Category:Squadron Mission

Squadron missions are duties that have been assigned to your adventurer recruits by your Grand Company. To undertake a mission, you must select four squadron members for deployment.

Each mission requires that you pay your recruits a number of company seals and takes 18 hours (Earth time) to complete.
The time remaining until a mission is completed can be viewed by opening the Timers interface located under the Duty in the main menu and you can speak with your squadron sergeant to begin deployments and confirm mission results.
Each duty can be completed once per week, with all mission timers and respective strength requirements being reset every Tuesday at 4 a.m. (Earth time).

The first mission, City Patrol, is only 1 hour and is required. Upon completion, the remaining trainee missions will be unlocked. With the exception of the first mission, missions take 18 hours and can fail. A failed mission will still grant half of the EXP upon completion. Each mission can be completed once per week and, if successful, cannot be re-attempted until the weekly reset. Missions also cost Grand Company seals to select.

Recruits each have a pool of attributes (Physical, Mental and Tactical), which varies based on their class and level. In order to attempt a mission, you must select and deploy a squad of four members. Each member's attributes will be factored into the likelihood of mission success. To supplement your Squadron's attributes, you have a bonus pool of points which can be allocated to the three attributes via 1-hour training sessions, each of which will allocate, or reallocate, 40 pooled attribute points.

Mission success depends on the difference between your Squadron's attributes and the mission's required attributes. If your Squadron's attributes exceed each of the mission's required attributes, success will be guaranteed. The larger the disparity between your Squadron's attributes and the mission's required attributes, the higher the likelihood of failure.

Up to 3 training sessions can be completed each day, with each granting 2000 or 3000 EXP. Squadron members out on an 18-hour mission will not obtain the training EXP.

Once one member has reached level 20, Flagged Mission: Voidsent Elimination becomes available. Successful completion of this mission will unlock Routine Missions. Once one member has reached level 40, Flagged Mission: Crystal Recovery becomes available. Successful completion of this mission will unlock Priority Missions and the rank of First Lieutenant. Once 5 different Command Missions have been completed, Flagged Mission: Sapper Strike becomes available. Successful completion of this mission will unlock the rank of Captain.

Squadron members can advance to level 60, and stats will increase as your members increase in level. Generally speaking, magic classes have high mental attributes, DPS classes have high tactical attributes, and tanking classes have high physical attributes. That said, there are meaningful variations within each role. Upon reaching the rank of First Lieutenant, you may purchase various books from your Grand Company to change the classes of your recruits.

Attribute distribution
Class Level 1 Level 25 Level 50 Level 60
Squadphysicalicon.png Squadmentalicon.png Squadtacticalicon.png Squadphysicalicon.png Squadmentalicon.png Squadtacticalicon.png Squadphysicalicon.png Squadmentalicon.png Squadtacticalicon.png Squadphysicalicon.png Squadmentalicon.png Squadtacticalicon.png
Marauder 60 12 24 88 20 36 117 28 49 130 31 53
Gladiator 48 12 36 76 20 48 106 28 60 118 31 65
Archer 12 12 72 28 20 96 45 28 121 51 31 132
Rogue 24 12 60 36 20 88 48 28 118 53 31 130
Lancer 36 12 48 48 20 76 61 28 105 65 31 118
Pugilist 36 24 36 52 32 60 69 40 85 75 43 96
Conjurer 12 72 12 20 100 24 28 129 37 31 142 41
Thaumaturge 12 60 24 20 84 40 28 109 57 31 120 63
Arcanist 12 48 36 20 72 52 28 97 69 31 108 75

Level Exp Total
1 ~ 2 1000 1000
2 ~ 3 1100 2100
3 ~ 4 1200 3300
4 ~ 5 1300 4600
5 ~ 6 1400 6000
6 ~ 7 1500 7500
7 ~ 8 1600 9100
8 ~ 9 1700 10800
9 ~ 10 1800 12600
10 ~ 11 2000 14600
11 ~ 12 2200 16800
12 ~ 13 2400 19200
13 ~ 14 2600 21800
14 ~ 15 2800 24600
15 ~ 16 3000 27600
16 ~ 17 3200 30800
17 ~ 18 3400 34200
18 ~ 19 3600 37800
19 ~ 20 3800 41600
20 ~ 21 4100 45700
21 ~ 22 4400 50100
22 ~ 23 4700 54800
23 ~ 24 5000 59800
24 ~ 25 5300 65100
Level Exp Total
25 ~ 26 5600 70700
26 ~ 27 5900 76600
27 ~ 28 6200 82800
28 ~ 29 6500 89300
29 ~ 30 6800 96100
30 ~ 31 7200 103300
31 ~ 32 7600 110900
32 ~ 33 8000 118900
33 ~ 34 8400 127300
34 ~ 35 8800 136100
35 ~ 36 9200 145300
36 ~ 37 9600 154900
37 ~ 38 10000 164900
38 ~ 39 10400 175300
39 ~ 40 11000 186300
40 ~ 41 12000 198300
41 ~ 42 13000 211300
42 ~ 43 14000 225300
43 ~ 44 15000 240300
44 ~ 45 16000 256300
45 ~ 46 18000 274300
46 ~ 47 20000 294300
47 ~ 48 22000 316300
48 ~ 49 24000 340300
49 ~ 50 26000 366300

