
Guildleves plate final.pngCharity
Spelling: Cheryte
Meaning: Charity means acting with loving-kindness toward others. It can also be the practice of giving goods or service to those in need.
Notes: Charity leves allow you to turn in additional items, up to three times, to receive additional xp and loot.
In Eorzea:

Portrays two female hyurs, one young and one old, weaving.
In Norvandt:
Shadowbringers Charity.png

In Tural:

Levequests (257)

Name Level Starter Classes Items Needed
Blind Man's Bluff 20 Nyell Alchemist Potion of Dexterity

Don't Forget to Take Your Meds 20 Eustace Alchemist Potion of Intelligence

The Wailers' First Law of Potion 25 Nyell Alchemist Hi-Potion

Sophomore Slump 25 Eustace Alchemist Goatskin Grimoire

Growing Is Knowing 30 Nahctahr Alchemist Growth Formula Gamma

Stuck in the Moment 30 Eustace Alchemist Horn Glue

Always Have an Exit Plan 35 Eustace Alchemist Poisoning Potion

Going Nowhere Fast 35 Cimeaurant Alchemist Paralyzing Potion

Your Courtesy Wake-up Call 40 Eustace Alchemist Smelling Salts

A Real Smooth Move 40 Voilinaut Alchemist Lanolin

A Matter of Vital Importance 45 Eustace Alchemist Mega-Potion of Vitality

Not Taking No for an Answer 45 K'leytai Alchemist Mega-Potion of Strength

Dodging the Draft (L) 50 Eloin Alchemist Void Glue

Forged from the Void 50 Eloin Alchemist Void Glue

Curbing the Contagion (L) 52 Eloin Alchemist Holy Water

Consecrating Congregation 52 Eloin Alchemist Holy Water

Warding Off Temptation 54 Eloin Alchemist Enchanted Hardsilver Ink

The Garden of Arcane Delights (L) 54 Eloin Alchemist Enchanted Hardsilver Ink

Rolling on Initiative 56 Eloin Alchemist Draconian Potion of Dexterity

Darkly Dreaming Dexterity (L) 56 Eloin Alchemist Draconian Potion of Dexterity

Dappling the Highlands (L) 58 Eloin Alchemist Growth Formula Zeta

The Grave of Hemlock Groves 58 Eloin Alchemist Growth Formula Zeta

Magic Beans 60 Keltraeng Alchemist Growth Formula Eta

Materia Worth 62 Keltraeng Alchemist Potent Spiritbond Potion

Asking for a Friend 64 Keltraeng Alchemist Beetle Glue

Let Loose the Juice 66 Keltraeng Alchemist Persimmon Tannin

Making Your Mark 68 Keltraeng Alchemist Enchanted Palladium Ink

A Time for Peace 70 Eirikur Alchemist Smilodonskin Codex

Making Ends Meet 72 Eirikur Alchemist Superior Spiritbond Potion

5-bell Energy 74 Eirikur Alchemist Competent Craftsman's Syrup

Crafty Concoctions 76 Eirikur Alchemist Commanding Craftsman's Syrup

Mindful Medicine 78 Eirikur Alchemist Tincture of Mind

Name Level Starter Classes Items Needed
Get Me the Hard Stuff 20 T'mokkri Armorer Ironclad Bronze Buckler

