You mus' be the help that Skarnmhar's sent. I thought you'd never get here!
The kobolds stuck me up an' skedaddled with the garments, but don't you worry none. I'm fixin' to get 'em back so's we can get 'em back.
All you gotta do is mosey on up close to that stagecoach they hit an' peek in, an' you bet yer bottom gil those kobolds'll come a-callin'.
An' once them critters come out, THWACK! You pop 'em in the jaw an' snag the loot! It's foolproof!
Confounded kobolds! Make like you're rummaging through that stagecoach, an' when the li'l devils show 'emselves, you show 'em what's what, an' get back our stuff!