We have a ssselection of wares for friends of the Gatekeepers. Feel free to peruse them at your leisure.
After: Schism between Sisters
Would you like to be the proud owner of a mighty marid?
Your deeds in ssservice of the Gatekeepers have earned you the recognition of the marid handlers. They have granted you the right to keep one of your own.
After: Celebratory Smorgasbord
Giff has ssset aside one of his griffins for you to keep as your own. A beautiful, white true griffin, at that.
He cares for those beasssts as though they were his children, ssso you should consssider it a great honor. I trussst you will take good care of it.
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False Nails
Level: &00000000000000010000001
All Classes
Defense 8 Magic Defense 14
Stuffed Ananta
Those without a deathly fear of snakes claim this plush doll to be one of the most beautiful ever crafted. Most ophidiophobes, however, would beg to differ.
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Wind-up Ananta
Why did it have to be a snake?
Use item to acquire the wind-up Ananta minion.
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Ananta Junkmonger Permit
This permit allows the hiring of Ananta junkmongers on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
Ananta Maidservant Permit
This permit allows the hiring of Ananta maidservants on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
Ananta Material Supplier Permit
This permit allows the hiring of Ananta material suppliers on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
Ananta Mender Permit
This permit allows the hiring of Ananta menders on the estate.
※Private chambers (apartments), cottages, houses, and mansions can host 4, 6, 8, and 10 vendors, respectively.
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Marid Horn
A horn of ivory used to summon a towering marid.
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True Griffin Horn
A beautifully carved horn that summons a true griffin trained since birth to carry riders on her back.
Ananta Framer's Kit
Tools for enhancing a portrait. Use to unlock embellishments fit for an ally of the Velodyna Gatekeepers. Includes Portrait Elements: Background, Accent Includes Plate Elements: Base Plate, Top Border, Bottom Border, Accent
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Ananta Metalworks
A number of beautifully detailed, opulent golden vessels created in honor of Sri Lakshmi.
Wind-up Qalyana
She may or may not break through the borderline.
Use item to acquire the wind-up Qalyana minion.