Elder Longhorn

Aldgoat Genus Icon.pngElder Longhorn  Zoneicon.pngMob18 Icon.png

Level 17
Gender  Male
  Elder Longhorn.png
Species Description:
For reasons unknown to naturalists, there are certain aldgoats which do not display the short, two-decade lifespans that are most commonly exhibited in their cousins. For this they are given the name mosshorn aldgoat, and can be easily recognized not only by their enormous size, but also their beautifully curved horns, which are said to collect colonies of moss over the many years of their growth. What is even more intriguing, is that these aldgoats will often become "aware" that they are different early in their lives, and leave their respective packs in search of other mosshorns.[1]
Genus Description:
Since ancient times, the people of Coerthas have raised aldgoats for both their meat and milk. These stocky, hoofed beasts possess a fattened collar of flesh which protects their necks against the piercing fangs of predators. They also sport a pair of curved horns, with those belonging to males being markedly larger and of concomitantly greater value.[2]

Zone Level Drops Notes
Eastern Thanalan - Drybone (17-24)
  FATE Icon.pngDeep in the Heart of Sagolii
 17 Aggressive.png
FATEs (1)
Name Level Location
Deep in the Heart of Sagolii 17 Drybone
Name Description Mechanic Stats Status Effects
Head Butt Ram into the target.
Physical Damage Icon.png Physical
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.2.5s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Line AoE3y
Seismic Scream Invigorate self with a battle cry.
Magic Damage Icon.png Magical
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.2.5s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.3y
Self: Ability targets the user alone.0y
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