) Munificence
The Final Touch 88 Grigge Dark Annite Icon.pngDark Annite Munificence
Reactionary Reactors 88 Grigge Soil Sample Icon.pngSoil Sample
Rich Soil Sample Icon.pngRich Soil Sample
Rocks of a Feather 88 Grigge Captivating Mineral Icon.pngCaptivating Mineral
Marvelous Mineral Icon.pngMarvelous Mineral
Piety (Guildleve)
Strong Arm for Stone 90 Malihali Chabayuqeq Stone Icon.pngChabayuqeq Stone Munificence
Old and Bubbly 90 Malihali Quality Igneous Rock Icon.pngQuality Igneous Rock
Igneous Rock Icon.pngIgneous Rock
Tough Tuff 90 Malihali Quality Volcanic Tuff Icon.pngQuality Volcanic Tuff
Upland Volcanic Tuff Icon.pngUpland Volcanic Tuff
Piety (Guildleve)
Abandoned Architecture 92 Malihali Abandoned Rock Icon.pngAbandoned Rock
Abandoned Boulder Icon.pngAbandoned Boulder
Piety (Guildleve)
Mountain Fish 92 Malihali Upland Piscatory Fossil Icon.pngUpland Piscatory Fossil Candor
Gleamstone for Lazybones 92 Malihali Naryor Obsidian (Levequest) Icon.pngNaryor Obsidian (Levequest) Munificence
Pebbles for a Path 94 Malihali Shiny Roundstone Icon.pngShiny Roundstone
Smooth Roundstone Icon.pngSmooth Roundstone
Fuelgiving Passionwork 94 Malihali Goodbright Raw Abokixa Icon.pngGoodbright Raw Abokixa
Firebright Raw Abokixa Icon.pngFirebright Raw Abokixa
Piety (Guildleve)
Building the Banks 94 Malihali Levee Stone Icon.pngLevee Stone Candor
Sampled Starfall 96 Malihali Yak T'el Rock Icon.pngYak T'el Rock Candor
Material for a Mindgenius 96 Malihali Cenote Crystal Icon.pngCenote Crystal Munificence
Vestiges of War 96 Malihali Remnant of Violence Icon.pngRemnant of Violence
Remnant of Magic Icon.pngRemnant of Magic
Plains, Stone, Fish 98 Malihali Shaaloani Rock Icon.pngShaaloani Rock
Plains Piscatory Fossil Icon.pngPlains Piscatory Fossil
Piety (Guildleve)
Burning Rival 98 Malihali Burnslate Icon.pngBurnslate Munificence
No Takebacks for Workshirk 98 Malihali Shinestone Icon.pngShinestone
Clear Shinestone Icon.pngClear Shinestone

Pages in category "Miner Levequest"

The following 130 pages are in this category, out of 130 total.