Patch 3.1

(Redirected from Category:Patch 3.1)
Maintenance-icon.pngPatch 3.1          
(Date: 2015/11/10)

  • New Dungeons!
    • St Mocianne Arboretum and Pharos Sirius (Hard).
  • New 24-player Raid!
    • Void Ark.
  • Gold Saucer Challenge Log and a New Gold Saucer Minigame!
    • Lord of Verminion, RTS-style PvP featuring Player Minions.
    • New Gold Saucer attractions as well.
  • New Airship Explorations.
    • The Diadem
  • Beast Tribe Quests for the Vanu Vanu.
  • Level 50 dungeons will now reward experience.
  • Ability to 'try on' multiple pieces of gear at the same time in the preview window, including Shield.
  • Multi-slot items can now be glamoured.
  • House Sharing
  • Quests will dynamically change their level based on your current level, including scaling EXP.
  • Bismarck / Ravana EX added to Duty Finder.
  • A Realm Reborn Zodiac Quest adjustments
    • 100% drop rate for Duty drops, Undersized parties can get light, and light rates increased.
  • ...and more!
Lodestone: Lodestone Link
Hotfixes: 2015/11/12, 2015/11/16, 2015/11/24, 2015/11/30, 2015/12/7

Item Level Classes Stats
 Axe of the Heavens Icon.png  Axe of the Heavens
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 MRDWAR
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 37
Strength +77 
Vitality +76 
Skill Speed +83 
Critical Hit +58 

 Bow of the Heavens Icon.png  Bow of the Heavens
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRD
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 37
Dexterity +77 
Vitality +76 
Determination +83 
Critical Hit +58 

 Cane of the Heavens Icon.png  Cane of the Heavens
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 73
Mind +77 
Vitality +68 
Spell Speed +83 
Piety +58 

 Claymore of the Heavens Icon.png  Claymore of the Heavens
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 DRK
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 37
Strength +77 
Vitality +76 
Critical Hit +83 
Tenacity +58 

 Codex of the Heavens Icon.png  Codex of the Heavens
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 SCH
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 73
Mind +77 
Vitality +68 
Determination +83 
Piety +58 

 Colibri Cannon Icon.png  Colibri Cannon
Seasonalachievementicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &000000000000005000000050&000000000000005000000050 MCH
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 57
Magic Damage 29
Dexterity +13 
Vitality +17 

 Daggers of the Heavens Icon.png  Daggers of the Heavens
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 ROGNIN
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 37
Dexterity +77 
Vitality +76 
Determination +83 
Critical Hit +58 

 Gigas Axe Icon.png  Gigas Axe
Seasonalachievementicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &000000000000005000000050&000000000000005000000050 MRDWAR
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 57
Magic Damage 29
Strength +13 
Vitality +17 

 Grimoire of the Heavens Icon.png  Grimoire of the Heavens
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 ACNSMN
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 73
Intelligence +77 
Vitality +68 
Critical Hit +83 
Determination +58 

 Halberd of the Heavens Icon.png  Halberd of the Heavens
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRG
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 37
Strength +77 
Vitality +76 
Critical Hit +83 
Determination +58 

 Heavensfire Icon.png  Heavensfire
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 MCH
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 37
Dexterity +77 
Vitality +76 
Determination +83 
Critical Hit +58 

 Heavensmeter Icon.png  Heavensmeter
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 AST
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 73
Mind +77 
Vitality +68 
Critical Hit +83 
Piety +58 

 Knuckles of the Heavens Icon.png  Knuckles of the Heavens
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNK
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 37
Strength +77 
Vitality +76 
Critical Hit +83 
Determination +58 

 Staff of the Heavens Icon.png  Staff of the Heavens
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 THMBLM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 73
Intelligence +77 
Vitality +68 
Spell Speed +83 
Critical Hit +58 

 Sword of the Heavens Icon.png  Sword of the Heavens
Map17 Icon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000205000000205&000000000000006000000060 GLAPLD
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 37
Strength +55 
Vitality +54 
Determination +59 
Critical Hit +41 

 The Emperor's New Fists Icon.png  The Emperor's New Fists
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 PGLMNK
Req. Level 1
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 5
Strength +0 
Vitality +0 

The most beautiful pair of pugilist's arms you will never see.

