

Name Description Patch
 ADS Frame Icon.png  
ADS Frame
Gold chest icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A piece of darksteel framework retrieved from an Allagan automated defense system node. 2.0

 ADS Illuminant Icon.png  
ADS Illuminant
Gold chest icon.pngMob Family Icon.png
A glowing orb retrieved from an Allagan automated defense system node. 2.0

 ADS Plating Icon.png  
ADS Plating
Gold chest icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A piece of darksteel plating retrieved from an Allagan automated defense system node. 2.0

 Abyssal Diamond Icon.png  
Abyssal Diamond
Gold chest icon.png
The might of a great and terrible voidsent is trapped within this precious jewel. A darkness beyond blackest pitch emanates from its core. 6.5

 Adamantite Ore Icon.png  
Adamantite Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the rare metal adamantite. 3.0

 Agate Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A cloudy pink jewel consisting of many colored layers. 3.0

 Aged Eye of Fire Icon.png  
Aged Eye of Fire
Desynthesis Icon.png
A stone sphere elementally aspected to fire. A good polishing will be required to restore it to its former luster. 2.45

 Alchemical Abrasive Icon.png  
Alchemical Abrasive
Map75 Icon.png
This all-in-one abrasive, created by alchemists of the Great Work, can be used to both sand metals and polish them to a lustrous sheen─and with only minor risk of fire. 6.05

 Alexandrian Ore Icon.png  
NewAlexandrian Ore
Miner icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing metal composites unique to Alexandria. 7.1

 Almandine Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A garnet-like mineral that, due to its extreme hardness, is used in grinding wheels. 4.0

 Alumina Salts Icon.png  
Alumina Salts
Mob Family Icon.png
A fine-grain form of the mineral alumina found in the stomach of a chimera. It is believed the creature grinds chunks of alumina ore with its powerful jaws and swallows the resulting powder to use as a catalyst for its fiery breath. 2.0

 Alumina Whetstone Icon.png  
Alumina Whetstone
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A whestone carved from alumina. Used for sharpening metal or stone blades. 5.1

 Aluminum Ore Icon.png  
Aluminum Ore
Map75 Icon.png
A sizable piece of rock containing traces of the metal aluminum. 5.4

 Amber Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A yellow jewel. 2.0

 Amdapori Stone Icon.png  
Amdapori Stone
Gold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A stone slab used by the ancient Amdapori in building construction. 2.1

 Amethyst Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A purple jewel. 2.0

 Ametrine Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A mix of amethyst and citrine. 6.0

 Ancient Amber Icon.png  
Ancient Amber
Map35 Icon.png
This resin harvested from a primeval tree glows faintly with an otherworldly light.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Annite Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized chunk of rock made up of what appears to be thousands of thin sheets of dark grey crystal compacted together into a single mass. 6.0

 Annite Whetstone Icon.png  
Annite Whetstone
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A piece of carved annite used to sharpen metal or stone blades. 6.0

 Antumbral Rock Icon.png  
Antumbral Rock
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A rock with an elemental aspect leaning unnaturally towards umbral. 2.3

 Approved Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Aurum Regis Sand Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Aurum Regis Sand
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
One of the few substances known to be both edible and highly explosive. While some spicy ingredients are said to be capable of blowing one's head off, in this case, it is no exaggeration.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cloudstone Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cloudstone
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Believed to be a piece of fossilized cloud.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Jade Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Jade
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
In the Brume, to be “jaded” means to have a large piece of jade thrown at the back of one's head. Thankfully, the prohibitive pricing of this precious substance means that such incidents are rare.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Basalt Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Basalt
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Basalt actually has very little in common with salt, despite its name being approximately two-thirds the same.

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Cobalt Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Cobalt Ore
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A lot less blue than one might expect, although it tastes about right.

Used in level 60 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Copper Sand Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Copper Sand
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A special place in one of the seven hells exists for those who attempt to fob off the skybuilders by mixing in regular sand with the copper, or so the skybuilders would have one believe.

Used in level 20 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Darksteel Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Darksteel Ore
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Has the potential to be made into something very scary indeed, like spiked pauldrons or an enormous battleaxe. In all likelihood, however, it will probably become a slightly extravagant kettle or decorative letter opener.

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Iron Sand Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Iron Sand
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
In the event that one somehow accidentally mixes this with normal sand, the two can be separated by waving a magnet nearby. This knowledge may─or more likely, may not─save your life one day.

Used in level 40 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Lutinite Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Lutinite
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Said to be blessed by cloud spirits, which may or may not be a good thing. Still, “blessed” is infinitely preferable to “cursed.”

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mica Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mica
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
“Mica” would make rather a nice name for a person, if it were not already taken by this rather unremarkable rock.

Used in level 60 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mythril Sand Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mythril Sand
Map75 Icon.png
The bright hue of this valuable substance does make it stand out from the surrounding rocks and so forth, but only under the condition that one is able to find the damnable stuff in the first place.

Used in level 60 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mythrite Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mythrite Ore
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Due to the fact it is almost identical in appearance to mythril ore, it is sometimes known as “fool's mythril.” Conversely, actual mythril is often referred to as “fool's mythrite.”

Used in level 70 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Ore
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Something of a mixed bag of metallic elements, but as everyone knows, smithies love a good surprise. Just not when they're swinging a hammer dangerously close to their fingers.

Used in level 20 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Rock Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Rock
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
If you think this rock is uninteresting, you should see the grade 1 skybuilders' rock, which is so plain that it can blend into any background by virtue of its sheer dullness.

Used in level 70 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Umbral Flarestone Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Umbral Flarestone
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Red-hot to the touch, which makes it a bastard to carry.

Can only be gathered during an umbral flare.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Umbral Levinshard Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Umbral Levinshard
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
If you thought catching lightning in a bottle was difficult, catching it in a crystal fragment is even trickier. At least a bottle comes with a handy cap to keep in said lightning when caught, whereas crystal relies on nothing more than the bolt's willing cooperation.

Can only be gathered during umbral levin.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Zinc Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 2 Skybuilders' Zinc Ore
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Zinc is said to prevent a number of common ailments. However, it must be noted that attempting to ingest it in its current state may actually cause problems such as broken teeth and stomachache, usually in that order.

Used in level 40 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Amber Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Amber
Map75 Icon.png
The grade is determined by the number of vilekin encased within each piece. Fewer is generally considered to be better, unless the buyer happens to be a naturalist, in which case, the opposite is true. They have been known to pay absurd amounts for the most heavily infested specimens.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Basilisk Egg Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Basilisk Egg
Map75 Icon.png
Most recipients of such eggs would prefer them without a tiny, carnivorous scalekin inside.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Clay Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Clay
Map75 Icon.png
Many apprentice potters have been known to misinterpret the meaning of “throwing a pot,” leading to hilarious capers, instant dismissal, or both.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cloudstone Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cloudstone
Map75 Icon.png
One of the few stones light enough to float in water.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Granite Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Granite
Map75 Icon.png
Granite is said to be phaneritic, or in layman's terms, macroscopically crystalline.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Aurum Regis Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Aurum Regis Ore
Map75 Icon.png
“Kingly” is not an adjective that is often applied to metals of any sort, though in the case of aurum regis, it seems perfectly fitting, for some reason.

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Bomb Ash Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Bomb Ash
Map75 Icon.png
Some might argue that it would be easier to locate a living bomb and wait for it to explode than to scrabble about in the dirt and undergrowth looking for particles of ash from one that had exploded previously. The problem lies in finding volunteers who are not only foolhardy enough to attempt it, but hardy enough to survive.

Used in level 20 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Ore
Map75 Icon.png
Though similar substances exist in other regions, the Diadem variety tends to be more highly coveted. This may simply be due to its scarcity rather than any intrinsic properties, as by and large, the more difficult something is to obtain, the more people want it. 5.31

 Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Sand Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Sand
Map75 Icon.png
As is often the case with items found in the Diadem, this iron sand possesses unique properties. It is magnetically attracted not only to metallic objects, but a range of organic materials, such as skin and clothing, which means it is often gathered regardless of one's intentions. 5.31

 Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Fossil Dust Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Fossil Dust
Map75 Icon.png
“Despite the creature having been dead for millennia, fossilized, and then ground to dust, I was able to extrapolate its diet, breeding habits, and susceptibility to hiccups from the single, remaining fragment of vertebrae.”
─Excerpt from On the Trail of the Thunder Lizards

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hard Mudstone Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hard Mudstone
Map75 Icon.png
Mudstone may not be the most impressive of substances, but becoming a solid piece of rock after an extended period as a sticky semiliquid is something of an improvement.

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hardsilver Sand Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hardsilver Sand
Map75 Icon.png
Hardsilver's inherent hardness is somewhat difficult to gauge in granular form.

Used in level 40 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Ore
Map75 Icon.png
The first miner to discover this particular variety described it as “extra-ore-dinary” and was met with a chorus of groans from her peers.

Used in level 20 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Siltstone Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Siltstone
Map75 Icon.png
This flaky, lightweight stone is a firm favorite with street performers who demonstrate their strength by smashing through rock with their bare hands. 5.31

 Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Titanium Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Titanium Ore
Map75 Icon.png
Unlike some other ores requested by the skybuilders, they actually deigned to give the name of the type of metal they would like in this case, rather than simply “some ore.”

Used in level 40 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Umbral Levinite Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Umbral Levinite
Map75 Icon.png
Some scholars maintain that levinite is the result of lightning taking solid form upon striking the earth. Most other scholars, however, maintain that this theory is bollocks.

Can only be gathered during umbral levin.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Umbral Magma Shard Icon.png  
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Umbral Magma Shard
Map75 Icon.png
Though the name may seem at first to be an oxymoron, each fragment actually contains magma in liquid form beneath a thin crust. Anyone foolish enough to put one of these shards in their back pocket before sitting down will cause a hole to be burned not only in their breeches, but also the chair on which they sat.

Can only be gathered during an umbral flare.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cloudstone Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cloudstone
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
According to certain scholars, the islands of the Sea of Clouds are kept suspended in the air by large amounts of cloudstone. It is therefore advised not to mine too much of this valuable resource as it may cause the island to plummet from the sky.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Prismstone Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Prismstone
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Shines with all the colors of the rainbow, and even a few extra, like luminous black and fluorescent beige.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Silex Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Silex
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Similar─though rather less artisanal─sacks of silex are sold to the participants in Ul'dah's Coliseum. A well-aimed handful of the stuff can temporarily blind the opponent, though it is only a matter of time until these customers realize that the same is true of the sand that lines the arena floor, which is available for free.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Bluespirit Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Bluespirit Ore
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Not only is this rock imbued with a spirit, but that spirit is feeling particularly blue. Perhaps being smashed repeatedly with a chisel will cheer it up.

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Electrum Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Electrum Ore
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver, though many would argue that it is worth less than the sum of its parts. Those expecting it to possess some sort of lightning-aspected aetherial properties due to the name are sure to be disappointed, although that has not prevented several unscrupulous merchants from advertising it as such.

Used in level 60 and 70 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Gold Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Gold Ore
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
“The ambassador's receptions are noted in society for their host's exquisite taste that captivates his guests. The tray of gold nuggets his butlers pass around, however, often leads to confusion and broken teeth when said guests mistake them for chocolate treats.”
The Highs and Lows of Ishgardian High Society

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Gold Sand Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Gold Sand
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Each grain of gold sand was once a whole nugget that has been gradually eroded over many thousands of years, which is a rather extreme example of depreciating value.

Used in level 60 and 70 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Iron Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Iron Ore
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Any smith worth their salt will have a vast amount of ores, ingots, rivets, rings, and plates at their disposal, although finding space to store it all can prove most bothersome. Some have even taken to employing retainers for the sole purpose of lugging their surplus junk around.

