A Test of Courage
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I'm afraid you've arrived early, Forename. There is still much to do before preparations are complete. Yet I cannot stop thinking about Tsukumo's capture. Why strike in Kugane rather than here in Tamamizu? There is little we could have done to stop them had they tried. Unless... What if this was not the work of the Red as a whole, but a plot by Hirumaki to satisfy his own greed? Defeating him would be the key to rescuing Tsukumo. The problem, however, is he is always so heavily guarded. Our plans and preparation will all be for nothing unless they can be drawn away. As ever your aid is greatly appreciated. Nevertheless, we cannot deny their numbers. Sheer strength alone will not grant us victory. The other members of the Divine Circle intend to create a distraction to draw them away, but even then we are still outmatched. <sigh> How am I to sway my brothers to join us? Even the mere mention of the Isle of Zekki is enough to turn them away. |
Manual : Insert the correct Q & A's below into a table
then delete me
What will you say?
You must convince them with your actions. You must convince them with a thorough explanation of your plan. |
My actions...? Ah, like the Qestir of the Azim Steppe. Hmmm. That sounds like what Tsukumo would do. He always had a way with words. If that is what you believe, then I suppose it is worth a try. Erm... Would you be willing to accompany me? Not to speak with everyone, of course. Only until I've gained my nerve. |
Ah, Forename. Your presence is greatly appreciated. Ahem. Now then.
Are you well, Kabuto? It's rather unlike you to call on anyone for help. I suppose next Makura will tell us the striped rays are drowning.
Tsukumo has been taken by the Red, and I mean to rescue him.
So it is true! I had hoped it was only a rumor. But what are we to do? We are not fighters, Kabuto. You would be leading turtles to slaughter.
I realize that, which is why I will not ask you to fight. But I do have a plan that requires your help. You are perhaps the greatest swimmer the Ruby Sea has ever known, and your knowledge of its currents is unmatched. That is why I would ask you to lead their soldiers on a chase—distract them that I might do battle with their leader alone. |
A chase, you say? Hmmm. It should be simple enough to drag those sea slugs through the waves. It might even prove fun. Very well. Give me time to prepare and you will have your diversion. |
He listened. He listened and agreed to help! No doubt your presence helped to convince him. But I cannot ask you to be present for everyone. Wait with the elder while I speak with the others. |
Aren't you the one aiding the Divine Circle in their search for treasure? You've done fine work for the Blue. Yes, fine work indeed.
I never realized talking could be so tiresome.
I take it you have spoken with everyone, then. Fear not. Your cause is just, and from what Forename has told me, your plan is sound. We need only wait for the others to assemble. |
It would seem my words have fallen on deaf ears. Come, Forename. We must save Tsukumo on our own.
You are too quick to judge your brothers, Kabuto. Take another look.
Sorry to keep you waiting. I thought it prudent we have proper weapons should we be forced to confront the Red, so I made a short trip to visit the Qestir.
You traveled all the way to Reunion for weapons!?
I paid a visit to the forge in Kugane, and the young smith—Shihoumi, I believe is her name—insisted she be brought here to prepare for Tsukumo's return. She seemed quite adamant about seeing to his repairs.
Shihoumi! I had nearly forgotten. I know not how to repay you.
When a brother is in need, we help. It's as simple as that.
Just so. In fact, you'll find more of our brothers are waiting for you outside. Everyone is prepared to do their part to see Tsukumo returned safely.
Which is why I scouted ahead, lest we have any unwanted surprises. I overheard the soldiers on watch speaking of Hirumaki. They say he's been gloating over his latest plunder, keeping it on display at the Air of the Opulent. It has to be Tsukumo. |
Then I know where I must go. As I mentioned before, your task will be to circle about the island and draw the attention of as many soldiers as you can. While they're distracted, Forename and I will sneak onto the island through the Dive. |
Today we shall prove the Blue are not to be trifled with.
To the Isle of Zekki!
Kabuto has taken to recruiting our brothers for his attack on the Isle of Zekki? It seems he has learned much from his time away from Tamamizu.
You're here. Good. Everyone is in position. When we reach the Air of the Opulent, I will see to Hirumaki while you retrieve Tsukumo. Are you ready? |
You needn't worry about me. I may be old, but with age comes great wisdom. I know enough of battle to handle myself in the field.
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I apologize if I've worried you. I am fine, but there is still no change in Tsukumo.
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Furthermore, you will receive an experience point bonus upon the completion of the Kojin tribal daily quests. New Kojin tribal daily quests are now available from Zukin at Tamamizu. |