Category:White Mage Exclusive

White Mage Exclusive Armor

Item iLevel Requirements Stats
 Virtu Orison Fingerless Gloves Icon.png  Virtu Orison Fingerless Gloves
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 WHM
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14

 Virtu Orison Thighboots Icon.png  Virtu Orison Thighboots
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 WHM
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14

 Virtu Orison Skirt Icon.png  Virtu Orison Skirt
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 WHM
Req. Level 1
Defense 10
Magic Defense 18

 Virtu Orison Robe Icon.png  Virtu Orison Robe
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 WHM
Req. Level 1
Defense 10
Magic Defense 18

 Virtu Orison Hood Icon.png  Virtu Orison Hood
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 WHM
Req. Level 1
Defense 8
Magic Defense 14

 Augmented Healer's Boots Icon.png  Augmented Healer's Boots
Map75 Icon.png
 &000000000000005000000050&000000000000004500000045 WHM
Req. Level 45
Defense 48
Magic Defense 84
Mind +8 
Vitality +9 
Determination +14 
Piety +10 

 Healer's Culottes Icon.png  Healer's Culottes
Map75 Icon.png
 &000000000000005000000050&000000000000004500000045 WHM
Req. Level 45
Defense 64
Magic Defense 113
Mind +13 
Vitality +14 
Piety +23 
Determination +16 

 Healer's Circlet Icon.png  Healer's Circlet
Map75 Icon.png
 &000000000000005000000050&000000000000004500000045 WHM
Req. Level 45
Defense 48
Magic Defense 84
Mind +8 
Vitality +9 
Piety +14 
Spell Speed +10 

 Augmented Healer's Gloves Icon.png  Augmented Healer's Gloves
Map75 Icon.png
 &000000000000005000000050&000000000000004500000045 WHM
Req. Level 45
Defense 48
Magic Defense 84
Mind +8 
Vitality +9 
Piety +14 
Spell Speed +10 

 Augmented Healer's Culottes Icon.png  Augmented Healer's Culottes
Map75 Icon.png
 &000000000000005000000050&000000000000004500000045 WHM
Req. Level 45
Defense 64
Magic Defense 113
Mind +13 
Vitality +14 
Piety +23 
Determination +16 

 Augmented Healer's Circlet Icon.png  Augmented Healer's Circlet
Map75 Icon.png
 &000000000000005000000050&000000000000004500000045 WHM
Req. Level 45
Defense 48
Magic Defense 84
Mind +8 
Vitality +9 
Piety +14 
Spell Speed +10 

 Healer's Boots Icon.png  Healer's Boots
Map75 Icon.png
 &000000000000005000000050&000000000000004500000045 WHM
Req. Level 45
Defense 48
Magic Defense 84
Mind +8 
Vitality +9 
Determination +14 
Piety +10 

 Healer's Gloves Icon.png  Healer's Gloves
Map75 Icon.png
 &000000000000005000000050&000000000000004500000045 WHM
Req. Level 45
Defense 48
Magic Defense 84
Mind +8 
Vitality +9 
Piety +14 
Spell Speed +10 

 Augmented Healer's Robe Icon.png  Augmented Healer's Robe
Map75 Icon.png
 &000000000000005500000055&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Defense 66
Magic Defense 115
Mind +15 
Vitality +16 
Piety +24 
Spell Speed +17 

 Healer's Robe Icon.png  Healer's Robe
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &000000000000005500000055&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Defense 66
Magic Defense 115
Mind +15 
Vitality +16 
Piety +24 
Spell Speed +17 

 Cleric's Robe Icon.png  Cleric's Robe
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &000000000000009000000090&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Defense 71
Magic Defense 124
Mind +30 
Vitality +29 
Piety +36 
Spell Speed +25 

 Cleric's Gloves Icon.png  Cleric's Gloves
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &000000000000009000000090&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Defense 53
Magic Defense 92
Mind +19 
Vitality +18 
Piety +22 
Spell Speed +15 

 Cleric's Culottes Icon.png  Cleric's Culottes
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &000000000000009000000090&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Defense 71
Magic Defense 124
Mind +30 
Vitality +29 
Piety +36 
Determination +25 

 Cleric's Circlet Icon.png  Cleric's Circlet
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &000000000000009000000090&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Defense 53
Magic Defense 92
Mind +19 
Vitality +18 
Piety +22 
Spell Speed +15 

