Category:Subaquatic Deployment Sector

Airship XP Icon.png
The below list are locations accessed via Subaquatic Voyages. See Company Airship for more details. See also Airship Deployment Sector for Airship sectors.

Name Rank Alias Map Discover via EXP
The Indigo Shallows &0000000000000120000000120noneA A South Indigo Deep West Dodie's Abyss 9,236,357
Voyagers' Reprieve &0000000000000120000000120noneB B South Indigo Deep The Indigo Shallows 9,236,357
North Delphinium Seashelf &0000000000000120000000120noneC C South Indigo Deep The Indigo Shallows 9,236,357
Rainbringer Rift &0000000000000121000000121noneD D South Indigo Deep Voyagers' Reprieve 9,467,266
South Indigo Deep 1 &0000000000000122000000122noneE E South Indigo Deep North Delphinium Seashelf 9,703,948
The Central Blue &0000000000000123000000123noneF F South Indigo Deep Voyagers' Reprieve 9,946,546
South Indigo Deep 2 &0000000000000125000000125noneG G South Indigo Deep North Delphinium Seashelf 0

Name Rank Alias Map Discover via EXP
Weeping Trellis &0000000000000105000000105noneA A The Lilac Sea The Crystal Font 6,377,382
The Forsaken Isle &0000000000000105000000105noneB B The Lilac Sea Weeping Trellis 6,377,382
Fortune's Ford &0000000000000105000000105noneC C The Lilac Sea Weeping Trellis 6,377,382
Lilac Sea 1 &0000000000000106000000106noneD D The Lilac Sea The Forsaken Isle 6,536,817
Runners' Reach &0000000000000107000000107noneE E The Lilac Sea Fortune's Ford 6,700,238
Bellflower Flood &0000000000000108000000108noneF F The Lilac Sea The Forsaken Isle 6,867,744
Lilac Sea 2 &0000000000000110000000110noneG G The Lilac Sea Fortune's Ford 7,215,424
Lilac Sea 3 &0000000000000111000000111noneH H The Lilac Sea Lilac Sea 2 7,395,810
Northwest Bellflower &0000000000000112000000112noneI I The Lilac Sea Lilac Sea 1 7,580,706
Corolla Isle &0000000000000113000000113noneJ J The Lilac Sea Bellflower Flood 7,770,224
Southeast Bellflower &0000000000000114000000114noneK K The Lilac Sea Lilac Sea 2 7,964,480
The Floral Reef &0000000000000115000000115noneL L The Lilac Sea Lilac Sea 2, Corolla Isle 8,163,592
Wingsreach &0000000000000115000000115noneM M The Lilac Sea Southeast Bellflower 8,163,592
The Floating Standard &0000000000000116000000116noneN N The Lilac Sea The Floral Reef 8,367,682
The Fluttering Bay &0000000000000117000000117noneO O The Lilac Sea Wingsreach 8,576,875
Lilac Sea 4 &0000000000000118000000118noneP P The Lilac Sea Northwest Bellflower 8,791,297
Proudkeel &0000000000000119000000119noneQ Q The Lilac Sea The Floral Reef 9,011,080
East Dodie's Abyss &0000000000000119000000119noneR R The Lilac Sea The Fluttering Bay 9,011,080
Lilac Sea 5 &0000000000000120000000120noneS S The Lilac Sea The Floating Standard 9,236,357
West Dodie's Abyss &0000000000000120000000120noneT T The Lilac Sea Proudkeel 9,236,357

