Hullbreaker Isle (Hard)

Dungeon Icon.pngHullbreaker Isle (Hard)
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Hullbreaker Isle (Hard).png
To the chagrin of countless treasure hunters, the golden coffer of the legendary Mistbeard was not to be found on Hullbreaker Isle. And so like the mists which had withdrawn to reveal the isle did those ambitious souls depart to seek fame and fortune elsewhere, allowing Eynzahr Slafyrsyn to quietly petition Admiral Merlwyb for permission to repurpose it as a training ground for Maelstrom recruits.

The storm marshal would have you be the first to brave this gauntlet, that you might pit yourself against the isle's fearsome fauna and the Maelstrom's elite, and in so doing rouse their spirits. Will you give the storm officers a beating they will not soon forget, or will they stand triumphant at the last and shout that they have bested the Warrior of Light?


1 to 4 players (1 Tank, 1 Healer, 2 DPS)
Class: Disciples of War or Magic
※ Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
Level: 60
※ Level will be synced upon entry.
Average Item Level: 200
※ While synced, all item stats are adjusted.
※ Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements.

Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png
1 1 2
Minimum Level: 60 (Sync from 60)
Minimum iLevel: 200
Time Limit: 90 Minutes
Unrestricted Party: Allowed
Epic Echo (Status Effect) Icon.png Epic Echo: Default +200%
Unlock Quest: Storming the Hull
Regular Duty: Dungeons: Heavensward
Duty Roulette: High-level Dungeons
Type: Dungeon
Zone: Western La Noscea
Region: La Noscea
Expansion: Heavensward
Background Music: Holy Consult
Victory Music: A Victory Fanfare Reborn
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png

MainIcon78.png Blue Mage Log:
Gil Icon.png 300 Allied Seal Icon.png 10 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 30
  1. Clear the Hell of Howls: 0/1
  2. Defeat the Sanguine Sirens: 0/1
  3. Clear the Hell of Malms: 0/1
  4. Defeat Ymir: 0/1
  5. Clear the Hell of Waves: 0/1
  6. Defeat Eynzahr: 0/1

Edit Hullbreaker Isle (Hard)'s Dialogue

Attack Name Description
Sanguine Sirens Lodeswoman Uses Dead or Alive, a long line AoE aimed at a random player.
Battle Coeurl Will tether to the healer, debuffing them and attacking them. Should be killed ASAP.
Cannons Fire various patterns of multiple circle AoEs on the ground.

Advice and Tips

  • Just waves of adds; just be sure to dodge the many AoE's from the Sirens and the Cannons.
  • Kill the Coeurl quickly so it doesn't kill your healer.
Berserker's Leg Guards Icon.png Viking Leg Guards Icon.png Conqueror's Sandals Icon.png Subjugator's Sandals Icon.png Wrangler's Boots Icon.png Panegyrist's Sandals Icon.png Prophet's Sandals Icon.png Berserker's Bangles Icon.png Viking Bangles Icon.png Wrangler's Bangles Icon.png Panegyrist's Bangles Icon.png Prophet's Bangles Icon.png Berserker's Ring Icon.png Viking Ring Icon.png Wrangler's Ring Icon.png
Panegyrist's Ring Icon.png Prophet's Ring Icon.png
Attack Name Description
Blanket Thunder Deals moderate AoE damage and tethers 2 random players to each other. Tethered players must move away from each other until it snaps.
Slime Puddle Numerous small slime puddles will appear on the ground. Applies a Fetters debuff to anyone who stands in it, imobilizing them. Used to negate Megavolt.
Megavolt Marks 2-4 players with an orange marker. After a few seconds, hits players in an AoE around them for heavy damage. Can be negated by standing in a Slime Puddle.
Flash Freeze Applies a Thin Ice debuff, meaning any directional movement will force players to flail wildly in that direction for quite a distance and unable to use actions until they stop. Followed by Iceburg.
Iceburg Occurs during Flash Freeze. Marks players with a large white AoE. Spread apart to prevent overlap. Drops large chunks of ice where the player was standing. After a few seconds, these will light up with massive AoE circles, forcing players to move. Stack them along one side of the wall and move to the other side of the arena to avoid the heavy damage.