 Cleric's Boots Icon.png  Cleric's Boots
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &000000000000009000000090&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Defense 53
Magic Defense 92
Mind +19 
Vitality +18 
Determination +22 
Piety +15 

 Antiquated Orison Skirt Icon.png  Antiquated Orison Skirt
 &0000000000000200000000200&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Defense 130
Magic Defense 227
Mind +72 
Vitality +65 
Piety +79 
Determination +55 

 Antiquated Orison Thighboots Icon.png  Antiquated Orison Thighboots
 &0000000000000200000000200&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Defense 97
Magic Defense 169
Mind +46 
Vitality +41 
Determination +50 
Critical Hit +35 

 Antiquated Orison Robe Icon.png  Antiquated Orison Robe
 &0000000000000200000000200&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Defense 130
Magic Defense 227
Mind +72 
Vitality +65 
Critical Hit +79 
Piety +55 

 Antiquated Orison Hood Icon.png  Antiquated Orison Hood
 &0000000000000200000000200&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Defense 97
Magic Defense 169
Mind +46 
Vitality +41 
Piety +50 
Spell Speed +35 

 Antiquated Orison Fingerless Gloves Icon.png  Antiquated Orison Fingerless Gloves
 &0000000000000200000000200&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Defense 97
Magic Defense 169
Mind +46 
Vitality +41 
Piety +50 
Determination +35 

 Orison Fingerless Gloves Icon.png  Orison Fingerless Gloves
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000210000000210&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Defense 98
Magic Defense 172
Mind +48 
Vitality +42 
Piety +51 
Determination +36 

 Orison Thighboots Icon.png  Orison Thighboots
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000210000000210&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Defense 98
Magic Defense 172
Mind +48 
Vitality +42 
Determination +51 
Critical Hit +36 

 Orison Skirt Icon.png  Orison Skirt
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000210000000210&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Defense 132
Magic Defense 231
Mind +76 
Vitality +68 
Piety +81 
Determination +57 

 Orison Hood Icon.png  Orison Hood
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000210000000210&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Defense 98
Magic Defense 172
Mind +48 
Vitality +42 
Piety +51 
Spell Speed +36 

 Orison Robe Icon.png  Orison Robe
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000210000000210&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Defense 132
Magic Defense 231
Mind +76 
Vitality +68 
Critical Hit +81 
Piety +57 

 Antiquated Seventh Heaven Fingerless Gloves Icon.png  Antiquated Seventh Heaven Fingerless Gloves
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000290000000290&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 127
Magic Defense 222
Mind +65 
Vitality +58 
Piety +68 
Critical Hit +48 

 Antiquated Seventh Heaven Thighboots Icon.png  Antiquated Seventh Heaven Thighboots
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000290000000290&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 127
Magic Defense 222
Mind +65 
Vitality +58 
Critical Hit +68 
Determination +48 

 Antiquated Seventh Heaven Circlet Icon.png  Antiquated Seventh Heaven Circlet
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000290000000290&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 127
Magic Defense 222
Mind +65 
Vitality +58 
Piety +68 
Spell Speed +48 

 Antiquated Seventh Heaven Bottoms Icon.png  Antiquated Seventh Heaven Bottoms
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000290000000290&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 170
Magic Defense 298
Mind +104 
Vitality +92 
Spell Speed +108 
Piety +76 

 Antiquated Seventh Heaven Top Icon.png  Antiquated Seventh Heaven Top
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000290000000290&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 170
Magic Defense 298
Mind +104 
Vitality +92 
Spell Speed +108 
Critical Hit +76 

