Patch 2.4

(Redirected from Category:Patch 2.4)
Maintenance-icon.pngPatch 2.4          
(Date: 2014/10/28)

Lodestone: Lodestone Patch Notes
Hotfixes: 2014/10/30, 2014/11/6

Item Level Classes Stats
 Aetherial Brass Knives Icon.png  Aetherial Brass Knives
 &000000000000001500000015&000000000000001500000015 ROGNIN
Req. Level 15
Physical Damage 22
Magic Damage 11
Dexterity +3 
Vitality +2 

 Aetherial Iron Daggers Icon.png  Aetherial Iron Daggers
 &000000000000002000000020&000000000000002000000020 ROGNIN
Req. Level 20
Physical Damage 28
Magic Damage 14
Dexterity +4 
Vitality +4 

 Aetherial Mythril Baselards Icon.png  Aetherial Mythril Baselards
 &000000000000004100000041&000000000000004000000040 ROGNIN
Req. Level 40
Physical Damage 44
Magic Damage 22
Dexterity +10 
Vitality +12 

 Aetherial Mythril Knives Icon.png  Aetherial Mythril Knives
 &000000000000003800000038&000000000000003800000038 ROGNIN
Req. Level 38
Physical Damage 42
Magic Damage 21
Dexterity +9 
Vitality +10 

 Aetherial Mythril Pugiones Icon.png  Aetherial Mythril Pugiones
 &000000000000004500000045&000000000000004400000044 ROGNIN
Req. Level 44
Physical Damage 50
Magic Damage 25
Dexterity +11 
Vitality +14 

 Aetherial Steel Baselards Icon.png  Aetherial Steel Baselards
 &000000000000003400000034&000000000000003400000034 ROGNIN
Req. Level 34
Physical Damage 39
Magic Damage 20
Dexterity +8 
Vitality +8 

 Aetherial Steel Daggers Icon.png  Aetherial Steel Daggers
 &000000000000002600000026&000000000000002400000024 ROGNIN
Req. Level 24
Physical Damage 33
Magic Damage 17
Dexterity +5 
Vitality +6 

 Aetherial Steel Knives Icon.png  Aetherial Steel Knives
 &000000000000003000000030&000000000000002800000028 ROGNIN
Req. Level 28
Physical Damage 36
Magic Damage 18
Dexterity +6 
Vitality +7 

 Air Knives Icon.png  Air Knives
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &000000000000009000000090&000000000000005000000050 ROGNIN
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 61
Magic Damage 31
Dexterity +31 
Vitality +33 
Skill Speed +37 
Critical Hit +26 

 Allagan Daggers Icon.png  Allagan Daggers
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.png
 &000000000000009500000095&000000000000005000000050 ROGNIN
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 62
Magic Damage 31
Dexterity +34 
Vitality +35 
Critical Hit +39 
Skill Speed +27 

 Antares Needles Icon.png  Antares Needles
Gold chest icon.png
 &000000000000002600000026&000000000000002400000024 ROGNIN
Req. Level 24
Physical Damage 33
Magic Damage 17
Dexterity +5 
Vitality +6 
Critical Hit +6 
Skill Speed +4 

 Augmented Ironworks Magitek Axe Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Magitek Axe
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 MRDWAR
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 65
Magic Damage 33
Strength +54 
Vitality +58 
Direct Hit Rate +51 
Critical Hit +36 

 Augmented Ironworks Magitek Bow Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Magitek Bow
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 ARCBRD
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 65
Magic Damage 33
Dexterity +54 
Vitality +58 
Skill Speed +51 
Determination +36 

 Augmented Ironworks Magitek Cane Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Magitek Cane
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 CNJWHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 65
Magic Damage 65
Mind +54 
Vitality +52 
Critical Hit +51 
Piety +36 
Direct Hit Rate +10 

 Augmented Ironworks Magitek Codex Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Magitek Codex
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 SCH
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 65
Magic Damage 65
Mind +54 
Vitality +52 
Spell Speed +51 
Critical Hit +36 
Direct Hit Rate +10 

 Augmented Ironworks Magitek Daggers Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Magitek Daggers
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 ROGNIN
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 65
Magic Damage 33
Dexterity +54 
Vitality +58 
Critical Hit +51 
Direct Hit Rate +36 

 Augmented Ironworks Magitek Grimoire Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Magitek Grimoire
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 ACNSMN
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 65
Magic Damage 65
Intelligence +54 
Vitality +52 
Direct Hit Rate +51 
Spell Speed +36 

 Augmented Ironworks Magitek Jamadhars Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Magitek Jamadhars
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 PGLMNK
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 65
Magic Damage 33
Strength +54 
Vitality +58 
Determination +51 
Direct Hit Rate +36 

 Augmented Ironworks Magitek Rod Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Magitek Rod
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 THMBLM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 65
Magic Damage 65
Intelligence +54 
Vitality +52 
Critical Hit +51 
Direct Hit Rate +36 

 Augmented Ironworks Magitek Spear Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Magitek Spear
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 LNCDRG
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 65
Magic Damage 33
Strength +54 
Vitality +58 
Direct Hit Rate +51 
Determination +36 

