In the Sting of Things

Featurequest1 Icon.png Lv. 90   In the Sting of Things

Journal detail hr1 07.png Acquisition
Nyipine: Tuliyollal - High Tide Harbor - Xbalyav Ty'e (x:12.1, y:15)

Map33 Icon.pngClosest Aetheryte: Tuliyollal Aetheryte Plaza → Bayside Bevy Marketplace

Journal detail hr1 08.png Requirements
071341.png90Uncouth CustomersFeaturequest1 Icon.png Uncouth Customers (Level 90)

Healer Icon 1.png Healer (excluding limited jobs) (Level 90)

Journal detail hr1 03.png Rewards

Experience Points

Edit In the Sting of Things's Miscellaneous Reward
Journal detail hr1 04.png Description
Nyipine's gaze is transfixed upon the crowds─until he spies you.
Journal detail hr1 01.png Objectives
  • Speak with Bhaldbryda in Limsa Lominsa.
  • Speak with Loashkana.
  • Gather information around Hawkers' Alley. 0/3
  • Speak with the sunny Yellowjacket.
  • Rendezvous with the sunny Yellowjacket.
  • Cast Esuna on the ailing citizen.
  • Speak with Loashkana.
Journal detail hr1 02.png Unlocks Quests
071341.png92Causing Problems on PurposeFeaturequest1 Icon.png Causing Problems on Purpose (Level 92)

  • Nyipine's gaze is transfixed upon the crowds─until he spies you.
  • You acquaint yourself with Nyipine, a stoic man from Xak Tural seeking his village's stolen treasure, the Heartsting. Wounded in the battle with the thieves, Nyipine bids you travel to Limsa Lominsa in his stead and serve as the healing hand that can save the Heartsting's potential victims. Loashkana─the village elder's daughter─has but recently journeyed to Eorzea in pursuit of the treasure, sailing on a ship captained by a woman named Bhaldbryda. With your sights set eastward, you are tasked with finding the captain, who may know more of Loashkana's next destination.
  • Upon questioning Bhaldbryda at the docks, the captain distinctly recalls the Turali woman you seek─a Hyuran lancer clad in a red tunic─and directs you to Hawkers' Alley.
  • Loashkana is delighted to make your acquaintance, and reveals more details about the Heartsting's theft. Blinding incidents have grown more frequent in Limsa Lominsa ever since, and Loashkana is all but certain the Heartsting's thieves are to blame. In order to confirm her suspicions, she requests you gather more information among the crowds of Hawkers' Alley.
  • An uneasy atmosphere pervades Hawkers' Alley as you question the regulars, who claim that shipments of tainted fruit caused the recent blindings. In response to the alarming frequency of these incidents, the Yellowjackets have joined with the Adventurers' Guild to better understand this phenomenon. You are advised to seek out a Yellowjacket on patrol by the Fishermen's Guild and ascertain the latest findings.
  • Following a disturbing new report of befouled fruit, the sunny Yellowjacket expounds her plan to patrol the areas south of the Octant. With Loashkana a few steps ahead in her own investigation, the Yellowjacket encourages you to follow suit.
  • You arrive to find Loashkana and the Yellowjacket attending to a man lying nearly motionless on the ground. Upon further examination, you note that he has been paralyzed, and must be cured with Esuna posthaste.
  • With your Esuna cast, the victim swiftly hops back to his feet, singing the praises of all present. He expounds on the events leading up to his collapse, recalling a woman's harrowing laughter and a brief mention of the Heartsting. As the Yellowjacket escorts the unfortunate fellow home, Loashkana glances anxiously in your direction, wishing to discuss these new developments.
  • While Loashkana breathes a sigh of relief knowing she is a step closer to reclaiming the Heartsting, she remains concerned by the speed at which the culprits are mastering its gifts. For the time being, she plans to gain more information from the Yellowjackets, but promises to call upon you once she is ready to continue the hunt in earnest.
※The next role quest will be available from Loashkana upon reaching level 92 in any healer class.

Edit In the Sting of Things's Dialogue
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
066464 hr1.png Daring Dalliances
Hm? What business do you have with me?

Ah, my apologies! You were Br'uk Evu's guest, were you not?

I am Nyipine, and I have journeyed far from the northern valleys of Xak Tural to reach this grand city.

Tell me, traveler, what is your name?

Forename... Rest assured I shall remember it.

A shame that we must meet under these unfortunate circumstances. My village's prized possession was among the treasures stolen by the Passage of the Unbound.

It is known as the Heartsting, and the soul of a dread scorpion─one of the tural vidraal─is sealed within. The creature once hunted its prey using an array of toxins produced within its body, and was a menace to all.

Those granted the Heartsting's gifts may wield this fearsome power as they see fit.

We believe the thieves have already taken it across the ocean to Eorzea, and it will doubtless wreak havoc in the wrong hands.

Thus, I seek a healer to remedy any harm wrought by the Heartsting's toxins in that faraway land.

