Eden's Promise: Umbra

Raidicon.pngEden's Promise: Umbra
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Eden's Promise: Umbra.png
Though balance had supposedly been restored to the six elements, it seems that they are still strongly aligned in favor of Light. To rectify this, you and your companions seek to call forth an embodiment of Darkness and by its defeat, restore life to the Empty.


1 to 8 players (2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 4 DPS)
Class: Disciples of War or Magic
※ Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
Level: 80
※ Level will be synced upon entry.
Average Item Level: 485
※ While synced, all item stats are adjusted.
※ Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements.

Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png
2 2 4
Minimum Level: 80 (Sync from 80)
Minimum iLevel: 485
Time Limit: 90 Minutes Minutes
Unrestricted Party: Allowed
Unlock Quest: Fear of the Dark
Regular Duty: Raids (Shadowbringers)
Duty Roulette: Normal Raids
Type: Raid
Zone: Sphere of Naught
Region: Norvrandt
Expansion: Shadowbringers
Guide: Eden's Promise: Umbra Guide
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Edit Eden's Promise: Umbra's Dialogue

Cloud of Darkness
Cloud of Darkness has 3 phases, during which she uses the following moves and mechanics.

Phase 1

Attack Name Description
Ground-razing Particle Beam Moderate raid-wide AoE damage.
The Art of Darkness Cleaves half of the room with a heavy hitting AoE that also knocks players back. Side determined by glowing tentacle, with it splitting down the center of her hitbox. AoE only marked towards the end of the cast.
Wide-angle Particle Beam Targeted frontal 150° AoE that deals heavy damage. Move to her sides to avoid.
Zero-form Particle Beam Tankbuster. Deals heavy damage in a wide line from the boss through the main tank. Avoid standing near the tank.
Empty Plane Signals the start of Phase 2. Deals heavy damage and changes the arena floor.
Particle Concentration Spawns 4 meteor towers. Requires at least 1 player to be standing in each. Any towers that are missed will deal moderate raid-wide AoE damage.

Advice and Tips

  • Stand near her back to more easily dodge The Art of Darkness and Wide-angle Particle Beam.

Phase 2: Panels

In addition to the mechanics listed below, the boss also uses all of her abilities from Phase 1.

Attack Name Description
Panels Panels will constantly have an AoE mark around their edge while a player is standing on them. After a short time, the Panel will gain a large pink AoE marker around the edge in addition, indicating the panel will shortly disappear. Additional players standing on a panel together speeds up the time it takes for the pink AoE to appear. Simply side step to an empty panel, wait for the AoE markers to clear, and step back to that panel to resolve.
Flood of Emptiness Destroys the 4 corner Panels and marks the center Panel with an insta-kill zone. Also marks each player with a Cloying Condensation debuff, which prevents jumping until the phase is over.
Obscure Woods Signals the start of Phase 3. Deals heavy damage and changes the arena floor.
Hypercharged Condensation Spawns 2 clouds that are tethered to the boss and will slowly move towards her. Must be killed ASAP as they will give her a damage up buff. Standing in front of them slows them down drastically.
Anti-air Particle Beam Large AoE centered on the boss.
Clones Will spawn in one of the corners, facing down the column of Panels. Used in conjunction with Anti-air Particle Beam. At the end of the cast, shoots a laser beam spanning the entire column of Panels they are facing.

Advice and Tips

  • Avoid the center Panel as it will instantly kill you if you touch it.
  • To easily handle panels, keep a panel to yourself and dodge to an ajoining panel whenever you see the pink AoE, then dodge back to your own panel.

Phase 3: Brambles

Attack Name Description
Flood of Obscurity A massive knockback AoE appears, centered on the boss, along with 8 small circle AoEs at each compass direction. At the end of the cast, all players will be knocked back about half of the arena. Avoid being knocked back into the circle AoEs, as they will become Brambles.
Brambles Immediately after Flood of Obscurity, each player will be randomly tethered to a bramble, which can be broken by moving away from it. After a short time, players will be sucked back into their bramble and likely killed. Standing in these will tether the player and make them extremely slow, while also dealing massive damage, easily capable of killing a tank in 1 or 2 ticks.
Wide-angle Phaser The boss' tentacles will glow yellow and tether to a crystal on one side of the room. At the end of the cast, she will jump towards that edge of the platform and turn back to face the arena and use Wide-angle Particle Beam. Move to the side she has tethered and stand to the sides along the edge to avoid.
Rejuvenating Balm 2 purple tethers extend from the boss' sides to crystals on either side. At the end of the cast, two massive circle AoEs will appear, centered on the crystals that the boss was tethered to. There will be a tiny safe spot at the two cardinal directions she did not tether to.
Deluge of Darkness Signals the repeat of Phase 1. Deals heavy damage and changes the arena floor.

Advice and Tips

  • Never step in a Bramble as it can easily kill you within a few seconds.
  • You can use a knockback immunity skill to prevent being pushed back during Flood of Obscurity.
  • Move to the tethered side of Wide-angle Phaser right away to make sure you are not hit.
  • Standing just in front of the bramble on the Rejuvenating Balm safe sides will put you in melee range safe spot.
Helm of Lost Antiquity Icon.png Helm of Lost Antiquity Icon.png Armor of Lost Antiquity Icon.png Chausses of Lost Antiquity Icon.png Greaves of Lost Antiquity Icon.png Bangle of Lost Antiquity Icon.png Bangle of Lost Antiquity Icon.png
(Fixed Rate Drop)

Bleak Memory of the Dying

Drop Table (6)
Item Type iLvl Requirements Stats
 Armor of Lost Antiquity Icon.png  
Armor of Lost Antiquity
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Emblazoned armor forged by some ancient civilization, recovered from Eden's Promise.

Four suits can be traded for special body gear.

 Bangle of Lost Antiquity Icon.png  
Bangle of Lost Antiquity
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
An extravagant bangle forged by some ancient civilization, recovered from Eden's Promise.

One bangle can be traded for a special accessory.

 Bleak Memory of the Dying Icon.png  
Bleak Memory of the Dying
Gold chest icon.pngFATE Icon.png
 Other  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
The bleak memory of a departed soul, forever trapped in crystal.

 Chausses of Lost Antiquity Icon.png  
Chausses of Lost Antiquity
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Heavy chausses forged by some ancient civilization, recovered from Eden's Promise.

Four pairs can be traded for special leg gear.

 Greaves of Lost Antiquity Icon.png  
Greaves of Lost Antiquity
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Tarnished greaves forged by some ancient civilization, recovered from Eden's Promise.

Two pairs can be traded for special foot gear.

 Helm of Lost Antiquity Icon.png  
Helm of Lost Antiquity
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A winged helmet forged by some ancient civilization, recovered from Eden's Promise.

Two helms can be traded for special headgear.

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