Name Rank Alias Map Discover via EXP
Mastbound's Bounty &000000000000009000000090noneA A Sirensong Sea The Devil's Crypt 1,751,567
Sirensong Sea 1 &000000000000009000000090noneB B Sirensong Sea Mastbound's Bounty 1,751,567
Sirensong Sea 2 &000000000000009000000090noneC C Sirensong Sea Mastbound's Bounty 1,751,567
Anthemoessa &000000000000009100000091noneD D Sirensong Sea Sirensong Sea 2 1,926,724
Magos Trench &000000000000009200000092noneE E Sirensong Sea Sirensong Sea 1 2,119,397
Thrall's Unrest &000000000000009300000093noneF F Sirensong Sea Sirensong Sea 1 2,331,337
Crow's Drop &000000000000009500000095noneG G Sirensong Sea Sirensong Sea 2 2,820,919
Sirensong Sea 3 &000000000000009600000096noneH H Sirensong Sea Anthemoessa 3,074,802
The Anthemoessa Undertow &000000000000009600000096noneI I Sirensong Sea Sirensong Sea 3 3,074,802
Sirensong Sea 4 &000000000000009700000097noneJ J Sirensong Sea Thrall's Unrest 3,351,535
Seafoam Tide &000000000000009800000098noneK K Sirensong Sea Sirensong Sea 4 3,653,174
The Beak &000000000000009900000099noneL L Sirensong Sea Sirensong Sea 4 3,981,960
Seafarer's End &0000000000000100000000100noneM M Sirensong Sea Sirensong Sea 3 4,340,337
Drifter's Decay &0000000000000101000000101noneN N Sirensong Sea The Anthemoessa Undertow 4,687,564
Lugat's Landing &0000000000000101000000101noneO O Sirensong Sea Seafoam Tide 4,687,564
The Frozen Spring &0000000000000102000000102noneP P Sirensong Sea The Beak 5,062,570
Sirensong Sea 5 &0000000000000103000000103noneQ Q Sirensong Sea Drifter's Decay 5,467,576
Tidewind Isle &0000000000000104000000104noneR R Sirensong Sea Lugat's Landing 5,904,983
Bloodbreak &0000000000000105000000105noneS S Sirensong Sea Lugat's Landing 6,377,382
The Crystal Font &0000000000000105000000105noneT T Sirensong Sea The Frozen Spring 6,377,382

Name Rank Alias Map Discover via EXP
The Isle of Sacrament &000000000000007000000070noneA A Sea of Jade The Slipped Anchor 730,428
The Kraken's Tomb &000000000000007000000070noneB B Sea of Jade The Isle of Sacrament 730,428
Sea of Jade 1 &000000000000007000000070noneC C Sea of Jade The Isle of Sacrament 730,428
Rogo-Tumu-Here's Haunt &000000000000007200000072noneD D Sea of Jade Sea of Jade 1 767,407
The Stone Barbs &000000000000007200000072noneE E Sea of Jade Sea of Jade 1 767,407
Rogo-Tumu-Here's Repose &000000000000007300000073noneF F Sea of Jade Rogo-Tumu-Here's Haunt 786,593
Tangaroa's Prow &000000000000007400000074noneG G Sea of Jade The Stone Barbs 806,258
Sea of Jade 2 &000000000000007500000075noneH H Sea of Jade The Stone Barbs 826,415
The Blind Sound &000000000000007500000075noneI I Sea of Jade Tangaroa's Prow 826,415
Sea of Jade 3 &000000000000007500000075noneJ J Sea of Jade Tangaroa's Prow 826,415
Moergynn's Forge &000000000000007600000076noneK K Sea of Jade The Blind Sound 847,076
Tangaroa's Beacon &000000000000007800000078noneL L Sea of Jade The Blind Sound 889,960
Sea of Jade 4 &000000000000008000000080noneM M Sea of Jade Sea of Jade 3 826,415
The Forest of Kelp &000000000000008100000081noneN N Sea of Jade Sea of Jade 4 958,391
Sea of Jade 5 &000000000000008300000083noneO O Sea of Jade Tangaroa's Beacon 1,006,910
Bladefall Chasm &000000000000008500000085noneP P Sea of Jade The Forest of Kelp 1,057,886
Stormport &000000000000008700000087noneQ Q Sea of Jade Tangaroa's Beacon 1,111,443
Wyrm's Rest &000000000000008800000088noneR R Sea of Jade Sea of Jade 4 1,139,230
Sea of Jade 6 &000000000000008900000089noneS S Sea of Jade Stormport 1,167,711
The Devil's Crypt &000000000000009000000090noneT T Sea of Jade Wyrm's Rest 1,196,904