Advice and Tips

  • Line the Iceburgs along one side of the arena, then slide to the other side to avoid the damage from the giant AoEs.
Berserker's Helm Icon.png Viking Helm Icon.png Conqueror's Turban Icon.png Subjugator's Turban Icon.png Wrangler's Hat Icon.png Panegyrist's Mask Icon.png Prophet's Mask Icon.png Berserker's Armguards Icon.png Viking Armguards Icon.png Conqueror's Armguards Icon.png Subjugator's Armguards Icon.png Wrangler's Gloves Icon.png Panegyrist's Armwraps Icon.png Prophet's Armwraps Icon.png Berserker's Earrings Icon.png
Viking Earrings Icon.png Wrangler's Earrings Icon.png Panegyrist's Earrings Icon.png Prophet's Earrings Icon.png Berserker's Scarf Icon.png Viking Scarf Icon.png Wrangler's Scarf Icon.png Panegyrist's Scarf Icon.png Prophet's Scarf Icon.png
Attack Name Description
Maelstrike Moderate arena-wide AoE damage.
Ghomoro Splitter Numerous fire puddles appear on the floor. After a few seconds, they explode, dealing moderate damage. Players should step out of them if one spawned beneath them and avoid stepping into them.
Poison Mist Eight treasure chests will appear in a ring around the edge of the arena and each player will gain a heavy hitting poison DoT. Hovering above each chest will be either a bomb or a blue bottle (4 of each), and will slowly float down into the chest as it closes, obscuring its contents. Players need to move to the chests with the blue bottles (1 person per chest!) to dispel the poison DoT. Followed by Bullet Hell.
Bullet Hell Deals heavy arena-wide AoE damage. Players who didn't remove their Poison Mist may die.
Grenado Shot Marks random player with an orange target marker. After a few seconds, that player receives a dispelable Heavy debuff and is targeted for a large circle AoE. Afflicted players should move away from the group; after the Heavy hits, the healer should dispel them quickly so that they can move out of the AoE as the ability hits hard.
Firesand Kegs Spawns numerous kegs around the arena; any damage done to them will move them away from whatever did the damage. The boss will mark one of them to explode, dealing heavy damage in a large AoE around them. Any other kegs caught in this blast will set off a chain reaction, but if they're far away it won't matter.

Advice and Tips

  • Knock the Firesand Kegs to the side of the arena your group isn't on. It doesn't matter if they are stacked as you won't have to deal with them.
  • Dispel the player marked for Grenado Shot so they aren't hit with the heavy damage from the AoE.
  • Keep an eye on the chests for Poison Mist. Don't fight over chests either; let the tank/melee have the closer chests, while the ranged can move to take the further chests.
Berserker's Scale Mail Icon.png Viking Scale Mail Icon.png Conqueror's Vest Icon.png Subjugator's Vest Icon.png Wrangler's Jacket Icon.png Panegyrist's Chestwrap Icon.png Prophet's Chestwrap Icon.png Berserker's Hose Icon.png Viking Hose Icon.png Conqueror's Brais Icon.png Subjugator's Brais Icon.png Wrangler's Chaps Icon.png Panegyrist's Culottes Icon.png Prophet's Culottes Icon.png Calamari Icon.png
Holy Consult Orchestrion Roll Icon.png
(Fixed Rate Drop)

