In the Skycage over the Sea

«Linu's Lovely Bones

071341.png50Fishing for FriendshipFeaturequest1 Icon.png Fishing for Friendship»

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Player31 Icon.png
Lorequest4 Icon.png
SecondaryQuest1 Icon.png

Forename, at last the time to rescue Brother is come!

Zundu capture overly bold Vundu spy, and like flood after rains, answers pour from his beak after interrogation. Spy speaks of Brother, and says the Vundu plan to move him to a skycage hanging in the Cromlech.

We must act now, while the Vundu do not expect us. Such a chance may not come again! Make haste to the Cromlech!
Quest Accepted
Again!? It cannot be...
That voice. Is it...Sister's?

They sneer at Linu's dance... Forename, if not for you, the Vundu throw Linu Vali into lonely skycage!

Attackers lying in wait when Linu Vali arrives... Scheming Vundu hope to ambush any Gundu that come to rescue Brother!

But they know not our strength. Brother hangs below; Linu Vali hears his voice calling out. But such flimsy skycage cannot hold two Vanu, even if one is dainty as Linu Vali.

Forename is light as butterfly in comparison─skycage holds fast under his weight! Here, give Brother this horn, and sanuwa answers call.

On wings of steed he rides to freedom. Forename, hurry before more Vundu arrive!
That voice. Is it...Sister's?

Linu hears Sister's voice, and the sounds of pitched fighting. And now a netherling stands before me? What is the meaning of this?

Ah... Well, Linu Vanu is glad to have such a skilled fighter on his side. And you say Sister has a gift for me?
A sanuwa horn? With this, Linu rides sanuwa to freedom, and to family! Come, netherling!
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene start.
Heh, Vundu! Linu Vanu will not return to your skycages!

Vundu cowards scatter as leaves before ferocious autumn gale!

Our bonds strengthen our dance. Few possess the will to stand fearless against dancers moving in concert, with allies and family.

Netherling, naught but ill fate befalls our tribe since Vundu conquer our land. Your rescue is like single star shining in darkness, and for that Linu thanks you.

Sister, for moons did Linu Vanu worry for your safety, alone in skycage. To see you safe brings more comfort than the first rays of light at dawn. How does Linu Vali escape the Vundu for so long?
For that, we must also thank Forename. She has strong ties with the Zundu, and in their kindness they grant the Gundu refugees an island to rest on, far away from the Vundu.
Ah, bold as they are, even Vundu do not risk truce and encroach on Zundu territory. But...such kindness from the Zundu? Linu Vanu wonders what they intend...
Brother, all in Ok' Gundu Nakki eagerly await their chief's return. But first, let us make our introductions at Ok' Zundu. And from there, our new home!
Player7 Icon.png Cutscene end.
Give the horn to Brother so he can fly from the skycage.
Chief Sonu, may zephyr winds blow always at your back. I, Linu Vanu, son of Chief Uunu, greet you warmly.
Ah, Linu Vanu looks much like his father! Your tribe faces many adversities, but that you are safe gives them hope. Sonu believes that Linu leads Ok' Gundu Nakki to greatness.
It seems the Vundu spare Ok' Zundu─no building bears the scars of their wrath. Linu hears Ok' Zundu buys this peace with offerings. Linu supposes that is proper path for tribe lacking the strength, or courage, to face their enemies.
Linu Vanu oversteps his bounds! He dares to insult our tribe!?
Sanu Vanu, let Linu speak. The Gundu stand against the Vundu, and they take everything from his tribe, even turning friends against one other. The Zundu choose a different path, and Linu is free to think as he likes about our choices.
True warriors fight for their freedom, and for their tribe! Only cowards give gifts to appease their enemies!
C-Cowards!? Watch your words, Linu Vanu!

Brother! You embarrass us!

Ok' Gundu Nakki is gift from Zundu tribe. Without Zundu generosity, Gundu remain homeless, wandering cloud sea like sanuwa hatchling looking for mother. Brother brings shame to insult our benefactors!

Sister scolds Linu Vanu!? She becomes bolder with the passing of moons...

But perhaps she is right. Sonu Vanu, please forgive Linu Vanu's rudeness.
Linu Vanu, Sonu understands reasons for doubt. Now, let us move forward, and build further upon the friendship our two tribes share.
Surely Chief Sonu knows that Vundu discovery of Ok' Gundu Nakki is but a matter of time. When dark clouds bring Vundu to inquire about Zundu's role in their protection, what then does Chief Sonu do?
When the storm comes, Sonu Vanu trusts judgment of tribe to weather all safely through it.

Forename, with Brother's arrival, Ok' Gundu Nakki has chief at last!

Burden of responsibility lifts from Linu Vali's shoulders. However, although Linu wants nothing more than to polish her beak and talon, make feather arrangements, and practice her sundrop dance, there is still unease in the village...

Brother's dislike for the Zundu is plain, and it does not bode well for the future of our two tribes.

Others in Ok' Gundu Nakki share his distaste. Some say that the Zundu are weaklings for not opposing the Vundu openly.

Linu understands their misgivings, but they must look beyond that. If the Zundu do not buy freedom with tributes, then the Vundu conquer them as well. They would hold all islands in their talons, and all would answer to their rule.

Linu must make the others understand this. The Zundu and Gundu must work together, for the benefit of both our tribes.

Linu Vali has a plan to bring tribes together in friendship. She has plans for Forename's role too. Speak with Linu Vali again when time comes!
Quest Completed
You have achieved Trusted reputation with the Gundu.

New Vanu Vanu tribal daily quests are now available from Muna Vanu at Ok' Gundu Nakki.

Furthermore, you will be able to undertake three additional quests from Muna Vanu as a reputation rank bonus. This bonus is available until the daily reset time for tribal quests.

These additional quests will become available after accepting all current daily quests from Muna Vanu. Please be advised that you cannot undertake these quests if you have no remaining allowances.

Furthermore, you now have access to a wider selection of wares from Luna Vanu.
Right down to his personality, Linu Vanu is as if hatched from same egg as father.
Linu Vanu could learn much from his sister's manners...