A Debt Unpaid
«Of Errant Epistles |
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If it isn't my new vict─um, my promising new recruit! The twinkle in your eyes and spring in your step simply shout out to me, “I'm ready for my first assignment, mister deputy postmoogle, sir!” Do I hear you correctly, kupo? Of course I do! Well, this is your lucky day, for I've picked out what should prove the perfect task to start off your training. To wit: I have here in my paws a letter that needs delivering to Baderon, proprietor of the Drowning Wench. A simple task, you say? Perhaps─and perhaps not! For a delivery moogle's task does not end with the handing over of a piece of parchment. No, the conscientious carrier lends his ear to the addressee, and sees the job through until his customer is happier for what has been received. Being the accomplished─and eminently visible─adventurer that you are, I suspect that your clients will be even more eager to enlist your services than they would with an elusive moogle like myself. Consider this an honor and a privilege, kupo! As the one in charge of your training, I shall wait here for word of your success. You will succeed, won't you, kupo? |
Ah, now 'ere's a face what always warms me 'eart to see! Ever a shinin' example to all the would-be 'eroes and 'eroines in these 'alls. Mm? Ye've a letter for me, ye say?
Would 'ave figured ye'd 'ave more pressing tasks on yer plate than playin' messenger boy, but who am I to─what's this!? Ah, bugger me! Of all the times for 'im to show up. 'Ate to burden ye, but I'd be much obliged if ye could 'elp me with a simple task. |
Offer Baderon your aid?
Yes No |
I knew I could count on ye! Aye, the moment I saw yer face, I knew the Navigator 'ad guided ye back 'ere for a reason. I know yer a busy lad these days, but the Navigator guided ye back through these doors for reason. Look, I ask ye this 'cause I know I can trust ye─an' that's not somethin' I can say for just anyone. Come now, it's the least ye could do for ol' Baderon. The reason? To 'elp me settle the score with an ol' acquaintance o' mine. Aye, the man's worked up quite the bill, and it's past time for a reckonin'. Yer to find the bastard and bring 'im 'ere to ol' Baderon. I can trust ye with that, aye? Ye'll find him out in the middle o' La Noscea─a Roegadyn fellow of 'is imposin' stature and less-than-imposin' brains, like as not up to trouble o' some sort. Oh, an' speak with S'dhodjbi before ye set out─she's prepared the perfect welcome gift for my dear ol' mate. |
The letter I've entrusted to you is to be delivered to Baderon, proprietor of the Drowning Wench. A perfect task to start off your training, if I do say so myself─and I just did, kupo! Mind you, a delivery moogle's task does not end with the handing over of a piece of parchment. No, the conscientious carrier lends his ear to the addressee, and sees the job through until his customer is happier for what has been received. Being the accomplished─and eminently visible─adventurer that you are, I suspect that your clients will be even more eager to enlist your services than they would with an elusive moogle like myself. Consider this an honor and a privilege, kupo! |
So you're the adventurer going out to greet our guest of honor, are you? Baderon hasn't told me much about the man, but his steely gaze speaks volumes. As you know, Baderon was an accomplished sellsword in his younger days. Made his share of friends, and more than his share of foes─and the latter are none too shy about bringing trouble onto the premises. A Roegadyn fellow in middle La Noscea, was it? Ah, but I'll pry no further. One thing I've learned in my time here is not to poke my nose in disputes that don't involve me. Here's the “gift” Baderon asked me to prepare. I trust that it will serve you well. |
Ye'll find him out in the middle o' La Noscea─a Roegadyn fellow of 'is imposin' stature and less-than-imposin' brains, like as not up to trouble o' some sort. Oh, an' speak with S'dhodjbi before ye set out─she's prepared the perfect welcome gift for my dear ol' mate.
What's this? Baderon has tasked you with escorting a potentially dangerous customer to town? How terribly exciting! While I would like nothing more than to join you, I fear my duties supervising scores of aspiring carriers keep me otherwise occupied, kupo! But never fear! I will remain right here, cheering you on as you take your life into your hands on what should prove to be an eminently rewarding mission, kupo! Forename, Forename, he's the best! He'll get Baderon out of this mess! |
Quit yer cowerin'. I's ain't lookin' to─hic!─shteal nothin'. Jusht be wantin' a ship, that's all. A biiiiiig ship! Har har─hic!
An adventurer? Th-Thank the gods! This brute means to rob me of my livelihood! You must stop him!
Ye'll find him out in the middle o' La Noscea─a Roegadyn fellow of 'is imposin' stature and less-than-imposin' brains, like as not up to trouble o' some sort. Oh, an' speak with S'dhodjbi before ye set out─she's prepared the perfect welcome gift for my dear ol' mate.