Item Level Classes Stats
 Amatsu Hachigane Icon.png  Amatsu Hachigane
Seasonalachievementicon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14

 Amatsu Haidate Icon.png  Amatsu Haidate
Seasonalachievementicon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 10
Magic Defense 18

 Amatsu Sune-ate Icon.png  Amatsu Sune-ate
Seasonalachievementicon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14

 Amatsu Tekko Icon.png  Amatsu Tekko
Seasonalachievementicon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14

 Amatsu Togi Icon.png  Amatsu Togi
Seasonalachievementicon.pngQuest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 10
Magic Defense 18

 Antecedent's Attire Icon.png  Antecedent's Attire
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1 Femaleicon.png
Defense 37
Magic Defense 64

 Archaeoskin Boots Icon.png  Archaeoskin Boots
Tools icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 7 HQ Icon2.png 8
Magic Defense 13 HQ Icon2.png 14

 Archaeoskin Cloche Icon.png  Archaeoskin Cloche
Tools icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 7 HQ Icon2.png 8
Magic Defense 13 HQ Icon2.png 14

 Archaeoskin Halfboots Icon.png  Archaeoskin Halfboots
Tools icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 7 HQ Icon2.png 8
Magic Defense 13 HQ Icon2.png 14

 Boots of the Daring Duelist Icon.png  Boots of the Daring Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 165
Magic Defense 129
Strength +43 
Vitality +42 
Direct Hit Rate +48 
Determination +34 

 Boots of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png  Boots of the Defiant Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 60
Defense 235
Magic Defense 235
Strength +43 
Vitality +42 
Direct Hit Rate +48 
Tenacity +34 

 Boots of the Ghost Thief Icon.png  Boots of the Ghost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 129
Magic Defense 129
Dexterity +43 
Vitality +42 
Determination +48 
Skill Speed +34 

 Boots of the Lost Thief Icon.png  Boots of the Lost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 129
Magic Defense 129
Dexterity +43 
Vitality +42 
Skill Speed +48 
Direct Hit Rate +34 

 Boots of the Red Thief Icon.png  Boots of the Red Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 129
Magic Defense 129
Strength +43 
Vitality +42 
Direct Hit Rate +48 
Skill Speed +34 

 Bracelet of the Daring Duelist Icon.png  Bracelet of the Daring Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Strength +34 
Direct Hit Rate +38 
Critical Hit +27 
Vitality +33 

 Bracelet of the Defiant Duelist Icon.png  Bracelet of the Defiant Duelist
Gold chest icon.png
 &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Vitality +33 
Critical Hit +38 
Direct Hit Rate +27 
Strength +34 

 Bracelet of the Lost Thief Icon.png  Bracelet of the Lost Thief
Gold chest icon.png
 &0000000000000185000000185&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1
Magic Defense 1
Dexterity +34 
Skill Speed +38 
Determination +27 
Vitality +33 

 Bunny Chief Bustier Icon.png  Bunny Chief Bustier
Seasonalachievementicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 10
Magic Defense 18


 Bunny Chief Crown Icon.png  Bunny Chief Crown
Seasonalachievementicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14


 Bunny Chief Loops Icon.png  Bunny Chief Loops
Seasonalachievementicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 All Classes
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14


Limiting results to the first 20 Armors. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 3.1 Armor.
Meals & Medicine
Name Duration Consumable Bonuses
Max-Ether Icon.png Max-Ether Restores MP +12%  (Cap: +1200)

Max-Potion Icon.png Max-Potion Restores HP +24%  (Cap: +1920)

Oriental Orange Basket Icon.png Oriental Orange Basket 30m/60m Vitality +4%  (Cap: 6)
Gear Durability Bonus +2
EXP Bonus +3%

Oriental Tea Set Icon.png Oriental Tea Set 30m/60m Vitality +4%  (Cap: 28)
Piety +4%  (Cap: 27)
Gear Durability Bonus +3
EXP Bonus +3%

Sesame Cookie Icon.png Sesame Cookie 30m Spell Speed +8%  (Cap: +29)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +27)
Piety +8%  (Cap: +18)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Steamed Staff Icon.png Steamed Staff 30m Critical Hit +8%  (Cap: +30)
Vitality +8%  (Cap: +29)
Skill Speed +8%  (Cap: +18)
EXP Bonus +3%
Adds Well Fed  

