Attack Name |
Anti-gravity Gimbal
Duty Action ability. Allows players to levitate, effectively splitting the arena into two platforms. While it can always be used to go up, you can only go down through certain boss mechanics. Will be used to avoid multiple mechanics in this fight.
Light raid-wide AoE damage.
~5 second cast time. Deals moderate damage and applies a Vulnerability stack to any players on the ground. Players must use the Duty Action during the cast (or beforehand) to float and avoid the damage.
100 Gs
Returns any levitating players to the ground, canceling the Duty Action effect.
Evil Eye
Aetherial Rift
Sucks all players into the ground and applies the 6 Fulms Under debuff, killing them after the debuff times out. Players must use the Duty Action during the cast (or beforehand) to float and avoid the damage.
Gravitational Explosion
Obvious stack mechanic. Only players on the same level will count as being inside the stack; safest just to have everyone use their Duty Action to avoid excessive damage.
Paranormal Wave
A wide frontal cone AoE that deals heavy damage. Tanks should keep the boss facing away from the group.
Maniacal Probe
Spawns 4 untargetable Fleshy Member tentacles at the cardinal directions. Followed by Epicenter.
Sends out a shockwave to the Fleshy Member adds, causing them to "react to the land's energy", which will mark each of them with a thin blue beam and a blue eye marker above them. After a few seconds, 1-3 of these tentacles will lose the mark. Players should move to stand against the wall, behind one that lost its marker. If they don't, they will be hit by Main Quake.
Main Quake
Used by the Fleshy Members with markers. ~10 seconds after Epicenter, the marked tentacles will shoot out a massive AoE centered on them (almost but not quite reaching the tentacles on either side of it) that deals heavy damage and applies a Vulnerability stack.
Spawns Petrospheres in specific patterns.
Blue/Black Orbs that cover the ground floor in massive blue AoEs. Players must use the Duty Action to avoid if there are no Potent Petrospheres. Deals heavy damage, petrifies, and applies a Vulnerability stack if hit.
Potent Petrospheres
Yellow Orbs that cover the floating floor in massive yellow AoEs. Levitating players will be hit. Deals heavy damage, petrifies, and applies a Vulnerability stack if hit.
Demon Eye
Obvious gaze mechanic. Petrifies anyone hit.
-100 Gs
Spawns a line from East to West of 3 Petrospheres and 3 Potent Petrospheres. When the cast finishes, all players will be thrown into the air. Immediately after landing, the spheres will explode.
Gravitational Wave
Heavy raid-wide AoE damage.