Limiting results to the first 20 Weapons. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 2.4 Weapons.
Item Level Classes Stats
 Arachne Bandana of Scouting Icon.png  Arachne Bandana of Scouting
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 50
Defense 68 HQ Icon2.png 75
Magic Defense 68 HQ Icon2.png 75
Dexterity +23  HQ Icon2.png +26
Vitality +23  HQ Icon2.png +26
Determination +24  HQ Icon2.png +27
Critical Hit +17  HQ Icon2.png +19

 Arachne Bandana of Striking Icon.png  Arachne Bandana of Striking
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 50
Defense 68 HQ Icon2.png 75
Magic Defense 68 HQ Icon2.png 75
Strength +23  HQ Icon2.png +26
Vitality +23  HQ Icon2.png +26
Skill Speed +24  HQ Icon2.png +27
Determination +17  HQ Icon2.png +19

 Arachne Bolero Icon.png  Arachne Bolero
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 50
Defense 66 HQ Icon2.png 73
Magic Defense 114 HQ Icon2.png 127
Intelligence +37  HQ Icon2.png +41
Vitality +33  HQ Icon2.png +37
Spell Speed +38  HQ Icon2.png +42
Direct Hit Rate +26  HQ Icon2.png +29

 Arachne Culottes of Casting Icon.png  Arachne Culottes of Casting
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 50
Defense 66 HQ Icon2.png 73
Magic Defense 114 HQ Icon2.png 127
Intelligence +37  HQ Icon2.png +41
Vitality +33  HQ Icon2.png +37
Direct Hit Rate +38  HQ Icon2.png +42
Spell Speed +26  HQ Icon2.png +29

 Arachne Culottes of Healing Icon.png  Arachne Culottes of Healing
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 50
Defense 66 HQ Icon2.png 73
Magic Defense 114 HQ Icon2.png 127
Mind +37  HQ Icon2.png +41
Vitality +33  HQ Icon2.png +37
Piety +38  HQ Icon2.png +42
Determination +26  HQ Icon2.png +29
Direct Hit Rate +11 

 Arachne Field Dressing of Scouting Icon.png  Arachne Field Dressing of Scouting
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 50
Defense 68 HQ Icon2.png 75
Magic Defense 68 HQ Icon2.png 75
Dexterity +23  HQ Icon2.png +26
Vitality +23  HQ Icon2.png +26
Skill Speed +24  HQ Icon2.png +27
Critical Hit +17  HQ Icon2.png +19

 Arachne Field Dressing of Striking Icon.png  Arachne Field Dressing of Striking
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 50
Defense 68 HQ Icon2.png 75
Magic Defense 68 HQ Icon2.png 75
Strength +23  HQ Icon2.png +26
Vitality +23  HQ Icon2.png +26
Critical Hit +24  HQ Icon2.png +27
Direct Hit Rate +17  HQ Icon2.png +19

 Arachne Gaskins of Scouting Icon.png  Arachne Gaskins of Scouting
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 50
Defense 90 HQ Icon2.png 100
Magic Defense 90 HQ Icon2.png 100
Dexterity +37  HQ Icon2.png +41
Vitality +37  HQ Icon2.png +41
Direct Hit Rate +38  HQ Icon2.png +42
Critical Hit +26  HQ Icon2.png +29

 Arachne Gaskins of Striking Icon.png  Arachne Gaskins of Striking
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 50
Defense 90 HQ Icon2.png 100
Magic Defense 90 HQ Icon2.png 100
Strength +37  HQ Icon2.png +41
Vitality +37  HQ Icon2.png +41
Critical Hit +38  HQ Icon2.png +42
Direct Hit Rate +26  HQ Icon2.png +29

 Arachne Robe Icon.png  Arachne Robe
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 50
Defense 66 HQ Icon2.png 73
Magic Defense 114 HQ Icon2.png 127
Mind +37  HQ Icon2.png +41
Vitality +33  HQ Icon2.png +37
Piety +38  HQ Icon2.png +42
Spell Speed +26  HQ Icon2.png +29
Direct Hit Rate +11 

 Arachne Shirt of Scouting Icon.png  Arachne Shirt of Scouting
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 50
Defense 90 HQ Icon2.png 100
Magic Defense 90 HQ Icon2.png 100
Dexterity +37  HQ Icon2.png +41
Vitality +37  HQ Icon2.png +41
Determination +38  HQ Icon2.png +42
Direct Hit Rate +26  HQ Icon2.png +29

 Arachne Shirt of Striking Icon.png  Arachne Shirt of Striking
Tools icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 50
Defense 90 HQ Icon2.png 100
Magic Defense 90 HQ Icon2.png 100
Strength +37  HQ Icon2.png +41
Vitality +37  HQ Icon2.png +41
Direct Hit Rate +38  HQ Icon2.png +42
Determination +26  HQ Icon2.png +29

 Artisan's Culottes Icon.png  Artisan's Culottes
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000006000000060&000000000000005000000050 All Classes
Req. Level 50
Defense 44 HQ Icon2.png 55
Magic Defense 88 HQ Icon2.png 110
Control +35  HQ Icon2.png +40
Craftsmanship +3 