A Roegadyn fellow in middle La Noscea, was it? Ah, but I'll pry no further. One thing I've learned in my time here is not to poke my nose in disputes that don't involve me.
What's this? Baderon has tasked you with escorting a potentially dangerous customer to town? How terribly exciting! While I would like nothing more than to join you, I fear my duties supervising scores of aspiring carriers keep me otherwise occupied, kupo! But never fear! I will remain right here, cheering you on as you take your life into your hands on what should prove to be an eminently rewarding mission, kupo! Forename, Forename, he's the best! He'll get Baderon out of this mess! |
H-Have mercy! M-My wine is my livelihood...
Alright, yer ashkin' for─ Hurrrk... Hurrrggghhh...! |
You're a godssend, friend. I tell you, that brute is a menace to honest merchants everywhere. You will find him and bring him to justice, yes?
I don't know ye from a─hic!─goobbue's arshe, but if ye know what'sh good for ye, ye'll be─hic!─shteppin' out o' me way.
An adventurer? Th-Thank the gods! This brute means to rob me of my livelihood! You must stop him!
What's this? Baderon has tasked you with escorting a potentially dangerous customer to town? How terribly exciting! While I would like nothing more than to join you, I fear my duties supervising scores of aspiring carriers keep me otherwise occupied, kupo! But never fear! I will remain right here, cheering you on as you take your life into your hands on what should prove to be an eminently rewarding mission, kupo! Forename, Forename, he's the best! He'll get Baderon out of this mess! |
Ye'll find him out in the middle o' La Noscea─a Roegadyn fellow of 'is imposin' stature and less-than-imposin' brains, like as not up to trouble o' some sort. Oh, an' speak with S'dhodjbi before ye set out─she's prepared the perfect welcome gift for my dear ol' mate.
A Roegadyn fellow in middle La Noscea, was it? Ah, but I'll pry no further. One thing I've learned in my time here is not to poke my nose in disputes that don't involve me.
H-Have mercy, man! I didn't mean the little man no harm. I jusht had a few too many...hurrrgh! An old foe of Baderon's? Ain't that rich! Har har har─hurrrk! I'm the best bloody mate the ol' bastard's ever known, whether or not he's willin' to admit it. |
Name's Tylswaen, a sellsword of some repute meself─though more for me prowess with a flagon of ale than the spear at me back. Har har har! No, ye'll not see me blamin' Baderon─nor you, o' course─for the soggy welcome. I daresay I earned it on me last trip to the Wench. As a matter o' fact, I've even brought Baderon a small token of apology. Jus' me own way of sayin' sorry for all the trouble I've stirred up at─ Well, bugger me to the seventh hell and back again! I left the bloody bag back at...Mummersford Arms, was it? Forgive me, lad. My memory's still a bit hazy... I'd go back and search meself but, in addition to not knowin' quite where I came from, I'm still feelin' a touch─hurrrk!─queasy. Be a good lad and retrace my steps for me, will ye? With any luck, the fellow there─damned if I can remember his name─is keepin' me belongings safe and sound. |
A Roegadyn fellow in middle La Noscea, was it? Ah, but I'll pry no further. One thing I've learned in my time here is not to poke my nose in disputes that don't involve me.
Ye'll find him out in the middle o' La Noscea─a Roegadyn fellow of 'is imposin' stature and less-than-imposin' brains, like as not up to trouble o' some sort. Oh, an' speak with S'dhodjbi before ye set out─she's prepared the perfect welcome gift for my dear ol' mate.
What's this? Baderon has tasked you with escorting a potentially dangerous customer to town? How terribly exciting! While I would like nothing more than to join you, I fear my duties supervising scores of aspiring carriers keep me otherwise occupied, kupo! But never fear! I will remain right here, cheering you on as you take your life into your hands on what should prove to be an eminently rewarding mission, kupo! Forename, Forename, he's the best! He'll get Baderon out of this mess! |
You're a godssend, friend. I tell you, that brute is a menace to honest merchants everywhere. You will find him and bring him to justice, yes?
Lo, Surname! Quite the busy lad these days, if the tales I hear are true. A meal, a respite from the road─name it and it's yours. Lo, stranger. What brings an impressive-looking young lad like yourself to my humble orchards? That bloody drunkard? 'Course I remember him. How could I not? Left his mark all over the bedding and floor─and this after I went out of my way to furnish his room with a proper spittin' box. His belongin's? I had my hands plenty full cleanin' up his foul spew. If he left anythin' else behind, like as not it's still there. You're more than welcome to explore, though I'd suggest you watch your step and hold your nose─particularly if you've just eaten. |
Did ye find me ol' mate? Trust 'e didn't give ye any more trouble than ye can 'andle. Tell 'im that Baderon's got a pint of 'is favorite waitin' for 'im─but only a pint, mind ye.
