Dotharli Merchant & Mender/Purchase Items

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The Azim Steppe →  Dotharl Khaa (11.9-33.5)

Item Statistics Cost

Grade 6 Dark Matter
Grade 6 Dark Matter
Airship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png

It has recently been discovered that this substance of unknown origin has the faculty to assimilate with other forms of matter, effectively restoring them to their original condition. This specific grade of dark matter has been shown to bond best with precisely crafted items made from superior-quality materials.

[Used to repair equipment for levels 1-60.]

 x 120

Grade 7 Dark Matter
Grade 7 Dark Matter
Airship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png

It has recently been discovered that this substance of unknown origin has the faculty to assimilate with other forms of matter, effectively restoring them to their original condition. This specific grade of dark matter has been shown to bond best with precisely crafted items made from high-quality materials.

[Used to repair equipment for levels 1-80.]

 x 200

Grade 8 Dark Matter
Grade 8 Dark Matter
Map75 Icon.png

It has recently been discovered that this substance of unknown origin has the faculty to assimilate with other forms of matter, effectively restoring them to their original condition. This specific grade of dark matter has been shown to bond best with precisely crafted items made from high-quality materials.

[Used to repair equipment for levels 1-100.]

 x 280

Gysahl Greens
Gysahl Greens
Umbrella Fig Seeds Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png

A leafy vegetable indigenous to the Near East. While too bitter for most people's tastes, chocobos are known to enjoy the flavor, and thus the greens are often used as fodder for the animals.

Duration: 30m
(Duration can be extended to 60m by offering multiple servings)

 x 36

Midge Larva
Midge Larva
Levequest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png

Level: &000000000000006500000065 (&0000000000000225000000225)

The bright-red coloring of this undeveloped midge makes it an easy target for sharp-eyed fish. Live bait for freshwater fishing.

 x 61

Quest Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png

Level: &000000000000006400000064 (&0000000000000220000000220)

These fat earthworms that feed above ground in the small hours of the night have been known to grow up to two full fulms in length. Live bait for freshwater fishing.

 x 61

Salmon Roe
Salmon Roe
Quest Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngMap75 Icon.png

Level: &000000000000006000000060 (&0000000000000180000000180)

The ruby red eggs of salmon returning upriver to spawn. Bait for freshwater fishing.

 x 59