Mistbeard Card
Additional Coffers
Treasure Coffer: 12.4-11.2
Berserker's Leg Guards Icon.png Viking Leg Guards Icon.png Conqueror's Sandals Icon.png Subjugator's Sandals Icon.png Wrangler's Boots Icon.png Panegyrist's Sandals Icon.png Prophet's Sandals Icon.png Berserker's Bangles Icon.png Viking Bangles Icon.png Wrangler's Bangles Icon.png Panegyrist's Bangles Icon.png Prophet's Bangles Icon.png Berserker's Ring Icon.png Viking Ring Icon.png Wrangler's Ring Icon.png
Panegyrist's Ring Icon.png Prophet's Ring Icon.png
Treasure Coffer: 10.5-8.6
Berserker's Helm Icon.png Viking Helm Icon.png Conqueror's Turban Icon.png Subjugator's Turban Icon.png Wrangler's Hat Icon.png Panegyrist's Mask Icon.png Prophet's Mask Icon.png Berserker's Armguards Icon.png Viking Armguards Icon.png Conqueror's Armguards Icon.png Subjugator's Armguards Icon.png Wrangler's Gloves Icon.png Panegyrist's Armwraps Icon.png Prophet's Armwraps Icon.png Berserker's Earrings Icon.png
Viking Earrings Icon.png Wrangler's Earrings Icon.png Panegyrist's Earrings Icon.png Prophet's Earrings Icon.png Berserker's Scarf Icon.png Viking Scarf Icon.png Wrangler's Scarf Icon.png Panegyrist's Scarf Icon.png Prophet's Scarf Icon.png
Treasure Coffer: 7.2-10.2
Berserker's Scale Mail Icon.png Viking Scale Mail Icon.png Conqueror's Vest Icon.png Subjugator's Vest Icon.png Wrangler's Jacket Icon.png Panegyrist's Chestwrap Icon.png Prophet's Chestwrap Icon.png Berserker's Hose Icon.png Viking Hose Icon.png Conqueror's Brais Icon.png Subjugator's Brais Icon.png Wrangler's Chaps Icon.png Panegyrist's Culottes Icon.png Prophet's Culottes Icon.png Berserker's Bangles Icon.png
Viking Bangles Icon.png Wrangler's Bangles Icon.png Panegyrist's Bangles Icon.png Prophet's Bangles Icon.png Berserker's Ring Icon.png Viking Ring Icon.png Wrangler's Ring Icon.png Panegyrist's Ring Icon.png Prophet's Ring Icon.png
Treasure Coffer: 5.2-11.2
Berserker's Earrings Icon.png Viking Earrings Icon.png Wrangler's Earrings Icon.png Panegyrist's Earrings Icon.png Prophet's Earrings Icon.png Berserker's Scarf Icon.png Viking Scarf Icon.png Wrangler's Scarf Icon.png Panegyrist's Scarf Icon.png Prophet's Scarf Icon.png
Drop Table (58)
Item Type iLvl Requirements Stats
 Holy Consult Orchestrion Roll Icon.png  
Holy Consult Orchestrion Roll
Gold chest icon.png
 Orchestrion Roll  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Music roll for Holy Consult. Use to add to your orchestrion list.

 Mistbeard Card Icon.png  
Mistbeard Card
Gold chest icon.pngGold Saucer6 Icon.png
 Triple Triad Card  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 136

 Calamari Icon.png  
Gold chest icon.pngGold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.png
 Minion  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Use item to acquire the calamari minion.

(Or is it a trap!?)

 Prophet's Sandals Icon.png  
Prophet's Sandals
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 100Magic Defense 174
Mind &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000043000000+43
Piety &0000000000000052000000+52
Spell Speed &0000000000000036000000+36

 Prophet's Scarf Icon.png  
Prophet's Scarf
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000038000000+38
Critical Hit &0000000000000041000000+41
Piety &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000034000000+34

 Subjugator's Armguards Icon.png  
Subjugator's Armguards
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 137Magic Defense 137
Dexterity &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Critical Hit &0000000000000052000000+52
Skill Speed &0000000000000036000000+36

 Subjugator's Brais Icon.png  
Subjugator's Brais
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 184Magic Defense 184
Dexterity &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000077000000+77
Determination &0000000000000082000000+82
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000057000000+57

 Subjugator's Sandals Icon.png  
Subjugator's Sandals
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 137Magic Defense 137
Dexterity &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Skill Speed &0000000000000052000000+52
Critical Hit &0000000000000036000000+36

 Subjugator's Turban Icon.png  
Subjugator's Turban
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 137Magic Defense 137
Dexterity &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Critical Hit &0000000000000052000000+52
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000036000000+36

 Subjugator's Vest Icon.png  
Subjugator's Vest
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 184Magic Defense 184
Dexterity &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000077000000+77
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000082000000+82
Determination &0000000000000057000000+57

 Viking Armguards Icon.png  
Viking Armguards
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 174Magic Defense 137
Strength &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Skill Speed &0000000000000052000000+52
Determination &0000000000000036000000+36

 Viking Bangles Icon.png  
Viking Bangles
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000038000000+38
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000041000000+41
Determination &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38

 Viking Earrings Icon.png  
Viking Earrings
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000038000000+38
Critical Hit &0000000000000041000000+41
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38

 Viking Helm Icon.png  
Viking Helm
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 174Magic Defense 137
Strength &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Critical Hit &0000000000000052000000+52
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000036000000+36

