Lightning Shard

Lightning Shard Icon.png
Lightning Shard  Seasonalachievementicon.pngBotanist icon.pngMap35 Icon.pngMiner icon.pngMap40 Icon.pngGold chest icon.pngQuest Icon.pngLevequest Icon.pngMob Family Icon.pngTreasure Map Icon.pngExplorationicon.pngAirship XP Icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.pngUmbrella Fig Seeds Icon.png
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A tiny crystalline manifestation of aetheric lightning energy.
Level 1
Item Level 1
Statistics & Bonuses:
Repairs, Recycle & Style:
Stack Size 9999
Sells for Unsellable
Noconverticon.png Nodyeicon.png Nocresticon.png Noprojectableicon.png Nodesynthesizableicon.png Nostorableicon.png Nocollectableicon.png
Acquisition Edit Lightning Shard's Miscellaneous Acquisition Information Uses Edit Lightning Shard's Miscellaneous Use Information
Divider5.png Divider5.png
Rewarded from Treasure Map: (3)
Treasure Map Deciphered From
Boarskin Treasure Map Timeworn Boarskin Map
Leather Treasure Map Timeworn Leather Map
Toadskin Treasure Map Timeworn Toadskin Map
Node (Slot) Node Req. Gathering Req.
Logging: Black Brush (5)
Central Thanalan (21.0-20.0)
Level:20 Level: 1
Edit Logging: Black Brush
Logging: Spineless Basin (5)
Central Thanalan (22.8-26.3)
Level:10 Level: 1
Edit Logging: Spineless Basin
Logging: Spineless Basin (5)
Central Thanalan (24.6-30.7)
Level:30 Level: 1
Edit Logging: Spineless Basin
Logging: The Clutch (5)
Central Thanalan (29.1-19.8)
Level:50 Level: 1
Edit Logging: The Clutch
Logging: The Tangle (5)
Mor Dhona (14.4-14.6)
Level:5 Level: 1
Edit Logging: The Tangle
Node (Slot) Node Req. Gathering Req.
Harvesting: Broken Water (6)
Southern Thanalan (20.6-8.8)
Level:35 Level: 1
Edit Harvesting: Broken Water
Harvesting: Sagolii Desert (5)
Southern Thanalan (14.2-32.2)
Level:50 Level: 1
Edit Harvesting: Sagolii Desert
Harvesting: The Clutch (5)
Central Thanalan (25.2-20.3)
Level:15 Level: 1
Edit Harvesting: The Clutch
Node (Slot) Node Req. Gathering Req.
Mining: Black Brush (5)
Central Thanalan (20.1-22.6)
Level:10 Level: 1
Edit Mining: Black Brush
Mining: Sagolii Desert (5)
Southern Thanalan (25.5-40.7)
Level:35 Level: 1
Edit Mining: Sagolii Desert
Mining: Spineless Basin (6)
Central Thanalan (19.0-25.7)
Level:5 Level: 1
Edit Mining: Spineless Basin
Mining: Spineless Basin (6)
Central Thanalan (24.0-26.5)
Level:5 Level: 1
Edit Mining: Spineless Basin
Mining: The Tangle (5)
Mor Dhona (15.0-14.8)
Level:5 Level: 1
Edit Mining: The Tangle
Node (Slot) Node Req. Gathering Req.
Quarrying: Black Brush (5)
Central Thanalan (14.7-22.5)
Level:15 Level: 1
Edit Quarrying: Black Brush
Quarrying: Broken Water (5)
Southern Thanalan (18.6-11.3)
Level:30 Level: 1
Edit Quarrying: Broken Water
Quarrying: Sagolii Desert (5)
Southern Thanalan (22.3-29.6)
Level:30 Level: 1
Edit Quarrying: Sagolii Desert
Quarrying: The Red Labyrinth (5)
Southern Thanalan (17.9-18.4)
Level:35 Level: 1
Edit Quarrying: The Red Labyrinth
Reward from Quests
Quest Level
All of Your Beeswax 10
Alternative Applications 10
An Empty Sack Cannot Hang Downright 6
Getting into Gear 10
Gyrodriven 3
In the Court of the Rat King 9
My First Alembic 1
My First Needle 1
Once More unto the Breeches 5
The Second Principle 5
Ticked Off 5
Tougher than Leather 3
Way of the Alchemist 1
Way of the Weaver 1
Potential Reward from Levequests (200)
Lightning Shard is rewarded from more than 20 levequests.
Please click here to see the complete list.
Dropped by Monsters (2)
Name Levels Location
Corrupted Sprite 80 Zoneicon.png Northwestern Pavilion
Corrupted Sprite 80 Zoneicon.png Northeastern Pavilion
Corrupted Sprite 80 Zoneicon.png Southwestern Pavilion
Corrupted Sprite 80 Zoneicon.png Southeastern Pavilion
Lightning Sprite 10-14 Zoneicon.png The Gods' Grip
Lightning Sprite 10 Questinvolvementicon.png The Gods' Grip
Lightning Sprite 10-14 Zoneicon.png Quarterstone
Lightning Sprite 17 Zoneicon.png Copperbell Mines
Lightning Sprite 14-19 Leve Icon.png Empty Heart
Acquired from Duty (6)
Dungeon Icon.png Bardam's Mettle
Dungeon Icon.png Castrum Abania
Dungeon Icon.png Doma Castle
Dungeon Icon.png Shisui of the Violet Tides
Dungeon Icon.png The Sirensong Sea
Dungeon Icon.png The Sunken Temple of Qarn
Available during Event
Hatching-tide (2016)
Acquired from Voyage
Destination Quantity Ship Rank
The Southern Charnel Trench 54-63 57
Potentially Acquired from 18-hour Highland Exploration Venture
Highland Exploration I (Retainer Level 1)
Highland Exploration II (Retainer Level 5)
Acquired from 1-hour Mining Exploration Venture
Mining Exploration Venture (Retainer Level 1)
Acquired from 1-hour Botany Exploration Venture
Botany Exploration Venture (Retainer Level 1)
Acquired from Desynthesis (410)
Lightning Shard is rewarded from more than 20 desynths.
Please click here to see the complete list.

Crystals (whether in the form of shards, crystals or clusters) are catalysts used in every recipe. See the Crafting Log for more information and for recipe listings by class.

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