 Seventh Heaven Fingerless Gloves Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Fingerless Gloves
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000335000000335&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 146
Magic Defense 256
Mind +76 
Vitality +69 
Spell Speed +76 
Piety +53 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Circlet Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Circlet
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000335000000335&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 146
Magic Defense 256
Mind +76 
Vitality +69 
Critical Hit +76 
Spell Speed +53 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Top Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Top
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000335000000335&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 196
Magic Defense 344
Mind +121 
Vitality +110 
Piety +121 
Determination +85 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Bottoms Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Bottoms
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000335000000335&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 196
Magic Defense 344
Mind +121 
Vitality +110 
Determination +121 
Piety +85 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Thighboots Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Thighboots
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000335000000335&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 146
Magic Defense 256
Mind +76 
Vitality +69 
Critical Hit +76 
Spell Speed +53 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Circlet +1 Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Circlet +1
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000340000000340&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 148
Magic Defense 259
Mind +77 
Vitality +70 
Critical Hit +77 
Spell Speed +54 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Bottoms +1 Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Bottoms +1
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000340000000340&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 198
Magic Defense 347
Mind +122 
Vitality +112 
Determination +122 
Piety +85 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Thighboots +1 Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Thighboots +1
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000340000000340&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 148
Magic Defense 259
Mind +77 
Vitality +70 
Critical Hit +77 
Spell Speed +54 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Fingerless Gloves +1 Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Fingerless Gloves +1
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000340000000340&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 148
Magic Defense 259
Mind +77 
Vitality +70 
Spell Speed +77 
Piety +54 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Top +1 Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Top +1
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000340000000340&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 198
Magic Defense 347
Mind +122 
Vitality +112 
Piety +122 
Determination +85 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Fingerless Gloves +2 Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Fingerless Gloves +2
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000345000000345&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 150
Magic Defense 262
Mind +78 
Vitality +71 
Spell Speed +77 
Piety +54 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Thighboots +2 Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Thighboots +2
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000345000000345&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 150
Magic Defense 262
Mind +78 
Vitality +71 
Critical Hit +77 
Spell Speed +54 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Bottoms +2 Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Bottoms +2
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000345000000345&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 201
Magic Defense 351
Mind +124 
Vitality +113 
Determination +123 
Piety +86 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Top +2 Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Top +2
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000345000000345&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 201
Magic Defense 351
Mind +124 
Vitality +113 
Piety +123 
Determination +86 
Eureka gear.

 Seventh Heaven Circlet +2 Icon.png  Seventh Heaven Circlet +2
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000345000000345&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 150
Magic Defense 262
Mind +78 
Vitality +71 
Critical Hit +77 
Spell Speed +54 
Eureka gear.

 Anemos Seventh Heaven Bottoms Icon.png  Anemos Seventh Heaven Bottoms
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000350000000350&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 203
Magic Defense 355
Mind +125 
Vitality +114 
Determination +124 
Piety +87 
Eureka gear.

 Anemos Seventh Heaven Fingerless Gloves Icon.png  Anemos Seventh Heaven Fingerless Gloves
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000350000000350&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 151
Magic Defense 265
Mind +79 
Vitality +72 
Spell Speed +78 
Piety +55 
Eureka gear.

 Anemos Seventh Heaven Circlet Icon.png  Anemos Seventh Heaven Circlet
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000350000000350&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 151
Magic Defense 265
Mind +79 
Vitality +72 
Critical Hit +78 
Spell Speed +55 
Eureka gear.

 Anemos Seventh Heaven Thighboots Icon.png  Anemos Seventh Heaven Thighboots
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000350000000350&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 151
Magic Defense 265
Mind +79 
Vitality +72 
Critical Hit +78 
Spell Speed +55 
Eureka gear.

 Anemos Seventh Heaven Top Icon.png  Anemos Seventh Heaven Top
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000350000000350&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Defense 203
Magic Defense 355
Mind +125 
Vitality +114 
Piety +124 
Determination +87 
Eureka gear.

 Weathered Ebers Thighboots Icon.png  Weathered Ebers Thighboots
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000430000000430&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Defense 192
Magic Defense 336
Mind +99 
Vitality +92 
Determination +100 
Critical Hit +70 

 Weathered Ebers Skirt Icon.png  Weathered Ebers Skirt
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000430000000430&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Defense 258
Magic Defense 451
Mind +158 
Vitality +146 
Piety +159 
Determination +111 

 Weathered Ebers Robe Icon.png  Weathered Ebers Robe
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000430000000430&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Defense 258
Magic Defense 451
Mind +158 
Vitality +146 
Determination +159 
Critical Hit +111 

 Weathered Ebers Hood Icon.png  Weathered Ebers Hood
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000430000000430&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Defense 192
Magic Defense 336
Mind +99 
Vitality +92 
Spell Speed +100 
Piety +70 

 Weathered Ebers Armlets Icon.png  Weathered Ebers Armlets
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000430000000430&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Defense 192
Magic Defense 336
Mind +99 
Vitality +92 
Piety +100 
Spell Speed +70 

