Malikah's Well

Dungeon Icon.pngMalikah's Well
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Malikah's Well.png
Mourning the loss of her beloved, the queen of Nabaath Areng commanded a great well be built in his memory, its waters offering respite from the sweltering heat. In more recent years, the well was transformed into an excavation site by the miners of Amh Araeng. It has long since fallen into disuse, yet the presence of Light emanating from within is unmistakable. What horrors await at the trolley tracks' end in the depths of this massive reservoir?


1 to 4 players (1 Tank, 1 Healer, 2 DPS)
Class: Disciples of War or Magic
※ Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
Level: 77 (Sync from 78)
Average Item Level: 385
※ While synced, all item stats are adjusted.
※ Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements.

Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png
1 1 2
Minimum Level: 77 (Sync from 78)
Minimum iLevel: 385
Time Limit: 90 Minutes
Unrestricted Party: Allowed
Epic Echo (Status Effect) Icon.png Epic Echo: Default +30%
Unlock Quest: A Fresh Start
Regular Duty: Dungeons: Shadowbringers
Duty Roulette: Leveling
Duty Support: Available
Type: Dungeon
Zone: Malikah's Well (Zone)
Region: Norvrandt
Expansion: Shadowbringers
Guide: Malikah's Well Guide
Background Music: Deep Down
Victory Music: A Victory Fanfare Reborn

Trust System Icon.png Trust System:
Expicon.png 4,757,000
MainIcon78.png Blue Mage Log:
Gil Icon.png 300 Allied Seal Icon.png 10 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png 30
  • Arrive at Terminus
  • Clear Terminus
  • Arrive at Malikah's Gift
  • Clear Malikah's Gift
  • Arrive at Unquestioned Acceptance
  • Defeat Storge

Edit Malikah's Well's Dialogue

Greater Armadillo
Attack Name Description
Stone Flail Tankbuster. The boss does a front flip and slams his tail into the tank. Deals moderate damage. Spawns Stone Falls.
Stone Fall Spawns multiple waves of small AoEs on the ground. After a moment, rocks fall into the ground where the AoEs were, dealing damage to all players standing inside. Spawned by Stone Flail, Head Toss, and Flail Smash.
Head Toss Obvious stack mechanic. The boss will jump over and slam his tail into the ground on the targeted player, leaving behind the metal ball clutched in his tail. Spawns Stone Falls. Immediately followed by Right Round.
Right Round Immediately after Head Toss. The boss will leap over to the metal ball on the ground and scoop it up with a large AoE around the boss, dealing damage and knocking back any players caught in it. Immediately followed by Flail Smash.
Flail Smash Spawns a proximity marker in the center of the room. The boss will leap to it and slam his tail into the floor, after which a large donut AoE will spawn around the edge of the room with the center being safe. Spawns Stone Falls.
Pack Armadillo Summons 2 armadillo adds to fight. Kill them quickly. Followed by Stone Flail. Uses the following abilities:
  • Rehydration: Gains Damage Up for 30 seconds. Can be interrupted.

Advice and Tips

  • Be prepared to move back in after Flail Smash to avoid the donut AoE on the outer edge of the arena.
Nabaath Pot Helm of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Pot Helm of Maiming Icon.png Nabaath Headgear of Striking Icon.png Nabaath Turban of Scouting Icon.png Nabaath Scarf of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Crown of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Cap of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Vest of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Vest of Maiming Icon.png Nabaath Doublet of Striking Icon.png Nabaath Coat of Scouting Icon.png Nabaath Vest of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Doublet of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Doublet of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Gauntlets of Fending Icon.png
Nabaath Gauntlets of Maiming Icon.png Nabaath Bracers of Striking Icon.png Nabaath Gloves of Scouting Icon.png Nabaath Field Dressing of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Gloves of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Gloves of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Trousers of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Trousers of Maiming Icon.png Nabaath Skirt of Striking Icon.png Nabaath Bottoms of Scouting Icon.png Nabaath Slops of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Bottoms of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Bottoms of Healing Icon.png
(Blue Mage Spell Acquisition)
Right Round Icon.png Rehydration Icon.png
Amphibious Talos
Attack Name Description
Efface Tankbuster. Deals moderate damage.
Wellbore The boss moves to the center of the room and a massive AoE spawns under its feet, leaving only the edges of the arena safe. Immediately after casting, 4 more large AoEs spawn around the outside of the room and leave behind large puddle AoEs, forcing players to dodge them as well. Followed by High Pressure.
High Pressure The boss knocks all players to the edge of the room. Must dodge Wellbore Puddles during this. Followed by Swift Spill.
Swift Spill A spinning arrow marker will surround the boss, indicating the direction he will spin in after this cast finishes. While spinning, he will shoot out conal AoEs that deal damage and knock players back if they are caught in it, risking being pushed into the Wellbore Puddles. Deals heavy damage and applies a vulnerability stack.

