Chimpanzee (Minion)

Chimpanzee (Minion) Icon.pngChimpanzee (Minion)  Map75 Icon.png
Lord of Verminion
 Cost: 15  Critter
HP: 350 ATK: 50 DEF: 55 SPD: ★★★
Strengths: LoV Shield Icon.png Auto-attack: Single-target
Special Action: Munch
Triggers an enemy trap as if it were your own. If the trap deals physical damage, then potency is increased by 150%.
0 Area Icon.png
Type: Damage Points: 30

MainIcon59.png Minion Guide
A highly intelligent species of ape, the chimpanzee can be trained to use tools as well as simple language. Some naturalists believe them to be close relatives to mankind, but none have been able to determine an evolutionary process.

May the fortune of the monkey attend you!
- Saru Bugyo

Acquisition: 400x Faux Leaf
Requires: Chimpanzee
Behavior: Independent
Chimpanzee (Minion) Patch.png