 Idealized Ebers Hood Icon.png  Idealized Ebers Hood
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000480000000480&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Defense 219
Magic Defense 383
Mind +114 
Vitality +104 
Spell Speed +113 
Piety +79 

 Idealized Ebers Thighboots Icon.png  Idealized Ebers Thighboots
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000480000000480&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Defense 219
Magic Defense 383
Mind +114 
Vitality +104 
Determination +113 
Critical Hit +79 

 Idealized Ebers Skirt Icon.png  Idealized Ebers Skirt
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000480000000480&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Defense 293
Magic Defense 513
Mind +180 
Vitality +166 
Piety +179 
Determination +125 

 Idealized Ebers Robe Icon.png  Idealized Ebers Robe
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000480000000480&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Defense 293
Magic Defense 513
Mind +180 
Vitality +166 
Determination +179 
Critical Hit +125 

 Idealized Ebers Armlets Icon.png  Idealized Ebers Armlets
Map17 Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000480000000480&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Defense 219
Magic Defense 383
Mind +114 
Vitality +104 
Piety +113 
Spell Speed +79 

 Theophany Skirt Icon.png  Theophany Skirt
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000560000000560&000000000000008900000089 WHM
Req. Level 89
Defense 377
Magic Defense 659
Mind +232 
Vitality +209 
Piety +224 
Determination +157 
IL and attributes synced to current job level.

 Theophany Thighboots Icon.png  Theophany Thighboots
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000560000000560&000000000000008900000089 WHM
Req. Level 89
Defense 281
Magic Defense 491
Mind +146 
Vitality +131 
Determination +141 
Critical Hit +99 
IL and attributes synced to current job level.

 Theophany Shortgloves Icon.png  Theophany Shortgloves
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000560000000560&000000000000008900000089 WHM
Req. Level 89
Defense 281
Magic Defense 491
Mind +146 
Vitality +131 
Determination +141 
Spell Speed +99 
IL and attributes synced to current job level.

 Theophany Robe Icon.png  Theophany Robe
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000560000000560&000000000000008900000089 WHM
Req. Level 89
Defense 377
Magic Defense 659
Mind +232 
Vitality +209 
Piety +224 
Determination +157 
IL and attributes synced to current job level.

 Theophany Circlet Icon.png  Theophany Circlet
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000560000000560&000000000000008900000089 WHM
Req. Level 89
Defense 281
Magic Defense 491
Mind +146 
Vitality +131 
Spell Speed +141 
Determination +99 
IL and attributes synced to current job level.

 Piety Robe Icon.png  Piety Robe
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000690000000690&000000000000009900000099 WHM
Req. Level 99
Defense 550
Magic Defense 963
Mind +475 
Vitality +432 
Determination +327 
Piety +229 
IL and attributes synced to current job level.

 Piety Boots Icon.png  Piety Boots
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000690000000690&000000000000009900000099 WHM
Req. Level 99
Defense 410
Magic Defense 718
Mind +299 
Vitality +272 
Determination +206 
Critical Hit +144 
IL and attributes synced to current job level.

 Piety Fingerstalls Icon.png  Piety Fingerstalls
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000690000000690&000000000000009900000099 WHM
Req. Level 99
Defense 410
Magic Defense 718
Mind +299 
Vitality +272 
Critical Hit +206 
Piety +144 
IL and attributes synced to current job level.

 Piety Headdress Icon.png  Piety Headdress
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000690000000690&000000000000009900000099 WHM
Req. Level 99
Defense 410
Magic Defense 718
Mind +299 
Vitality +272 
Spell Speed +206 
Critical Hit +144 
IL and attributes synced to current job level.

 Piety Slops Icon.png  Piety Slops
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000690000000690&000000000000009900000099 WHM
Req. Level 99
Defense 550
Magic Defense 963
Mind +475 
Vitality +432 
Piety +327 
Critical Hit +229 
IL and attributes synced to current job level.