Name Rank Alias Map Discover via EXP
South Isle of Zozonan &000000000000005000000050noneA A Sea of Ash Sunken Vault 440,990
Wreckage of the Windwalker &000000000000005000000050noneB B Sea of Ash South Isle of Zozonan 440,990
North Isle of Zozonan &000000000000005400000054noneC C Sea of Ash Wreckage of the Windwalker 480,270
Sea of Ash 1 &000000000000005400000054noneD D Sea of Ash North Isle of Zozonan 480,270
The Southern Charnel Trench &000000000000005700000057noneE E Sea of Ash Sea of Ash 1 522,300
Sea of Ash 2 &000000000000005700000057noneF F Sea of Ash North Isle of Zozonan 522,300
Sea of Ash 3 &000000000000006000000060noneG G Sea of Ash Sea of Ash 2 548,410
Ascetic's Demise &000000000000006000000060noneH H Sea of Ash Sea of Ash 3 548,410
The Central Charnel Trench &000000000000006000000060noneI I Sea of Ash Sea of Ash 3 548,410
The Catacombs of the Father &000000000000006000000060noneJ J Sea of Ash The Central Charnel Trench 548,410
Sea of Ash 4 &000000000000006000000060noneK K Sea of Ash Ascetic's Demise 548,410
The Midden Pit &000000000000006300000063noneL L Sea of Ash Sea of Ash 4 595,020
The Lone Glove &000000000000006300000063noneM M Sea of Ash The Central Charnel Trench 595,020
Coldtoe Isle &000000000000006500000065noneN N Sea of Ash The Catacombs of the Father 645,590
Smuggler's Knot &000000000000006500000065noneO O Sea of Ash Coldtoe Isle 645,590
The Open Robe &000000000000006500000065noneP P Sea of Ash The Midden Pit 645,590
Nald'thal's Pipe &000000000000006600000066noneQ Q Sea of Ash The Southern Charnel Trench 661,730
The Slipped Anchor &000000000000006700000067noneR R Sea of Ash The Open Robe 678,274
Glutton's Belly &000000000000006900000069noneS S Sea of Ash Coldtoe Isle 712,612
The Blue Hole &000000000000007000000070noneT T Sea of Ash Sea of Ash 4 730,428

Name Rank Alias Map Discover via EXP
The Ivory Shoals &00000000000000010000001noneA A Deep-sea Site none 10,610
Deep-sea Site 1 &00000000000000010000001noneB B Deep-sea Site none 10,610
Deep-sea Site 2 &00000000000000040000004noneC C Deep-sea Site The Ivory Shoals 27,840
The Lightless Basin &00000000000000040000004noneD D Deep-sea Site Deep-sea Site 1 27,840
Deep-sea Site 3 &00000000000000070000007noneE E Deep-sea Site Deep-sea Site 1 46,660
The Southern Rimilala Trench &00000000000000070000007noneF F Deep-sea Site Deep-sea Site 2 46,660
The Umbrella Narrow &000000000000001000000010noneG G Deep-sea Site The Lightless Basin 75,920
Offender's Rot &000000000000001400000014noneH H Deep-sea Site The Umbrella Narrow 102,600
Neolith Island &000000000000001700000017noneI I Deep-sea Site Deep-sea Site 3 118,350
Unidentified Derelict &000000000000002000000020noneJ J Deep-sea Site Deep-sea Site 3 146,210
The Cobalt Shoals &000000000000002000000020noneK K Deep-sea Site Neolith Island 146,210
The Mystic Basin &000000000000002400000024noneL L Deep-sea Site Offender's Rot 174,980
Deep-sea Site 4 &000000000000002700000027noneM M Deep-sea Site Offender's Rot 200,430
The Central Rimilala Trench &000000000000002700000027noneN N Deep-sea Site Unidentified Derelict 200,430
The Wreckage of Discovery I &000000000000003000000030noneO O Deep-sea Site The Central Rimilala Trench 231,750
Komura &000000000000003000000030noneP P Deep-sea Site The Cobalt Shoals 231,750
Kanayama &000000000000003400000034noneQ Q Deep-sea Site Komura 263,530
Concealed Bay &000000000000003700000037noneR R Deep-sea Site The Mystic Basin 292,170
Deep-sea Site 5 &000000000000003700000037noneS S Deep-sea Site The Wreckage of Discovery I 292,170
Purgatory &000000000000004000000040noneT T Deep-sea Site Deep-sea Site 5 338,330
Deep-sea Site 6 &000000000000004000000040noneU U Deep-sea Site Deep-sea Site 5 338,330
The Rimilala Shelf &000000000000004400000044noneV V Deep-sea Site Deep-sea Site 6 374,020
Deep-sea Site 7 &000000000000004400000044noneW W Deep-sea Site The Central Rimilala Trench 374,020
Glittersand Basin &000000000000004700000047noneX X Deep-sea Site Deep-sea Site 7 406,590
Flickering Dip &000000000000004700000047noneY Y Deep-sea Site Purgatory 406,590
The Wreckage of the Headway &0000000000000050000000501Z Z Deep-sea Site Flickering Dip 440,990
The Upwell &000000000000005000000050noneAA AA Deep-sea Site The Wreckage of the Headway 440,990
The Rimilala Trench Bottom &000000000000005000000050noneAB AB Deep-sea Site The Upwell 440,990
Stone Temple &000000000000005000000050noneAC AC Deep-sea Site The Upwell 440,990
Sunken Vault &000000000000005000000050noneAD AD Deep-sea Site The Rimilala Trench Bottom 440,990

Pages in category "Subaquatic Deployment Sector"

The following 117 pages are in this category, out of 117 total.