 Viking Hose Icon.png  
Viking Hose
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 234Magic Defense 184
Strength &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000077000000+77
Determination &0000000000000082000000+82
Skill Speed &0000000000000057000000+57

 Berserker's Armguards Icon.png  
Berserker's Armguards
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 60
Defense 249Magic Defense 249
Strength &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Determination &0000000000000052000000+52
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000036000000+36

 Prophet's Mask Icon.png  
Prophet's Mask
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 100Magic Defense 174
Mind &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000043000000+43
Critical Hit &0000000000000052000000+52
Piety &0000000000000036000000+36

 Viking Leg Guards Icon.png  
Viking Leg Guards
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 174Magic Defense 137
Strength &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000052000000+52
Critical Hit &0000000000000036000000+36

 Viking Ring Icon.png  
Viking Ring
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000038000000+38
Determination &0000000000000041000000+41
Skill Speed &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38

 Viking Scale Mail Icon.png  
Viking Scale Mail
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 60
Defense 234Magic Defense 184
Strength &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000077000000+77
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000082000000+82
Determination &0000000000000057000000+57

 Viking Scarf Icon.png  
Viking Scarf
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000038000000+38
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000041000000+41
Critical Hit &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38

 Wrangler's Bangles Icon.png  
Wrangler's Bangles
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000038000000+38
Critical Hit &0000000000000041000000+41
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38

 Wrangler's Boots Icon.png  
Wrangler's Boots
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 137Magic Defense 137
Dexterity &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000052000000+52
Skill Speed &0000000000000036000000+36

 Wrangler's Chaps Icon.png  
Wrangler's Chaps
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 184Magic Defense 184
Dexterity &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000077000000+77
Skill Speed &0000000000000082000000+82
Determination &0000000000000057000000+57

 Wrangler's Earrings Icon.png  
Wrangler's Earrings
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000038000000+38
Skill Speed &0000000000000041000000+41
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38

 Wrangler's Gloves Icon.png  
Wrangler's Gloves
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 137Magic Defense 137
Dexterity &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Critical Hit &0000000000000052000000+52
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000036000000+36

 Wrangler's Hat Icon.png  
Wrangler's Hat
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 137Magic Defense 137
Dexterity &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Determination &0000000000000052000000+52
Critical Hit &0000000000000036000000+36

 Wrangler's Jacket Icon.png  
Wrangler's Jacket
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 184Magic Defense 184
Dexterity &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000077000000+77
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000082000000+82
Skill Speed &0000000000000057000000+57

 Wrangler's Ring Icon.png  
Wrangler's Ring
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000038000000+38
Determination &0000000000000041000000+41
Critical Hit &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38

 Prophet's Ring Icon.png  
Prophet's Ring
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000038000000+38
Spell Speed &0000000000000041000000+41
Critical Hit &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000034000000+34

 Prophet's Culottes Icon.png  
Prophet's Culottes
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 134Magic Defense 234
Mind &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000069000000+69
Spell Speed &0000000000000082000000+82
Critical Hit &0000000000000057000000+57

 Prophet's Earrings Icon.png  
Prophet's Earrings
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000038000000+38
Piety &0000000000000041000000+41
Spell Speed &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000034000000+34

 Conqueror's Vest Icon.png  
Conqueror's Vest
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 184Magic Defense 184
Strength &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000077000000+77
Determination &0000000000000082000000+82
Critical Hit &0000000000000057000000+57

 Berserker's Earrings Icon.png  
Berserker's Earrings
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000041000000+41
Critical Hit &0000000000000029000000+29
Strength &0000000000000038000000+38

 Berserker's Helm Icon.png  
Berserker's Helm
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 60
Defense 249Magic Defense 249
Strength &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Skill Speed &0000000000000052000000+52
Tenacity &0000000000000036000000+36

 Berserker's Hose Icon.png  
Berserker's Hose
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 60
Defense 334Magic Defense 334
Strength &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000077000000+77
Critical Hit &0000000000000082000000+82
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000057000000+57

 Berserker's Leg Guards Icon.png  
Berserker's Leg Guards
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 60
Defense 249Magic Defense 249
Strength &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Tenacity &0000000000000052000000+52
Critical Hit &0000000000000036000000+36