I won't mince words─you are precisely the sort of man I seek, and we must act quickly to avoid the worst. Will you lend us your aid?

I won't mince words─you are precisely the sort of man I seek, and we must act quickly to avoid the worst. I realize that Tuliyollal requires succor in these desperate hours, but I beseech you nonetheless: please, lend us your aid.

What will you say?

1) Aiding those in need is what I do best!
2) Fine. But don't expect any miracles.
You have my gratitude.

To the matter at hand, then. While I was making inquiries here in Tuliyollal regarding the thieves' whereabouts, some Eorzean merchants told me a rather intriguing tale.

Specifically, those returning from Limsa Lominsa bring fell tidings─tales of able-bodied men and women suddenly losing their vision.

An all-too-familiar account, as the Heartsting allows mastery over all manner of poisons...including those that inflict temporary blindness.

A great deal of training is required to properly utilize the scorpion's gifts, but the blinding toxin is one of the simplest to wield.

It seems to me the brigands are the masterminds of these strange incidents, harnessing the treasure's power for their own nefarious ends.

Loashkana─the village elder's daughter─makes for Limsa Lominsa in pursuit of the Heartsting.

I intended to set sail with her, but my foot was badly injured by a strange, mechanical doll during the thieves' ambush. Loashkana insisted I remain here to recover, and she would not take no for an answer.

I must ask that you cross the sea in my stead, and provide Loashkana your aid. Considering that our enemy wields deadly poisons, the danger is too great for her to face alone.

Based on when she departed, I presume she's arrived at her destination by now...

She boarded a merchantman captained by a woman named Bhaldbryda, who is primarily based in Limsa Lominsa. She may be able to help you locate Loashkana.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.
Quest Accepted

Once you arrive in Limsa Lominsa, seek out a woman named Bhaldbryda at the docks. She will surely point you in the right direction.

Aye, I'm Bhaldbryda, an' if ye were plannin' to sell yer healin' services to me an' my crew, don't. Me ship ain't settin' sail for a short while.

Eh? Lookin' for a Turali woman named Loashkana? Aye, she made the crossing with us. Tryin' to retrieve some sort o' treasure, as I recall.

I told her Hawkers' Alley was her best bet for the latest chatter, so ye may find her wanderin' thereabouts. Keep an eye out for a Hyuran lass in a red tunic carryin' a spear on her back─she can't have gone too far.

Yer like to find Loashkana wanderin' about Hawkers' Alley. Remember: Hyuran lass, red tunic, big spear.

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
066464 hr1.png Nature's Bounty
Oh? Hello there, stranger! Can I help you?

Nyipine sent you to help, did he? Seeing as I've hit something of a dead end, your timing couldn't be better!

I suppose proper introductions are in order, then! I am Loashkana, of Xak Tural. And you are?

A pleasure to meet you, Forename! With that, we're strangers no longer.

I'm not sure how much Nyipine's already told you, but I assume you'll want to hear more about the day of the theft.
066464 hr1.png Shade's Delight
My father and Nyipine had just set a trap using one of the Heartsting's toxins, and were on their way to return the treasure to its resting place.

But an evil presence stirred in the wilds that night. Mechanical dolls with great, glowing eyes leapt from the shadows and gravely wounded them both... My father survived the encounter, thankfully, but he was unable to give chase, and convalesces now in my home village.

The culprits' faces eluded him in the darkness, but he heard two voices─a man's and a woman's. He recognized neither, so we're certain they aren't from our village.

Whoever those two were, they must've been the ones controlling the dolls before making off with the Heartsting.

Br'uk Evu said they're part of the "Passage of the Unbound," but I'm afraid that's all I know of the culprits.

Still, that may change if I can ascertain the cause of the recent blinding incidents that have occurred here. Unfortunately, I haven't had much luck asking around.

The thought of addressing even one person here is, well...overwhelming, when you're from a remote village like mine. The few I've attempted to speak with were too busy to even listen in the first place.

You, on the other hand, look ready to take on the world! ...Or at least this city. I'm sorry to ask this of you so soon after we've met, but could you help me gather the latest hearsay at the markets?

Many, many thanks! I'll search the quieter districts for clues in the meantime...and hopefully not get myself lost along the way.
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

Why, yes, I know about the blinding incidents─I experienced it firsthand. I was rather peckish, so I purchased some fruit from a local stall and took a few bites on my way home...but before I knew it, my vision went dark.

I stood there, shaking and crying, terrified of what would happen if the darkness never faded. I thought I was alone, until I heard a woman nearby howling with laughter.

Fortunately, I didn't suffer for long. A passing adventurer cured my sight with Esuna, and I went about the rest of my day as though nothing happened, but...I haven't been able to look at fruit the same way since.

I'm relieved my sight could be healed with Esuna... I don't know what I'd have done if that adventurer hadn't passed by.

The recent chaos in the markets? I'm told the Yellowjackets have been thoroughly investigating the matter in cooperation with the Adventurers' Guild.

