Category:Weaver Recipes/410-419

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Name Recipe Level Skill Level Ingredients
Ovim Wool Bottoms of Fending Icon.png Ovim Wool Bottoms of Fending   &0000000000000412000000412Ovim Wool Bottoms of Fending   &000000000000007700000077Ovim Wool Bottoms of Fending
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Ovim Wool Icon.png Ovim Wool
x Zonure Leather Icon.png Zonure Leather
x Ramie Thread Icon.png Ramie Thread
x Grade 1 Vitality Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Vitality Alkahest
Ovim Wool Bottoms of Maiming Icon.png Ovim Wool Bottoms of Maiming   &0000000000000412000000412Ovim Wool Bottoms of Maiming   &000000000000007700000077Ovim Wool Bottoms of Maiming
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Ovim Wool Icon.png Ovim Wool
x Zonure Leather Icon.png Zonure Leather
x Ramie Thread Icon.png Ramie Thread
x Grade 1 Strength Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Strength Alkahest
Ovim Wool Coat of Healing Icon.png Ovim Wool Coat of Healing   &0000000000000412000000412Ovim Wool Coat of Healing   &000000000000007700000077Ovim Wool Coat of Healing
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Ovim Wool Icon.png Ovim Wool
x Titanbronze Nugget Icon.png Titanbronze Nugget
x Hardsilver Nugget Icon.png Hardsilver Nugget
x Star Ruby Icon.png Star Ruby
x Grade 1 Mind Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Mind Alkahest
Ovim Wool Coat of Striking Icon.png Ovim Wool Coat of Striking   &0000000000000412000000412Ovim Wool Coat of Striking   &000000000000007700000077Ovim Wool Coat of Striking
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Ovim Wool Icon.png Ovim Wool
x Titanbronze Nugget Icon.png Titanbronze Nugget
x Hardsilver Nugget Icon.png Hardsilver Nugget
x Star Sapphire Icon.png Star Sapphire
x Grade 1 Strength Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Strength Alkahest
Ovim Wool Gaskins of Crafting Icon.png Ovim Wool Gaskins of Crafting   &0000000000000412000000412Ovim Wool Gaskins of Crafting   &000000000000007700000077Ovim Wool Gaskins of Crafting
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Ovim Wool Icon.png Ovim Wool
x Zonure Leather Icon.png Zonure Leather
x Ovim Wool Yarn Icon.png Ovim Wool Yarn
Ovim Wool Gaskins of Gathering Icon.png Ovim Wool Gaskins of Gathering   &0000000000000412000000412Ovim Wool Gaskins of Gathering   &000000000000007700000077Ovim Wool Gaskins of Gathering
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Ovim Wool Icon.png Ovim Wool
x Zonure Leather Icon.png Zonure Leather
x Ovim Wool Yarn Icon.png Ovim Wool Yarn
Ovim Wool Skirt of Striking Icon.png Ovim Wool Skirt of Striking   &0000000000000412000000412Ovim Wool Skirt of Striking   &000000000000007700000077Ovim Wool Skirt of Striking
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Ovim Wool Icon.png Ovim Wool
x Zonure Leather Icon.png Zonure Leather
x Ramie Thread Icon.png Ramie Thread
x Grade 1 Strength Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Strength Alkahest
Ovim Wool Turban of Crafting Icon.png Ovim Wool Turban of Crafting   &0000000000000412000000412Ovim Wool Turban of Crafting   &000000000000007700000077Ovim Wool Turban of Crafting
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Ovim Wool Icon.png Ovim Wool
x Ovim Wool Yarn Icon.png Ovim Wool Yarn
x Halgai Mane Icon.png Halgai Mane
x Wildfowl Feather Icon.png Wildfowl Feather
Ovim Wool Turban of Gathering Icon.png Ovim Wool Turban of Gathering   &0000000000000412000000412Ovim Wool Turban of Gathering   &000000000000007700000077Ovim Wool Turban of Gathering
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Ovim Wool Icon.png Ovim Wool
x Ovim Wool Yarn Icon.png Ovim Wool Yarn
x Halgai Mane Icon.png Halgai Mane
x Wildfowl Feather Icon.png Wildfowl Feather
Ovim Wool Ushanka of Striking Icon.png Ovim Wool Ushanka of Striking   &0000000000000412000000412Ovim Wool Ushanka of Striking   &000000000000007700000077Ovim Wool Ushanka of Striking
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Ovim Wool Icon.png Ovim Wool
x Zonure Leather Icon.png Zonure Leather
x Ramie Thread Icon.png Ramie Thread
x Manzasiri Hair Icon.png Manzasiri Hair
x Grade 1 Strength Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Strength Alkahest
Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Casting Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Casting   &0000000000000415000000415Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Casting   &000000000000007800000078Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Casting
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Sea Swallow Leather Icon.png Sea Swallow Leather
x Bright Linen Yarn Icon.png Bright Linen Yarn
x Grade 1 Intelligence Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Intelligence Alkahest
Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Fending Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Fending   &0000000000000415000000415Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Fending   &000000000000007800000078Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Fending
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Sea Swallow Leather Icon.png Sea Swallow Leather
x Bright Linen Yarn Icon.png Bright Linen Yarn
x Grade 1 Vitality Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Vitality Alkahest
Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Healing Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Healing   &0000000000000415000000415Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Healing   &000000000000007800000078Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Healing
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Sea Swallow Leather Icon.png Sea Swallow Leather
x Bright Linen Yarn Icon.png Bright Linen Yarn
x Grade 1 Mind Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Mind Alkahest
Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Maiming Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Maiming   &0000000000000415000000415Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Maiming   &000000000000007800000078Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Maiming
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Sea Swallow Leather Icon.png Sea Swallow Leather
x Bright Linen Yarn Icon.png Bright Linen Yarn
x Grade 1 Strength Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Strength Alkahest
Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Striking Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Striking   &0000000000000415000000415Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Striking   &000000000000007800000078Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Striking
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Sea Swallow Leather Icon.png Sea Swallow Leather
x Bright Linen Yarn Icon.png Bright Linen Yarn
x Grade 1 Strength Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Strength Alkahest
Dwarven Cotton Petasos of Casting Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Petasos of Casting   &0000000000000415000000415Dwarven Cotton Petasos of Casting   &000000000000007800000078Dwarven Cotton Petasos of Casting
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Sea Swallow Leather Icon.png Sea Swallow Leather
x Halgai Mane Icon.png Halgai Mane
x Grade 1 Intelligence Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Intelligence Alkahest
Dwarven Cotton Petasos of Healing Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Petasos of Healing   &0000000000000415000000415Dwarven Cotton Petasos of Healing   &000000000000007800000078Dwarven Cotton Petasos of Healing
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Sea Swallow Leather Icon.png Sea Swallow Leather
x Halgai Mane Icon.png Halgai Mane
x Grade 1 Mind Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Mind Alkahest
Dwarven Cotton Thread Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Thread   &0000000000000415000000415Dwarven Cotton Thread   &000000000000007800000078Dwarven Cotton Thread
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Boll Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Boll
Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton   &0000000000000415000000415Dwarven Cotton   &000000000000007800000078Dwarven Cotton
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Thread Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Thread
Eulmoran Inner Wall Icon.png Eulmoran Inner Wall   &0000000000000415000000415Eulmoran Inner Wall   &000000000000007800000078Eulmoran Inner Wall
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Pixie Cotton Icon.png Pixie Cotton
x Pixie Floss Icon.png Pixie Floss
x Mortar Icon.png Mortar
x Wine Red Dye Icon.png Wine Red Dye
Misplaced Mog Slippers Icon.png Misplaced Mog Slippers   &0000000000000415000000415Misplaced Mog Slippers   &000000000000007800000078Misplaced Mog Slippers
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Dwarven Cotton Thread Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Thread
x Lorikeet Down Icon.png Lorikeet Down
x Rubber Icon.png Rubber
Rarefied Ovim Wool Tunic Icon.png Rarefied Ovim Wool Tunic   &0000000000000415000000415Rarefied Ovim Wool Tunic   &000000000000007800000078Rarefied Ovim Wool Tunic
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Ovim Wool Icon.png Ovim Wool
x Zonure Leather Icon.png Zonure Leather
x Hardsilver Nugget Icon.png Hardsilver Nugget
Tabletop Hat Stand Icon.png Tabletop Hat Stand   &0000000000000415000000415Tabletop Hat Stand   &000000000000007800000078Tabletop Hat Stand
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Zonure Leather Icon.png Zonure Leather
x Titanbronze Nugget Icon.png Titanbronze Nugget
Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Aiming Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Aiming   &0000000000000418000000418Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Aiming   &000000000000007900000079Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Aiming
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Sea Swallow Leather Icon.png Sea Swallow Leather
x Bright Linen Yarn Icon.png Bright Linen Yarn
x Grade 1 Dexterity Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Dexterity Alkahest
Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Scouting Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Scouting   &0000000000000418000000418Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Scouting   &000000000000007900000079Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Scouting
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Sea Swallow Leather Icon.png Sea Swallow Leather
x Bright Linen Yarn Icon.png Bright Linen Yarn
x Grade 1 Dexterity Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Dexterity Alkahest
Dwarven Cotton Turban of Aiming Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Turban of Aiming   &0000000000000418000000418Dwarven Cotton Turban of Aiming   &000000000000007900000079Dwarven Cotton Turban of Aiming
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Bright Linen Yarn Icon.png Bright Linen Yarn
x Halgai Mane Icon.png Halgai Mane
x Wildfowl Feather Icon.png Wildfowl Feather
x Grade 1 Dexterity Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Dexterity Alkahest
Dwarven Cotton Turban of Scouting Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Turban of Scouting   &0000000000000418000000418Dwarven Cotton Turban of Scouting   &000000000000007900000079Dwarven Cotton Turban of Scouting
x Lightning Crystal Icon.png Lightning Crystal
x Wind Crystal Icon.png Wind Crystal
x Dwarven Cotton Icon.png Dwarven Cotton
x Bright Linen Yarn Icon.png Bright Linen Yarn
x Halgai Mane Icon.png Halgai Mane
x Wildfowl Feather Icon.png Wildfowl Feather
x Grade 1 Dexterity Alkahest Icon.png Grade 1 Dexterity Alkahest

Pages in category "Weaver Recipes/410-419"

The following 58 pages are in this category, out of 58 total.