 Artisan's Mitts Icon.png  Artisan's Mitts
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000006000000060&000000000000005000000050 All Classes
Req. Level 50
Defense 33 HQ Icon2.png 41
Magic Defense 66 HQ Icon2.png 82
Control +35  HQ Icon2.png +40
CP +2  HQ Icon2.png +3

 Artisan's Sandals Icon.png  Artisan's Sandals
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000006000000060&000000000000005000000050 All Classes
Req. Level 50
Defense 33 HQ Icon2.png 41
Magic Defense 66 HQ Icon2.png 82
Control +35  HQ Icon2.png +40
Craftsmanship +3 

 Augmented Ironworks Armguards of Maiming Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Armguards of Maiming
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 50
Defense 98
Magic Defense 77
Strength +33 
Vitality +35 
Skill Speed +31 
Critical Hit +22 

 Augmented Ironworks Armguards of Striking Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Armguards of Striking
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 50
Defense 77
Magic Defense 77
Strength +33 
Vitality +35 
Critical Hit +31 
Skill Speed +22 

 Augmented Ironworks Armor of Fending Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Armor of Fending
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 50
Defense 188
Magic Defense 188
Strength +52 
Vitality +56 
Tenacity +49 
Direct Hit Rate +34 

 Augmented Ironworks Boots of Casting Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Boots of Casting
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 50
Defense 56
Magic Defense 98
Intelligence +33 
Vitality +32 
Spell Speed +31 
Direct Hit Rate +22 

 Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Aiming Icon.png  Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Aiming
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000130000000130&000000000000005000000050 All Classes
Req. Level 50
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Dexterity +26 
Direct Hit Rate +24 
Skill Speed +17 
Vitality +28 

Limiting results to the first 20 Armors. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 2.4 Armor.
Item Level Classes Stats
 Artisan's Awl Icon.png  Artisan's Awl
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000007000000070&000000000000005000000050 LTW
Req. Level 50
Craftsmanship +123  HQ Icon2.png +139
Control +69  HQ Icon2.png +78

 Artisan's Claw Hammer Icon.png  Artisan's Claw Hammer
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000007000000070&000000000000005000000050 CRP
Req. Level 50
Craftsmanship +123  HQ Icon2.png +139
Control +69  HQ Icon2.png +78

 Artisan's Culinary Knife Icon.png  Artisan's Culinary Knife
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000007000000070&000000000000005000000050 CUL
Req. Level 50
Craftsmanship +123  HQ Icon2.png +139
Control +69  HQ Icon2.png +78

 Artisan's File Icon.png  Artisan's File
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000007000000070&000000000000005000000050 BSM
Req. Level 50
Craftsmanship +123  HQ Icon2.png +139
Control +69  HQ Icon2.png +78

 Artisan's Grinding Wheel Icon.png  Artisan's Grinding Wheel
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000007000000070&000000000000005000000050 GSM
Req. Level 50
Craftsmanship +123  HQ Icon2.png +139
Control +69  HQ Icon2.png +78

 Artisan's Mortar Icon.png  Artisan's Mortar
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000007000000070&000000000000005000000050 ALC
Req. Level 50
Craftsmanship +123  HQ Icon2.png +139
Control +69  HQ Icon2.png +78

 Artisan's Pliers Icon.png  Artisan's Pliers
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000007000000070&000000000000005000000050 ARM
Req. Level 50
Craftsmanship +123  HQ Icon2.png +139
Control +69  HQ Icon2.png +78

 Artisan's Spinning Wheel Icon.png  Artisan's Spinning Wheel
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000007000000070&000000000000005000000050 WVR
Req. Level 50
Craftsmanship +123  HQ Icon2.png +139
Control +69  HQ Icon2.png +78

 Forager's Scythe Icon.png  Forager's Scythe
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000007000000070&000000000000005000000050 BTN
Req. Level 50
Gathering +72  HQ Icon2.png +82
Perception +126  HQ Icon2.png +143

 Forager's Sledgehammer Icon.png  Forager's Sledgehammer
Tools icon.png
 &000000000000007000000070&000000000000005000000050 MIN
Req. Level 50
Gathering +72  HQ Icon2.png +82
Perception +126  HQ Icon2.png +143

 Ironworks Fishing Rod Icon.png  Ironworks Fishing Rod
Map75 Icon.png
 &000000000000008000000080&000000000000005000000050 FSH
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 30
Magic Damage 18
Gathering +165 
Perception +94 

Rumor has that fishing enthusiast Biggs used the Garlond Ironworks crafting facilities after-hours to create this magitek-enhanced rod.

