Gathering Tool Paraphernalia/Collectable

< Gathering Tool Paraphernalia
Ehll Tou Delivery Icon.png Ehll Tou - The Firmament
Satisfaction Level: Satisfactionsupplyrank.png (100% Chance)
Collectability Satisfaction Gil Purple Gatherers' Scrip Icon.png Orange Gatherers' Scrip Icon.png
240 30 670 94 71
450 30 840 117 86
600 30 1000 140 100
Ehll Tou Delivery Icon.png Ehll Tou - The Firmament
Satisfaction Level: Satisfactionsupplyrank.pngSatisfactionsupplyrank.pngSatisfactionsupplyrank.pngSatisfactionsupplyrank.pngSatisfactionsupplyrank.png (23% Chance)
Collectability Satisfaction Gil Purple Gatherers' Scrip Icon.png Orange Gatherers' Scrip Icon.png
240 0 1120 134 91
450 0 1400 157 106
600 0 1670 180 120