White Mage Exclusive Weapons

Item iLevel Requirements Stats
 Tropaios Cane Icon.png  Tropaios Cane
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 WHM
Req. Level 1
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Thyrus Animus Replica Icon.png  Thyrus Animus Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Unfinished Thyrus Replica Icon.png  Unfinished Thyrus Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Thyrus Zenith Replica Icon.png  Thyrus Zenith Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Nirvana Replica Icon.png  Nirvana Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Nirvana Zeta Replica Icon.png  Nirvana Zeta Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Thyrus Atma Replica Icon.png  Thyrus Atma Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Thyrus Replica Icon.png  Thyrus Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Thyrus Novus Replica Icon.png  Thyrus Novus Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Thyrus Nexus Replica Icon.png  Thyrus Nexus Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Cane of the White Tsar Replica Icon.png  Cane of the White Tsar Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Hyperconductive Majestas Replica Icon.png  Hyperconductive Majestas Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Replica Majestas Icon.png  Replica Majestas
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Sindri Replica Icon.png  Sindri Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Seraph Cane Awoken Replica Icon.png  Seraph Cane Awoken Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Sindri Lux Replica Icon.png  Sindri Lux Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Sharpened Cane of the White Tsar Replica Icon.png  Sharpened Cane of the White Tsar Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Rose Couverte Replica Icon.png  Rose Couverte Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Aymur Anemos Replica Icon.png  Aymur Anemos Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Rose Couverte Eureka Replica Icon.png  Rose Couverte Eureka Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Replica Elemental Cane Icon.png  Replica Elemental Cane
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Replica Pyros Cane Icon.png  Replica Pyros Cane
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Replica Blade's Mercy Icon.png  Replica Blade's Mercy
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Replica Augmented Law's Order Cane Icon.png  Replica Augmented Law's Order Cane
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Replica Ingrimm Recollection Icon.png  Replica Ingrimm Recollection
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Replica Law's Order Cane Icon.png  Replica Law's Order Cane
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Ingrimm Replica Icon.png  Ingrimm Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Matte Replica Blade's Mercy Icon.png  Matte Replica Blade's Mercy
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

VFX: None

 Mandervillous Cane Replica Icon.png  Mandervillous Cane Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000009000000090 WHM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Majestic Manderville Wand Matte Replica Icon.png  Majestic Manderville Wand Matte Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000009000000090 WHM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

VFX: None

 Majestic Manderville Wand Replica Icon.png  Majestic Manderville Wand Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000009000000090 WHM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Manderville Cane Replica Icon.png  Manderville Cane Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000009000000090 WHM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Amazing Manderville Cane Replica Icon.png  Amazing Manderville Cane Replica
Map75 Icon.png
 &00000000000000010000001&000000000000009000000090 WHM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 9
Magic Damage 9
Mind +0 
Vitality +0 

 Unfinished Thyrus Icon.png  Unfinished Thyrus
 &000000000000005000000050&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 57
Magic Damage 57
Mind +13 
Vitality +15 

 Thyrus Icon.png  Thyrus
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &000000000000008000000080&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 60
Magic Damage 60
Mind +27 
Vitality +25 
Determination +33 
Spell Speed +23 

One of the fabled relic weapons.

 Thyrus Zenith Icon.png  Thyrus Zenith
Map75 Icon.png
 &000000000000009000000090&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 61
Magic Damage 61
Mind +31 
Vitality +30 
Determination +37 
Spell Speed +26 

One of the fabled relic weapons.

 Thyrus Animus Icon.png  Thyrus Animus
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000100000000100&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 62
Magic Damage 62
Mind +37 
Vitality +34 
Determination +40 
Spell Speed +28 
Direct Hit Rate +8 

One of the fabled relic weapons.

 Thyrus Atma Icon.png  Thyrus Atma
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000100000000100&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 61
Magic Damage 61
Mind +31 
Vitality +30 
Determination +37 
Spell Speed +26 

One of the fabled relic weapons.

 Thyrus Novus Icon.png  Thyrus Novus
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000110000000110&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 63
Magic Damage 63
Mind +42 
Vitality +39 
Direct Hit Rate +9 

One of the fabled relic weapons.

 Thyrus Nexus Icon.png  Thyrus Nexus
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000115000000115&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 64
Magic Damage 64
Mind +45 
Vitality +41 
Direct Hit Rate +9 

One of the fabled relic weapons.

 Nirvana Icon.png  Nirvana
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000125000000125&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 65
Magic Damage 65
Mind +51 
Vitality +49 
Direct Hit Rate +10 

One of the weapons wielded by the legendary Zodiac Braves.