Materials, Housing, Other
Name Description
A Knight to Remember Icon.png A Knight to Remember A commissioned portrait of recently deceased companion Haurchefant Greystone entitled A Knight to Remember.
Ballroom Etiquette - The Gold Dance Icon.png Ballroom Etiquette - The Gold Dance An illustrated manual of the various steps that comprise the Gold dance. Use to learn the /golddance emote.
Ballroom Etiquette - The Thavnairian Dance Icon.png Ballroom Etiquette - The Thavnairian Dance An illustrated manual of the various steps that comprise the exotic Thavnairian dance. Use to learn the /thavnairiandance emote.
Blood Pepper Icon.png Blood Pepper A deep red variety of dragon pepper so hot it is widely believed by Far Eastern cultures to drive away malignant spirits.
Cassia Block Icon.png Cassia Block An expertly cut cube of fragrant cassia lumber.
Cloud Cloth Icon.png Cloud Cloth Soft, light cotton woven from rare cloud cotton bolls.
Cloud Cotton Boll Icon.png Cloud Cotton Boll The cloud-like flower of a cotton plant native to the Diadem.
Cloud Mushroom Icon.png Cloud Mushroom An aptly named fungus commonly found in the Sea of Clouds, wind providing a means of spore distribution from one islet to the next.
Cob Inner Wall Icon.png Cob Inner Wall A rustic wall made of soil, straw, and lime.
Coerthan Clione Icon.png Coerthan Clione Though believed by scholars to be a distant cousin of the snail, this tiny transparent mollusk does not have a shell.

[Suitable for printing on small canvases.]
Coffin Lid Icon.png Coffin Lid Pried from the lid of a coffin, this plank of ancient wood is cold to the touch.
Cold Knight's Cookfire Icon.png Cold Knight's Cookfire A warm fire and a place to rest one's weary legs─two things every Ishgardian knight looks forward to after a long cold day of duty.
Crown Trout Icon.png Crown Trout A freshwater fish native to the Diadem.
Dinosaur Leather Icon.png Dinosaur Leather A large piece of cured dinosaur skin.
Dravanian Down Tree Icon.png Dravanian Down Tree A unique species of flora found only growing in the Sea of Clouds. As its seeds do not take in soil from the lower realm, the trees must be planted and raised on sky islets before being transplanted.

※Up to ten flower plots may be placed in a single garden, regardless of type.
Dravanian Mote Icon.png Dravanian Mote This lighter-than-air flora is unique to the Churning Mists.
Dravanian Smelt Icon.png Dravanian Smelt A tiny freshwater fish native to the lakes fed by runoff from the Slate Mountains.

[Suitable for printing on small canvases.]
Eurhinosaur Icon.png Eurhinosaur A rare scalekin that utilizes its highly developed air bladder to float above the Sea of Clouds.
Eventide Jade Icon.png Eventide Jade A rare form of jade as red as a sunset.
Faerie Chandelier Icon.png Faerie Chandelier This delicate light fixture will remind you the wood is alive and always watching...
Limiting results to the first 20 Materials. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 3.1 Materials.
Mounts & Minions
Name Description
Clockwork Twintania Icon.png Clockwork Twintania Another advanced Allagan creation. Is there anything the Allagans couldn't create? The Allagans are believed to have created an instrument to answer this very question.

Use item to acquire the clockwork Twintania minion.
Hunting Hawk Icon.png Hunting Hawk She loves you more than life itself. She's had to.

Use item to acquire the hunting hawk minion.
Korpokkur Kid Icon.png Korpokkur Kid For best results, keep moist at all times.

Use item to acquire the korpokkur kid minion.
Paissa Brat Icon.png Paissa Brat The eyes of a newborn paissa are said to see only the truth. The truth and food.

Use item to acquire the paissa brat minion.
Pegasus Whistle Icon.png Pegasus Whistle A small opaline ocarina that, when played, emits a rainbow of sound that summons forth a pegasus.
Penguin Prince Icon.png Penguin Prince An empire awaits.

Use item to acquire the penguin prince minion.
Red Baron Identification Key Icon.png Red Baron Identification Key A thin, rectangular piece of what appears to be cermet. Placing it near the Red Baron suit of magitek armor will magically bring the machine to life.
Sanuwa Horn Icon.png Sanuwa Horn A small bone whistle that, when blown, emits a piercing tone that resembles the cry of a sanuwa fledgling. Use to summon your sanuwa mount.
Shalloweye Icon.png Shalloweye Please refrain from staring.

