Grade 5 Mind Alkahest

Grade 5 Mind Alkahest Icon.png
Grade 5 Mind Alkahest  Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
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When applied to items such as battle gear, this experimental alchemical liquid will dissolve away minute amounts of aether aspected to elements detrimental to mind, and by doing so, better attune the item and its wearer to the remaining beneficial elements.
Level 1
Item Level 548
Statistics & Bonuses:
Repairs, Recycle & Style:
Stack Size 999
Sells for Gil Icon.png x 32 HQ Icon.png36
Noconverticon.png Nodyeicon.png Nocresticon.png Noprojectableicon.png Nodesynthesizableicon.png Nostorableicon.png Nocollectableicon.png
Acquisition Edit Grade 5 Mind Alkahest's Miscellaneous Acquisition Information Uses Edit Grade 5 Mind Alkahest's Miscellaneous Use Information
Divider5.png Divider5.png
Acquired from Desynthesis (7)
Item Skill
Blue Zircon Bracelet of Healing Icon.png Blue Zircon Bracelet of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Blue Zircon Ring of Healing Icon.png Blue Zircon Ring of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Ironwood Choker of Healing Icon.png Ironwood Choker of Healing
Carpenter Icon 5.png
Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the White Griffin Icon.png Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the White Griffin
Leatherworker Icon 5.png
Manganese Boots of the White Griffin Icon.png Manganese Boots of the White Griffin
Armorer Icon 5.png
Phrygian Choker of Healing Icon.png Phrygian Choker of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Star Quartz Ring of Healing Icon.png Star Quartz Ring of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Recipes using Grade 5 Mind Alkahest (33)
Item Skill
AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Healing Icon.png AR-Caean Velvet Bottoms of Healing
Weaver Icon 5.png
AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Healing Icon.png AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Healing
Weaver Icon 5.png
Bismuth Bracelet of Healing Icon.png Bismuth Bracelet of Healing
Armorer Icon 5.png
Bismuth Ring of Healing Icon.png Bismuth Ring of Healing
Armorer Icon 5.png
Blue Zircon Bracelet of Healing Icon.png Blue Zircon Bracelet of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Blue Zircon Earrings of Healing Icon.png Blue Zircon Earrings of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Blue Zircon Ring of Healing Icon.png Blue Zircon Ring of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Chondrite Gloves of Healing Icon.png Chondrite Gloves of Healing
Armorer Icon 5.png
Connoisseur's Elixir Bottle Icon.png Connoisseur's Elixir Bottle
Alchemist Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★)
Grade 6 Tincture of Mind Icon.png Grade 6 Tincture of Mind
Alchemist Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★)
Grade 7 Tincture of Mind Icon.png Grade 7 Tincture of Mind
Alchemist Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★)
Grade 8 Tincture of Mind Icon.png Grade 8 Tincture of Mind
Alchemist Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Ironwood Choker of Healing Icon.png Ironwood Choker of Healing
Carpenter Icon 5.png
Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the White Griffin Icon.png Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the White Griffin
Leatherworker Icon 5.png
Manganese Boots of the White Griffin Icon.png Manganese Boots of the White Griffin
Armorer Icon 5.png
Ophiotauroskin Boots of Healing Icon.png Ophiotauroskin Boots of Healing
Leatherworker Icon 5.png
Ophiotauroskin Top of Healing Icon.png Ophiotauroskin Top of Healing
Leatherworker Icon 5.png
Panaloaf Oil Icon.png Panaloaf Oil
Alchemist Icon 5.png
Panaloaf Oil Icon.png Panaloaf Oil
Culinarian Icon 5.png
Phrygian Choker of Healing Icon.png Phrygian Choker of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Healing Icon.png Phrygian Ear Cuffs of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Saigaskin Gloves of Healing Icon.png Saigaskin Gloves of Healing
Leatherworker Icon 5.png
Saigaskin Shoes of Healing Icon.png Saigaskin Shoes of Healing
Leatherworker Icon 5.png
Scarlet Moko Chausses of the White Griffin Icon.png Scarlet Moko Chausses of the White Griffin
Weaver Icon 5.png
Scarlet Moko Hood of the White Griffin Icon.png Scarlet Moko Hood of the White Griffin
Weaver Icon 5.png
Scarlet Moko Robe of the White Griffin Icon.png Scarlet Moko Robe of the White Griffin
Weaver Icon 5.png
Snow Linen Bottoms of Healing Icon.png Snow Linen Bottoms of Healing
Weaver Icon 5.png
Snow Linen Cap of Healing Icon.png Snow Linen Cap of Healing
Weaver Icon 5.png
Snow Linen Jacket of Healing Icon.png Snow Linen Jacket of Healing
Weaver Icon 5.png
Star Quartz Choker of Healing Icon.png Star Quartz Choker of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Star Quartz Earrings of Healing Icon.png Star Quartz Earrings of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Star Quartz Ring of Healing Icon.png Star Quartz Ring of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Star Quartz Wristband of Healing Icon.png Star Quartz Wristband of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Used in Supply Mission (1)
Supply and Provisioning Mission Item
Alchemist Supply Mission (Level 83) x 3

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