Suzaku has 3 distinct phases, during which she uses the following moves and mechanics:
Phase 1
Attack Name |
Eternal Flame
Ressurects the four Scarlet Ladies on the ground.
Scarlet Ladies
Immediately after Eternal Flame. Each Scarlet Lady will tether to one of the DPS and attack them, afflicting them with a fire DoT while they are tethered. These must be burned quickly, as they will cast Ashes to Ashes if they are not killed in time. Positioning is important for Phoenix Down.
Ashes to Ashes
Cast by the Scarlet Ladies if they are not killed within a set amount of time. Deals high damage and gives everyone a stacking Suppuration debuff. Likely will wipe the group.
Endless Summer
Frontal cone AoE that targets a random player. Deals high damage and debuffs players caught in it.
Screams of the Damned
Moderate raid-wide AoE damage.
Phoenix Down
Summons 8 large Scarlet Plumes at each cardinal and intermediate point of the compass, and 1 small Scarlet Plume in the center.
Scarlet Plumes
Each begins to cast Wing and a Prayer, a moderately sized AoE centered on the Plume. The large Plumes have more health and therefor take longer to kill; the small Plume in the center has less health and should be killed to create a safe spot for the group. Any Scarlet Ladies hit by the AoE will be ressurected a second time with extra health.
Second Eternal Flame
The boss will move to the center of the room and cast this a second time. The Scarlet Ladies along with the boss will fly up into the air, signaling the start of Phase 2.
Advice and Tips
- Stack the Scarlet Ladies together in the middle to easily AoE them down and avoid Ashes to Ashes. Positioning helps with Scarlet Plumes.
- Only kill the small Scarlet Plume in the center of the room; the rest can be ignored as players will stand in the safe spot created by killing the smaller one.
Phase 2
Attack Name |
A large mandala will appear on the floor of the arena, with 8 circles along it. Each player must stand in their own circle for the upcoming DDR Orbs.
DDR Orbs
Arrows will spawn in each of the Mandala circles; players must stand in the small circle above the arrow and face in the direction it points. A large blue orb will move from the outer wall towards the center, and if the player is facing the right direction, it will "pop" on them, giving the player a stacking Damage Up buff. If they are not facing the right direction, the orb will continue to the boss and help power up her Scarlet Melody gauge.
Scarlet Melody
The gauge is charged with the DDR Orbs. Does more damage based on how full the gauge is. Signals the start of Phase 3.
Advice and Tips
- There are 7 waves of DDR Orbs, meaning the player can get up to 7 stacks of Damage Up.
Phase 3
Attack Name |
Southron Star
Moderate raid-wide AoE damage.
Ruthless Refrain
Knockback from the center of the arena, about half the distance from the center hole to the outer edge. Stand near the hole in the middle to avoid being knocked off the outer edge.
Phantom Flurry
Multi-hit tankbuster. Immediately followed by a massive 180° AoE that will knock any players caught in it off the arena and deal heavy damage.
Well of Flame
A wide line AoE that targets a random player.
DDR Platform
The boss' Phoenix mount will fly to the North or South part of the arena with a tether leading back to the boss and the floor will be split into four different colors: blue, purple, yellow, and black. Large orbs will spawn along the East and West with matching colors and symbols to the ones on the floor. The Phoenix will move either clockwise or counterclockwise; any orbs it runs into will cause the matching section to explode, dealing heavy damage and giving a stacking Vulnerability Up debuff. After all orbs have been popped, the Phoenix will return to the boss and the platform will return to normal. Players may need to deal with Ruthless Refrain, Well of Flame, and Rekindle during this.
Incandescent Interlude
Four meteor circles will appear at each of the cardinal directions. At least one player must stand in it to soak the damage and prevent a heavier raid-wide AoE and a stacking debuff. Players need to deal with Rekindle during this.
All players are targeted by large purple AoE circles.
Phoenix Rush
The Scarlet Ladies will appear on the edges of the platform and charge across the arena. Occurs during Well of Flame.
Advice and Tips
- The platform transforms into a donut with a large hole in the center. It's possible to fall off the arena in this phase.
- For DDR Platform, figure out which way the Phoenix will be going first, and then figure out which of the floor panels it's going to explode first. Sidestep beside it before moving back to the first panel to avoid being hit.
- Before standing in the meteors for Incandescent Interlude, players should spread apart to deal with the Rekindle AoEs so there is no extra damage of players stacking together.
(Blue Mage Spell Acquisition)