Use item to acquire the shalloweye minion.
White Devil Identification Key Icon.png White Devil Identification Key A thin, rectangular piece of what appears to be cermet. Placing it near the White Devil suit of magitek armor will magically bring the machine to life.
Wind-up Echidna Icon.png Wind-up Echidna A remarkably lifelike recreation of the shape-shifting seductress. Perhaps a tad too lifelike...

Use item to acquire the wind-up Echidna minion.
Wind-up Gundu Warrior Icon.png Wind-up Gundu Warrior He weighs far less than he appears.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Gundu warrior minion.
Wind-up Haurchefant Icon.png Wind-up Haurchefant What isn't dead (or is recreated in a goldsmith's workshop) can never die.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Haurchefant minion.
Wind-up Ifrit Icon.png Wind-up Ifrit It doesn't bleed. You cannot kill it. (But you may discard it at your leisure.)

Use item to acquire the wind-up Ifrit minion.
Wind-up Illuminatus Icon.png Wind-up Illuminatus Comes complete with two hands, both blue as an Illuminati baby's bum.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Illuminatus minion.
Wind-up Relm Icon.png Wind-up Relm Come on now, you stubborn old bag of bones!

Use item to acquire the wind-up Relm minion.
Wind-up Zundu Warrior Icon.png Wind-up Zundu Warrior Like a spring wind, the Zundu warrior is strong...until he winds down.

Use item to acquire the wind-up Zundu warrior minion.
Wyvern Horn Icon.png Wyvern Horn This heavy horn emits a bellowing blare that summons your trained wyvern mount.
Triple Triad Cards
Name Description
Archaeornis Card Icon.png Archaeornis Card An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 89
Archbishop Thordan VII Card Icon.png Archbishop Thordan VII Card A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 107
Bandersnatch Card Icon.png Bandersnatch Card An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 92
Belladonna Card Icon.png Belladonna Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 98
Charibert Card Icon.png Charibert Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 103
Coeurlregina Card Icon.png Coeurlregina Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 96
Crawler Card Icon.png Crawler Card An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 93
Deepeye Card Icon.png Deepeye Card A common (★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 88
Dhalmel Card Icon.png Dhalmel Card An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 91
Echidna Card Icon.png Echidna Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 99
Julyan Manderville Card Icon.png Julyan Manderville Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 101
Moglin Card Icon.png Moglin Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 102
Paissa Card Icon.png Paissa Card An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 90
Pipin Tarupin Card Icon.png Pipin Tarupin Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 100
Poroggo Card Icon.png Poroggo Card An uncommon (★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 94
Progenitrix Card Icon.png Progenitrix Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 97
Regula van Hydrus Card Icon.png Regula van Hydrus Card A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 106
Roundrox Card Icon.png Roundrox Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 104
Senor Sabotender Card Icon.png Senor Sabotender Card An epic (★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 105
Vedrfolnir Card Icon.png Vedrfolnir Card A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 95
Limiting results to the first 20 Triple Triad Cards. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 3.1 Triple Triad Cards.
Orchestrion Rolls
Name Rewards Patch
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000003000000030&000000000000009100000091&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006774200000067,742A Journey to RememberBurgeoning Dread Event Icon.pngA Journey to RememberSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000003000000030)

Remumu - Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks - The Drowning Wench (x:11.6, y:11.3)

Amatsu Hachigane
Amatsu Togi
Amatsu Tekko
Amatsu Haidate
Amatsu Sune-ate

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006774200000067,742&000000000000003000000030A Journey to Remember
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&00000000000000020000002&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006770100000067,701A Tribal ReunionFeaturequest1 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Tribal ReunionSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Linu Vali - The Sea of Clouds - The Blue Window - Ok' Gundu Nakki (x:6.3, y:13.3)

Expicon.png21,060-32,292Gil Icon.png822

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006770100000067,701&000000000000005000000050A Tribal Reunion
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000001300000013&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006770900000067,709Endymion DiscoSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Endymion DiscoSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Muna Vanu - The Sea of Clouds - The Blue Window - Ok' Gundu Nakki (x:6.3, y:13.4)