Not Enough Headroom 20 Nyell Armorer Iron Celata

Get Shirty 25 Nyell Armorer Steel Chainmail

Insistent Sallets 25 T'mokkri Armorer Steel Sallet

Romper Stomper 30 T'mokkri Armorer Steel-plated Jackboots

They've Got Legs 30 Nahctahr Armorer Steel Sabatons

Get Me the Usual 35 T'mokkri Armorer Heavy Steel Flanchard

I've Got You under My Skin 35 Cimeaurant Armorer Steel-plated Caligae

Distill and Know that I'm Right 40 T'mokkri Armorer Mythril Alembic

Employee Retention 40 Voilinaut Armorer Mythril Elmo

Some Dragoons Have All the Luck 45 T'mokkri Armorer High Mythril Armor

Dealing with the Tough Stuff 45 K'leytai Armorer Cobalt Ingot

Don't Scuttle with Scuta 50 Eloin Armorer Mythrite Scutum

Shielded by Bureaucracy (L) 50 Eloin Armorer Mythrite Scutum

Skillet with Fire (L) 52 Eloin Armorer Frypan Caliente

Pan That Laid the Golden Egg 52 Eloin Armorer Frypan Caliente

The Thriller of Autumn (L) 54 Eloin Armorer Titanium Mail of Fending

Sometimes the South Wins 54 Eloin Armorer Titanium Mail of Fending

Belle of the Brawl 56 Eloin Armorer Titanium Vambraces of Fending

Shouldering the Shut-ins (L) 56 Eloin Armorer Titanium Vambraces of Fending

The Rose and the Riveter (L) 58 Eloin Armorer Adamantite Rivets

The Mast Chance 58 Eloin Armorer Adamantite Rivets

Setting the Stage 60 Keltraeng Armorer High Steel Helm of Maiming

Setting the Stage 60 Keltraeng Armorer High Steel Helm of Maiming

Ore for Me 62 Keltraeng Armorer High Steel Ingot

En Garde and on Guard 64 Keltraeng Armorer Doman Iron Gauntlets of Fending

Sweeping the Legs 66 Keltraeng Armorer Doman Steel Greaves of Striking

Heads Will Roll 68 Keltraeng Armorer Molybdenum Headgear of Maiming

A Head of Demand 70 Eirikur Armorer Deepgold Helm of Fending

Wrapped Knuckles 72 Eirikur Armorer Deepgold Gloves of Fending

The Proper Precautions 74 Eirikur Armorer Bluespirit Alembic

A Budding Business 76 Eirikur Armorer Titanbronze Headband of Scouting

Shield to Shield 78 Eirikur Armorer Dwarven Mythril Shield

Name Level Starter Classes Items Needed
The Devil's Workshop 20 Nyell Blacksmith Brass Viking Sword

Claw Daddy 20 T'mokkri Blacksmith Iron Claw Hammer

Cleaving the Glim 25 T'mokkri Blacksmith Iron Round Knife

That's Some Fine Grinding 25 Nyell Blacksmith Initiate's Mortar

Can You Spare a Dolabra 30 T'mokkri Blacksmith Steel Dolabra

Don't Fear the Reaper 30 Nahctahr Blacksmith Steel Scythe

Spice Cadet 35 T'mokkri Blacksmith Heavy Steel Mortar

Seemed Like the Thing to Get 35 Cimeaurant Blacksmith Wrapped Steel Culinary Knife

Streamlining Operations 40 Voilinaut Blacksmith Mythril Claw Hammer

File That under Whatever 40 T'mokkri Blacksmith Mythril File

I Maul Right 45 K'leytai Blacksmith Cobalt Sledgehammer

You Stay on That Side 45 T'mokkri Blacksmith Cobalt Pliers

With Bearings Straight 50 Eloin Blacksmith Mythrite Nugget

Bearing the Brunt (L) 50 Eloin Blacksmith Mythrite Nugget

Saw, Shank, and Redemption (L) 52 Eloin Blacksmith Mythrite Culinary Knife

Cautionary Cutlery 52 Eloin Blacksmith Mythrite Culinary Knife

Keep Up with the Mechanics 54 Eloin Blacksmith Titanium-barreled Arquebus

Unconventional Weaponry (L) 54 Eloin Blacksmith Titanium-barreled Arquebus

Spirituality Inspector 56 Eloin Blacksmith Titanium Lump Hammer

The Clamor for Hammers (L) 56 Eloin Blacksmith Titanium Lump Hammer

Swords for Plowshares 58 Eloin Blacksmith Adamantite Zweihander

Negative, They Are Meat Popsicles (L) 58 Eloin Blacksmith Adamantite Zweihander

High Steal 60 Keltraeng Blacksmith High Steel Nugget

File under Dull 62 Keltraeng Blacksmith High Steel File

And My Axe (Levequest) 64 Keltraeng Blacksmith Doman Iron War Axe

The Bigger the Blade 66 Keltraeng Blacksmith Doman Steel Tachi

Fire for Hire 68 Keltraeng Blacksmith Molybdenum Rimfire

Here Comes the Hammer 70 Eirikur Blacksmith Deepgold Sledgehammer

Enlistment Highs 72 Eirikur Blacksmith Deepgold Sword

Nip It in the Bud 74 Eirikur Blacksmith Bluespirit Scythe

Cooking for the Future 76 Eirikur Blacksmith Titanbronze Culinary Knife

Keeping Loyalty 78 Eirikur Blacksmith Dwarven Mythril File

Name Level Starter Classes Items Needed
Behind the Mask 20 Gontrant Carpenter Ash Mask (Lapis Lazuli)