 Nirvana Zeta Icon.png  Nirvana Zeta
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000135000000135&000000000000005000000050 WHM
Req. Level 50
Physical Damage 66
Magic Damage 66
Mind +55 
Vitality +53 
Direct Hit Rate +11 

One of the true weapons wielded by the legendary Zodiac Braves.

 Animated Seraph Cane Icon.png  Animated Seraph Cane
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000170000000170&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 69
Magic Damage 69
Mind +66 
Vitality +58 
Piety +77 
Determination +54 

 Antiquated Seraph Cane Icon.png  Antiquated Seraph Cane
 &0000000000000200000000200&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 72
Magic Damage 72
Mind +75 
Vitality +67 
Critical Hit +82 
Piety +57 

 Seraph Cane Awoken Icon.png  Seraph Cane Awoken
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000200000000200&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 72
Magic Damage 72
Mind +75 
Vitality +67 
Piety +82 
Determination +57 

 Majestas Icon.png  Majestas
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000210000000210&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 73
Mind +78 
Vitality +69 
Piety +84 
Determination +59 

An anima weapon.

 Seraph Cane Icon.png  Seraph Cane
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000210000000210&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 73
Magic Damage 73
Mind +78 
Vitality +69 
Critical Hit +84 
Piety +59 

 Hyperconductive Majestas Icon.png  Hyperconductive Majestas
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000230000000230&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 75
Magic Damage 75
Mind +85 
Vitality +77 
Piety +88 
Determination +88 

An anima weapon.

 Cane of the White Tsar Icon.png  Cane of the White Tsar
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000240000000240&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 76
Magic Damage 76
Mind +88 
Vitality +81 

An anima weapon.

 Sharpened Cane of the White Tsar Icon.png  Sharpened Cane of the White Tsar
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000260000000260&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 78
Magic Damage 78
Mind +95 
Vitality +88 

An enhanced anima weapon.

 Sindri Icon.png  Sindri
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000270000000270&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 79
Magic Damage 79
Mind +98 
Vitality +93 

A complete anima weapon.

 Sindri Lux Icon.png  Sindri Lux
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000275000000275&000000000000006000000060 WHM
Req. Level 60
Physical Damage 80
Magic Damage 80
Mind +100 
Vitality +94 

A fully complete anima weapon.

 Antiquated Aymur Icon.png  Antiquated Aymur
Quest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000290000000290&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 81
Magic Damage 81
Mind +108 
Vitality +95 
Critical Hit +112 
Determination +78 

 Aymur Icon.png  Aymur
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000335000000335&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 86
Magic Damage 86
Mind +125 
Vitality +113 
Spell Speed +126 
Piety +88 
Eureka gear.

 Aymur +1 Icon.png  Aymur +1
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000340000000340&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 86
Magic Damage 86
Mind +127 
Vitality +116 
Spell Speed +126 
Piety +88 
Eureka gear.

 Aymur +2 Icon.png  Aymur +2
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000345000000345&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 87
Magic Damage 87
Mind +129 
Vitality +117 
Spell Speed +127 
Piety +89 
Eureka gear.

 Aymur Anemos Icon.png  Aymur Anemos
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000355000000355&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 88
Mind +132 
Vitality +121 
Spell Speed +130 
Piety +91 
Eureka gear.

 Aymur Pagos Icon.png  Aymur Pagos
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000360000000360&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 88
Magic Damage 88
Mind +133 
Vitality +123 
Spell Speed +131 
Piety +92 
Eureka gear.

 Aymur Pagos +1 Icon.png  Aymur Pagos +1
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000365000000365&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 89
Magic Damage 89
Mind +135 
Vitality +125 
Spell Speed +134 
Piety +94 
Eureka gear.

 Elemental Cane Icon.png  Elemental Cane
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000370000000370&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 89
Magic Damage 89
Mind +137 
Vitality +127 
Spell Speed +134 
Piety +94 
Eureka gear.

 Elemental Cane +1 Icon.png  Elemental Cane +1
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000375000000375&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 90
Magic Damage 90
Mind +139 
Vitality +129 
Spell Speed +136 
Piety +95 
Eureka gear.

 Elemental Cane +2 Icon.png  Elemental Cane +2
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000380000000380&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 90
Magic Damage 90
Mind +140 
Vitality +131 
Spell Speed +137 
Piety +96 
Eureka gear.