Expicon.png21,060-32,292Gil Icon.png581Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vanu Relations Icon.png 50
Vanu Whitebone

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006770900000067,709&000000000000005000000050Endymion Disco
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000001500000015&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006771100000067,711Chigoe Cha-chaSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Chigoe Cha-chaSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Muna Vanu - The Sea of Clouds - The Blue Window - Ok' Gundu Nakki (x:6.3, y:13.4)

Expicon.png21,060-32,292Gil Icon.png581Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vanu Relations Icon.png 50
Vanu Whitebone

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006771100000067,711&000000000000005000000050Chigoe Cha-cha
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000001900000019&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006771500000067,715Bird WatchingSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Bird WatchingSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Muna Vanu - The Sea of Clouds - The Blue Window - Ok' Gundu Nakki (x:6.3, y:13.4)

Expicon.png21,060-32,292Gil Icon.png665Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vanu Relations Icon.png 50
Vanu Whitebone

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006771500000067,715&000000000000005000000050Bird Watching
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000002000000020&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006771600000067,716Comb and Get ItSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Comb and Get ItSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Muna Vanu - The Sea of Clouds - The Blue Window - Ok' Gundu Nakki (x:6.3, y:13.4)

Expicon.png21,060-32,292Gil Icon.png461Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vanu Relations Icon.png 50
Vanu Whitebone

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006771600000067,716&000000000000005000000050Comb and Get It
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000003300000033&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006772300000067,723A Bone to PickSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Bone to PickSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Muna Vanu - The Sea of Clouds - The Blue Window - Ok' Gundu Nakki (x:6.3, y:13.4)

Expicon.png22,815-32,292Gil Icon.png709Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vanu Relations Icon.png 50
Vanu Whitebone

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006772300000067,723&000000000000005000000050A Bone to Pick
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000003400000034&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006772400000067,724A Hut to Dye ForSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.A Hut to Dye ForSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Muna Vanu - The Sea of Clouds - The Blue Window - Ok' Gundu Nakki (x:6.3, y:13.4)

Expicon.png22,815-32,292Gil Icon.png609Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vanu Relations Icon.png 50
Vanu Whitebone

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006772400000067,724&000000000000005000000050A Hut to Dye For
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000005400000054&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006773200000067,732Easy as PaissaSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Easy as PaissaSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Muna Vanu - The Sea of Clouds - The Blue Window - Ok' Gundu Nakki (x:6.3, y:13.4)

Expicon.png24,570-32,292Gil Icon.png681Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vanu Relations Icon.png 50
Vanu Whitebone

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006773200000067,732&000000000000005000000050Easy as Paissa
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000006100000061&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006773300000067,733Dance CommanderSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Dance CommanderSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Muna Vanu - The Sea of Clouds - The Blue Window - Ok' Gundu Nakki (x:6.3, y:13.4)

Expicon.png24,570-32,292Gil Icon.png637Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vanu Relations Icon.png 50
Vanu Whitebone

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006773300000067,733&000000000000005000000050Dance Commander
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005000000050&000000000000006200000062&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006773400000067,734Electric GundulooSidequest2 Icon.pngUses Quest Sync. Quest difficulty and EXP rewards will be adjusted to match your current level.Electric GundulooSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000005000000050)

Muna Vanu - The Sea of Clouds - The Blue Window - Ok' Gundu Nakki (x:6.3, y:13.4)

Expicon.png24,570-32,292Gil Icon.png637Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 15Vanu Relations Icon.png 50
Vanu Whitebone

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006773400000067,734&000000000000005000000050Electric Gunduloo
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000005200000052&00000000000052130000005,213&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006731300000067,313First Impressions (Sidequest)Sidequest1 Icon.pngFirst Impressions (Sidequest)Spacer2.png (Level &000000000000005200000052)

Loupard - The Dravanian Forelands - Chocobo Forest - Tailfeather (x:31.7, y:22.8)

Expicon.png12,090Gil Icon.png889
Wyvernskin Boots of Aiming
Wyvernskin Boots of Healing
Wyvernskin Boots of Casting
Allagan Silver Piece
Allagan Silver Piece
&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006731300000067,313&000000000000005200000052First Impressions (Sidequest)
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000010000001&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769200000067,692An Uncertain FutureMainquest1 Icon.pngAn Uncertain FutureSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Alphinaud - Fortemps Manor (x:6.1, y:6.2)