Polearms Aplenty 20 Nyell Carpenter Iron Spear

Armoires of the Rich and Famous 25 Gontrant Carpenter Walnut Lumber

Heal Away 25 Nyell Carpenter Yew Crook

The Long Lance of the Law 30 Nahctahr Carpenter Steel Halberd

Ceremonial Spears 30 Gontrant Carpenter Steel Spear

Bend It Like Durendaire 35 Cimeaurant Carpenter Ash Cavalry Bow

Flintstone Fight 35 Gontrant Carpenter Walnut Macuahuitl

Spin It Like You Mean It 40 Gontrant Carpenter Mahogany Spinning Wheel

Ready for a Rematch 40 Voilinaut Carpenter Mythril Lance

You Do the Heavy Lifting 45 Gontrant Carpenter Mahogany Lumber

Incant Now, Think Later 45 K'leytai Carpenter Jade Crook

Living Bow to Mouth (L) 50 Eloin Carpenter Cedar Longbow

Almost as Fun as Slingshotting Birds 50 Eloin Carpenter Cedar Longbow

A Reward Fitting of the Faithful 52 Eloin Carpenter Holy Cedar Necklace

Just Rewards for Just Devotion (L) 52 Eloin Carpenter Holy Cedar Necklace

Like Lemon on a Lumbercut (L) 54 Eloin Carpenter Dark Chestnut Lumber

Walking on Pins and Needles 54 Eloin Carpenter Dark Chestnut Lumber

Aim to Please 56 Eloin Carpenter Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Aiming

To Protect My City, I Must Wear a Mask (L) 56 Eloin Carpenter Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Aiming

Hold on Adamantite 58 Eloin Carpenter Adamantite Spear

Spears for Stone Vigilantes (L) 58 Eloin Carpenter Adamantite Spear

Beech, Please 60 Keltraeng Carpenter Beech Lumber

Wood That You Could 62 Keltraeng Carpenter Larch Bracelets

Run Before They Walk 64 Keltraeng Carpenter Pine Cane

Spare a Rod and Spoil the Fishers 66 Keltraeng Carpenter Gazelle Horn Fishing Rod

With a Bow on Top 68 Keltraeng Carpenter Zelkova Longbow

Playing the Market 70 Eirikur Carpenter White Oak Necklace

Understaffed 72 Eirikur Carpenter Applewood Cane

Horde of the Rings 74 Eirikur Carpenter White Ash Bracelet

A Miss and a Hit 76 Eirikur Carpenter Sandteak Longbow

Safety First 78 Eirikur Carpenter Lignum Vitae Earrings

Name Level Starter Classes Items Needed
Brain Food 20 T'mokkri Culinarian Walnut Bread

Picnic Panic 20 Nyell Culinarian Apple Tart

I Love Lamprey 25 Nyell Culinarian Eel Pie

Fever Pitch 25 T'mokkri Culinarian Chamomile Tea

True Grits 30 T'mokkri Culinarian Cornmeal

Sole Survivor 30 Nahctahr Culinarian Baked Sole

Leek Soup for the Soul 35 Cimeaurant Culinarian Cawl Cennin

Feeding Frenzy 35 T'mokkri Culinarian Acorn Cookie

Pagan Pastries 40 Voilinaut Culinarian Pastry Fish

Made by Apple in Coerthas 40 T'mokkri Culinarian Apple Juice

Red Letter Day 45 K'leytai Culinarian Rolanberry Lassi

Bread in the Clouds 45 T'mokkri Culinarian La Noscean Toast

The Aroma of Faith 50 Eloin Culinarian Baked Onion Soup

Soup's On (L) 50 Eloin Culinarian Baked Onion Soup

Recipe for Disaster (L) 52 Eloin Culinarian Dhalmel Gratin

Persona non Gratin 52 Eloin Culinarian Dhalmel Gratin

The Eats of Authenticity (L) 54 Eloin Culinarian Dhalmel Fricassee

Old Victories, New Tastes 54 Eloin Culinarian Dhalmel Fricassee

Loaves and Fishes (L) 56 Eloin Culinarian Baked Pipira Pira

Persuasion of a Higher Power 56 Eloin Culinarian Baked Pipira Pira

Don't Let It Fall Apart 58 Eloin Culinarian Liver-cheese Sandwich

Better Come Back with a Sandwich (L) 58 Eloin Culinarian Liver-cheese Sandwich

All You Can Stomach 60 Keltraeng Culinarian Baklava

The Frier Never Lies 62 Keltraeng Culinarian Cottonseed Oil

Souper 64 Keltraeng Culinarian Gameni

West Meats East 66 Keltraeng Culinarian Nomad Meat Pie

Herky Jerky 68 Keltraeng Culinarian Jerked Jhammel

Cure for What Ails 70 Eirikur Culinarian Purple Carrot Juice

Sweet Tooth 72 Eirikur Culinarian Caramels

Mixology 74 Eirikur Culinarian Blood Tomato Juice

Teetotally 76 Eirikur Culinarian Masala Chai

A Cookie for Your Troubles 78 Eirikur Culinarian Coffee Biscuit

Name Level Starter Classes Items Needed
King for a Day 20 Eustace Goldsmith Decorated Copper Scepter

