Kugane Aetheryte Plaza

Tenkonto Banner.png
Zoneicon.pngKugane Aetheryte Plaza
The area surrounding Kugane Aetheryte Plaza, Tenkonto is the Far Eastern term for an aetheryte and means "spire of drifting souls." As the crossroads of Kugane, people come and go through the area constantly, and its guardians have learned to spot troublemakers and lawbreakers. Far Eastern aetheryte technologies have a long and storied tradition. Tenkonto was constructed by the Onishishu, a collective of skilled craftsmen, who guard their ancestral techniques with the utmost secrecy.
Area: Pier 2
Zone: Kugane (12-10)
Region: Hingashi
Landmass: Othard
World: Hydaelyn
Type: Outdoor
Aetheryte: Kugane
Aethernet/NPC: Kugane Aetheryte Plaza
Weather: Clear Skies icon.png (Clear Skies)
Clouds icon.png (Clouds)
Fair Skies icon.png (Fair Skies)
Fog icon.png (Fog)
Rain icon.png (Rain)
Expansion: Stormblood
NPC Icon.png
Click here to see NPCs found at this location.
NPCs (4)
  • There are 4 NPCs in this location.
Sidequest1 Icon.png
Click here to see quests originating in this location.
Quests (4)

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