Yojimbo has 4 phases, during which he uses the following moves and mechanics.
Phase 1
Attack Name |
Summons 4 butterflies that land on random players. When they touch the ground, they create large AoEs around them. Deals heavy damage, and may be enough to kill squishy players.
Moderate arena-wide AoE damage.
Advice and Tips
- Stack in advance for Inoshikacho to make it easier to dodge the butterflies.
Phase 2
Attack Name |
Multiple crisscrossing white line AoEs will form, with squares of safe spots beneath them. Immediately after, additional crisscrossing line AoEs will cover up the previous safe spots, with new safe spots where they previously covered. Always combined with Gekko.
Marks each player with a whiteish medium AoE. After a few seconds, it will go off, dealing moderate damage to all players in the AoE. Immediately drops a large pink donut AoE with the safe spot in a small circle in the center where the player is standing. While stacking would be ideal, the damage from the initial AoE will kill everyone if they stack together, so it's best to spread out enough that your pink donut doesn't overlap with other players safe spots and allows you to stay put.
Bitter End
Frontal cleave on the tank. Keep facing away from the group.
Tiny Song
Marks each player with a red arrow pointing down at their heads. All players must stack together to avoid being mini'd.
Dragon's Head
Summons ghostly dragon heads along one wall of the arena, with a few gaps between them. The line of heads will slowly move across the arena. Players need to stand in the gaps to avoid taking moderate damage and gaining debuffs. Followed by Dragon Night.
Dragon Night
Used by the Dragon's Heads after they reach the far wall. Moderate arena-wide AoE damage.
Advice and Tips
- If you see Dragon's Head, top players off before they reach the end of the arena as they will use Dragon Night shortly after.
- Avoid standing in the front so you aren't hit with Bitter End.
- Stack with at least 1 other player to avoid being mini'd by Tiny Song.
- Keep a decent spread distance for Gekko so you aren't both hit by other's white AoEs and forced to move from their pink donut AoE.
Phase 3
Starts around ~40%. Uses Gekko during this.
Attack Name |
After the boss leaps away, both tanks will be marked with a Flare marker. Move to opposite corners for best effect. After a few seconds, an Embodiment add will leap to each tank, dealing proximity damage to all players in the arena. These must be killed before the Divine Epicness bar reaches 100%. They cannot be stacked or they will become almost invulnerable.
Divine Epicness
When both Embodiment adds are dead or the bar reaches 100%, the boss will use Ame-no-Murakumo.
The boss does his best Susano impression and cleaves the center of the arena with a massive sword, dealing more damage the closer players are to the center while also dealing damage based on the charge of the Epicness bar.
Giga Jump
After Ame-no-Murakumo, the boss will target the MT with a Flare marker and use Giga Jump to jump to them, dealing proximity damage. Signals the start of phase 4.
Advice and Tips
- Don't stand near the tanks for Embodiment and Giga Jump.
- Avoid standing in the center of the arena so you aren't cleaved with Ame-no-Murakumo.
Phase 4
Uses all abilities from Phase 2 in addition to the ones below.
Attack Name |
Electrogenetic Force
Has 2 variations. Deals heavy damage if hit; being struck by two or with missing health will likely kill you.
- Multiple purple lightning orbs will spawn and create large, overlapping AoEs around them, with one spot left without an orb. Players must determine safe spot and move there ASAP.
- Drops purple lightning orbs on random players, forcing players to move aside. Can happen during Dragon's Head.
Tethers the 2 tanks and 2 healers to the boss. After a few seconds, they will be locked in Iron Chains and begin casting Hells' Gate.
Iron Chains
A targetable enemy entangling the tanks and healers from Enchain. The DPS must kill the chains to free their teammates before Hells' Gate finishes casting, or they will die. The closer a chained player is to the boss, the stronger it will be.
Hells' Gate
Used after Enchain. Kills all players still in Iron Chains.
Long line AoE. The boss will charge down the line after a few seconds and begin casting Zanma Zanmai.
Zanma Zanmai
Used after Masamune. Drops all players to 1 HP. Followed by Epic Stormsplitter.
Epic Stormsplitter
A thin blue line AoE down the center of the arena. About halfway through the cast, two additional AoEs will spawn, covering the majority of the arena except for a thin strip down the middle of the blue line AoE. Wait for the blue AoE to go off, then move into the safe spot to avoid the secondary AoE.
Advice and Tips
- The boss will start using more abilities together, like Dragon's Head and Tiny Song. Just continue to do the mechanics properly as they come and you'll do just fine.
- Wait for the blue AoE to go off in Epic Stormsplitter before you move into the safe spot or you'll take heavy damage.
- The chained players should move some distance away from the boss and stack to make destroying the chains easier.