Used in level 20 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Iron Sand Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Iron Sand
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Primarily used as a vital component in a children's toy whereby hair and a beard may be applied to a picture of a man's face by means of an ingenious magnetic wand. (For ages three and up.)

Used in level 20 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Mineral Sand Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Mineral Sand
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
When the skybuilders were quizzed as to exactly what type of mineral comprises this sand, the reply was, “That information is on a need-to-know basis.” One would assume that those mining the stuff would need to know what they are supposed to be looking for, but the skybuilders move─and think─in mysterious ways.

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Mythrite Sand Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Mythrite Sand
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A popular choice for hourglasses as the speed at which the sand falls is directly affected by how much those in close proximity are enjoying themselves. With a mythrite sand hourglass, time really does fly when one is having fun.

Used in level 40 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Ore Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Ore
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Only a true skybuilder could look at a nondescript lump of grey, slightly metallic rock and say, “Yes, this is definitely grade 4 skybuilders' ore,” though it could be argued that this is because they are the ones who named it to begin with.

Used in level 40 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Ragstone Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Ragstone
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Due to being formed from compressed layers of sediment, ragstone may contain rare and precious fossils. The skybuilders, however, care not a jot about any of that and will happily use it to whet their blades and so forth, much to the woe of naturalists throughout Eorzea.

Used in level 60 and 70 crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Umbral Flarerock Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Umbral Flarerock
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Each chunk of flarerock is capable of releasing enormous amounts of fire-aspected aether. Unfortunately, for that to occur, it must first be warmed for three days under a medium-sized duck, which limits its usefulness somewhat.

Can only be gathered during an umbral flare.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Umbral Levinsand Icon.png  
Approved Grade 4 Skybuilders' Umbral Levinsand
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Exactly like any other type of sand, apart from the fact it is bright purple and may or may not electrocute those who get too close.

Can only be gathered during umbral levin.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Aquamarine Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A blue jewel. 2.0

 Aqueous Whetstone Icon.png  
Aqueous Whetstone
Treasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A whetstone carved from aqueous rock. Used for sharpening metal or stone blades. 2.0

 Astral Eye Icon.png  
Astral Eye
Tools icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A polished stone sphere with an unbalanced elemental aspect tipping towards astral. 2.0

 Astral Moraine Icon.png  
Astral Moraine
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
Gravel with an unbalanced elemental aspect tipping towards astral. 2.0

 Astral Rock Icon.png  
Astral Rock
Map40 Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone imbued with an unbalanced elemental aspect tipping towards astral. 2.0

 Aurum Regis Ore Icon.png  
Aurum Regis Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the rare metal aurum regis. 3.0

 Aurum Regis Sand Icon.png  
Aurum Regis Sand
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Violet sand containing tiny grains of aurum regis. 3.0

 Azurite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A deep blue jewel. 4.0

 Basilisk Egg Icon.png  
Basilisk Egg
Miner icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
The egg of a basilisk. Its thick shell contains high concentrations of the various ores and minerals upon which the giant lizards are said to feed. 2.0

 Basilisk Whetstone Icon.png  
Basilisk Whetstone
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A piece of extra-hard basilisk eggshell used to sharpen the blades of tools and weapons. 2.0

 Beggar's Mythril Ore Icon.png  
Beggar's Mythril Ore
Miner icon.png
Lower aetherial conductivity than regular mythril makes this a poor substitute for the precious green metal...unless low aetherial conductivity is what you require.

※Not included in the gathering log.

 Beryllium Ore Icon.png  
Beryllium Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal beryllium. 5.1

 Bismuth Ore Icon.png  
Bismuth Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Ore rich in bismuth. 6.0

 Black Limestone Icon.png  
Black Limestone
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
When polished, this rare form of limestone closely resembles marble. 2.5

 Black Mor Dhonan Slag Icon.png  
Black Mor Dhonan Slag
A blackish volcanic rock prevalent near Silvertear Falls. 2.0

 Black O'Ghomoro Slag Icon.png  
Black O'Ghomoro Slag
A blackish volcanic rock prevalent in La Noscea. 2.0

 Black Pearl Icon.png  
Black Pearl
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A jet black pearl. 2.0

 Black Quartz Icon.png  
Black Quartz
Several small pieces of black unpolished quartz. 2.0

 Black Sagolii Slag Icon.png  
Black Sagolii Slag
A blackish volcanic rock prevalent in Thanalan. 2.0

 Black Star Icon.png  
Black Star
Tools icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A black jewel that shines with the radiance of the heavens. 7.0

 Blue Abalathian Slag Icon.png  
Blue Abalathian Slag
A bluish volcanic rock prevalent in Coerthas. 2.0

 Blue Quartz Icon.png  
Blue Quartz
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Several small pieces of deep blue unpolished quartz. 2.0

 Blue Roundstone Icon.png  
Blue Roundstone
A bright-blue stone so perfectly spherical, it is difficult to believe it was not hand-carved. 3.05

 Blue Zircon Icon.png  
Blue Zircon
Tools icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A blue jewel. 6.0

 Bluespirit Ore Icon.png  
Bluespirit Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A sizable hunk of the remarkably aether-rich mineral known as bluespirit. 5.0

 Bluespirit Tile Icon.png  
Bluespirit Tile
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A thin slab of cut and polished bluespirit. 5.0

 Brashgold Ore Icon.png  
Brashgold Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock rich in a highly durable, naturally occurring alloy. 5.3

 Bright Fire Rock Icon.png  
Bright Fire Rock
Map40 Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone imbued with aetheric fire energy. 3.0

 Bright Lightning Rock Icon.png  
Bright Lightning Rock
Map40 Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone imbued with aetheric lightning energy. 3.0

 Brightwind Ore Icon.png  
Brightwind Ore
Map40 Icon.png
Prolonged exposure to wind and sunlight has allowed this stone to absorb a great deal of aether. 7.0

 Brown Abalathian Slag Icon.png  
Brown Abalathian Slag
A brownish volcanic rock prevalent in Coerthas. 2.0

 Brown O'Ghomoro Slag Icon.png  
Brown O'Ghomoro Slag
A brownish volcanic rock prevalent in La Noscea. 2.0

 Brown Sagolii Slag Icon.png  
Brown Sagolii Slag
A brownish volcanic rock prevalent in Thanalan. 2.0

 Burning Auricle Icon.png  
Burning Auricle
Mob Family Icon.png
A crystallized fragment of the dreadwyrm Bahamut's burning heart. 2.4

 Carnelian Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A translucent red jewel. Its relative softness makes it easy to carve, and it has been used by royalty throughout history for signet rings. 3.0

 Celestine Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A light-blue crystalline mineral which, when ground and added to any flammable material, will cause it to burn red. 3.0

 Chalcocite Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A black metallic ore containing copper and traces of iron and saltpeter. 3.0

 Chloroschist Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.pngGold chest icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A crystalline schist formed in low temperatures and under little pressure. 6.0

 Chloroschist Whetstone Icon.png  
Chloroschist Whetstone
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A green piece of schist used to sharpen metal or stone blades. 6.0

 Chondrite Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A stony meteorite. 6.0

 Chromite Ore Icon.png  
Chromite Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal chromium. 4.0

 Chrysolite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A green jewel. 3.0

 Citrine Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A yellow jewel almost identical to topaz, but several times softer. 3.0

 Clear Fluorite Icon.png  
Clear Fluorite
Levequest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A rare form of fluorite completely devoid of any interior flaws. 2.5

 Clear Prism Icon.png  
Clear Prism
Gold chest icon.pngQuest Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
An uncolored, transparent prism used in the crafting of a glamour prism. 2.2

 Clinker Bricks Icon.png  
Clinker Bricks
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Partially vitrified bricks favored for their superior hardness and durability. 2.1

 Cloud Mica Icon.png  
Cloud Mica
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A decent-sized chunk of rock made up of what appears to be thousands of thin sheets of silver crystal compacted together into a single mass. 3.0

 Cloud Mica Whetstone Icon.png  
Cloud Mica Whetstone
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A whetstone carved from cloud mica. Used for sharpening metal or stone blades. 3.0

 Cloud Mythril Ore Icon.png  
Cloud Mythril Ore
Map75 Icon.png
Extended exposure to the extreme aetherial currents found on and near the Diadem have somehow altered the mythril contained in this piece of rock. 3.55b

 Cobalt Ore Icon.png  
Cobalt Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal cobalt. 2.0

 Cobalt Tungsten Ore Icon.png  
Cobalt Tungsten Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal cobalt tungsten. 7.0

 Composite Whetstone Icon.png  
Composite Whetstone
Levequest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A heavy whetstone that appears to be man-made, rather than carved from naturally occurring rock. 2.5

 Connoisseur's Aurum Regis Ore Icon.png  
Connoisseur's Aurum Regis Ore
Miner icon.png
A mineral harvested with the discerning standards of an avid collector in mind, and royally suited to aetherial reduction. 6.45

 Connoisseur's Prismstone Icon.png  
Connoisseur's Prismstone
Miner icon.png
A mineral excavated with the discerning standards of an avid collector in mind. All the colors of the rainbow dance within this mesmerizing rock. 6.35

 Connoisseur's Raw Onyx Icon.png  
Connoisseur's Raw Onyx
Miner icon.png
An ink-black mineral excavated with the discerning standards of an avid collector in mind, and well suited to aetherial reduction. 6.51

 Connoisseur's Red Malachite Icon.png  
Connoisseur's Red Malachite
Miner icon.png
A mineral excavated with the discerning standards of an avid collector in mind. Once ground, this gemstone should provide a striking crimson pigment for use in dyes. 6.35

 Copper Ore Icon.png  
Copper Ore
Miner icon.pngQuest Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal copper. 2.0

 Copper Sand Icon.png  
Copper Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Bright-colored sand consisting of tiny grains of copper. 2.0

 Crag Heart Icon.png  
Crag Heart
Seasonalachievementicon.pngGold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Drawn forth from the chest of the Lord of Crags himself, this small stone pulses with uncontrollably powerful earth-aspected energies. 2.1

 Crystal-clear Rock Salt Icon.png  
Crystal-clear Rock Salt
Map40 Icon.png
The finest rock salt the steppe has to offer.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Crystal of Divine Light Icon.png  
Crystal of Divine Light
Gold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Includes a unique serial number and certificate of authenticity supposedly signed by Hydaelyn Herself. 6.0

 Crystal of Eternal Darkness Icon.png  
Crystal of Eternal Darkness
Gold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Brighten up your home with this charming tribute to the god of Darkness. 6.0

 Cuprite Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Though its appearance suggests it is a precious gem, this ore is actually a rare form of red translucent copper. 3.0

 Cut Stone Icon.png  
Cut Stone
Tools icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A rectangular slab of stone commonly used in building construction. 2.1

 Dacite Icon.png  
Map17 Icon.pngMap40 Icon.png
A solid piece of cooled lava, its burning fury in a dormant state. 5.4

 Danburite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A transparent jewel. 2.0

 Darksteel Ore Icon.png  
Darksteel Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal darksteel. 2.0

 Dawn Dust Icon.png  
Dawn Dust
This rare variety of gold dust is named for its hue, reminiscent of a steppe sunrise.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Deep-blue Cluster Icon.png  
Deep-blue Cluster
Airship XP Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A vividly colored cluster of crystals aspected to multiple elements. 3.0

 Deep-blue Crystal Icon.png  
Deep-blue Crystal
Airship XP Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A vividly colored crystal aspected to multiple elements. 3.0