Meals & Medicine
Name Duration Consumable Bonuses
Assorted Fruit Icon.png Assorted Fruit 30m/60m Direct Hit Rate +4%  (Cap: +20)
Vitality +4%  (Cap: +12)
Gear Durability Bonus +2
EXP Bonus +3%

Bacon Bread Icon.png Bacon Bread 30m Tenacity +8%  (Cap: +26)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +22)
Critical Hit +8%  (Cap: +14)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Bacon Broth Icon.png Bacon Broth 30m Desynthesis Skill Gain +10
Reduced Durability Loss +4
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Chilled Red Icon.png Chilled Red 30m/60m Piety +4%  (Cap: 5)
Vitality +4%  (Cap: 6)
Gear Durability Bonus +2
EXP Bonus +3%

Flint Caviar Icon.png Flint Caviar 30m Critical Hit +8%  (Cap: +26)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +22)
Direct Hit Rate +8%  (Cap: +14)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Gourmet Lunch Icon.png Gourmet Lunch 30m/60m Critical Hit +4%  (Cap: +14)
Vitality +4%  (Cap: +9)
Gear Durability Bonus +2
EXP Bonus +3%

Gourmet Supper Icon.png Gourmet Supper 30m/60m Skill Speed +4%  (Cap: +22)
Vitality +4%  (Cap: +15)
Gear Durability Bonus +3
EXP Bonus +3%

Haddock Dip Icon.png Haddock Dip 30m Perception +6%  (Cap: +22)
GP +2%  (Cap: +10)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Retainer Fantasia Icon.png Retainer Fantasia Edit Retainer Appearance  

Shark Fin Soup Icon.png Shark Fin Soup 30m Craftsmanship +10%  (Cap: +49)
CP +4%  (Cap: +14)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Triple Cream Coffee Icon.png Triple Cream Coffee 30m Piety +8%  (Cap: +18)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +20)
Determination +8%  (Cap: +14)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Materials, Housing, Other
Name Description
Adventurers' Guild Aduyses Icon.png Adventurers' Guild Aduyses A semi-complete collection of notices and timetables, warnings and wanted posters, found in Eorzea's many Adventurers' Guilds.
Afternoon Tea Set Icon.png Afternoon Tea Set Add a hint of sophistication to your residence with this elegant collection of ceramic ware.

※Cannot be retrieved once used.
※Can be used up to 10 times.

Meal benefits when used:
Spell Speed Bonus: +4% (Max 22)
VIT Bonus: +4% (Max 15)
Gear Durability Bonus: +3
EXP Bonus: +3%
Duration: 30m
(Duration can be extended to 60m by consuming multiple servings)
Alchemy for Beginners Icon.png Alchemy for Beginners A volume covering only the most basic information. The majority of its content is considered common knowledge.
Allagan Leather Icon.png Allagan Leather A large piece of treated chimerical leather used by the Allagan Empire to craft light armor.
Allagan Silk Icon.png Allagan Silk A spool of thick chimerical silk used by the Allagan Empire to craft mage robes.
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Though they appear to be naught more than simple stones, Garlond Ironworks engineers insist they contain reams of invaluable information gathered by the lost Allagan Empire.
Allagan Wootz Nugget Icon.png Allagan Wootz Nugget A small chunk of the alloy used by the Allagan Empire to craft heavy armor.
Antique Breeches Icon.png Antique Breeches While this legwear is far too old and moth-eaten to survive any further battles, collectors have been known to pay sizable sums for similar pieces.
Antique Gauntlets Icon.png Antique Gauntlets While these gauntlets are far too old and rusted to survive any further battles, collectors have been known to pay sizable sums for similar pieces.
Antique Helm Icon.png Antique Helm While this headpiece is far too old and dented to survive any further battles, collectors have been known to pay sizable sums for similar pieces.
Antique Mail Icon.png Antique Mail While this suit is far too old and battered to survive any further battles, collectors have been known to pay sizable sums for similar pieces.
Antique Sollerets Icon.png Antique Sollerets While this footwear is far too old and worn to survive any further battles, collectors have been known to pay sizable sums for similar pieces.
Antique Tassets Icon.png Antique Tassets Collectors were once known to pay sizable sums for similar pieces. Alas, advancements in trouser technology have rendered these worthless.
Arachne Velveteen Icon.png Arachne Velveteen Thick cloth woven from the web of the chimerical monstrosity Arachne.
Arachne Web Icon.png Arachne Web The wire-like web of the Allagan chimerical miscreation, Arachne.
Armoire Icon.png Armoire A large wooden wardrobe in which sets of special gear may be stored.

※One per estate only.
Armoring for Beginners Icon.png Armoring for Beginners A volume covering only the most basic information. The majority of its content is considered common knowledge.
Assorted Fruit Icon.png Assorted Fruit The world is better off oblivious of the fell magicks used to keep this basket of fruit eternally free of bruises and mold.

※Cannot be retrieved once used.
※Can be used up to 10 times.
Bat-o'-Nine-Tails Icon.png Bat-o'-Nine-Tails A king among vampire lamperns.

[Suitable for printing on large canvases.]
Blacksmithing for Beginners Icon.png Blacksmithing for Beginners A volume covering only the most basic information. The majority of its content is considered common knowledge.
Limiting results to the first 20 Materials. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 2.4 Materials.
Mounts & Minions
Name Description
Assassin Fry Icon.png Assassin Fry There was an old betta who swallowed a fry. No one knows why it swallowed the fry, but for some reason, the fry can now fly.