Expicon.png5,000Gil Icon.png745
Hot Chocolate
Creme Brulee
Almond Cream Croissant
Urchin Loaf
&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769200000067,692&000000000000006000000060An Uncertain Future
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000020000002&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769300000067,693Breaking the CycleMainquest1 Icon.pngBreaking the CycleSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Alphinaud - Foundation - Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly (x:13.5, y:11.2)

Expicon.png5,000Gil Icon.png1,066

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769300000067,693&000000000000006000000060Breaking the Cycle
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000030000003&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769400000067,694Another Time, Another PlaceMainquest1 Icon.pngAnother Time, Another PlaceSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Alphinaud - The Dravanian Forelands - Avalonia Fallen - Anyx Trine (x:15.8, y:22.2)

Expicon.png5,000Gil Icon.png824

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769400000067,694&000000000000006000000060Another Time, Another Place
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000050000005&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769600000067,696A Little Slow, a Little LateMainquest1 Icon.pngA Little Slow, a Little LateSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Alphinaud - The Dravanian Forelands - The Smoldering Wastes (x:25.2, y:16.8)

Expicon.png5,000Gil Icon.png843

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769600000067,696&000000000000006000000060A Little Slow, a Little Late
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000060000006&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769700000067,697Dreams of the LostMainquest1 Icon.pngDreams of the LostSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Alphinaud - The Dravanian Forelands - The Smoldering Wastes (x:25.7, y:31.6)

Expicon.png5,000Gil Icon.png974

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769700000067,697&000000000000006000000060Dreams of the Lost
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000070000007&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769800000067,698Against the Dying of the LightMainquest1 Icon.pngAgainst the Dying of the LightSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Lucia - Foundation - Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly (x:13.8, y:11.1)

Expicon.png5,000Gil Icon.png713
Primal Accessories of Fending Coffer (IL 240)
Primal Accessories of Slaying Coffer (IL 240)
Allagan Silver Piece
Allagan Silver Piece
&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769800000067,698&000000000000006000000060Against the Dying of the Light
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000000080000008&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769900000067,699As Goes Light, So Goes DarknessMainquest1 Icon.pngAs Goes Light, So Goes DarknessSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Lucia - Foundation - Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly (x:13.8, y:11.1)

Expicon.png5,000Gil Icon.png10,000
House Fortemps Kite Shield
Wind-up Haurchefant
Primal Accessories of Aiming Coffer (IL 240)
Primal Accessories of Healing Coffer (IL 240)
Primal Accessories of Casting Coffer (IL 240)
Allagan Silver Piece
Allagan Silver Piece
&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006769900000067,699&000000000000006000000060As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness
&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{OrderLevel}}}&000000000000006000000060&00000000000060100000006,010&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006773800000067,738An Overgrown AmbitionFeaturequest1 Icon.pngAn Overgrown AmbitionSpacer2.png (Level &000000000000006000000060)

Tetchy Treasure Hunter - The Dravanian Hinterlands - The Ruling Quarter - Thaliak River (x:11.8, y:18.6)

