Ballroom Etiquette - The Winsome Wallflower
An illustrated not-quite-instruction manual that is nevertheless instructive in warding off potential dance partners─and looking good doing so. Use to learn the /lean emote.
Firmament Aetheryte Ticket
A voucher redeemable by Ishgardian restoration participants for instant teleportation to the Firmament.
Imposing Ishgardian Shelf
An exceedingly large frame that is so heavy it must be placed on the floor, rather than mounted on a wall. It features a striking image of Ishgard, so true to life that you can almost feel an icy chill exuding from the painting.
Skybuilders' Adder
Venomous snakes are something of a rarity in Ishgard, so the skybuilders have ordered that some be delivered from the Azim Steppe to help improve morale. Workers displaying a lack of enthusiasm will be given some time in “the pit” to rediscover their commitment to the cause.
Skybuilders' Ala Mhigan Rock Salt
When an Ishgardian culinarian stated that her latest dish needed a pinch of salt, the skybuilders sought out the very best, though perhaps more than a single pinch would be required to make the lengthy journey to the Lochs worthwhile.
Skybuilders' Ash Log
Ash! A-Ah! Savior of the Firmament!♪
Skybuilders' Camphorwood Log
Few members of the mortal races are equipped to make the perilous journey to the Churning Mists, and those who do normally hope to have more than a log or two to show for their troubles.
Skybuilders' Cocoon
While there seems to be an endless supply of these in Yanxia, why anyone would actually want them is unclear. They have a taste to match their appearance, in other words, revolting.
Skybuilders' Cotton Boll
This cotton must be very special indeed for you to bring it all the way from Lakeland in the First. You can only hope that the skybuilders appreciate you going the extra malm. And traveling to another world.
Skybuilders' Dawn Lizard
One day, this poor lizard is chasing other, smaller scurrying creatures across the desert plains of Amh Araeng, and the next, it is being transported to another world and dragged lashing and kicking to Ishgard. The chances of the cold-blooded scalekin being content in its frozen new surroundings are slim at best, and you can only hope that the skybuilders are grateful to you for supplying a miserable and motionless lizard.
Skybuilders' Dravanian Spring Water
There are easier places to collect spring water than the Dravanian forelands, though it seems your personal safety is not especially high on the skybuilders' list of concerns.
Skybuilders' Durium Sand
A pinch of anything tends not to be an awful lot, though this particular sand from the Azim Steppe is apparently worth more than its weight in gold.
Skybuilders' Electrum Ore
The electrum ore found in upper La Noscea is believed to be far better suited to the skybuilders' needs than any other variety. Were anyone to ask them why, they would, in most cases be met with a response along the line of, “Because it just is.”
Skybuilders' Fine Sand
This sand gathered in central Thanalan is not only fine, but extremely well behaved, choosing to stay in one closely knit lump while jostling alongside the rest of your possessions.
Skybuilders' Flax
It is a well known fact among botanists that the flax in the South Shroud is superior to every other kind, for reasons far too complicated and boring for anyone else to care about.
Skybuilders' Hardsilver Ore
The time spent mining this ore in the Dravanian hinterlands would perhaps have seemed less arduous if you had the faintest idea how the skybuilders plan to use it.
Skybuilders' Hemp
Though this hardy plant can grow almost anywhere, the snow-blasted precipices of Ishgard have so far proven too steep a challenge for it to overcome. This particular specimen was harvested in lower La Noscea, an environment far more conducive to plant life─or any sort of life, for that matter.
Skybuilders' Highland Spring Water
Any water gathered from Il Mheg is likely to have been enchanted by either the pixies or the Fuath, though that is a problem for the skybuilders, not you, to worry about.
Skybuilders' Horsetail
Yanxia is rich in both flora and fauna, and horsetail forms a major part of the diet of many grazing creatures.
Skybuilders' Iron Ore
While this may look much like any other iron ore found in middle La Noscea, there are subtle differences that only an expert in the field will recognize. The name, for one, is considerably longer.