So that Roegadyn ruffian wasn't a foe from Baderon's past, but a friend? I suppose friends do come in all shapes and sizes...
Be a good lad and retrace my steps for me, will ye? With any luck, the fellow at Mummersford Arms is keepin' me belongings safe and sound.
What's this? Baderon has tasked you with escorting a potentially dangerous customer to town? How terribly exciting! While I would like nothing more than to join you, I fear my duties supervising scores of aspiring carriers keep me otherwise occupied, kupo! But never fear! I will remain right here, cheering you on as you take your life into your hands on what should prove to be an eminently rewarding mission, kupo! Forename, Forename, he's the best! He'll get Baderon out of this mess! |
Be a good lad and retrace my steps for me, will ye? With any luck, the fellow at Mummersford Arms is keepin' me belongings safe and sound.
His belongin's? I had my hands plenty full cleanin' up his foul spew. If he left anythin' else behind, like as not it's still there. You're more than welcome to explore, though I'd suggest you watch your step and hold your nose─particularly if you've just eaten.
So that Roegadyn ruffian wasn't a foe from Baderon's past, but a friend? I suppose friends do come in all shapes and sizes...
Did ye find me ol' mate? Trust 'e didn't give ye any more trouble than ye can 'andle. Tell 'im that Baderon's got a pint of 'is favorite waitin' for 'im─but only a pint, mind ye.
What's this? Baderon has tasked you with escorting a potentially dangerous customer to town? How terribly exciting! While I would like nothing more than to join you, I fear my duties supervising scores of aspiring carriers keep me otherwise occupied, kupo! But never fear! I will remain right here, cheering you on as you take your life into your hands on what should prove to be an eminently rewarding mission, kupo! Forename, Forename, he's the best! He'll get Baderon out of this mess! |
Back, are ye? Did ye happen upon me belongings, mayhap? Jus' a small satchel, nothin' too─hurk─fancy...
Bloody brilliant! Aye, from the moment you doused me with that─hic!─wet stuff, I knew I'd made meself a friend. Don't know about you, but after all me troubles today I've worked up quite a thirst. What say ye join me at the Wench? First pint's on Baderon! Har har! |
Found what you were lookin' for? Pleased to hear it, especially if it means I'll be spared a reunion with the stinkin' sop.
So that Roegadyn ruffian wasn't a foe from Baderon's past, but a friend? I suppose friends do come in all shapes and sizes...
Did ye find me ol' mate? Trust 'e didn't give ye any more trouble than ye can 'andle. Tell 'im that Baderon's got a pint of 'is favorite waitin' for 'im─but only a pint, mind ye.
What's this? Baderon has tasked you with escorting a potentially dangerous customer to town? How terribly exciting! While I would like nothing more than to join you, I fear my duties supervising scores of aspiring carriers keep me otherwise occupied, kupo! But never fear! I will remain right here, cheering you on as you take your life into your hands on what should prove to be an eminently rewarding mission, kupo! Forename, Forename, he's the best! He'll get Baderon out of this mess! |
Ah, welcome back, Forename. Ye've my apologies for gettin' ye mixed up in the dealin's of a couple of ol' sellswords. 'Ave a pint of me finest. And regardless o' what 'e might've told ye, Tylswaen's payin' for all comers tonight─includin' yers truly!
Ye've not changed a whit, Baderon. Shtill a thanklesh bloody bashtard! Har har─hurk!
Thankless? Me!? Says the insufferable sot who won't be content till 'e drinks 'is so-called best mate out of 'ouse and 'ome. Mark my words, Tylswaen: if ye conveniently forget to pay yer tab this time, I'll 'unt ye to the seventh 'ell!
Baderon acts all tough, but trust me─just a moment ago he was going on about how happy he was to hear you were safe. Here, this one's on the house. I hear it's your favorite.
Gwahahaha─hurk! Ye needn't worry, lash. Ol' Tylshwaen and yer mashter go way back. Gone soft, if ye ashk me. Why, back in our day, ye couldn't call yershelf friend to Baderon till he'd drawn shteel on ye at leasht twice...
Then I shall consider myself fortunate that we only became acquainted more recently. But do tell, good sir, what is the story behind those coins? The remnants of some hidden treasure, mayhap?