 Berserker's Ring Icon.png  
Berserker's Ring
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38
Critical Hit &0000000000000041000000+41
Skill Speed &0000000000000029000000+29
Strength &0000000000000038000000+38

 Berserker's Scale Mail Icon.png  
Berserker's Scale Mail
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 60
Defense 334Magic Defense 334
Strength &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000077000000+77
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000082000000+82
Skill Speed &0000000000000057000000+57

 Berserker's Scarf Icon.png  
Berserker's Scarf
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38
Determination &0000000000000041000000+41
Tenacity &0000000000000029000000+29
Strength &0000000000000038000000+38

 Conqueror's Armguards Icon.png  
Conqueror's Armguards
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 137Magic Defense 137
Strength &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000052000000+52
Determination &0000000000000036000000+36

 Conqueror's Brais Icon.png  
Conqueror's Brais
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 184Magic Defense 184
Strength &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000077000000+77
Skill Speed &0000000000000082000000+82
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000057000000+57

 Conqueror's Sandals Icon.png  
Conqueror's Sandals
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 137Magic Defense 137
Strength &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Critical Hit &0000000000000052000000+52
Skill Speed &0000000000000036000000+36

 Conqueror's Turban Icon.png  
Conqueror's Turban
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 60
Defense 137Magic Defense 137
Strength &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000048000000+48
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000052000000+52
Skill Speed &0000000000000036000000+36

 Panegyrist's Armwraps Icon.png  
Panegyrist's Armwraps
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 100Magic Defense 174
Intelligence &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000043000000+43
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000052000000+52
Spell Speed &0000000000000036000000+36

 Berserker's Bangles Icon.png  
Berserker's Bangles
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38
Tenacity &0000000000000041000000+41
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000029000000+29
Strength &0000000000000038000000+38

 Panegyrist's Bangles Icon.png  
Panegyrist's Bangles
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000038000000+38
Spell Speed &0000000000000041000000+41
Critical Hit &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000034000000+34

 Panegyrist's Chestwrap Icon.png  
Panegyrist's Chestwrap
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 134Magic Defense 234
Intelligence &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000069000000+69
Spell Speed &0000000000000082000000+82
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000057000000+57

 Panegyrist's Culottes Icon.png  
Panegyrist's Culottes
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 134Magic Defense 234
Intelligence &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000069000000+69
Determination &0000000000000082000000+82
Critical Hit &0000000000000057000000+57

 Panegyrist's Earrings Icon.png  
Panegyrist's Earrings
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000038000000+38
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000041000000+41
Spell Speed &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000034000000+34

 Panegyrist's Mask Icon.png  
Panegyrist's Mask
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 100Magic Defense 174
Intelligence &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000043000000+43
Critical Hit &0000000000000052000000+52
Determination &0000000000000036000000+36

 Panegyrist's Ring Icon.png  
Panegyrist's Ring
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000038000000+38
Determination &0000000000000041000000+41
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000034000000+34

 Panegyrist's Sandals Icon.png  
Panegyrist's Sandals
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 60
Defense 100Magic Defense 174
Intelligence &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000043000000+43
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000052000000+52
Determination &0000000000000036000000+36

 Panegyrist's Scarf Icon.png  
Panegyrist's Scarf
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000038000000+38
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000041000000+41
Determination &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000034000000+34

 Prophet's Armwraps Icon.png  
Prophet's Armwraps
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 100Magic Defense 174
Mind &0000000000000049000000+49
Vitality &0000000000000043000000+43
Determination &0000000000000052000000+52
Piety &0000000000000036000000+36

 Prophet's Bangles Icon.png  
Prophet's Bangles
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000038000000+38
Piety &0000000000000041000000+41
Determination &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000034000000+34

 Prophet's Chestwrap Icon.png  
Prophet's Chestwrap
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 60
Defense 134Magic Defense 234
Mind &0000000000000077000000+77
Vitality &0000000000000069000000+69
Piety &0000000000000082000000+82
Determination &0000000000000057000000+57

 Wrangler's Scarf Icon.png  
Wrangler's Scarf
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000215000000215&000000000000006000000060 All Classes
Req. Level 60
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000038000000+38
Skill Speed &0000000000000041000000+41
Determination &0000000000000029000000+29
Vitality &0000000000000038000000+38

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