Dog Tags Are for Dogs 20 Nyell Goldsmith Brass Ring

All Booked Up 25 Eustace Goldsmith Silver Magnifiers

Dancing with the Stars 25 Nyell Goldsmith Toothed Staghorn Staff

A Little Bird Told Me 30 Eustace Goldsmith Malachite Bracelet

Get the Green Stuff 30 Nahctahr Goldsmith Malachite Earrings

Burning the Midnight Oil 35 Eustace Goldsmith Fire Brand

Faith and Fashion 35 Cimeaurant Goldsmith Mythril Earrings

It's My Business to Know Things 40 Eustace Goldsmith Red Coral Armillae

If You've Got It, Flaunt It 40 Voilinaut Goldsmith Peridot Earrings

Light in the Darkness 45 K'leytai Goldsmith Amber Choker

The Big Red 45 Eustace Goldsmith Red Coral Necklace

Transposing Theology (L) 50 Eloin Goldsmith Yeti Staff

Halonic Hermeneutics 50 Eloin Goldsmith Yeti Staff

Sky Is the Limit 52 Eloin Goldsmith Mythrite Ingot

Hulls of Broken Dreams (L) 52 Eloin Goldsmith Mythrite Ingot

The Monuments Mages 54 Eloin Goldsmith Hardsilver Magnifiers of Casting

Deal with It (L) 54 Eloin Goldsmith Hardsilver Magnifiers of Casting

Silver Bar of Upcycling (L) 56 Eloin Goldsmith Hardsilver Planisphere

Appeasing the Astromancer 56 Eloin Goldsmith Hardsilver Planisphere

It's the Circlet of Life (L) 58 Eloin Goldsmith Aurum Regis Circlet of Healing

A Halo for Her Head 58 Eloin Goldsmith Aurum Regis Circlet of Healing

Wants and Needles 60 Keltraeng Goldsmith Bombfish Needle

If I'd a Koppranickel for Every Time... 62 Keltraeng Goldsmith Koppranickel Ingot

Hair-raising Action 64 Keltraeng Goldsmith Durium Hairpin of Maiming

Ring in the New 66 Keltraeng Goldsmith Azurite Ring of Fending

Choker in the Clutch 68 Keltraeng Goldsmith Palladium Choker of Aiming

You're My Wonderhall 70 Eirikur Goldsmith Hematite Earrings of Healing

Gentleman Donor 72 Eirikur Goldsmith Diaspore Bracelet of Slaying

Unsung Generosity 74 Eirikur Goldsmith Manasilver Choker

A Magnanimous Refrain 76 Eirikur Goldsmith Triplite Earrings of Casting

Wrap Those Wrists 78 Eirikur Goldsmith Petalite Bracelet of Fending

Name Level Starter Classes Items Needed
Packing a Punch 20 Nyell Leatherworker Goatskin Cesti

Fire and Hide 20 Gontrant Leatherworker Aldgoat Leather

Breeches Served Cold 25 Gontrant Leatherworker Goatskin Breeches

Quicker than Sand 25 Nyell Leatherworker Padded Leather Duckbills

Best Served Toad 30 Gontrant Leatherworker Toad Leather

Subordinate Clause 30 Nahctahr Leatherworker Goatskin Choker

Supply Side Logic 35 Gontrant Leatherworker Boar Leather

First They Came for the Heretics 35 Cimeaurant Leatherworker Boarskin Choker

It's Not a Job, It's a Calling 40 Voilinaut Leatherworker Peiste Leather

The Tao of Rabbits 40 Gontrant Leatherworker Boarskin Harness

Spelling Me Softly 45 K'leytai Leatherworker Raptor Leather

Handle with Care 45 Gontrant Leatherworker Peisteskin Cesti

Treat Them with Kid Gloves (L) 50 Eloin Leatherworker Archaeoskin Gloves of Aiming

Glorified Hole-punchers 50 Eloin Leatherworker Archaeoskin Gloves of Aiming

(Don't) Love the Skin You're In 52 Eloin Leatherworker Wyvernskin Cuffs of Aiming