Use item to acquire the assassin fry minion.
Boreas Whistle Icon.png Boreas Whistle This whistle emits a shrill tone that is said to summon Boreas, the steed of legend.
Fat Cat Icon.png Fat Cat Despite convincing research by top academics from around the realm and beyond, most Miqo'te scholars refuse to believe that there may be some ancestral connection between their race and cats (fat or not).

Use item to acquire the fat cat minion.
Heavy Hatchling Icon.png Heavy Hatchling Currently, “baby fat” is the prevailing excuse for this cherubic chick's gigant-like girth.

Use item to acquire the heavy hatchling minion.
Littlefoot Icon.png Littlefoot This particular yeti is content in knowing that bigger is not always necessarily better.

Use item to acquire the Littlefoot minion.
Model Enterprise Icon.png Model Enterprise Designed to boldly go where you have gone before.

Use item to acquire the model Enterprise minion.
Mummy's Little Mummy Icon.png Mummy's Little Mummy While as cute as a button, remember, mummies are ultimately embalmed corpses damned to eternal thralldom in the land of the living. Have fun.

Use item to acquire the mummy's little mummy minion.
Nana Bear Icon.png Nana Bear Pundits claim bears to be the deadliest beasts in the realm. They obviously have never stared into this cute cub's nebulous eyes.

Use item to acquire the Nana bear minion.
Parade Chocobo Whistle Icon.png Parade Chocobo Whistle A small hand-carved whistle that emits a unique, high-pitched tone discernible only by a chocobo trained from birth to recognize and respond to the sound. Use to summon your parade chocobo.
Tight-beaked Parrot Icon.png Tight-beaked Parrot For best results, summon while wearing an eyepatch.

Use item to acquire the tight-beaked parrot minion.
Wind-up Delivery Moogle Icon.png Wind-up Delivery Moogle For when you absolutely, positively require moogle accompaniment.

Use item to acquire the wind-up delivery moogle minion.
Wind-up Louisoix Icon.png Wind-up Louisoix The Seventh Astral Era is secure as long as the Archon is ever at our sides.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Louisoix minion.
Wind-up Papalymo Icon.png Wind-up Papalymo Comes complete with irremovable smirk.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Papalymo minion.
Wind-up Ultros Icon.png Wind-up Ultros A fraction of the size, yet every bit as annoying as the real thing. Be forewarned: once Ultros shows up, he's liable to stick around.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Ultros minion.
Wind-up Y'shtola Icon.png Wind-up Y'shtola If we are to take her word for it, the Circle of Knowing Archon has seen but twenty-three summers.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Y'shtola minion.
Wind-up Yda Icon.png Wind-up Yda Comes complete with irremovable mask.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Yda minion.
Triple Triad Cards
Orchestrion Rolls
Name Rewards Patch
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&00000000000000010000001&000000000000001000000010&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006585900000065,859Edelweiss, EdelweissSidequest1 Icon.pngEdelweiss, EdelweissSpacer2.png (Level &00000000000000010000001)

J'nasshym - Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks - The Octant (x:10, y:11.4)

Expicon.png50Gil Icon.png95

&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006585900000065,859&00000000000000010000001Edelweiss, Edelweiss
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&00000000000000050000005&000000000000005000000050&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006564600000065,646A Dainty DilemmaFeaturequest1 Icon.pngA Dainty DilemmaRogue Icon 3.png (Level &00000000000000050000005)

Jacke - Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks - Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss (x:6.0, y:6.1)

Bronze Daggers
Custom-made Tunic

Leather Eyepatch

Fingerless Leather Gloves

Altered Thighboots
Allagan Tin Piece
Allagan Tin Piece
&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006564600000065,646&00000000000000050000005A Dainty Dilemma
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000003000000030&0000000000000301000000301&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006569100000065,691Cloying VictoryFeaturequest1 Icon.pngCloying VictoryRogue Icon 3.png (Level &000000000000003000000030)

Jacke - Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks - Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss (x:6.0, y:6.1)

Steel Knives

Toadskin Jacket

Steel Sallet

Toadskin Armguards

Toadskin Leg Guards
Allagan Silver Piece
Allagan Silver Piece
&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006569100000065,691&000000000000003000000030Cloying Victory
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&00000000000000050000005&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006557900000065,579Fragments of TruthFeaturequest1 Icon.pngFragments of TruthSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Urianger - The Waking Sands (x:6.1, y:5)

Gil Icon.png1,018

&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006557900000065,579&000000000000005000000050Fragments of Truth
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&00000000000000060000006&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006558000000065,580Alisaie's PathFeaturequest1 Icon.pngAlisaie's PathSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Alisaie - Northern Thanalan (x:20.3, y:17.4)

Gil Icon.png5,000

&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006558000000065,580&000000000000005000000050Alisaie's Path
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&00000000000000070000007&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006562600000065,626Drop Dead ShivaFeaturequest1 Icon.pngDrop Dead ShivaSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Urianger - The Waking Sands (x:6.1, y:5)