 Pyros Cane Icon.png  Pyros Cane
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000385000000385&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 91
Magic Damage 91
Mind +142 
Vitality +134 

Eureka gear.

 Hydatos Cane Icon.png  Hydatos Cane
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000390000000390&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 91
Magic Damage 91
Mind +144 
Vitality +137 

Eureka gear.

 Hydatos Cane +1 Icon.png  Hydatos Cane +1
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000395000000395&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 92
Magic Damage 92
Mind +146 
Vitality +141 

Eureka gear.

 Rose Couverte Icon.png  Rose Couverte
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000400000000400&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 92
Magic Damage 92
Mind +148 
Vitality +145 

Eureka gear.

 Rose Couverte Physeos Icon.png  Rose Couverte Physeos
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000405000000405&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 93
Magic Damage 93
Mind +150 
Vitality +146 
Eureka Effect: Bonus only applicable in Eureka Elemental Bonus +348 

Eureka gear.

 Rose Couverte Eureka Icon.png  Rose Couverte Eureka
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000405000000405&000000000000007000000070 WHM
Req. Level 70
Physical Damage 93
Magic Damage 93
Mind +150 
Vitality +146 

Eureka gear.

 Tishtrya Icon.png  Tishtrya
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000430000000430&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 95
Magic Damage 95
Mind +164 
Vitality +151 
Piety +165 
Determination +116 

 Ingrimm Icon.png  Ingrimm
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000485000000485&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 101
Magic Damage 101
Mind +189 
Vitality +175 
Critical Hit +188 
Determination +132 

 Augmented Ingrimm Icon.png  Augmented Ingrimm
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000500000000500&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 102
Magic Damage 102
Mind +197 
Vitality +183 
Critical Hit +194 
Determination +136 
Resistance weapon.

 Ingrimm Recollection Icon.png  Ingrimm Recollection
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000500000000500&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 102
Magic Damage 102
Mind +197 
Vitality +183 
Critical Hit +194 
Determination +136 
Resistance weapon.

 Law's Order Cane Icon.png  Law's Order Cane
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000510000000510&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 103
Magic Damage 103
Mind +202 
Vitality +189 
Spell Speed +199 
Determination +139 
Resistance weapon.

 Augmented Law's Order Cane Icon.png  Augmented Law's Order Cane
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000515000000515&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 104
Magic Damage 104
Mind +204 
Vitality +192 

Resistance weapon.

 Blade's Mercy Icon.png  Blade's Mercy
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000535000000535&000000000000008000000080 WHM
Req. Level 80
Physical Damage 106
Magic Damage 106
Mind +216 
Vitality +204 

Resistance weapon.

 Xoanon Icon.png  Xoanon
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000560000000560&000000000000008900000089 WHM
Req. Level 89
Physical Damage 111
Magic Damage 111
Mind +241 
Vitality +217 
Determination +232 
Piety +162 
IL and attributes synced to current job level.

 Manderville Cane Icon.png  Manderville Cane
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000615000000615&000000000000009000000090 WHM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 122
Magic Damage 122
Mind +321 
Vitality +308 
Critical Hit +275 
Determination +275 

 Amazing Manderville Cane Icon.png  Amazing Manderville Cane
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000630000000630&000000000000009000000090 WHM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 125
Magic Damage 125
Mind +348 
Vitality +338 
Critical Hit +283 
Determination +283 
Amazing Manderville weapon.

 Majestic Manderville Wand Icon.png  Majestic Manderville Wand
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000645000000645&000000000000009000000090 WHM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 128
Magic Damage 128
Mind +378 
Vitality +373 

Majestic Manderville weapon.

 Mandervillous Cane Icon.png  Mandervillous Cane
Quest Icon.png
 &0000000000000665000000665&000000000000009000000090 WHM
Req. Level 90
Physical Damage 132
Magic Damage 132
Mind +416 
Vitality +412 

Mandervillous Manderville weapon.

 Serenity Icon.png  Serenity
Map75 Icon.png
 &0000000000000690000000690&000000000000009900000099 WHM
Req. Level 99
Physical Damage 137
Magic Damage 137
Mind +493 
Vitality +448 
Critical Hit +339 
Determination +237 
IL and attributes synced to current job level.

Pages in category "White Mage Exclusive"

The following 156 pages are in this category, out of 156 total.