Gil Icon.png5,000

&00000000000000031000003.1&000000000006773800000067,738&000000000000006000000060An Overgrown Ambition
Limiting results to the first 20 Quests. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 3.1 Quests.
Name Zone Coordinates
Apartment Merchant Apartment Lobby
Aurvael The Firmament (x:10.9, y:14)
Baenfaeld Old Gridania (x:9.7, y:8.8)
Barnabaix The Diadem (x:8.5, y:18.6)
Bertana Idyllshire (x:5.9, y:5.2)
Cahernaut Old Gridania (x:10.1, y:8.8)
Cait Sith The Parrock (x:7, y:6.6)
Captive Foundation (x:11.5, y:12)
Cargo Ship Helmsman The Sea of Clouds (x:4.6, y:21.7)
Cointiliaud The Diadem (x:8.8, y:18.5)
Collys Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x:11, y:12.8)
Comely Korrigan The Sea of Clouds (x:16.5, y:29.3)
Comely Korrigan (NPC) The Sea of Clouds (x:17.3, y:30.4)
Cowering Zundu The Sea of Clouds (x:19.3, y:8.4)
Curious Cat The Sea of Clouds (x:24.2, y:4.1)
Dennia The Diadem (x:9.3, y:18.3)
Eenu Vanu The Sea of Clouds (x:23.7, y:31.2)
Ginu Vanu The Sea of Clouds (x:32.1, y:27.2)
Gold Saucer Chocobo Square (x:7.4, y:6.8)
Green Monkey Merchant Old Gridania (x:10.7, y:8.8)
Limiting results to the first 20 NPCs. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 3.1 NPCs.
Pharos Sirius (Hard) (Zone)
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Zone)
The Diadem
Void Ark
Trials & Raids
The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign 2 2 4
The Void Ark 3 6 15
Pharos Sirius (Hard) 1 1 2
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum 1 1 2
PvP Actions
Icon Name Category Type Description
059402.png A Load of Verminion I Character Gold Saucer Win a Lord of Verminion player battle (RP) match.
059402.png A Load of Verminion II Character Gold Saucer Win 50 Lord of Verminion player battle (RP) matches.
059402.png A Load of Verminion III Character Gold Saucer Win 100 Lord of Verminion player battle (RP) matches.
059402.png A Load of Verminion IV Character Gold Saucer Win 300 Lord of Verminion player battle (RP) matches.
059469.png Challenge Accepted Character Gold Saucer Complete the first 24 Verminion Challenges.
001019.png Out of Sight Out of Bounds II Exploration Sightseeing Log Complete entries 43-62 in your Heavensward sightseeing log.
001001.png Mapping the Realm: The Void Ark Exploration Duty Discover every location on the Void Ark.
001001.png Mapping the Realm: The Diadem Exploration Duty Discover every location in the Diadem.
001001.png Mapping the Realm: Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Exploration Duty Discover every location within Saint Mocianne's Arboretum.
002535.png Head in the Clouds III Exploration Duty Receive an evaluation of 600 or better on a total of 100 exploratory missions to the Diadem.
002535.png Head in the Clouds II Exploration Duty Receive an evaluation of 600 or better on a total of 10 exploratory missions to the Diadem.
002535.png Head in the Clouds I Exploration Duty Receive an evaluation of 600 or better on an exploratory mission to the Diadem.
002535.png Hand in the Clouds III Exploration Duty Receive an evaluation of 400 or better on a total of 100 exploratory missions to the Diadem.
002535.png Hand in the Clouds II Exploration Duty Receive an evaluation of 400 or better on a total of 10 exploratory missions to the Diadem.
002535.png Hand in the Clouds I Exploration Duty Receive an evaluation of 400 or better on an exploratory mission to the Diadem.
002535.png Foot in the Clouds III Exploration Duty Receive an evaluation of 200 or better on a total of 100 exploratory missions to the Diadem.
002535.png Foot in the Clouds II Exploration Duty Receive an evaluation of 200 or better on a total of 10 exploratory missions to the Diadem.
002535.png Foot in the Clouds I Exploration Duty Receive an evaluation of 200 or better on an exploratory mission to the Diadem.
002560.png Crown of Thorns V Exploration Duty Slay a total of 100 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the Diadem of any difficulty.
002560.png Crown of Thorns IV Exploration Duty Slay a total of 50 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the Diadem of any difficulty.
002560.png Crown of Thorns III Exploration Duty Slay a total of 10 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the Diadem of any difficulty.
002560.png Crown of Thorns II Exploration Duty Slay a total of 5 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the Diadem of any difficulty.
002560.png Crown of Thorns I Exploration Duty Slay a notorious monster on an exploratory mission to the Diadem of any difficulty.
059488.png Follow the Leader I Items Items Collect 30 follow-type minions.
059401.png Despicable You II Items Items Obtain 100 minions.
059401.png Despicable You I Items Items Obtain 50 minions.
040225.png Gluten Free Quests Seasonal Events Complete the quest “Monkey about Town.”
048094.png Heaven Eleven Quests Seasonal Events Complete the quest “A Journey to Remember.”
040704.png Needs More Bell Quests Seasonal Events Complete the quest “For Whom the Starlight Bell Tolls.”
026002.png Paying the Bills Quests General (Quest) Complete the quest “To Rule the Skies.”
Limiting results to the first 30 Achievements. Click here to see the rest of the Patch 3.1 Achievements.