Advice and Tips

  • For Swift Spill, he will turn counter-clockwise if the arrows are blue and clockwise if the arrows are orange.
  • Standing behind the boss when he casts Swift Spill will give you more time to dodge if you can't tell which direction he's turning.
Nabaath Vest of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Vest of Maiming Icon.png Nabaath Doublet of Striking Icon.png Nabaath Coat of Scouting Icon.png Nabaath Vest of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Doublet of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Doublet of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Trousers of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Trousers of Maiming Icon.png Nabaath Skirt of Striking Icon.png Nabaath Bottoms of Scouting Icon.png Nabaath Slops of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Bottoms of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Bottoms of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Fending Icon.png
Nabaath Earrings of Slaying Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Slaying Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Healing Icon.png
Attack Name Description
Intestinal Crank Roomwide AoE that deals moderate damage.
Heretic's Fork Spawns 4 interconnected triangles of light at the cardinal directions around the boss. When the cast finishes, it will shoot out beams of light from each of the triangles in the direction they are facing, making a large cross AoE.
Breaking Wheel Massive donut AoE where the only safe spot is directly beneath the boss.
Crystal Nail The boss moves to the center of the room and casts this ability, summoning 4 untargetable Rhapsodic Nail adds at each cardinal direction around it. Immediately followed by Breaking Wheel or Heretic's Fork, which is immediately followed by Censure.
Censure After Crystal Nail. The Nails will begin using the same ability the boss used (either Breaking Wheel or Heretic's Fork) one by one while the boss recasts the ability with an extremely long cast time. Players must dodge the Nails in sequence before dodging whatever the boss is casting.

Advice and Tips

  • The Nails always cast in sequence, so you don't need to worry about dodging multiple AoEs at once.
Nabaath Axe Icon.png Nabaath Blade Icon.png Nabaath Manatrigger Icon.png Nabaath Spear Icon.png Nabaath Zaghnal Icon.png Nabaath Claws Icon.png Nabaath Katana Icon.png Nabaath Daggers Icon.png Nabaath Bow Icon.png Nabaath Rimfire Icon.png Nabaath Chakrams Icon.png Nabaath Rod Icon.png Nabaath Grimoire Icon.png Nabaath Tuck Icon.png Nabaath Cane Icon.png
Nabaath Codex Icon.png Nabaath Planisphere Icon.png Nabaath Pendulums Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Slaying Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Slaying Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Healing Icon.png Iron Torch Icon.png Paladin's Nabaath Arms (IL 412) Icon.png
Armadillo Bowler Icon.png Deep Down Orchestrion Roll Icon.png
(Fixed Rate Drop)

