Feast of Famine

Sidequest1 Icon.png Lv. 50   Feast of Famine

Journal detail hr1 07.png Acquisition
Wawalago: Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks - Fisherman's Bottom (x:8.1, y:15.3)

Map33 Icon.pngClosest Aetheryte: Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks → Fishermen's Guild

Journal detail hr1 08.png Requirements
071221.png50The Beast of Brewer's BeaconSidequest1 Icon.png The Beast of Brewer's Beacon (Level 50)

Fisher Icon 3.png Fisher (Level 50)

Journal detail hr1 03.png Rewards

Aetheryte Ticket
Aetheryte Ticket
Aetheryte Ticket
026002.png Imagine Dragon
Edit Feast of Famine's Miscellaneous Reward
Journal detail hr1 04.png Description
As great a fisher of men as he is a devourer of fish, Guildmaster Wawalago reels you in with a choice challenge.
Journal detail hr1 01.png Objectives
  • Deliver living legends fished in La Noscea, the Black Shroud, and Thanalan to Wawalago.
  • Deliver living legends fished in Coerthas and Mor Dhona to Wawalago.
  • Speak with the steersman at Costa del Sol.
  • Catch the Nepto Dragon from the privateer, and deliver it to the saltworn captain.
  • Speak with Wawalago at Fisherman's Bottom.

  • As great a fisher of men as he is a devourer of fish, Guildmaster Wawalago reels you in with a choice challenge.
  • Wawalago certainly has a way with words, though which way that is, not even the Navigator can say. Console yourself by catching the living legends sighted in La Noscea, the Black Shroud, and Thanalan, and present them to Wawalago at Fisherman's Bottom on the lower decks of Limsa Lominsa.
  • You have delivered the living legends to Wawalago. Even as the guildmaster heaps praise upon you, a puller arrives with alarming news that the ordinarily fertile Rhotano Sea has ceased to yield its bounty. Wawalago suspects that the currents may be to blame, and pledges to have Sisipu look into the matter. Meanwhile, he urges you to continue your hunt for living legends. Make your way to Coerthas and Mor Dhona, and deliver the creatures you capture to Wawalago.
  • Too many legends spoil everything, according to Ascelyn. The scholar arrives with news that the fisheries along the Rhotano seaboard face extinction unless the Nepto Dragon is removed from circulation. Like many monsters, it currently resides in Costa del Sol. Go there and speak with the steersman.
  • You come to a quick understanding with the steersman. His boat will take you to the Rhotano privateer, where your destiny awaits in the form of a giant fish. If you should catch this Nepto Dragon, the saltworn captain is keen to take a measure of the fish...and you.
  • You have killed a legend to save the local economy; such is the trade-off in these calamitous times. Your erstwhile opponent now lies limply on deck, awaiting Ascelyn's delicate knives. It occurs to you that Wawalago may share your sense of loss, and so seek him out him you shall.
  • Wawalago's sense of loss has less to do with mystique and more to do with meunière. However, his regard for you is sincere and robust, and a day of hard fishing has left you famished. Not all legends endure, but they sure are tasty, especially when paired with a chilled lowland white.

Edit Feast of Famine's Dialogue

The arrival of an audacious adventurer is always an auspicious affair! I've a word for you if you would wait but a whit, whew!

All this long while have I, Wawalago, wielded the willow, and so I've an unparalleled understanding of the Calamity's copious consequences for creatures that cavort in courses and combers.

Such confusion and chaos caused by the Calamity! Fish are found far from where they once frolicked. Like the loosing of the legendary Nepto Dragon in new domiciles...

With which I wander onto today's topic: the realm rings with reports and rumors of fantastic fish, incredible ichthyic impressions that indicate an onslaught of Old Ones!

Better than Old Ones─living legends!

Only a false fisher fails to fling himself at such a fortuitous find!

La Noscea, the Black Shroud, and Thanalan were where these rousing reports arose. The dearth of details does deter dilettantes, despite the delights of living legends!

But you're a fully fledged fisher, flush with frills and fundamentals both! Lure the living legends into the light of day, or die despairing!

Enervated by the enormity of the enterprise? Practice makes perfect, so you might ply your pole against all the Old Ones first.

If only I were footloose and fancy-free like you! It is my fatal flaw that I am indisposed as well as too important to indulge my instinct for ichthyic inspection.
Quest Accepted
Have you landed those living legends? If first you fail, try tirelessly to much avail!
Feel these firm flanks, see how the scales scintillate! This is some show of skill, that you learned to lure these living legends!

Master Wawalago, don't mean to bother ye, but I need a moment of yer time.

These days, it's almost like the Rhotano's fished out. Everybody sits as high comin' back as they did goin' out.
Fewer fish, you say? A dire development that disrupts dining delights for decades!
Aye, this ain't yer average bad streak. Somethin's happened out there, and folks are tired of watchin' and waitin'.

This time of the year, there ought to be colossal catches of cod and cuttlefish, croakers and capelin!

Could it be the consequence of crazy currents displacing denizens of the drink? I shall set Sisipu on this situation straightaway!

Meanwhile, Forename, why don't you resume reeling for living legends? Reports have recently reached me of sightings in Coerthas and Mor Dhona. Return hither once you have hooked and hauled in those hulks!
It's a chancy challenge, chasing choice char in─ah, not char? Living legends! Of course I remember! Very vague venture, a vanishingly small stab at success...
Could it be...that the master has been mastered? That Wawalago has been wowed? The canard is correct─you have cast off your callowness to collect the catch of the day!
Looks like Forename here caught himself a passel of living legends! Am I seeing a changing of the guard, Wawalago? Hmmm?
Don't be so silly, Sisipu! Forename is an adventurer─an all-around achiever not about to confine himself to one craft.