If you're in a hurry, there's a Yellowjacket making her rounds by way of the Fishermen's Guild. She'd be a good one to ask.

The market incidents are in the Yellowjackets' hands now. If you find the one I mentioned, perhaps she'll have the answers you seek.

Blinding incidents? Aye, I know of 'em. Started with some bad fruit at a stall in 'Awkers' Alley. A few bites in, an' folk suddenly go writhin' on the ground like beached sea serpents, claimin' they can't see a bloody thing.

I don't blame 'em for raisin' hells with the shopkeep, neither. Poor sods couldn't move an ilm till the treatment came an' they could see properly.

The shopkeep was rightly furious about the whole ordeal, an' took it up with his longtime supplier... Escalated into a real spectacle, it did.

Turns out the same problem was occurrin' at other stalls, an' with fruit from different suppliers─so it don't make sense to pin the blame on individual sellers if the whole supply chain's tainted. Even now, nobody knows what's causin' it. Grim business, I tell you...

That shopkeep an' his supplier got into a violent tussle, they did. Took nearly a dozen merchants to tear 'em apart...
Your investigation of Hawkers' Alley has proven successful, but you sense there is more to be found. Seek out the Yellowjacket on patrol, who may have further details on the blinding incidents.

Twelve be good, you're Forename Surname, aren't you? The Forename Surname!? It's an honor to meet the realm's vaunted hero up close!

Is there aught I can assist you with? I hear all sorts on my rounds, so if it's information you're after, you've come to the right person!

Oh, yes, the serial blindings... They're causing a terrible ruckus around here.

You know, a woman in red came this way a few moments ago to ask about the very same. I take it you two are acquainted?

Aha! I thought so! As I told her, another incident was reported yesterday morning.

The victim bought fruit from a local vendor, took a few bites, then temporarily lost all vision. Same as the rest.

The vendor in question was last seen to the south of the Octant, so I'm headed there next to follow their trail. You're welcome to join me if it'll help your investigation!

Forename! Is this man going to be all right...?

He's paralyzed! We've got to do something!
But I've no talent for healing magicks, and I don't have any spine drops on me, either... Perhaps Esuna might do the trick?

This man has been struck with a potent paralysis. Dispel his ailment with Esuna.
He's going to need Esuna, and quickly...
Forename! Is this man going to be all right...?

Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
...I'm healed? I'm healed! Oh, thank the Twelve...and you lot, of course!
Excellent work, Forename. On behalf of the Yellowjackets, I owe you my thanks as well!
Now, I hate to ruin the mood, but I'll need to report this to my superiors. Could you tell us what transpired here before we found you, sir?
It was awful... Just awful, I tell you!
066464 hr1.png Fracture
I was walking home after another arduous day at work, minding my own business, when a Lalafellin merchant suddenly called out to me.

"You, my good man, look exhausted," he said. "Why not soothe your weary spirit and fill your empty belly with one of the realm's sweetest apples? You've earned it...nay, you deserve it!"

'Twas a tempting sales pitch, but I wasn't keen to gamble on potentially cursed fruit. Sensing my apprehension, he proudly declared his merchandise safe to eat.

He sounded sincere enough─even took a bite of the apple himself! "No tainted fruit here," he boasted. "Just normal, honest-to-gods produce."

He sold me the apple at a reasonable discount, and all seemed well.
...That is, until I took my first bite, and numbness spread through my body like wildfire! I collapsed to the ground, struggling to speak a single word. The vendor and his fruit had suddenly betrayed me, yet I knew not how!
As I fell, a woman's shrill laughter echoed from a few yalms away, and the vendor's soon followed. I never saw the woman for myself, what with the whole...not-being-able-to-move business, but between her laughing fits, she made mention of a "Heartsting," or some such.
066464 hr1.png Conundrum
Oh, you poor dear... And this woman you mentioned─you're positive she spoke the word "Heartsting"?
As surely as the wind blows. For a mercy, neither she nor her vendor friend tried to steal my belongings, but they've certainly stolen my dignity. I hope those conniving charlatans get what's coming to them.
<sigh> This is dangerous fruit we're dealing in. First blindness, now paralysis...?
But first things first─I should escort this man home. If you've a mind to pursue the perpetrators further, then have care out there, all right?
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.

There's no doubt about it, then. Our thieves are at large, right here in Limsa Lominsa.

The blinding toxin is simple enough to master, but it's unsettling how quickly they've learned to inflict paralysis as well.

I just don't see what purpose this all serves. Were you able to learn anything of their motives?

So they take pleasure in their victims' pain, but nothing least, nothing more that we know of.

Whatever their true aim may be, we must discover it quickly, before more victims suffer at their hands.

<sigh> A hunter must adapt to their environment if they wish to snare their prey, but I have so much to learn about this place... Still, I've tracked them this far, which is a good start.

For the time being, I'd like to petition those officers in yellow for any new information they acquire on the Heartsting's whereabouts. If─no, when we come across any promising leads, I hope I can count on your support again!
Quest Complete

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