Storge Card
Additional Coffers
Treasure Coffer: 9.9-11.4
Nabaath Fringe Boots of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Fringe Boots of Maiming Icon.png Nabaath Greaves of Striking Icon.png Nabaath Shoes of Scouting Icon.png Nabaath Crakows of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Shoes of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Shoes of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Slaying Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Slaying Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Aiming Icon.png
Nabaath Leather Ring of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Healing Icon.png
Treasure Coffer: 9.6-12.7
Nabaath Pot Helm of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Pot Helm of Maiming Icon.png Nabaath Headgear of Striking Icon.png Nabaath Turban of Scouting Icon.png Nabaath Scarf of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Crown of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Cap of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Gauntlets of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Gauntlets of Maiming Icon.png Nabaath Bracers of Striking Icon.png Nabaath Gloves of Scouting Icon.png Nabaath Field Dressing of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Gloves of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Gloves of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Fending Icon.png
Nabaath Earrings of Slaying Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Slaying Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Healing Icon.png
Treasure Coffer: 10.9-9.4
Nabaath Fringe Boots of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Fringe Boots of Maiming Icon.png Nabaath Greaves of Striking Icon.png Nabaath Shoes of Scouting Icon.png Nabaath Crakows of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Shoes of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Shoes of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Slaying Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Wristband of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Slaying Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Aiming Icon.png
Nabaath Leather Ring of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Leather Ring of Healing Icon.png
Treasure Coffer: 10.9-7.7
Nabaath Axe Icon.png Nabaath Blade Icon.png Nabaath Manatrigger Icon.png Nabaath Spear Icon.png Nabaath Zaghnal Icon.png Nabaath Claws Icon.png Nabaath Katana Icon.png Nabaath Daggers Icon.png Nabaath Bow Icon.png Nabaath Rimfire Icon.png Nabaath Chakrams Icon.png Nabaath Rod Icon.png Nabaath Grimoire Icon.png Nabaath Tuck Icon.png Nabaath Cane Icon.png
Nabaath Codex Icon.png Nabaath Planisphere Icon.png Nabaath Pendulums Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Slaying Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Earrings of Healing Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Fending Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Slaying Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Aiming Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Casting Icon.png Nabaath Choker of Healing Icon.png Paladin's Nabaath Arms (IL 412) Icon.png
Drop Table (78)
Item Type iLvl Requirements Stats
 Armadillo Bowler Icon.png  
Armadillo Bowler
Seasonalachievementicon.pngGold chest icon.pngMap75 Icon.png
 Minion  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Possessed of a superior sense of balance.

Use item to acquire the armadillo bowler minion.

 Deep Down Orchestrion Roll Icon.png  
Deep Down Orchestrion Roll
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.png
 Orchestrion Roll  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Music roll for Deep Down. Use to add to your orchestrion list.

 Paladin's Nabaath Arms (IL 412) Icon.png  
Paladin's Nabaath Arms (IL 412)
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001 GLAPLD
Req. Level 1
A set of arms containing a Nabaath sword and Nabaath shield.

Required level: 77. IL: 412.

 Storge Card Icon.png  
Storge Card
Gold chest icon.pngMap17 Icon.png
 Triple Triad Card  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A rare (★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 249

 Iron Torch Icon.png  
Iron Torch
Gold chest icon.png
 Wall-mounted  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Give your home that authentic “scary castle” feel, but make sure the room is well ventilated to avoid smoke inhalation.