 Deep-green Cluster Icon.png  
Deep-green Cluster
Airship XP Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A vividly colored cluster of crystals aspected to multiple elements. 3.0

 Deep-green Crystal Icon.png  
Deep-green Crystal
Airship XP Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A vividly colored crystal aspected to multiple elements. 3.0

 Deep-red Cluster Icon.png  
Deep-red Cluster
Airship XP Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A vividly colored cluster of crystals aspected to multiple elements. 3.0

 Deep-red Crystal Icon.png  
Deep-red Crystal
Airship XP Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A vividly colored crystal aspected to multiple elements. 3.0

 Deep-sea Marble Icon.png  
Deep-sea Marble
Airship XP Icon.png
Stone pulled from the bottom of the Sirensong Sea. 6.1

 Deep-sea Umbrite Icon.png  
Deep-sea Umbrite
Airship XP Icon.png
An uncommon variety of umbrite gathered from the darkest depths of the ocean. 6.5

 Diamond Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A transparent jewel. 2.0

 Diamond Tear Icon.png  
Diamond Tear
Gold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A glass-like shard retrieved from the fallen Lady of Frost. It pulses with uncontrollably powerful ice-aspected energies. 2.4

 Diaspore Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A light-green jewel. 5.0

 Diatomite Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Geological scholars claim that this sedimentary stone is actually comprised of the shells of thousands upon thousands of tiny sea creatures. 4.0

 Dimythrite Ore Icon.png  
Dimythrite Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing what appears to be dimythrite. 5.0

 Dimythrite Sand Icon.png  
Dimythrite Sand
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
Darkly glowing sand consisting of tiny grains of dimythrite. 5.0

 Dinosaur Fossil Icon.png  
Dinosaur Fossil
Airship XP Icon.png
The lithified remains of a dinosaur long deceased. 3.2

 Dolomite Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A semi-translucent rock containing the rare mineral dolomite. 5.4

 Doman Iron Ore Icon.png  
Doman Iron Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal Doman iron (also known as mochi iron for its resemblance to the Far Eastern rice cakes). 4.0

 Doman Iron Sand Icon.png  
Doman Iron Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Metallic sand consisting of tiny grains of Doman iron. 4.0

 Doman Yellow Icon.png  
Doman Yellow
Map35 Icon.png
A soft, clay-like soil believed to be formed of compacted yellow dust carried on the wind from faraway lands. 4.0

 Dragon Obsidian Icon.png  
Dragon Obsidian
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A hard yet light variety of obsidian. Said to have been formed in the flames of a dragon's breath. 2.0

 Dubious Dirt Icon.png  
Dubious Dirt
Map40 Icon.png
Both the nature and utility of this peculiar dirt are impossible to imagine.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Durium Ore Icon.png  
Durium Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal durium. 4.0

 Durium Sand Icon.png  
Durium Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
Jade-colored sand consisting of tiny grains of durium. 4.0

 Dwarven Chromite Icon.png  
Dwarven Chromite
Map75 Icon.png
This ore has a high concentration of naturally occurring chrome─which is presumably why dwarves will under no circumstances divulge where veins of it might be found. 5.2

 Dynamis Crystal Icon.png  
Dynamis Crystal
Mob Family Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A golden crystal rich in dynamis. 6.0

 Earth Rock Icon.png  
Earth Rock
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone imbued with aetheric earth energy. 2.0

 Earthen Quartz Icon.png  
Earthen Quartz
Map40 Icon.png
A rock with an elemental aspect leaning heavily towards earth. 6.3

 Eblan Danburite Icon.png  
Eblan Danburite
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A transparent jewel sourced from the Eblan Rime. 6.1

 Electrocoal Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.png
An ore containing trace amounts of electrope. 7.0

 Electrum Ore Icon.png  
Electrum Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal electrum. 2.0

 Electrum Sand Icon.png  
Electrum Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Blue-gold sand consisting of tiny grains of electrum. 2.0

 Emerald Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A green jewel. 2.0

 Emery Icon.png  
Explorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Powderized garnet used in the polishing of gemstones. 2.2

 Empty Cluster Icon.png  
Empty Cluster
Airship XP Icon.png
A transparent crystal cluster almost completely devoid of elemental aspect. 3.0

 Empty Crystal Icon.png  
Empty Crystal
Airship XP Icon.png
A transparent crystal almost completely devoid of elemental aspect. 3.0

 Empyrean Clay Icon.png  
Empyrean Clay
Map17 Icon.png
Though this was perhaps once unremarkable mud, it has since been warped in the oddest of ways by exposure to the powerful magicks of Heaven–on–High. 4.35

 Eventide Jade Icon.png  
Eventide Jade
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A rare form of jade as red as a sunset. 3.1

 Evergleam Ore Icon.png  
Evergleam Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing a rare natural alloy of iron and chromium. 4.4

 Eye of Earth Icon.png  
Eye of Earth
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A polished stone sphere elementally aspected to earth. 2.0

 Eye of Fire Icon.png  
Eye of Fire
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A polished stone sphere elementally aspected to fire. 2.0

 Eye of Ice Icon.png  
Eye of Ice
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A polished stone sphere elementally aspected to ice. 2.0

 Eye of Lightning Icon.png  
Eye of Lightning
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A polished stone sphere elementally aspected to lightning. 2.0

 Eye of Water Icon.png  
Eye of Water
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A polished stone sphere elementally aspected to water. 2.0

 Eye of Wind Icon.png  
Eye of Wind
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A polished stone sphere elementally aspected to wind. 2.0

 Feather Iron Ore Icon.png  
Feather Iron Ore
Miner icon.png
Not technically as light as an actual feather, this rare variety of iron weighs slightly less than normal iron, making it a preferable alternative...if enough can be procured.

※Not included in the gathering log.

 Ferberite Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A jet black mineral with alluring luster. 2.2

 Fine Sand Icon.png  
Fine Sand
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Extra-fine sand made up of particles barely visible to the eyes of men. 2.0

 Fine Silver Ore Icon.png  
Fine Silver Ore
Miner icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing large quantities of silver. 7.0

 Fire Moraine Icon.png  
Fire Moraine
Map40 Icon.png
Gravel elementally aspected to fire. 2.0

 Fire Rock Icon.png  
Fire Rock
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone imbued with aetheric fire energy. 2.0

 Firebricks Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Rectangular clay bricks that have been hardened through firing and can withstand intense heat. 2.1

 Fireheart Cobalt Icon.png  
Fireheart Cobalt
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Seasoned miners will recognize this as a type of sulfide, its composition lending its surface a permanent sheen that makes it look like a glowing ember in the light. 5.2

 Flat Stone Icon.png  
Flat Stone
Map40 Icon.png
This stone's flat surface and pronounced edge make it ideal for scraping hides.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Flint Stone Icon.png  
Flint Stone
An extremely hard rock often used in stone weapons and firearms. 2.0

 Fluorite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A purple jewel. 2.0

 Fluorite Lens Icon.png  
Fluorite Lens
Tools icon.png
Carved from a shard of clear fluorite, this lens exhibits higher optical performance than a normal glass lens. 2.5

 Furite Sand Icon.png  
Furite Sand
Map75 Icon.png
Midnight black sand consisting of tiny grains of the rare ore furite. 2.45

 Gale Rock Icon.png  
Gale Rock
Miner icon.png
As the name suggests, this variety of stone is more strongly aspected than typical wind rock. 5.0

 Garnet Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A red jewel. 2.0

 Ghostly Umbral Rock Icon.png  
Ghostly Umbral Rock
Miner icon.png
A rock with an elemental aspect leaning unnaturally towards umbral. 6.0

 Gold Ore Icon.png  
Gold Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal gold. 2.0

 Gold Sand Icon.png  
Gold Sand
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Glittering sand consisting of tiny grains of gold. 2.0

 Goshenite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A transparent jewel. 2.0

 Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Aurum Regis Sand Icon.png  
Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Aurum Regis Sand
Map40 Icon.png
One of the few substances known to be both edible and highly explosive. While some spicy ingredients are said to be capable of blowing one's head off, in this case, it is no exaggeration.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cloudstone Icon.png  
Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cloudstone
Miner icon.png
Believed to be a piece of fossilized cloud.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Jade Icon.png  
Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Jade
Map40 Icon.pngMob Family Icon.png
In the Brume, to be “jaded” means to have a large piece of jade thrown at the back of one's head. Thankfully, the prohibitive pricing of this precious substance means that such incidents are rare.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Basalt Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Basalt
Mob Family Icon.png
Basalt actually has very little in common with salt, despite its name being approximately two-thirds the same.

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Cobalt Ore Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Cobalt Ore
A lot less blue than one might expect, although it tastes about right.

Used in level 60 crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Copper Sand Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Copper Sand
Mob Family Icon.png
A special place in one of the seven hells exists for those who attempt to fob off the skybuilders by mixing in regular sand with the copper, or so the skybuilders would have one believe.

Used in level 20 crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Darksteel Ore Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Darksteel Ore
Has the potential to be made into something very scary indeed, like spiked pauldrons or an enormous battleaxe. In all likelihood, however, it will probably become a slightly extravagant kettle or decorative letter opener.

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Iron Sand Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Iron Sand
Mob Family Icon.png
In the event that one somehow accidentally mixes this with normal sand, the two can be separated by waving a magnet nearby. This knowledge may─or more likely, may not─save your life one day.

Used in level 40 crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Lutinite Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Lutinite
Said to be blessed by cloud spirits, which may or may not be a good thing. Still, “blessed” is infinitely preferable to “cursed.”

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mica Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mica
Mob Family Icon.png
“Mica” would make rather a nice name for a person, if it were not already taken by this rather unremarkable rock.

Used in level 60 crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mythril Sand Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mythril Sand
The bright hue of this valuable substance does make it stand out from the surrounding rocks and so forth, but only under the condition that one is able to find the damnable stuff in the first place.

Used in level 60 crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mythrite Ore Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mythrite Ore
Due to the fact it is almost identical in appearance to mythril ore, it is sometimes known as “fool's mythril.” Conversely, actual mythril is often referred to as “fool's mythrite.”

Used in level 70 crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Ore Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Ore
Something of a mixed bag of metallic elements, but as everyone knows, smithies love a good surprise. Just not when they're swinging a hammer dangerously close to their fingers.

Used in level 20 crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Rock Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Rock
If you think this rock is uninteresting, you should see the grade 1 skybuilders' rock, which is so plain that it can blend into any background by virtue of its sheer dullness.

Used in level 70 crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Umbral Flarestone Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Umbral Flarestone
Miner icon.png
Red-hot to the touch, which makes it a bastard to carry.

Can only be gathered during an umbral flare.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Umbral Levinshard Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Umbral Levinshard
Map40 Icon.png
If you thought catching lightning in a bottle was difficult, catching it in a crystal fragment is even trickier. At least a bottle comes with a handy cap to keep in said lightning when caught, whereas crystal relies on nothing more than the bolt's willing cooperation.

Can only be gathered during umbral levin.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Zinc Ore Icon.png  
Grade 2 Skybuilders' Zinc Ore
Zinc is said to prevent a number of common ailments. However, it must be noted that attempting to ingest it in its current state may actually cause problems such as broken teeth and stomachache, usually in that order.