Wrist Apart (L) 52 Eloin Leatherworker Wyvernskin Cuffs of Aiming

Dragoon Drop Rate 54 Eloin Leatherworker Dhalmelskin Breeches of Maiming

Exploiting the Adroit (L) 54 Eloin Leatherworker Dhalmelskin Breeches of Maiming

Trainin' the Neck 56 Eloin Leatherworker Dragon Leather

Training Is Only Skintight (L) 56 Eloin Leatherworker Dragon Leather

On My Own Two Feet (L) 58 Eloin Leatherworker Serpentskin Thighboots of Casting

It Will Knock Your Socks Off 58 Eloin Leatherworker Serpentskin Thighboots of Casting

Fitting In 60 Keltraeng Leatherworker Gaganaskin Hat of Aiming

Looking for Glove 62 Keltraeng Leatherworker Gyuki Leather Halfgloves of Scouting

Tiger in the Sack 64 Keltraeng Leatherworker Tiger Leather

Security Breeches 66 Keltraeng Leatherworker Marid Leather Breeches of Maiming

If the Shoe Fits 68 Keltraeng Leatherworker Gazelleskin Boots of Casting

Band Substances 70 Eirikur Leatherworker Smilodonskin Wristband

A Slippery Slope 72 Eirikur Leatherworker Gliderskin Boots of Casting

At Your Neck and Call 74 Eirikur Leatherworker Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Aiming

Strike True 76 Eirikur Leatherworker Zonureskin Fingerless Gloves of Aiming

A Shoe In 78 Eirikur Leatherworker Swallowskin Shoes of Healing

Name Level Starter Classes Items Needed
The Telltale Tress 20 Nyell Weaver Cotton Coif of Gathering

Hitting Below the Belt 20 Eustace Weaver Cotton Breeches of Crafting

He's Got Legs (Levequest) 25 Eustace Weaver Velveteen Sarouel

Bet You Anything 25 Nyell Weaver Velveteen Sarouel of Gathering

Walk Softly and Carry a Big Halberd 30 Nahctahr Weaver Velveteen Dress Shoes

Our Man in Ul'dah 30 Eustace Weaver Velveteen Work Gloves

A Leg Up on the Cold 35 Cimeaurant Weaver Linen Tights

Crunching the Numbers 35 Eustace Weaver Linen Hat

A Matter of Import 40 Voilinaut Weaver Woolen Hat

Party Animals 40 Eustace Weaver Linen Deerstalker

Seeing It Through to the End 45 Eustace Weaver Woolen Smock

Bundle Up, It's Odd out There 45 K'leytai Weaver Woolen Deerstalker

Ribbon of Remembrance 50 Eloin Weaver Rainbow Ribbon of Healing

The Road Was a Ribbon of Moonlight (L) 50 Eloin Weaver Rainbow Ribbon of Healing

An Account of My Boots 52 Eloin Weaver Holy Rainbow Shoes

Soot in My Hair and Scars on My Feet (L) 52 Eloin Weaver Holy Rainbow Shoes

Finger on the Pulse 54 Eloin Weaver Ramie Halfgloves of Healing

Chirurgeon Hand in Glove (L) 54 Eloin Weaver Ramie Halfgloves of Healing

Maids of Honor (L) 56 Eloin Weaver Hallowed Ramie Doublet of Aiming

Investing in the Future 56 Eloin Weaver Hallowed Ramie Doublet of Aiming

The Hat List 58 Eloin Weaver Chimerical Felt Cap of Scouting

Knight Incognito (L) 58 Eloin Weaver Chimerical Felt Cap of Scouting

Proper Props 60 Keltraeng Weaver Bloodhempen Armguards of Scouting

Getting a Leg Up 62 Keltraeng Weaver Ruby Cotton Gaskins of Striking

Of Great Import 64 Keltraeng Weaver Kudzu Thread

To the Tops 66 Keltraeng Weaver Serge Gambison of Healing

Cap It Off 68 Keltraeng Weaver Serge Knit Cap

Turban in Training 70 Eirikur Weaver Brightlinen Turban of Crafting

Hair Do No Harm 72 Eirikur Weaver Iridescent Hat of Healing

Gloves Come in Handy 74 Eirikur Weaver Pixie Cotton Sleeves of Crafting

Something in My Eye 76 Eirikur Weaver Ovim Wool Turban of Gathering

Healing Headwear 78 Eirikur Weaver Dwarven Cotton Petasos of Healing