Last Known Location:
Empyreum - Ingleside (x:-2.4, y:-3.9)
Closest Aetheryte: Ishgard Aetheryte Plaza → Ingleside
Body Type
(~76.6 inches)
Bust Size
Option 1
Eye Shape
Option 4
Iris Size
Eye Color
Option 1
Option 1
Ear Shape
Option 1
Option 4
Ear Length
Facial Features/Tattoos/Ear Clasp/Face Paint
Item |
Statistics |
Allagan Commerce Node Permit
This permit allows the renting of Allagan commerce nodes on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Allagan Housekeeping Node Permit
This permit allows the renting of Allagan housekeeping nodes on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Allagan Repair Node Permit
This permit allows the renting of Allagan repair nodes on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Allagan Resupply Node Permit
This permit allows the renting of Allagan resupply nodes on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Expansion of Duties Permit
An amendment to existing retainer employment contracts allowing for dispatchment on privately owned properties.
※Cottage, house, and mansion gardens can accommodate 1, 2, and 3 retainers, respectively.
x 4,000
Hokonin Permit
This permit allows the hiring of Hingan servants known as “hokonin” on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Journeyman Salvager Permit
This permit allows the hiring of journeyman salvagers on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Junkmonger Permit A-2
This permit allows the hiring of junkmongers on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Junkmonger Permit A-3
This permit allows the hiring of junkmongers on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Junkmonger Permit
This permit allows the hiring of junkmongers on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 3,000
Materia Melder Permit
This permit allows the hiring of materia melders on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Material Supplier Permit A-2
This permit allows the hiring of material suppliers on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Material Supplier Permit A-3
This permit allows the hiring of material suppliers on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Material Supplier Permit
This permit allows the hiring of material suppliers on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 3,000
Mender Permit A-2
This permit allows the hiring of menders on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Mender Permit A-3
This permit allows the hiring of menders on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 5,000
Mender Permit
This permit allows the hiring of menders on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 3,000
Steward Permit
This permit allows the hiring of stewards on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
x 3,000