Used in level 40 crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Amber Icon.png  
Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Amber
Botanist icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
The grade is determined by the number of vilekin encased within each piece. Fewer is generally considered to be better, unless the buyer happens to be a naturalist, in which case, the opposite is true. They have been known to pay absurd amounts for the most heavily infested specimens.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Basilisk Egg Icon.png  
Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Basilisk Egg
Miner icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Most recipients of such eggs would prefer them without a tiny, carnivorous scalekin inside.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Clay Icon.png  
Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Clay
Map40 Icon.pngMob Family Icon.png
Many apprentice potters have been known to misinterpret the meaning of “throwing a pot,” leading to hilarious capers, instant dismissal, or both.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cloudstone Icon.png  
Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cloudstone
Miner icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
One of the few stones light enough to float in water.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Granite Icon.png  
Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Granite
Map40 Icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Granite is said to be phaneritic, or in layman's terms, macroscopically crystalline.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Aurum Regis Ore Icon.png  
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Aurum Regis Ore
Mob Family Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
“Kingly” is not an adjective that is often applied to metals of any sort, though in the case of aurum regis, it seems perfectly fitting, for some reason.

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Bomb Ash Icon.png  
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Bomb Ash
Some might argue that it would be easier to locate a living bomb and wait for it to explode than to scrabble about in the dirt and undergrowth looking for particles of ash from one that had exploded previously. The problem lies in finding volunteers who are not only foolhardy enough to attempt it, but hardy enough to survive.

Used in level 20 crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Ore Icon.png  
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Ore
Though similar substances exist in other regions, the Diadem variety tends to be more highly coveted. This may simply be due to its scarcity rather than any intrinsic properties, as by and large, the more difficult something is to obtain, the more people want it. 5.31

 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Sand Icon.png  
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Sand
As is often the case with items found in the Diadem, this iron sand possesses unique properties. It is magnetically attracted not only to metallic objects, but a range of organic materials, such as skin and clothing, which means it is often gathered regardless of one's intentions. 5.31

 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Fossil Dust Icon.png  
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Fossil Dust
Mob Family Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
“Despite the creature having been dead for millennia, fossilized, and then ground to dust, I was able to extrapolate its diet, breeding habits, and susceptibility to hiccups from the single, remaining fragment of vertebrae.”
─Excerpt from On the Trail of the Thunder Lizards

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hard Mudstone Icon.png  
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hard Mudstone
Mob Family Icon.png
Mudstone may not be the most impressive of substances, but becoming a solid piece of rock after an extended period as a sticky semiliquid is something of an improvement.

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hardsilver Sand Icon.png  
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hardsilver Sand
Hardsilver's inherent hardness is somewhat difficult to gauge in granular form.

Used in level 40 crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Ore Icon.png  
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Ore
The first miner to discover this particular variety described it as “extra-ore-dinary” and was met with a chorus of groans from her peers.

Used in level 20 crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Siltstone Icon.png  
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Siltstone
This flaky, lightweight stone is a firm favorite with street performers who demonstrate their strength by smashing through rock with their bare hands. 5.31

 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Titanium Ore Icon.png  
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Titanium Ore
Unlike some other ores requested by the skybuilders, they actually deigned to give the name of the type of metal they would like in this case, rather than simply “some ore.”

Used in level 40 crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Umbral Levinite Icon.png  
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Umbral Levinite
Map40 Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Some scholars maintain that levinite is the result of lightning taking solid form upon striking the earth. Most other scholars, however, maintain that this theory is bollocks.

Can only be gathered during umbral levin.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 3 Skybuilders' Umbral Magma Shard Icon.png  
Grade 3 Skybuilders' Umbral Magma Shard
Miner icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Though the name may seem at first to be an oxymoron, each fragment actually contains magma in liquid form beneath a thin crust. Anyone foolish enough to put one of these shards in their back pocket before sitting down will cause a hole to be burned not only in their breeches, but also the chair on which they sat.

Can only be gathered during an umbral flare.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cloudstone Icon.png  
Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Cloudstone
Miner icon.pngMob Family Icon.png
According to certain scholars, the islands of the Sea of Clouds are kept suspended in the air by large amounts of cloudstone. It is therefore advised not to mine too much of this valuable resource as it may cause the island to plummet from the sky.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Prismstone Icon.png  
Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Prismstone
Map40 Icon.pngMob Family Icon.png
Shines with all the colors of the rainbow, and even a few extra, like luminous black and fluorescent beige.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Silex Icon.png  
Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Silex
Map40 Icon.pngMob Family Icon.png
Similar─though rather less artisanal─sacks of silex are sold to the participants in Ul'dah's Coliseum. A well-aimed handful of the stuff can temporarily blind the opponent, though it is only a matter of time until these customers realize that the same is true of the sand that lines the arena floor, which is available for free.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Bluespirit Ore Icon.png  
Grade 4 Skybuilders' Bluespirit Ore
Map40 Icon.pngMob Family Icon.png
Not only is this rock imbued with a spirit, but that spirit is feeling particularly blue. Perhaps being smashed repeatedly with a chisel will cheer it up.

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Electrum Ore Icon.png  
Grade 4 Skybuilders' Electrum Ore
Miner icon.png
A naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver, though many would argue that it is worth less than the sum of its parts. Those expecting it to possess some sort of lightning-aspected aetherial properties due to the name are sure to be disappointed, although that has not prevented several unscrupulous merchants from advertising it as such.

Used in level 60 and 70 crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Gold Ore Icon.png  
Grade 4 Skybuilders' Gold Ore
Miner icon.pngMob Family Icon.png
“The ambassador's receptions are noted in society for their host's exquisite taste that captivates his guests. The tray of gold nuggets his butlers pass around, however, often leads to confusion and broken teeth when said guests mistake them for chocolate treats.”
The Highs and Lows of Ishgardian High Society

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Gold Sand Icon.png  
Grade 4 Skybuilders' Gold Sand
Map40 Icon.png
Each grain of gold sand was once a whole nugget that has been gradually eroded over many thousands of years, which is a rather extreme example of depreciating value.

Used in level 60 and 70 crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Iron Ore Icon.png  
Grade 4 Skybuilders' Iron Ore
Miner icon.png
Any smith worth their salt will have a vast amount of ores, ingots, rivets, rings, and plates at their disposal, although finding space to store it all can prove most bothersome. Some have even taken to employing retainers for the sole purpose of lugging their surplus junk around.

Used in level 20 crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Iron Sand Icon.png  
Grade 4 Skybuilders' Iron Sand
Map40 Icon.png
Primarily used as a vital component in a children's toy whereby hair and a beard may be applied to a picture of a man's face by means of an ingenious magnetic wand. (For ages three and up.)

Used in level 20 crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Mineral Sand Icon.png  
Grade 4 Skybuilders' Mineral Sand
Map40 Icon.pngMob Family Icon.png
When the skybuilders were quizzed as to exactly what type of mineral comprises this sand, the reply was, “That information is on a need-to-know basis.” One would assume that those mining the stuff would need to know what they are supposed to be looking for, but the skybuilders move─and think─in mysterious ways.

Used in level 80 crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Mythrite Sand Icon.png  
Grade 4 Skybuilders' Mythrite Sand
Map40 Icon.png
A popular choice for hourglasses as the speed at which the sand falls is directly affected by how much those in close proximity are enjoying themselves. With a mythrite sand hourglass, time really does fly when one is having fun.

Used in level 40 crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Ore Icon.png  
Grade 4 Skybuilders' Ore
Miner icon.png
Only a true skybuilder could look at a nondescript lump of grey, slightly metallic rock and say, “Yes, this is definitely grade 4 skybuilders' ore,” though it could be argued that this is because they are the ones who named it to begin with.

Used in level 40 crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Ragstone Icon.png  
Grade 4 Skybuilders' Ragstone
Map40 Icon.png
Due to being formed from compressed layers of sediment, ragstone may contain rare and precious fossils. The skybuilders, however, care not a jot about any of that and will happily use it to whet their blades and so forth, much to the woe of naturalists throughout Eorzea.

Used in level 60 and 70 crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Umbral Flarerock Icon.png  
Grade 4 Skybuilders' Umbral Flarerock
Miner icon.png
Each chunk of flarerock is capable of releasing enormous amounts of fire-aspected aether. Unfortunately, for that to occur, it must first be warmed for three days under a medium-sized duck, which limits its usefulness somewhat.

Can only be gathered during an umbral flare.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Grade 4 Skybuilders' Umbral Levinsand Icon.png  
Grade 4 Skybuilders' Umbral Levinsand
Map40 Icon.png
Exactly like any other type of sand, apart from the fact it is bright purple and may or may not electrocute those who get too close.

Can only be gathered during umbral levin.

Used in expert crafting recipes.

 Granite Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
An extremely hard rock said to be formed of cooled magma. 2.1

 Green Quartz Icon.png  
Green Quartz
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Several small pieces of deep green unpolished quartz. 2.0

 Grey Abalathian Slag Icon.png  
Grey Abalathian Slag
A greyish volcanic rock prevalent in Coerthas. 2.0

 Grey Mor Dhonan Slag Icon.png  
Grey Mor Dhonan Slag
A greyish volcanic rock prevalent near Silvertear Falls. 2.0

 Grey O'Ghomoro Slag Icon.png  
Grey O'Ghomoro Slag
A greyish volcanic rock prevalent in La Noscea. 2.0

 Grey Sagolii Slag Icon.png  
Grey Sagolii Slag
A greyish volcanic rock prevalent in Thanalan. 2.0

 Gyr Abanian Ore Icon.png  
Gyr Abanian Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A naturally occurring chunk of lodestone. 4.4

 Hades's Auracite Icon.png  
Hades's Auracite
Gold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A small chip of the auracite in which Hades was sealed. May you keep it close, and ever remember. 5.1

 Hard Mudstone Icon.png  
Hard Mudstone
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A particularly dense stone comprised of layers of river silt compressed down over thousands of generations. 5.0

 Hard Mudstone Whetstone Icon.png  
Hard Mudstone Whetstone
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A hard stone for sharpening tools made of metal or...less hard stone. 5.0

 Hardsilver Ore Icon.png  
Hardsilver Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the rare alchemic metal hardsilver. 3.0

 Hardsilver Sand Icon.png  
Hardsilver Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Oily sand containing tiny grains of hardsilver. 3.0

 Harmonite Ore Icon.png  
Harmonite Ore
Miner icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing iron mixed with traces of nickel and cobalt. 7.0

 Hawk's Eye Icon.png  
Hawk's Eye
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A blue-grey jewel consisting of many colored layers. When polished, it resembles the piercing eye of a raptor. 4.3

 Heliodor Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A yellow jewel. 2.0

 Hematite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A silver-black jewel. 5.0

 High Durium Ore Icon.png  
High Durium Ore
Miner icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Ore rich in high durium. 6.0

 High Durium Sand Icon.png  
High Durium Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Sand consisting of tiny grains of high durium. 6.0

 Ice Rock Icon.png  
Ice Rock
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone imbued with aetheric ice energy. 2.0

 Ice Tear Icon.png  
Ice Tear
Gold chest icon.png
A glass-like shard retrieved from the fallen Lady of Frost. 2.4

 Ihuykanite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A deep green jewel polished in the currents of Ihuykatumu. 7.0

 Ilmenite Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A hunk of moon ore rich in titanium. 6.2

 Imperial Jade Icon.png  
Imperial Jade
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Also known as “true jade,” this milky green stone is coveted by the Far Eastern elite. 4.0

 Indigo Quartz Icon.png  
Indigo Quartz
Several small pieces of light-blue unpolished quartz. 2.0

 Iolite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A purple jewel. 2.0

 Iron Ore Icon.png  
Iron Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal iron. 2.0

 Iron Sand Icon.png  
Iron Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
Dark-colored sand consisting of tiny grains of iron. 2.0