Name Level Squadphysicalicon.png Squadmentalicon.png Squadtacticalicon.png XP Rewards
City Patrol 1 145 140 140 5000
Military Courier 1 165 170 150 7500
Outskirts Patrol 1 150 255 195 9000
Beastmen Recon 5 155 195 250 10500
Supply Wagon Escort 10 305 210 130 12000
Pest Eradication 15 320 145 225 13500 Squadron Enlistment Manual Icon.pngx1 
Flagged Mission: Voidsent Elimination 20 235 245 255 14000 Contemporary Warfare: Defense Icon.pngx1 

Name Level Squadphysicalicon.png Squadmentalicon.png Squadtacticalicon.png XP Rewards
Frontline Support 20 265 435 125 15000
Officer Escort 20 270 145 425 16500
Border Patrol 25 280 155 435 19500
Flagged Mission: Crystal Recovery 40 315 325 340 20000
Stronghold Recon 30 440 175 300 22500
Search and Rescue (Squadron Mission) 35 455 315 190 25500
Allied Maneuvers 35 170 480 310 27000 Squadron Enlistment Manual Icon.pngx1 
Flagged Mission: Sapper Strike 50 370 355 345 40000

Name Level Squadphysicalicon.png Squadmentalicon.png Squadtacticalicon.png XP Rewards
Chimerical Elimination 40 530 275 385 30000 Priority Aetheryte Pass Icon.pngx5 
Supply Wagon Destruction 40 265 385 540 30000 Squadron Gear Maintenance Manual Icon.pngx5 
Criminal Pursuit 40 245 560 385 30000 Squadron Rationing Manual Icon.pngx5 
Supply Line Disruption 40 530 275 385 30000 Squadron Spiritbonding Manual Icon.pngx5 
Imperial Feint 40 265 385 540 30000 Squadron Engineering Manual Icon.pngx5 
Imperial Pursuit 40 245 560 385 30000 Squadron Survival Manual Icon.pngx5 
Imperial Recon 40 530 385 275 30000 Squadron Battle Manual Icon.pngx5 
Black Market Crackdown 40 385 265 540 30000 Gold Saucer VIP Card Icon.pngx5 
Stronghold Assault 40 385 560 245 30000 Priority Seal Allowance Icon.pngx5 
Armor Annihilation 50 275 620 430 37500 Squadron Rationing Manual Icon.pngx10 
Primal Recon 50 430 620 275 37500 Priority Seal Allowance Icon.pngx10 
Imposter Alert 50 295 430 600 37500 Priority Aetheryte Pass Icon.pngx10 
Outlaw Subjugation 50 430 295 600 37500 Squadron Survival Manual Icon.pngx10 
Invasive Testing 50 590 305 430 37500 Squadron Gear Maintenance Manual Icon.pngx10 
Infiltrate and Rescue 50 430 295 600 37500 Squadron Battle Manual Icon.pngx10 
Cult Crackdown 50 430 620 275 37500 Squadron Engineering Manual Icon.pngx10 
Counter-magitek Exercises 50 590 430 305 37500 Gold Saucer VIP Card Icon.pngx10 
Voidsent Elimination 50 590 430 305 37500 Squadron Spiritbonding Manual Icon.pngx10 

See Squadron Command Missions for more information.
To run a dungeon with your squadron, you must have unlocked it prior to entering.

Dungeon Composition Level Req. iLvl Req. Expenditure Rewards
Halatali Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 20 Storm Seal Icon.png 1,000 Squadexpicon.png 4,500
The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 24 Storm Seal Icon.png 1,200 Squadexpicon.png 4,500
Brayflox's Longstop Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 32 Storm Seal Icon.png 1,600 Squadexpicon.png 7,200
The Stone Vigil Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 41 Storm Seal Icon.png 2,000 Squadexpicon.png 9,000
Dzemael Darkhold Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 44 Storm Seal Icon.png 2,200 Squadexpicon.png 9,900
The Aurum Vale Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 47 Storm Seal Icon.png 2,400 Squadexpicon.png 10,800
The Wanderer's Palace Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 50 iLvl 45 Storm Seal Icon.png 2,500 Squadexpicon.png 11,250
Pharos Sirius Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 50 iLvl 48 Storm Seal Icon.png 2,500 Squadexpicon.png 11,250
Copperbell Mines (Hard) Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 50 iLvl 48 Storm Seal Icon.png 2,500 Squadexpicon.png 11,250
Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 50 iLvl 55 Storm Seal Icon.png 2,500 Squadexpicon.png 11,250
The Wanderer's Palace (Hard) Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 50 iLvl 90 Storm Seal Icon.png 2,500 Squadexpicon.png 11,250
Sohm Al Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 53 Storm Seal Icon.png 2,800 Squadexpicon.png 12,600
The Vault Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 57 Storm Seal Icon.png 3,000 Squadexpicon.png 13,500
The Fractal Continuum Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 60 iLvl 145 Storm Seal Icon.png 3,500 Squadexpicon.png 15,750
Pharos Sirius (Hard) Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png Lv. 60 iLvl 170 Storm Seal Icon.png 3,500 Squadexpicon.png 15,750