Ceruleum Balloons

Ceruleum Balloons Icon.png
Ceruleum Balloons  Dollarsignicon.png
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Filled with gasified ceruleum, this festive assortment of balloons will carry you sky-high in high spirits.
Level 1
Item Level 1
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Available for Purchase via Mog Station
Mog Station Price
Mog Station ($24 / €16.80 / £13.80 / ¥2530)
Used to Summon

Mount Information
Ceruleum Balloons (Mount) Icon.pngCeruleum Balloons (Mount)Flying Mount 
Filled with gasified ceruleum, this festive assortment of balloons boasts enough buoyancy to lift a full-grown Roegadyn off the ground. However, it possesses no means of propulsion, and one is required to provide one's own wind magicks to move.
Ceruleum Balloons (Mount) Patch.png

Squawk! Bring balloon directly over unbelievers' dung heap!
- Ixali Chieftain

Acquisition: $24 USD from the Final Fantasy XIV Online Store.
Requires: Ceruleum Balloons
Movement: Airborne (Flying)
The Merry Wanderer Waltz
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