 Jade Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be jade. 2.0

 Jadeite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A hard piece of jade. 2.0

 Kamacite Ore Icon.png  
Kamacite Ore
Airship XP Icon.png
A chunk of long-fallen meteor containing the rare alloy kamacite. 4.5

 Kindling Crystal Icon.png  
Kindling Crystal
Map40 Icon.png
Translucent stones of this sort are lightly warm to the touch and often employed by the Night's Blessed to aid in starting bonfires.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Koppranickel Ore Icon.png  
Koppranickel Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal koppranickel. 4.0

 Koppranickel Sand Icon.png  
Koppranickel Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Amber-colored sand consisting of tiny grains of koppranickel. 4.0

 Kyanite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A light-blue jewel. 4.0

 Lapis Lazuli Icon.png  
Lapis Lazuli
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A blue jewel. 2.0

 Lar Ore Icon.png  
Lar Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing a naturally occurring alloy known as Lar. 7.0

 Large Levin Orb Icon.png  
Large Levin Orb
Gold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A perfect sphere of overcharged lightning-aspected energies encased in a transparent receptacle of hyperfused silica. 2.3

 Larimar Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngQuest Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A sky blue jewel. 3.0

 Lava Rock Icon.png  
Lava Rock
Map40 Icon.png
A plain stone known for its heat-resistant properties.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Lazurite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A clear blue jewel. 5.0

 Levin Orb Icon.png  
Levin Orb
Gold chest icon.png
A sphere of lightning-aspected energies encased in a transparent receptacle of hyperfused silica. 2.3

 Light Kidney Ore Icon.png  
Light Kidney Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A reddish ore containing large quantities of iron. Its wide availability makes it optimal for smelting in locations where purer forms of iron ore are difficult to procure, such as militia forges. This particular type of kidney ore is far more porous than the common variety, making it much easier to transport. 2.0

 Lightning Moraine Icon.png  
Lightning Moraine
Map40 Icon.png
Gravel elementally aspected to lightning. 2.0

 Lightning Rock Icon.png  
Lightning Rock
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone imbued with aetheric lightning energy. 2.0

 Limestone Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A soft stone comprised of shells and bones compressed down over thousands of generations. 2.0

 Limonite Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing a small amount of oxidized iron. It is said to have deodorizing properties. 2.0

 Luminium Ore Icon.png  
Luminium Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal luminium. 3.4

 Lumythrite Ore Icon.png  
Lumythrite Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be lumythrite. 3.2

 Lumythrite Sand Icon.png  
Lumythrite Sand
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Glowing sand consisting of tiny grains of lumythrite. 3.2

 Lunar Adamantite Ore Icon.png  
Lunar Adamantite Ore
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Ore rich in lunar adamantite. 6.0

 Lunar Quartz Icon.png  
Lunar Quartz
Map40 Icon.png
A grey rock tinged with a ghostly green hue. 6.0

 Magnesia Powder Icon.png  
Magnesia Powder
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A fine-grain form of the mineral magnesia. 7.0

 Magnesia Whetstone Icon.png  
Magnesia Whetstone
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A whetstone carved from magnesia. Its endothermic properties make it ideal for sharpening metal. 7.0

 Malachite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A green jewel. 2.0

 Mamonite Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.png
This rare white mineral is believed to possess medicinal properties, and can be found only in Yak T'el's most hidden cenotes. The leaders of the Mamool Ja considered an offering of mamonite to convey the utmost respect. 7.05

 Manasilver Sand Icon.png  
Manasilver Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
Sand that moves almost as a liquid, consisting of tiny grains of manasilver. 5.0

 Manganese Ore Icon.png  
Manganese Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
Ore rich in manganese. 6.0

 Marble Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A chunk of marble with mesmerizing mottlings and streaks. 2.1

 Marbled Eye Icon.png  
Marbled Eye
Desynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A polished stone sphere containing several elementally charged layers. 2.0

 Meteorite Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A glossy rock of sable black said to have fallen from the heavens. 3.3

 Minium Icon.png  
Treasure Map Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A bright-red mineral that, when applied to metal, is thought to prevent it from rusting. 2.0

 Miser's Mythril Icon.png  
Miser's Mythril
Very rarely, when consuming the bodies of her victims, the Miser's Mistress will accidentally ingest chunks of mythril ore found lying about the Aurum Vale. The strong acids found within the seedkin's stomach dissolve away impurities, leaving only a near-pure form of the metal. 2.0

 Molybdenum Ore Icon.png  
Molybdenum Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal molybdenum. 4.0

 Mondite Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.png
A glassy stone that can be flaked to form lethally sharp edges.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Monumental Whetstone Icon.png  
Monumental Whetstone
Miner icon.png
A whetstone presumably effective in sharpening the claws of dragons, though the Ea may not appreciate the source used for its extraction.

※Only for use in Omicron society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Moonstone Icon.png  
Quest Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A type of mineral that, when polished, emits an eerie blue glow not unlike the moon while under the influence of Thaliak. 2.5

 Mormorion Icon.png  
Map17 Icon.pngTools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A smoky black jewel. 3.0

 Mountain Chromite Ore Icon.png  
Mountain Chromite Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal mountain chromite. 7.0

 Mudstone Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A flaky stone comprised of layers of mud condensed and compressed down over thousands of generations. 2.0

 Mudstone Whetstone Icon.png  
Mudstone Whetstone
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A piece of fine-grained mudstone used to sharpen the blades of tools and weapons. 2.0

 Mythril Ore Icon.png  
Mythril Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal mythril. 2.0

 Mythril Sand Icon.png  
Mythril Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Pale-colored sand consisting of tiny grains of mythril. 2.0

 Mythrite Ore Icon.png  
Mythrite Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the rare metal mythrite. 3.0

 Mythrite Sand Icon.png  
Mythrite Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
Glowing sand consisting of tiny grains of mythrite. 3.0

 Native Gold Icon.png  
Native Gold
Miner icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A high-purity, naturally occurring nugget of gold. 2.2

 Nephrite Icon.png  
A soft piece of jade. 2.0

 Nightsteel Ore Icon.png  
Nightsteel Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Iron ore that has been exposed to the waters of a mineral spring, and undergone significant changes to both color and chemical makeup. 4.2

 Nymian Orb Icon.png  
Nymian Orb
Gold chest icon.png
A magicked light-giving orb used by the long-lost Nymian civilization. 2.1

 Obsidian Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A sharp, glossy volcanic stone often used in the manufacture of weapons and jewelry. 2.0

 Oddly Delicate Adamantite Ore Icon.png  
Oddly Delicate Adamantite Ore
Miner icon.png
Adamantite, as the name would suggest, is anything but delicate, though this particular sample is perhaps ever-so-slightly less than “practically indestructible.” 5.45

 Oddly Delicate Celestine Icon.png  
Oddly Delicate Celestine
Tools icon.png
The rays of light refracted by this crystal are so delicate that they can be broken simply by waving one's hand through them. 5.45

 Oddly Delicate Raw Celestine Icon.png  
Oddly Delicate Raw Celestine
Map75 Icon.png
This chunk of unrefined crystal is not itself especially delicate, but has the potential to produce pieces of remarkable delicacy. Whether this is beneficial in any way whatsoever, however, remains to be seen. 5.45

 Oddly Delicate Raw Jade Icon.png  
Oddly Delicate Raw Jade
Miner icon.png
Hopefully not so delicate that it will shatter into a thousand pieces at the first attempt to refine it. 5.45

 Oddly Delicate Scheelite Icon.png  
Oddly Delicate Scheelite
Map75 Icon.png
While standard scheelite is certainly rare, the oddly delicate variant is scarce to the point of being practically nonexistent. 5.45

 Oddly Delicate Silvergrace Ore Icon.png  
Oddly Delicate Silvergrace Ore
Map75 Icon.png
For all its delicacy, this is nevertheless a chunk of ore, and quite capable of leaving a nasty mark when thrown at someone's head. 5.45

 Oddly Specific Amber Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Amber
Botanist icon.pngMap35 Icon.png
A hunk of fossilized resin of very particular hue, clarity, and age. 5.25

 Oddly Specific Coerthan Iron Ore Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Coerthan Iron Ore
Map75 Icon.png
As if specifying the location from which it is mined was not enough, the Skysteel engineers have also asked that you carry it about your person while walking an entire lap around Ishgard, so that it may soak up the local atmosphere. 5.35

 Oddly Specific Gemstone Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Gemstone
Tools icon.png
A jewel cut and polished to perfection─or arbitrary preference. One of the two. 5.25

 Oddly Specific Iron Ore Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Iron Ore
Map75 Icon.png
Not your granddad's iron ore. Or perhaps specifically your granddad's iron ore. Who's to say? 5.25

 Oddly Specific Iron Sand Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Iron Sand
Map75 Icon.png
It is unclear what precise qualities make this particular sort of granulated metal so desirable, but presumably the old blacksmiths' adage, “Don't get iron sand in your eye. Seriously. Don't,” still applies, so probably best not look too closely. 5.25

 Oddly Specific Mythrite Sand Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Mythrite Sand
Map75 Icon.png
Each pinch must contain mythrite and only mythrite, which in the grand scheme of things, seems perfectly reasonable. 5.35

 Oddly Specific Obsidian Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Obsidian
Miner icon.png
It's all about the sheen. Apparently. 5.25

 Oddly Specific Primordial Ore Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Primordial Ore
Miner icon.png
Even among its rocky brethren, this specimen is especially ancient, having weathered the passing of ages, and is regarded as the grandfather of all stones. Well, not literally, that would be impossible for reasons far too complex to explain here. Or anywhere, for that matter. 5.35

 Oddly Specific Quartz Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Quartz
Map75 Icon.png
If you look really, really, really close, you can see the difference between this and the sort of quartz that can be bought from a street urchin for a single shiny gil. Maybe. 5.25

 Oddly Specific Schorl Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Schorl
Miner icon.png
Schorl is already in and of itself rather a specific thing to request, and it is somewhat surprising to find that it would play a significant part in improving an artisan's tool of the trade. 5.35

 Oddly Specific Silver Ore Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Silver Ore
Map75 Icon.png
The ore requested must be “similar in appearance to gold, but with more of a light-grey tinge to it.” Silver, in other words. 5.35

 Oddly Specific Uncut Gemstone Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Uncut Gemstone
Map75 Icon.png
A mineral chunk of the precise luster, color, cleavage, and lumpiness requested. 5.25

 Oddly Specific Whetstone Icon.png  
Oddly Specific Whetstone
Tools icon.png
Whether this whetstone is materially much different from others or simply much more aesthetically appealing is difficult to discern. 5.25

 Onyx Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A starkly black jewel. 5.0

 Opal Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A milky white jewel that, depending on the angle at which it is held, will exhibit a rainbow of color within the stone. 3.0

 Palladium Ore Icon.png  
Palladium Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal palladium. 4.0

 Palladium Sand Icon.png  
Palladium Sand
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
Silver-colored sand consisting of tiny grains of palladium. 4.0

 Peacock Ore Icon.png  
Peacock Ore
Treasure Map Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A colorful ore with a high copper content. 2.0

 Pearl Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A milky white pearl. 2.0

 Pearl of Fissures Icon.png  
Pearl of Fissures
Gold chest icon.png
The might of an archfiend is trapped within this precious jewel. It carries a scent of soil not unlike that of a fresh-dug grave. 6.5

 Pearl of Flames Icon.png  
Pearl of Flames
Gold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
The might of an archfiend is trapped within this precious jewel. If taken in hand, one can still feel the heat of eternal flames pulsing within... 6.3

 Pearl of Tides Icon.png  
Pearl of Tides
Gold chest icon.png
The might of an archfiend is trapped within this precious jewel. Its glistening surface is ever slick with salt-tinged moisture. 6.4

 Pearl of Winds Icon.png  
Pearl of Winds
Gold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
The might of an archfiend is trapped within this precious jewel. When all is still, one can almost hear the muted keening of storm winds raging within... 6.2

 Peridot Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A green jewel. 2.0

 Perlite Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.png
A strange, pearlescent volcanic rock that expands tenfold upon heating in a kiln or forge. 4.0

 Petalite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A whitish jewel. 5.0

 Pewter Ore Icon.png  
Pewter Ore
Map40 Icon.pngGold chest icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
Ore rich in pewter. 6.0

 Phrygian Gold Ore Icon.png  
Phrygian Gold Ore
Map40 Icon.pngGold chest icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
Ore rich in Phrygian gold. 6.0

 Pink Beryl Icon.png  
Pink Beryl
Tools icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A translucent pink jewel. 7.0

 Pinprick Pebble Icon.png  
Pinprick Pebble
Gold chest icon.pngLevequest Icon.png
A small spherical stone colored blood red. 2.0

 Platinum Ore Icon.png  
Platinum Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal platinum. 2.0

 Porous Stone Icon.png  
Porous Stone
Map40 Icon.png
According to Stigma-4's infallible calculations, this permeable stone is perfectly suited to the task of polishing dragon fangs.

