Dwarven Cotton Boll

Dwarven Cotton Boll Icon.png
Dwarven Cotton Boll  Map35 Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.png
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Flowers of the coincidentally short-stalked dwarven cotton plant are used by the people bearing the same name to create everything from undergarments to beards.
Level 1
Item Level 415
Statistics & Bonuses:
Repairs, Recycle & Style:
Stack Size 999
Sells for Gil Icon.png x 2
Noconverticon.png Nodyeicon.png Nocresticon.png Noprojectableicon.png Nodesynthesizableicon.png Nostorableicon.png Nocollectableicon.png
Acquisition Edit Dwarven Cotton Boll's Miscellaneous Acquisition Information Uses Edit Dwarven Cotton Boll's Miscellaneous Use Information
Divider5.png Divider5.png
Node (Slot) Node Req. Gathering Req.
Harvesting: Scree (5)
Kholusia (13.7-14.4)
Level:80 Level: 79
Perception HQ Icon2.png 1222
Edit Harvesting: Scree
Acquired from Voyage
Destination Quantity Ship Rank
The Slipped Anchor 1 67
Acquired from 1-hour Botany Exploration Venture
Botany Exploration Venture (Retainer Level 79)
Recipes using Dwarven Cotton Boll (2)
Item Skill
Dwarven Cotton Thread Icon.png Dwarven Cotton Thread
Weaver Icon 5.png
Oddly Specific Cloth Icon.png Oddly Specific Cloth
Weaver Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".80★★)
Used in Supply Mission (1)
Supply and Provisioning Mission Item
Botanist Supply Mission (Level 79) x 10

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