Treashure...? Har har! You an' I both wish, lasshie... No, I fear it'sh little more'n a memento of daysh long past and none too well remembered. Back when Baderon and meshelf were shtill wet behind the earsh, a grizzled ol' veteran─least he looked grizzled to a couple o' young pups like us─took a likin' to us. Took us under 'is wing, as it were. It was a kindness, in days when kindness was 'ard to come by. Carried with 'im these here coinsh, he did. See the face o' the Shpinner? Said 'Er fair gaze watchin' over 'im was what kept 'im livin' where all 'is old matesh had a tendency to end up dead...or worshe─hic! Chanced upon 'im a fortnight ago─on 'is deathbed, the poor bastard. Said 'e'd lived a good life, but 'is luck 'ad finally run its course. Didn't 'ave much to leave behind, save for 'is lucky coins─coins he wanted to leave to a couple o' not-so-young pups, that they might enjoy a life as long as 'is... |
A touching tale, indeed! Now perhaps you can answer a long-held question of mine, good sir. Whyever would a sellsword as renowned as Baderon forsake his blade for the life of a glorified barkeep?
Ye've not 'eard the─hic─shtory? Mind ye, a detail or two might have shlipped from me memory, but I'll give 'er a try. 'Twas twenty yearsh ago, or thereabouts. With the realm finally at peace─or something reshemblin' it─a great mercenary captain had a plan. This man─aye, a livin' legend if ever there was one─brought all the shellswordsh who were itchin' for a new fight under one roof. So it was that the Adventurersh' Guild was─hic!─born, and there were no shortage of eager applicants. Aye, everyone 'n' their uncle was lookin' to be an adventurer. Save for one young boy─the son o' the very man what founded it. This boy wanted only one thing─to follow in his father's footsteps and make his name as the greatest sellsword who ever walked the realm. Did the boy give up 'is dream? Did he reckon 'e'd already achieved it? Can't say for sure, lasshie, only that the boy is now a man, and the man standsh behind the counter at the Adventurersh' Guild, dispensin' advice to young glory-seekers like Forename here, and ale to ol' drunkards like meself. |
Is this true...!? Why, that would mean Baderon's father is none other than...!
S'dhodjbi! I pay ye to wipe the tables, not wag your bloody tongue! Now get back to work before I throw ye back out in the gutter where I found ye!
<sigh> And just when things were starting to get interesting...
And with that, Baderon, I'd besht be on me way. Spend any more time 'round that lovely lass and this lonely ol' sellsword is like to get─hic!─jealoush. Besides, if I empty yer casks today, what will I drink on me next visit? Har har har!
Aye, walk away while yer legs still hold ye, ye blunderin' oaf! An' come back any time for a pint o' me finest─I'll see it dumped right over yer fat 'ead!
So that's the fellow who was the source of all the commotion? A bit loud, but I've seen worse. After all, he's on his eighth pint or so and nobody's lost an arm yet.
Well, if it ishn't what'sh-yer-faysh from wherever-it-wash! Pull up a chair and don't be a shtranger. Baderon! A cold one for the strappin' lad!
What's this? Baderon has tasked you with escorting a potentially dangerous customer to town? How terribly exciting! While I would like nothing more than to join you, I fear my duties supervising scores of aspiring carriers keep me otherwise occupied, kupo! But never fear! I will remain right here, cheering you on as you take your life into your hands on what should prove to be an eminently rewarding mission, kupo! Forename, Forename, he's the best! He'll get Baderon out of this mess! |
If it isn't my dutiful assistant! I trust you fared well on your first assignment? Do tell me all about it, kupo! Why, you don't say! Baderon has never been an easy customer to please─why, he nigh pulled out my whiskers that time I dropped a letter in a flagon of ale!─but it sounds like you've made a fabulous first impression. As your senior, I couldn't be more pleased with your effort...and with myself, for having discovered such a talented new recruit, kupo! But this is no time to rest on your laurels, oh no! For each day brings new letters, and the deliveries that await will take you even further afield. I daresay you might encounter clients who will make old Baderon look like a cuddly chocobo. But it's all in a day's work for my able assistant, yes? When you're looking for your next assignment, you know where to find me, kupo! |
With your successful delivery, your reputation as a letter carrier has grown!
When that man first came crashing in here, I feared for my life. Turns out I'm still in one piece, and picked up a few tales about Baderon to boot. I eagerly await any future deliveries, friend.
No bones broken, and only two o' my tables covered in spew...not a bad day, by my reckonin'. Drunken bastard that 'e is, Tylswaen's a friend─a friend I'd not 'ave reunited with were it not for yer timely delivery. Yer next ale is on the 'ouse.