※Only for use in Omicron society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Potsworn's Abrasive Icon.png  
Potsworn's Abrasive
Map75 Icon.png
An abrasive widely used among the metalworkers of Tural to polish their most intricate works. 7.05

 Potters Stone Icon.png  
Potters Stone
Airship XP Icon.png
A hard clay found exclusively on the islets of the Diadem. When fired in a kiln, the result is a brilliant white pottery. 3.1

 Prime Achondrite Icon.png  
Prime Achondrite
Miner icon.png
A meteorite primarily comprised of olivine and pyroxene. Under the right conditions, it could become sublime. 6.3

 Prime Chloroschist Icon.png  
Prime Chloroschist
Map40 Icon.png
A crystalline sample cultivated in the exacting environment of Labyrinthos. Under the right conditions, it could become sublime. 6.4

 Prime Siderite Icon.png  
Prime Siderite
Miner icon.png
A ferrous meteorite in apparent flux. Under the right conditions, it could become sublime. 6.2

 Prismatic Ingot Icon.png  
Prismatic Ingot
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A thin slab of cut and polished prismstone. 5.05

 Prismstone Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
This peculiar type of stone shines with all the colors of the rainbow. 5.0

 Pumice Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Volcanic rock riddled with countless tiny holes which make the stone remarkably lighter than it appears. Parchment makers rub the pieces on vellum to prepare the pages for receiving ink. 2.45

 Pummelite Icon.png  
Miner icon.png
This oddly named ore was dubbed such by early Gyr Abanian settlers who believed the chunks of colorful mineral to be pieces of a larger rock shattered by a single blow of the Destroyer's fist.

※Not included in the gathering log.

 Pure Green Quartz Icon.png  
Pure Green Quartz
Map40 Icon.png
As colorful and lustrous as the mountains of the Dragonstar─or so Midgardsormr told Hraesvelgr told Vidofnir, anyway.

※Only for use in Omicron society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Pure Titanium Ore Icon.png  
Pure Titanium Ore
Airship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing titanium of exceptional quality. 5.05

 Pure White Silex Icon.png  
Pure White Silex
Map40 Icon.png
This finely ground silica is the purest the steppe has to offer.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Purple Sagolii Slag Icon.png  
Purple Sagolii Slag
A purplish volcanic rock prevalent in Thanalan. 2.0

 Purpure Bead Icon.png  
Purpure Bead
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A mysterious deep-green orb. 5.2

 Purpure Shell Chip Icon.png  
Purpure Shell Chip
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A shiny piece of Purpure carapace. 5.2

 Pyrite Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing iron and sulphur, creating the mineral pyrite. 2.0

 Ra'Kaznar Ore Icon.png  
Ra'Kaznar Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing a variety of darksteel known as Ra'Kaznar. 7.0

 Radiant Astral Eye Icon.png  
Radiant Astral Eye
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A luminous stone sphere with an unbalanced elemental aspect tipping towards astral. 2.0

 Radiant Astral Moraine Icon.png  
Radiant Astral Moraine
Map40 Icon.png
Luminous gravel with an unbalanced elemental aspect tipping towards astral. 3.3

 Radiant Eye of Earth Icon.png  
Radiant Eye of Earth
A luminous stone sphere elementally aspected to earth. 2.0

 Radiant Eye of Fire Icon.png  
Radiant Eye of Fire
A luminous stone sphere elementally aspected to fire. 2.0

 Radiant Eye of Ice Icon.png  
Radiant Eye of Ice
A luminous stone sphere elementally aspected to ice. 2.0

 Radiant Eye of Lightning Icon.png  
Radiant Eye of Lightning
A luminous stone sphere elementally aspected to lightning. 2.0

 Radiant Eye of Water Icon.png  
Radiant Eye of Water
A luminous stone sphere elementally aspected to water. 2.0

 Radiant Eye of Wind Icon.png  
Radiant Eye of Wind
A luminous stone sphere elementally aspected to wind. 2.0

 Radiant Fire Moraine Icon.png  
Radiant Fire Moraine
Map40 Icon.png
Luminous gravel elementally aspected to fire. 2.0

 Radiant Lightning Moraine Icon.png  
Radiant Lightning Moraine
Map40 Icon.png
Luminous gravel elementally aspected to lightning. 2.0

 Ragstone Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A coarse, brittle stone comprised of layers of sand compressed down over thousands of generations. 2.0

 Ragstone Whetstone Icon.png  
Ragstone Whetstone
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A piece of fine-grained ragstone used to sharpen the blades of tools and weapons. 2.0

 Raw Agate Icon.png  
Raw Agate
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be agate. 3.0

 Raw Amber Icon.png  
Raw Amber
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be amber. 2.0

 Raw Amethyst Icon.png  
Raw Amethyst
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be amethyst. 2.0

 Raw Ametrine Icon.png  
Raw Ametrine
Miner icon.pngGold chest icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be ametrine. 6.0

 Raw Aquamarine Icon.png  
Raw Aquamarine
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be aquamarine. 2.0

 Raw Azimite Icon.png  
Raw Azimite
Map40 Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished gemstone found only on the Azim Steppe.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Raw Azurite Icon.png  
Raw Azurite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be azurite. 4.0

 Raw Black Star Icon.png  
Raw Black Star
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be black star. 7.0

 Raw Blue Zircon Icon.png  
Raw Blue Zircon
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be blue zircon. 6.0

 Raw Carnelian Icon.png  
Raw Carnelian
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be carnelian. 3.0

 Raw Celestine Icon.png  
Raw Celestine
Airship XP Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be celestine─a light-blue crystal that is often added to alloys. 3.0

 Raw Chrysolite Icon.png  
Raw Chrysolite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be chrysolite. 3.0

 Raw Citrine Icon.png  
Raw Citrine
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be citrine. 3.0

 Raw Danburite Icon.png  
Raw Danburite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be danburite. 2.0

 Raw Diamond Icon.png  
Raw Diamond
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be diamond. 2.0

 Raw Diaspore Icon.png  
Raw Diaspore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be diaspore. 5.0

 Raw Eblan Danburite Icon.png  
Raw Eblan Danburite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be Eblan danburite. 6.1

 Raw Emerald Icon.png  
Raw Emerald
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be emerald. 2.0

 Raw Fluorite Icon.png  
Raw Fluorite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be fluorite. 2.0

 Raw Garnet Icon.png  
Raw Garnet
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be garnet. 2.0

 Raw Goshenite Icon.png  
Raw Goshenite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be goshenite. 2.0

 Raw Heliodor Icon.png  
Raw Heliodor
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be heliodor. 2.0

 Raw Hematite Icon.png  
Raw Hematite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be hematite. 5.0

 Raw Ihuykanite Icon.png  
Raw Ihuykanite
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be ihuykanite. 7.0

 Raw Imperial Jade Icon.png  
Raw Imperial Jade
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be imperial jade. 4.0

 Raw Iolite Icon.png  
Raw Iolite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be iolite. 2.0

 Raw Kyanite Icon.png  
Raw Kyanite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be kyanite. 4.0

 Raw Lapis Lazuli Icon.png  
Raw Lapis Lazuli
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be lapis lazuli. 2.0

 Raw Larimar Icon.png  
Raw Larimar
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be larimar. 3.0

 Raw Lazurite Icon.png  
Raw Lazurite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be lazurite. 5.0

 Raw Malachite Icon.png  
Raw Malachite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be malachite. 2.0

 Raw Mormorion Icon.png  
Raw Mormorion
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be mormorion. 3.0

 Raw Onyx Icon.png  
Raw Onyx
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be onyx. 5.0

 Raw Opal Icon.png  
Raw Opal
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be opal. 3.0

 Raw Peridot Icon.png  
Raw Peridot
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be peridot. 2.0

 Raw Petalite Icon.png  
Raw Petalite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be petalite. 5.0

 Raw Pink Beryl Icon.png  
Raw Pink Beryl
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be pink beryl. 7.0

 Raw Rhodonite Icon.png  
Raw Rhodonite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be rhodonite. 4.0

 Raw Rubellite Icon.png  
Raw Rubellite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be rubellite. 2.0

 Raw Ruby Icon.png  
Raw Ruby
Miner icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be ruby. 2.0

 Raw Rutilated Quartz Icon.png  
Raw Rutilated Quartz
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be rutilated quartz. 6.2

 Raw Sapphire Icon.png  
Raw Sapphire
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be sapphire. 2.0

 Raw Sphene Icon.png  
Raw Sphene
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be a sphene. 2.0

 Raw Spinel Icon.png  
Raw Spinel
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be spinel. 2.0

 Raw Spodumene Icon.png  
Raw Spodumene
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be spodumene. 6.4

 Raw Star Quartz Icon.png  
Raw Star Quartz
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be star quartz. 6.0

 Raw Star Ruby Icon.png  
Raw Star Ruby
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be star ruby. 3.0

 Raw Star Sapphire Icon.png  
Raw Star Sapphire
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be star sapphire. 3.0

 Raw Star Spinel Icon.png  
Raw Star Spinel
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be star spinel. 4.0

 Raw Sunstone Icon.png  
Raw Sunstone
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be sunstone. 2.0

 Raw Tiger's Eye Icon.png  
Raw Tiger's Eye
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be tiger's eye. 3.0

 Raw Topaz Icon.png  
Raw Topaz
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be topaz. 2.0

 Raw Tourmaline Icon.png  
Raw Tourmaline
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be tourmaline. 2.0

 Raw Triphane Icon.png  
Raw Triphane
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be triphane. 4.0

 Raw Triplite Icon.png  
Raw Triplite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be triplite. 5.0

 Raw Turquoise Icon.png  
Raw Turquoise
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be turquoise. 2.0

 Raw Zircon Icon.png  
Raw Zircon
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be zircon. 2.0

 Raw Zoisite Icon.png  
Raw Zoisite
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone containing what appears to be zoisite. 6.3

 Red Abalathian Slag Icon.png  
Red Abalathian Slag
A reddish volcanic rock prevalent in Coerthas. 2.0