Gil Icon.png3,000

&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006562600000065,626&000000000000005000000050Drop Dead Shiva
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000001100000011&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006711500000067,115A Relic Reborn (Yoshimitsu)Featurequest1 Icon.pngA Relic Reborn (Yoshimitsu)Ninja Icon 3.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Gerolt - North Shroud - Peacegarden - Hyrstmill (x:30.3, y:20.3)


&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006711500000067,115&000000000000005000000050A Relic Reborn (Yoshimitsu)
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000001200000012&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006710600000067,106Death of a MailmanSidequest1 Icon.pngDeath of a MailmanSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Deputy Postmoogle - Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks - Bulwark Hall (x:10.5, y:11.4)

Gil Icon.png3,000

&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006710600000067,106&000000000000005000000050Death of a Mailman
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000001300000013&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006570200000065,702Eight-armed and DangerousFeaturequest1 Icon.pngEight-armed and DangerousSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Ellie - Eastern La Noscea - Bloodshore - Costa del Sol (x:32.1, y:30.5)

Gil Icon.png1,154

&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006570200000065,702&000000000000005000000050Eight-armed and Dangerous
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000001300000013&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006711200000067,112All in the FamilySidequest1 Icon.pngAll in the FamilySpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Deputy Postmoogle - Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks - Bulwark Hall (x:10.5, y:11.4)

Gil Icon.png1,654
Mulled Tea
Mulled Tea

&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006711200000067,112&000000000000005000000050All in the Family
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000001300000013&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006711300000067,113Duel PersonalitiesSidequest1 Icon.pngDuel PersonalitiesSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Deputy Postmoogle - Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks - Bulwark Hall (x:10.5, y:11.4)

Gil Icon.png602
Flint Caviar

&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006711300000067,113&000000000000005000000050Duel Personalities
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000005900000059&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006558900000065,589Back and FourthMainquest1 Icon.pngBack and FourthSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Ilberd - Ul'dah - Steps of Nald - Emerald Avenue - Erralig's Burial Chamber (x:8.6, y:9.1)

Expicon.png2,340Gil Icon.png2,000
Auroral Bracers
Daystar Gloves
Evenstar Gloves
Allagan Silver Piece
Allagan Silver Piece
&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006558900000065,589&000000000000005000000050Back and Fourth
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006559000000065,590Coming to TermsMainquest1 Icon.pngComing to TermsSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Alphinaud - The Rising Stones (x:6.8, y:6.1)

Expicon.png2,340Gil Icon.png901
Shark Fin Soup
Noct Breeches
Astrum Hose
Gloam Brais
Allagan Silver Piece
Allagan Silver Piece
&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006559000000065,590&000000000000005000000050Coming to Terms
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000006300000063&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006560500000065,605Dark Words, Dark DeedsMainquest1 Icon.pngDark Words, Dark DeedsSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Drillemont - Coerthas Central Highlands - Whitebrim - Whitebrim Front (x:12.8, y:17.5)

Expicon.png2,340Gil Icon.png517
Bacon Bread
Auroral Boots
Daystar Sollerets
Evenstar Bootees
Allagan Silver Piece
Allagan Silver Piece
&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006560500000065,605&000000000000005000000050Dark Words, Dark Deeds
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000006400000064&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006561000000065,610First BloodMainquest1 Icon.pngFirst BloodSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Drillemont - Coerthas Central Highlands - Whitebrim - Whitebrim Front (x:12.8, y:17.5)

Expicon.png2,340Gil Icon.png658

&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006561000000065,610&000000000000005000000050First Blood
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000006600000066&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006561300000065,613For the Greater GoodMainquest1 Icon.pngFor the Greater GoodSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Alphinaud - Snowcloak (Zone) (x:3.4, y:21.3)

Expicon.png2,340Gil Icon.png799

&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006561300000065,613&000000000000005000000050For the Greater Good
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000006800000068&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006942200000069,422Chasing IvyMainquest1 Icon.pngChasing IvySpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Ilberd - New Gridania - Acorn Orchard (x:10.2, y:11.7)

Expicon.png2,340Gil Icon.png658
Triple Cream Coffee
Auroral Tabard
Daystar Robe
Evenstar Coat
Allagan Silver Piece
Allagan Silver Piece
&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006942200000069,422&000000000000005000000050Chasing Ivy
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000007100000071&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006561800000065,618A Simple PlanMainquest1 Icon.pngA Simple PlanSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Minfilia - Mor Dhona - The Rising Stones - The Solar (The Rising Stones) (x:6.1, y:5.2)

Expicon.png2,340Gil Icon.png658
Bacon Broth

&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006561800000065,618&000000000000005000000050A Simple Plan
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000007400000074&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006562300000065,623Eyes UncloudedMainquest1 Icon.pngEyes UncloudedSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Alphinaud - Coerthas Central Highlands - Dragonhead - Camp Dragonhead (x:26.7, y:17)

Expicon.png2,340Gil Icon.png760

&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006562300000065,623&000000000000005000000050Eyes Unclouded
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&0000000000000515000000515&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006578200000065,782Feast of FamineSidequest1 Icon.pngFeast of FamineFisher Icon 3.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Wawalago - Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks - Fisherman's Bottom (x:8.1, y:15.3)