<sigh> And I was so looking forward to organizing a retirement roast in your honor... But anyway, I came by to update you on the situation you told me about.

We can rule out the currents as the cause. The cold current from the Bloodbrine Sea into the Indigo Deep is a tad fatter this year, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Yes, yes, the sea has its seasonal shifts. We must cast about elsewhere for the cause of the collapsing catch.
Ah, ahem. I am happy to report that I have solved the mystery of the plummeting fish population. That is to say, the fishery in the Rhotano Sea is doomed thanks to the Nepto Dragon.
The absent Ascelyn arrives! Your academic acumen is always appreciated! So there be dragons in these deeps?

Ahem, Master Wawalago, you did say that the Calamity displaced fauna from their natural habitats. Well, not in so many words, but I believe we understand one another.

I have verified that indeed, sightings of the Old Ones soared following the Calamity. More importantly, I have discovered that the Nepto Dragon is calamity's mistress.

That is to say, the creature always appears just after a natural disaster.

Historical records also spoke of slumping fish stock at the time of the Nepto Dragon's appearance.

So, ah, this current situation in the Rhotano Sea looks to be history repeating itself─that is to say, the fisheries here will die a painful, lingering death.

And as for what this creature is, ah, I believe I know that also─a sport born of little Thalaos! Or as we scholars like to say, a freak of nature.
But little Thalaos have no natural enemies, and if the Nepto Dragon is a monster version of it... We must catch the thing or these fisherfolk will starve!
This random rogue can ruin the entire Rhotano seaboard!?

That would be correct. Luckily, I've had urchins─that is to say, children, not those fascinating creatures with feet ringing their mouths─on the lookout.

One of them spotted the Nepto Dragon off Costa del Sol. Master Gegeruju has been kind enough to arrange a ship for a bit of dragonslaying, so to speak.
Go greet your glory, Forename! As the finest fisher in these parts, it falls on you to finish this fearsome foe.
Aye, Master Gegeruju explained─awful thorough he was about it, too. Speak with the skipper here when yer ready, and he'll take ye to the ship.
Well, this has turned into quite the to–do! If Master Gegeruju's involved, you'd better succeed, Forename. Otherwise we'd never hear the end of it!
Go greet your glory, Forename! As the finest fisherman in these parts, it falls on you to fend off this fell foe for the fishers of the Rhotano!
Ahem, still on the brink of disaster. The Nepto Dragon was sighted off Costa del Sol. Everything is shipshape, so to speak, for a bit of dragonslaying.
When ye catch that Nepto Dragon, give it here. We'll lay it on the deck, get a measure of its size.

The saltworn one summoned us with the shipboard 'shell. He spoke of a supreme struggle with a sea serpent! We rowed robustly to reach you, ready for any rowdiness!

Terrific timing for the three of us─missed the threat but not the thrill. Why, what a whale you've whisked out of the whitecaps!
Did you actually reel this monster up all by yourself? Even after all this time, you still manage to surprise me, Forename.

Ah, ahem, can I get some help here? Decomposition waits for no man, and I should like to avoid any unnecessary eruptions during dissection.

Ahem, a great day for science. And, ah, congratulations on avoiding the destruction of an entire way of life and all that. If you'll excuse me, I must get to the laboratory.

Hm? Oh, yes, the fish stock should return to normal. Stands to reason that if nothing's eating them, they wouldn't be dead.
Then it's time we return to Fisherman's Bottom and deliver the good news to everyone!
Mmm... The lucent length of the late living legend fills me with fancies of flaky flesh! Surely science is not so stingy that it can't spare a succulent slice?
You want to eat the Nepto Dragon? That is so... Wawalago, it's science. Ascelyn's research is far more important than your supper plans!
Speak with the skipper here when yer ready to fish that big bastard Dragon, and he'll take ye to the ship.
Well, this has turned into quite the to–do! If Master Gegeruju's involved, you'd better succeed, Forename. Otherwise we'd never hear the end of it!
Go greet your glory, Forename! As the finest fisherman in these parts, it falls on you to fend off this fell foe for the fishers of the Rhotano!
Ahem, still on the brink of disaster. The Nepto Dragon was sighted off Costa del Sol. Everything is shipshape, so to speak, for a bit of dragonslaying.

Adventurer, we appreciate all you've accomplished here. Once more, the Rhotano shall brim with bluefins and bream, bonito and bass...

You are an amply accomplished angler, gifted in getting at gilled gulpers. Everything in Eorzea is yours to ensnare!

But bear in mind, better to bide your time when the biting isn't brisk! Patience is precious, though precious few perceive it so.

Philosophical followings are not my forte! But few can beat me in braising, boiling, and browbeating! Ascelyn sneaked me some scrumptious steaks sawed off the Nepto Dragon!

No speaking to Sisipu of this─she's blinded by science! Now, decisions, decisions! Browned in butter? Capers? Cream and cumin? Or patted in pepper and put in a pie...
Quest Completed
Oh, Wawalago will be fine. He's just blue because he didn't get to taste the Nepto Dragon.

Edit Feast of Famine's Notes

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