 Red Malachite Icon.png  
Red Malachite
Map40 Icon.png
A crimson gemstone that, once ground, is useful in dyes.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Red Mor Dhonan Slag Icon.png  
Red Mor Dhonan Slag
A reddish volcanic rock prevalent near Silvertear Falls. 2.0

 Red O'Ghomoro Slag Icon.png  
Red O'Ghomoro Slag
A reddish volcanic rock prevalent in La Noscea. 2.0

 Red Quartz Icon.png  
Red Quartz
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Several small pieces of deep red unpolished quartz. 2.0

 Rhodium Sand Icon.png  
Rhodium Sand
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Sand consisting of tiny grains of rhodium. 6.0

 Rhodolite Icon.png  
Miner icon.png
A particularly radiant uncut gemstone. 5.4

 Rhodonite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A blood red jewel. 4.0

 Rime Dolomite Icon.png  
Rime Dolomite
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
This sample displays the particular dolomitization characteristic of the frozen wilds of Ilsabard. 6.0

 River Sand Icon.png  
River Sand
Dense, rocky sand collected from riverbeds. 2.0

 Roof Tile Icon.png  
Roof Tile
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A flat roof tile made of baked clay. 2.1

 Rubellite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A red jewel. 2.0

 Ruby Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A red jewel. 2.0

 Ruthenium Ore Icon.png  
Ruthenium Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal ruthenium. 7.0

 Rutilated Quartz Icon.png  
Rutilated Quartz
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A refined jewel veined with golden minerals. 6.2

 Sapphire Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A blue jewel. 2.0

 Sassho-seki Fragment Icon.png  
Sassho-seki Fragment
FATE Icon.png
Literally the “killing stone,” this curiosity is said to bring death to all who touch it. Handle with care. 4.0

 Scheelite Icon.png  
Explorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A mysterious ore that glows intermittently. 2.2

 Schorl Icon.png  
Miner icon.png
A blackish mineral possibly containing trace amounts of the precious stone tourmaline. 4.0

 Sea Sand Icon.png  
Sea Sand
Light, smooth sand collected from the sea. 2.0

 Select Bluespirit Tile Icon.png  
Select Bluespirit Tile
Map75 Icon.png
A thin slab of bluespirit, selected for its quality by a Boutique of Splendors procurer. 6.45

 Select Marble Icon.png  
Select Marble
Map75 Icon.png
A chunk of marble with mesmerizing mottlings and streaks, selected for its quality by a Boutique of Splendors procurer. 6.51

 Serpent's-eye Icon.png  
Map35 Icon.png
A rare gemstone named for its resemblance to the watchful eye of a snake. Said to ward off evil.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Serpentine Icon.png  
Miner icon.png
This rare mineral, also known as lizardite, is still believed in some regions to be the lithified remains of a great scalekin.

※Not included in the gathering log.

 Shade Quartz Icon.png  
Shade Quartz
Map40 Icon.png
Several small pieces of dark unpolished quartz. 5.0

 Shimmering Quartz Icon.png  
Shimmering Quartz
Miner icon.png
A curious stone that glistens faintly in your hand.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Shishu Reiseki Icon.png  
Shishu Reiseki
Gold chest icon.png
A mystical stone quarried from the isle of Shishu. 6.45

 Siltstone Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A dense stone comprised of layers of river silt compressed down over thousands of generations. 2.0

 Siltstone Whetstone Icon.png  
Siltstone Whetstone
Tools icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A piece of fine-grained siltstone used to sharpen the blades of tools and weapons. 2.0

 Silver Ore Icon.png  
Silver Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the semi-precious metal silver. 2.0

 Silver Sand Icon.png  
Silver Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Dull-colored sand consisting of tiny grains of silver. 2.0

 Silvergrace Ore Icon.png  
Silvergrace Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A sizable piece of rock containing traces of a precious metal known as silvergrace. 4.2

 Sintered Whetstone Icon.png  
Sintered Whetstone
Airship XP Icon.png
A whetstone created through compression and intense heat. Used for sharpening tools. 5.2

 Skybuilders' Durium Sand Icon.png  
Skybuilders' Durium Sand
A pinch of anything tends not to be an awful lot, though this particular sand from the Azim Steppe is apparently worth more than its weight in gold. 5.11

 Skybuilders' Electrum Ore Icon.png  
Skybuilders' Electrum Ore
The electrum ore found in upper La Noscea is believed to be far better suited to the skybuilders' needs than any other variety. Were anyone to ask them why, they would, in most cases be met with a response along the line of, “Because it just is.” 5.11

 Skybuilders' Fine Sand Icon.png  
Skybuilders' Fine Sand
This sand gathered in central Thanalan is not only fine, but extremely well behaved, choosing to stay in one closely knit lump while jostling alongside the rest of your possessions. 5.11

 Skybuilders' Hardsilver Ore Icon.png  
Skybuilders' Hardsilver Ore
The time spent mining this ore in the Dravanian hinterlands would perhaps have seemed less arduous if you had the faintest idea how the skybuilders plan to use it. 5.11

 Skybuilders' Iron Ore Icon.png  
Skybuilders' Iron Ore
While this may look much like any other iron ore found in middle La Noscea, there are subtle differences that only an expert in the field will recognize. The name, for one, is considerably longer. 5.11

 Skybuilders' Iron Sand Icon.png  
Skybuilders' Iron Sand
The tradition of measuring powdered substances in units of “pinches” has been the cause of many arguments, largely due to differences in finger size between the various races. Folk in eastern Thanalan, where this sample was gathered, have been known to ask Lalafells to measure when selling, and Roegadyn when buying, for obvious reasons. 5.11

 Skybuilders' Molybdenum Ore Icon.png  
Skybuilders' Molybdenum Ore
While the Lochs are better known as a source of salt, the rich veins of ore are drawing in miners from far and wide. 5.11

 Skybuilders' Mythrite Sand Icon.png  
Skybuilders' Mythrite Sand
You have a sneaking suspicion that you may have lost some of the sand during the return journey from the Sea of Clouds, though the amount you have in your possession should still suffice. 5.11

 Skybuilders' Nightsteel Ore Icon.png  
Skybuilders' Nightsteel Ore
The Ruby Sea is not especially well known as a prime location for mining, though those who are nautically minded can uncover all sorts of rare and unique treasures. Whether the skybuilders choose to turn this into fine jewelry or something more mundane, like a tea strainer, remains to be seen. 5.11

 Skybuilders' Reef Rock Icon.png  
Skybuilders' Reef Rock
If a porous rock from the bottom of the ocean is required in the rebuilding of Ishgard, then so be it. Your job is to mine, not question the reasoning behind such dubious demands. 5.11

 Skybuilders' Truegold Ore Icon.png  
Skybuilders' Truegold Ore
Why submit a boring chunk of gold ore when you can bring one all the way from Il Mheg instead? 5.11

 Skybuilders' Truegold Sand Icon.png  
Skybuilders' Truegold Sand
The isle of Kholusia is known by the inhabitants of Norvrandt to have the very finest of gold sand. Whether this is up to the impossibly high standards of the skybuilders will only become apparent when it is submitted for inspection. 5.11

 Skystone Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.png
It is said that these large stones form the very foundation on which rest both mountains and sky above.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Slate Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Unlike other sedimentary stone, slate has been compressed under the weight of mountains for so long that it is surprisingly hard, making it ideal for whetstones and grinding stones. 4.0

 Slate Whetstone Icon.png  
Slate Whetstone
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A whetstone carved from slate. Used for sharpening metal or stone blades. 4.0

 Slough Serpentinite Icon.png  
Slough Serpentinite
Map40 Icon.png
A hunk of mottled rock covered thick with verdant moss.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Smithsonite Ore Icon.png  
Smithsonite Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
This slightly lustrous ore is characterized by its extremely high zinc content. 3.2

 Softsilver Ore Icon.png  
Softsilver Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing a naturally occurring mix of silver and quicksilver. 6.4

 Solarite Icon.png  
Miner icon.png
A deceptively plain stone that, when cracked, momentarily erupts with bright light. 5.0

 Solstice Ingot Icon.png  
Solstice Ingot
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A large block of solid crystal, ready to be chiseled into whatever form the craftsman desires. 5.4

 Solstice Stone Icon.png  
Solstice Stone
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A mysterious crystal of purest white. 5.4

 Sphalerite Icon.png  
Map75 Icon.png
A semi-translucent mineral containing large amounts of zinc and iron. 3.1

 Sphene Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A yellow jewel. 2.0

 Spinel Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A purple jewel. 2.0

 Splendid Amber Icon.png  
Splendid Amber
Miner icon.png
An ingredient used by the Qitari to make their splendid perfumes.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Splendid Black Rock Icon.png  
Splendid Black Rock
Miner icon.png
Qhoterl Pasol's magnum opus, a history of Ronka, must be splendid in every respect, as must the tools she will use to write it.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Splendid Chalcanthite Icon.png  
Splendid Chalcanthite
Map40 Icon.png
Though splendid to behold, this mineral is quite toxic─but for Qhoterl Pasol's purposes, that too may be considered splendid.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Splendid Dense Iron Ore Icon.png  
Splendid Dense Iron Ore
Map40 Icon.png
Only the most splendid picks will suffice for the Stewards, and to make those only the most splendid and densest ore will do.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Splendid Flint Stone Icon.png  
Splendid Flint Stone
Map40 Icon.png
Just an ordinary flint stone used to strike sparks, but Qhoterl Pasol will surely find it splendid.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Splendid Graphite Icon.png  
Splendid Graphite
Miner icon.png
When this rare mineral is ground down and made into ink, it can be used in a variety of artistic pursuits, such as calligraphy and so forth. Unfortunately, this particular sample is destined for a far more mundane purpose: the logging of excavated trinkets. To make matters worse, most Qitari have exceptionally poor handwriting.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Splendid Gravel Icon.png  
Splendid Gravel
Miner icon.png
To maintain the splendid sheen of the stone tablets, one must use stones to polish stone.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Splendid Holey Stone Icon.png  
Splendid Holey Stone
Map40 Icon.png
Countless years of weathering have produced a stone full of holes that produce a most splendid sound when air passes through them.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Splendid Iron Ore Icon.png  
Splendid Iron Ore
Miner icon.png
High-purity iron ore splendid for making durable mining tools.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Splendid Purple Pigment Icon.png  
Splendid Purple Pigment
Miner icon.png
Certain Qitari scholars maintain that this pigment is in fact a shade of mauve, while others argue it is more of a dark lilac hue. The debate rages on.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Splendid Slate Icon.png  
Splendid Slate
Map40 Icon.png
This slab of slate is splendid for adding a touch of home to the Stopple.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Splendid Stone Icon.png  
Splendid Stone
Map40 Icon.png
Suffused with magical energy, this stone can be used to make a trap as deadly as it is splendid.