Gil Icon.png50,000
Aetheryte Ticket
Aetheryte Ticket
Aetheryte Ticket
&00000000000000023999992.4&000000000006578200000065,782&000000000000005000000050Feast of Famine
Limiting results to the first 20 Quests. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 2.4 Quests.
Name Zone Coordinates
18-ponze Cannon Lower La Noscea (x:18, y:36)
2nd Unit Brave Old Gridania (x:14, y:6.8)
3rd Unit Bowman Northern Thanalan (x:17, y:18)
3rd Unit Brave Coerthas Central Highlands (x:15.5, y:29.6)
3rd Unit Lancer Northern Thanalan (x:17, y:18)
3rd Unit Mage Northern Thanalan (x:17, y:18)
4th Unit Brave Mor Dhona (x:12.3, y:15.5)
??? (The Greatest Story Never Told Riddle 2) South Shroud (x:30, y:19)
A'aba Tia Western Thanalan (x:5, y:6)
A-Towa-Cant Central Shroud (x:15, y:25)
Abused Adventurer South Shroud (x:17, y:20)
Accused Knight Coerthas Central Highlands (x:15, y:19.9)
Adrien Ul'dah - Steps of Thal
Airship Wreckage Mor Dhona (x:23, y:10)
Aismurl Goldmember Eastern La Noscea (x:32, y:23)
Alaimbert of the Spiked Butt Coerthas Western Highlands (x:31, y:32)
Alehouse Wench (The Coffer & Coffin) South Shroud (x:17.9, y:19.7)
Alinaure Foundation (x:6.5, y:5.7)
Alisaie's Assistant Eastern Thanalan (x:30.1, y:24.9)
Alisaie's Assistant (Camp Drybone) Eastern Thanalan (x:30.1, y:24.9)
Limiting results to the first 20 NPCs. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 2.4 NPCs.
Akh Afah Amphitheatre
Dock Storehouse
IC-06 Central Decks
IC-06 Main Bridge
IC-06 Regeneration Grid
Lavender Beds (Subdivision)
Mist (Subdivision)
Sastasha (Hard) (Zone)
Snowcloak (Zone)
The Burning Heart
The Goblet (Subdivision)
The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) (Zone)
Trials & Raids
Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme) 2 2 4
Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard) 2 2 4
The Dragon's Neck 2 2 4
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 2 2 4
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 2 2 4
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 2 2 4
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 2 2 4
Sastasha (Hard) 1 1 2
Snowcloak 1 1 2
The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) 1 1 2
Name Class Description
Jin Icon.png Jin Ninja Make the ritual mudra hand gesture for "man."

Duration: 6s Maximum Charges: 2 Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution. Conversely, execution of weaponskills triggers the cooldown of this action.

Ninjutsu Icon.png Ninjutsu Ninja Executes a specific ninjutsu action coinciding with the combination of mudra made immediately beforehand.

If any other action is used before the mudra are combined and the ninjutsu executed, Ninjutsu will fail. Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution. Conversely, execution of weaponskills triggers the cooldown of this action. Restores 2 charges to all mudra when Hide is executed while outside of combat.

Chi Icon.png Chi Ninja Make the ritual mudra hand gesture for "earth."

Duration: 6s Maximum Charges: 2 Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution. Conversely, execution of weaponskills triggers the cooldown of this action.

Shukuchi Icon.png Shukuchi Ninja Move quickly to the specified location.

Maximum Charges: 2 Cannot be executed while bound.

Doton Icon.png Doton Ninja Creates a patch of corrupted earth, dealing damage with a potency of 80 to any enemies who enter.

Duration: 18s Additional Effect: Heavy +40% Mudra Combination: Ten→Jin→Chi or Jin→Ten→Chi Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Fuma Shuriken Icon.png Fuma Shuriken Ninja Delivers a ranged ninjutsu attack with a potency of 500.

Mudra Combination: Any one of the Ten, Chi, or Jin mudra Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. ※Ninjutsu changes to Fuma Shuriken when requirements for execution are met.

Raiton Icon.png Raiton Ninja Deals lightning damage with a potency of 740.

Additional Effect: Grants a stack of Raiju Ready Duration: 30s Maximum Stacks: 3 Effect of Raiju Ready ends upon execution of any melee weaponskill. Mudra Combination: Ten→Chi or Jin→Chi Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. ※Ninjutsu changes to Raiton when requirements for execution are met.

Huton Icon.png Huton Ninja Deals fire damage with a potency of 240 to target and all enemies nearby it.

Additional Effect: Grants Shadow Walker Shadow Walker Effect: Allows execution of actions which require the effect of Hidden, without being under that effect Duration: 20s Mudra Combination: Jin→Chi→Ten or Chi→Jin→Ten Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. ※Ninjutsu changes to Huton when requirements for execution are met.

Hyoton Icon.png Hyoton Ninja Deals ice damage with a potency of 350.

Additional Effect: Bind Duration: 15s Mudra Combination: Ten→Jin or Chi→Jin Cancels auto-attack upon execution. Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Assassinate Icon.png Assassinate Ninja Delivers an attack with a potency of 200.
Kassatsu Icon.png Kassatsu Ninja Allows the execution of a single ninjutsu without consumption of mudra charges.

Additional Effect: Increases damage for the next ninjutsu action by 30% Duration: 15s Recast timer of mudra is not affected by the execution of this action.

Katon Icon.png Katon Ninja Deals fire damage with a potency of 350 to target and all enemies nearby it.

Mudra Combination: Chi→Ten or Jin→Ten Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Rabbit Medium Icon.png Rabbit Medium Ninja Thumpity thump thump, thumpity thump thump...
Shade Shift Icon.png Shade Shift Rogue Create shadows that nullify damage up to 20% of maximum HP.

Duration: 20s

Aeolian Edge Icon.png Aeolian Edge Rogue Delivers an attack with a potency of 200.

260 when executed from a target's rear. Combo Action: Gust Slash Combo Potency: 380 Rear Combo Potency: 440 Potencies are increased by 100 while under the effect of Kazematoi. Combo Bonus: Increases Ninki Gauge by 15

Mug Icon.png Mug Rogue Delivers an attack with a potency of 150.

Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 5% Duration: 20s Additional Effect: Increases the chance of additional items being dropped by target if Mug is dealt before, or as, the finishing blow

Hide Icon.png Hide Rogue Blend in with your surroundings, making it impossible for most enemies to detect you, but reducing movement speed by 50%. Has no effect on enemies 10 levels higher than your own, or certain enemies with special sight.

Additional Effect: Restores 2 charges to all mudra The effect of Doton ends upon execution of Hide. Cannot be executed while in combat. Effect ends upon use of any action other than Sprint, or upon reuse of Hide.

Gust Slash Icon.png Gust Slash Rogue Delivers an attack with a potency of 240.

Combo Action: Spinning Edge Combo Potency: 400 Combo Bonus: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5

Death Blossom Icon.png Death Blossom Rogue Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.

Additional Effect: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5

Spinning Edge Icon.png Spinning Edge Rogue Delivers an attack with a potency of 300.

Additional Effect: Increases Ninki Gauge by 5

Limiting results to the first 20 Actions. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 2.4 Actions.
PvP Actions
Name Class Description
All Fours Icon.png All Fours Reduces damage taken when falling.
Fleet of Foot Icon.png Fleet of Foot Increases movement speed.
Icon Name Category Type Description
002693.png Out of a Bind II Battle Raids Complete the Final Coil of Bahamut 5 times.
002693.png Out of a Bind III Battle Raids Complete the Final Coil of Bahamut 10 times.
002693.png Out of a Bind I Battle Raids Complete the Final Coil of Bahamut.
000317.png Let It Go Battle Trials Defeat Shiva in the Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme).
062829.png Bump on a Log: Rogue Battle Battle Complete all Rogue entries in the hunting log.
002802.png Leaving a Better Impression II Character Commendation Receive 3,000 player commendations.
002802.png Leaving a Better Impression I Character Commendation Receive 1,500 player commendations.
033801.png Come on, Rogue V Character Disciples of War Achieve Rogue level 50.
033801.png Come on, Rogue IV Character Disciples of War Achieve Rogue level 40.
033801.png Come on, Rogue III Character Disciples of War Achieve Rogue level 30.
033801.png Come on, Rogue II Character Disciples of War Achieve Rogue level 20.
033801.png Come on, Rogue I Character Disciples of War Achieve Rogue level 10.
001102.png Go Big or Go Home IX Crafting & Gathering Fisher Catch 100 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood.
001102.png Go Big or Go Home VIII Crafting & Gathering Fisher Catch 94 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood.
001102.png Go Big or Go Home X Crafting & Gathering Fisher Catch 106 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood.
001001.png Remapping the Realm: Sunken Temple of Qarn Exploration Duty Discover every location within The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard).
001001.png Remapping the Realm: Sastasha Exploration Duty Discover every location within Sastasha (Hard).
001001.png Mapping the Realm: Snowcloak Exploration Duty Discover every location within Snowcloak.
001001.png Mapping the Realm: The Final Coil of Bahamut I Exploration Duty Discover every location within the first turn of the Final Coil of Bahamut.
001001.png Mapping the Realm: The Final Coil of Bahamut II Exploration Duty Discover every location within the second turn of the Final Coil of Bahamut.
033855.png Yoshimitsu's Island Items Relic Weapons Obtain a pair of Yoshimitsu in the quest “A Relic Reborn.”
026002.png Imagine Dragon Quests General (Quest) Complete the quest “Feast of Famine.”
026002.png Dreams of Ice Quests Main Scenario Complete the main scenario quest “Let Us Cling Together.”
026002.png Uncoiled Quests General (Quest) Complete the quest “Alisaie's Path.”
026037.png Against the Ninja I Quests Job/Role Quests Complete the Ninja job quest “Master and Student.”
Alternate Patch Art - Alternate Patch Art