※Only for use in Qitari society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Spodumene Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A light-pink jewel. 6.4

 Star Quartz Icon.png  
Star Quartz
Tools icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
Almost appears to contain a star within when held up to the light. 6.0

 Star Ruby Icon.png  
Star Ruby
Tools icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A red jewel that has been shaped and polished instead of faceted, creating the illusion of a six-pointed star within the stone. 3.0

 Star Sapphire Icon.png  
Star Sapphire
Tools icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A blue jewel that has been shaped and polished instead of faceted, creating the illusion of a six-pointed star within the stone. 3.0

 Star Spinel Icon.png  
Star Spinel
Tools icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A violet jewel. 4.0

 Steppe Cinnabar Icon.png  
Steppe Cinnabar
Map40 Icon.png
Cinnabar mined from the Azim Steppe. Very red. Very.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Steppe Clay Icon.png  
Steppe Clay
Map40 Icon.png
Earthenware clay that can be easily shaped and fired.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Steppe Coal Icon.png  
Steppe Coal
Map40 Icon.png
Raw coal mined from under the Azim Steppe. Unsurprisingly as flammable as most coal found elsewhere.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Steppe Copper Ore Icon.png  
Steppe Copper Ore
Map40 Icon.png
Low-quality copper ore abundant on the Azim Steppe.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Steppe Geode Icon.png  
Steppe Geode
Map40 Icon.png
A dark grey stone. The minerals within may not be valuable, but they certainly appear so.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Steppe Iron Ore Icon.png  
Steppe Iron Ore
Map40 Icon.png
A chunk of rock from the Azim Steppe that contains a significant amount of iron.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Steppe Jade Icon.png  
Steppe Jade
Map40 Icon.png
An uncut, unpolished piece of jade mined from the Azim Steppe.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Steppe Mica Icon.png  
Steppe Mica
Map40 Icon.png
A glimmering mineral found on the Azim Steppe.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Steppe Mudstone Whetstone Icon.png  
Steppe Mudstone Whetstone
Map40 Icon.png
A mudstone whetstone chipped from naturally occurring rock under the Azim Steppe.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Steppe Obsidian Icon.png  
Steppe Obsidian
Map40 Icon.png
A sharp, glossy stone found on the Azim Steppe.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Steppe Slab Icon.png  
Steppe Slab
Map40 Icon.png
A stone slab so massive that its removal has potentially created a dangerous pitfall on the Azim Steppe.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Steppe Soapstone Icon.png  
Steppe Soapstone
Map40 Icon.png
This stone is unusually heat resistant, making it perfect for use in hearths.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Steppe Whetstone Icon.png  
Steppe Whetstone
Map40 Icon.png
A whetstone chipped from naturally occurring rock in the Azim Steppe.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Stiperstone Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A variety of hardened sandstone that is often used for sharpening tools and weapons. 2.0

 Sublime Achondrite Icon.png  
Sublime Achondrite
Miner icon.png
This superior chunk of achondrite has gone from prime to sublime through a process you don't understand and aren't going to worry about. What's important is that it promises an impressive yield from aetherial reduction. 6.3

 Sublime Chloroschist Icon.png  
Sublime Chloroschist
Map40 Icon.png
This glorious chunk of chloroschist has gone from prime to sublime through a process you don't understand and aren't going to worry about. What's important is that it promises an impressive yield from aetherial reduction. 6.4

 Sublime Siderite Icon.png  
Sublime Siderite
Miner icon.png
This lucky siderite specimen has gone from prime to sublime through a process you don't understand and aren't going to worry about. What's important is that it promises an impressive yield from aetherial reduction. 6.2

 Sun Mica Icon.png  
Sun Mica
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A decent-sized chunk of rock made up of what appears to be thousands of thin sheets of golden crystal compacted together into a single mass. 3.0

 Sunstone Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A red jewel. 2.0

 Syrcus Shard Icon.png  
Syrcus Shard
Gold chest icon.png
A remarkably transparent piece of Syrcus Tower's outer wall. 2.5

 Tatara Iron Sand Icon.png  
Tatara Iron Sand
Map75 Icon.png
Fine metallic sand consisting of tiny grains of Doman iron, for use specifically in tatara smelting. 4.4

 Tektite Icon.png  
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A type of naturally occurring glass first discovered after the Calamity which ushered in the Seventh Umbral Era. 3.1

 Thavnairian Almandine Icon.png  
Thavnairian Almandine
Map75 Icon.png
A Thavnairian metal valued for its use as a high-quality abrasive. 6.2

 Throne Gem Icon.png  
Throne Gem
Gold chest icon.png
A brilliant bauble pried from the Emperor Xande's colossal seat of rule. 2.3

 Thunder Rock Icon.png  
Thunder Rock
Miner icon.pngMap40 Icon.png
An uncut stone imbued with so much aetheric lightning energy as to echo with tiny claps of thunder. 5.3

 Tiger's Eye Icon.png  
Tiger's Eye
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A golden brown jewel consisting of many colored layers. When polished, it resembles the eye of a tiger─a legendary beast believed to be the ancestor of the coeurl. 3.0

 Tin Ore Icon.png  
Tin Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal tin. 2.0

 Tincalconite Icon.png  
Airship XP Icon.png
A pure white mineral closely related to borax. 3.2

 Titan's Heart Icon.png  
Titan's Heart
Gold chest icon.png
Drawn forth from the chest of the Lord of Crags himself, this small stone weighs more than a grown Lalafell. 2.0

 Titancopper Ore Icon.png  
Titancopper Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing a naturally occurring mixture of titanium and copper. 5.0

 Titancopper Sand Icon.png  
Titancopper Sand
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
Varicolored sand consisting of tiny grains of titanium and copper. 5.0

 Titanium Gold Ore Icon.png  
Titanium Gold Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal titanium gold. 7.0

 Titanium Ore Icon.png  
Titanium Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the rare metal titanium. 3.0

 Topaz Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A yellow jewel. 2.0

 Tourmaline Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A green jewel. 2.0

 Triphane Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A yellow jewel. 4.0

 Triplite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
An amber jewel. 5.0

 Truegold Ore Icon.png  
Truegold Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal truegold, both harder and more colorful than standard gold. 5.0

 Truegold Sand Icon.png  
Truegold Sand
Map40 Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
Bright sand that shines like the sun, consisting of tiny grains of truegold. 5.0

 Tuff Whetstone Icon.png  
Tuff Whetstone
Tools icon.pngGold chest icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A volcanic stone used for sharpening tools. 5.0

 Tungsten Ore Icon.png  
Tungsten Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal tungsten. 5.0

 Tungstite Icon.png  
Miner icon.pngGold chest icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A bright-yellow mineral formed by the weathering of scheelite. 3.4

 Turquoise Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A blue jewel. 2.0

 Ultramarine Ore Icon.png  
Ultramarine Ore
Map40 Icon.png
The deep blue hue of this large piece of stone can be attributed to a high concentration of the mineral lazurite.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Umbral Eye Icon.png  
Umbral Eye
A polished stone sphere with an unbalanced elemental aspect tipping towards umbral. 2.0

 Umbral Rock Icon.png  
Umbral Rock
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A rock with an elemental aspect leaning heavily towards umbral. 2.2

 Umbrite Icon.png  
Map75 Icon.png
A naturally occurring mineral formed from crystallized aether whose energies lean heavily toward the umbral. 3.3

 Unaspected Crystal Icon.png  
Unaspected Crystal
Botanist icon.pngMap35 Icon.pngMiner icon.pngMap40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
For reasons unknown to you, this crystal has completely lost its elemental charge. 2.5

 Uncultured Pearl Icon.png  
Uncultured Pearl
A pearl found growing naturally in a bivalve mollusk. 2.0

 Vanadinite Icon.png  
Map75 Icon.png
A dark red mineral rich in vanadium and exclusively produced in Thavnair. 6.2

 Vibrant Steppe Glowstone Icon.png  
Vibrant Steppe Glowstone
Map40 Icon.png
An unusually bright glowstone found on the Azim Steppe.

※Only for use in Namazu society quests.
※Not included in the gathering log.

 Violet Quartz Icon.png  
Violet Quartz
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Several small pieces of deep purple unpolished quartz. 2.0

 Virgin Basilisk Egg Icon.png  
Virgin Basilisk Egg
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
While all eggs a basilisk lays contain traces of rare ore, the first egg laid in life is thought to contain the highest concentration, making it highly sought after by potion mixers and alchemists. 2.5

 Vivianite Icon.png  
Airship XP Icon.png
A smoke-blue iron-rich ore often found growing within the fossilized bones of long-dead wavekin. 3.0

 Void Matter Icon.png  
Void Matter
Gold chest icon.png
Little is known about this deceptively heavy substance save that its origins lie not in this world. 3.5

 Volcanic Tuff Icon.png  
Volcanic Tuff
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
Volcanic ash compacted by pressure and time into firm stone. 5.0

 Water Rock Icon.png  
Water Rock
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone imbued with aetheric water energy. 2.0

 White Abalathian Slag Icon.png  
White Abalathian Slag
A whitish volcanic rock prevalent in Coerthas. 2.0

 White Clay Icon.png  
White Clay
Map35 Icon.png
Crumbly balls of white clay added to soil to improve both moisture retention and drainage. 5.0

 White Gold Ore Icon.png  
White Gold Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the precious metal white gold. 7.0

 White Granite Icon.png  
White Granite
Airship XP Icon.png
Strong, white stone pulled from the bottom of the ocean. 6.3

 White Mor Dhonan Slag Icon.png  
White Mor Dhonan Slag
A whitish volcanic rock prevalent near Silvertear Falls. 2.0

 White Quartz Icon.png  
White Quartz
Several small pieces of milky white unpolished quartz. 2.0

 Wind Rock Icon.png  
Wind Rock
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
An uncut, unpolished stone imbued with aetheric wind energy. 2.0

 Wootz Ore Icon.png  
Wootz Ore
Map75 Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing naturally occurring wootz alloy. 2.4

 Workbench Refining Sand Icon.png  
Workbench Refining Sand
Map75 Icon.png
This all-in-one abrasive, created for craftsmen of all disciplines─and even some with no discipline whatsoever─can be used to both sand metals and polish them to a lustrous sheen. 5.4

 Wyrm Obsidian Icon.png  
Wyrm Obsidian
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Obsidian of legendary quality. Said to have been formed in the flames of a wyrm's breath and possess magical qualities. 2.0

 Wyvern Obsidian Icon.png  
Wyvern Obsidian
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A hard variety of obsidian. Said to have been formed in the flames of a wyvern's breath. 2.0

 Yanxian Soil Icon.png  
Yanxian Soil
Miner icon.pngMap40 Icon.png
Fine, rich earth from Yanxia. 4.3

 Yellow Copper Ore Icon.png  
Yellow Copper Ore
Miner icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal copper mixed with traces of iron and sulphur. 2.0

 Yellow Mor Dhonan Slag Icon.png  
Yellow Mor Dhonan Slag
A yellowish volcanic rock prevalent near Silvertear Falls. 2.0

 Yellow O'Ghomoro Slag Icon.png  
Yellow O'Ghomoro Slag
A yellowish volcanic rock prevalent in La Noscea. 2.0

 Yellow Ooid Icon.png  
Yellow Ooid
An egg-shaped stone composed of countless layers of yellowish mineral deposits enveloping a tiny nucleus of rock or shell. 3.05

 Yellow Quartz Icon.png  
Yellow Quartz
Map40 Icon.pngExplorationicon.png
Several small pieces of bright-yellow unpolished quartz. 2.0

 Yellow Roundstone Icon.png  
Yellow Roundstone
A bright-yellow stone so perfectly spherical, it is difficult to believe it was not hand-carved. 3.05

 Yellow Sagolii Slag Icon.png  
Yellow Sagolii Slag
A yellowish volcanic rock prevalent in Thanalan. 2.0

 Zeolite Ore Icon.png  
Zeolite Ore
Map40 Icon.pngGold chest icon.pngExplorationicon.png
A porous silicate that adsorbs poisons, making it invaluable in myriad alchemical and medical concoctions. 3.4

 Zinc Ore Icon.png  
Zinc Ore
Miner icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngMap75 Icon.png
A decent-sized piece of rock containing the metal zinc. 2.0

 Zircon Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
A transparent jewel. 2.0

 Zoisite Icon.png  
Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
An indigo jewel. 6.3

Pages in category "Stone"

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