 Nabaath Blade Icon.png  
Nabaath Blade
Gold chest icon.png
 Dark Knight's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 DRK
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Skill Speed &0000000000000154000000+154
Determination &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Planisphere Icon.png  
Nabaath Planisphere
Gold chest icon.png
 Astrologian's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 AST
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 93
Mind &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000148000000+148
Piety &0000000000000154000000+154
Determination &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Shoes of Casting Icon.png  
Nabaath Shoes of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 77
Defense 178Magic Defense 311
Intelligence &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000090000000+90
Spell Speed &0000000000000093000000+93
Critical Hit &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Scarf of Aiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Scarf of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 244Magic Defense 244
Dexterity &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Skill Speed &0000000000000093000000+93
Critical Hit &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Rod Icon.png  
Nabaath Rod
Gold chest icon.png
 Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 THMBLM
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 93
Intelligence &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000148000000+148
Critical Hit &0000000000000154000000+154
Determination &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Rimfire Icon.png  
Nabaath Rimfire
Gold chest icon.png
 Machinist's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 MCH
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 47
Dexterity &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Skill Speed &0000000000000154000000+154
Determination &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Pot Helm of Maiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Pot Helm of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 77
Defense 311Magic Defense 244
Strength &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Critical Hit &0000000000000093000000+93
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Pot Helm of Fending Icon.png  
Nabaath Pot Helm of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 77
Defense 444Magic Defense 444
Strength &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Tenacity &0000000000000093000000+93
Determination &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Pendulums Icon.png  
Nabaath Pendulums
Gold chest icon.png
 Sage's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 SGE
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 93
Mind &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000148000000+148
Determination &0000000000000154000000+154
Piety &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Shoes of Scouting Icon.png  
Nabaath Shoes of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 77
Defense 244Magic Defense 244
Dexterity &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Determination &0000000000000093000000+93
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Manatrigger Icon.png  
Nabaath Manatrigger
Gold chest icon.png
 Gunbreaker's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 GNB
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Skill Speed &0000000000000154000000+154
Determination &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Leather Ring of Slaying Icon.png  
Nabaath Leather Ring of Slaying
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 PGLLNCMNK
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Determination &0000000000000073000000+73
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Leather Ring of Healing Icon.png  
Nabaath Leather Ring of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Determination &0000000000000073000000+73
Spell Speed &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Leather Ring of Fending Icon.png  
Nabaath Leather Ring of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Determination &0000000000000073000000+73
Critical Hit &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Leather Ring of Casting Icon.png  
Nabaath Leather Ring of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Determination &0000000000000073000000+73
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Leather Ring of Aiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Leather Ring of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Ring  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ARCROGBRD
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000073000000+73
Skill Speed &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Shoes of Healing Icon.png  
Nabaath Shoes of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 178Magic Defense 311
Mind &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000090000000+90
Determination &0000000000000093000000+93
Critical Hit &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Skirt of Striking Icon.png  
Nabaath Skirt of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 77
Defense 327Magic Defense 327
Strength &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000158000000+158
Critical Hit &0000000000000148000000+148
Determination &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Headgear of Striking Icon.png  
Nabaath Headgear of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 77
Defense 244Magic Defense 244
Strength &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000093000000+93
Determination &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Vest of Maiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Vest of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 77
Defense 417Magic Defense 327
Strength &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000158000000+158
Determination &0000000000000148000000+148
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Zaghnal Icon.png  
Nabaath Zaghnal
Gold chest icon.png
 Reaper's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 RPR
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000154000000+154
Determination &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Wristband of Slaying Icon.png  
Nabaath Wristband of Slaying
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 PGLLNCMNK
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Determination &0000000000000073000000+73
Critical Hit &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Wristband of Healing Icon.png  
Nabaath Wristband of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Spell Speed &0000000000000073000000+73
Piety &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Wristband of Fending Icon.png  
Nabaath Wristband of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Critical Hit &0000000000000073000000+73
Tenacity &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Wristband of Casting Icon.png  
Nabaath Wristband of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Critical Hit &0000000000000073000000+73
Determination &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Wristband of Aiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Wristband of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Bracelets  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ARCROGBRD
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000073000000+73
Critical Hit &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Vest of Fending Icon.png  
Nabaath Vest of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 77
Defense 595Magic Defense 595
Strength &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000158000000+158
Critical Hit &0000000000000148000000+148
Tenacity &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Slops of Aiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Slops of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 327Magic Defense 327
Dexterity &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000158000000+158
Determination &0000000000000148000000+148
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Vest of Aiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Vest of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 327Magic Defense 327
Dexterity &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000158000000+158
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000148000000+148
Determination &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Turban of Scouting Icon.png  
Nabaath Turban of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 77
Defense 244Magic Defense 244
Dexterity &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Critical Hit &0000000000000093000000+93
Skill Speed &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Tuck Icon.png  
Nabaath Tuck
Gold chest icon.png
 Red Mage's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 RDM
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 93
Intelligence &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000148000000+148
Determination &0000000000000154000000+154
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Trousers of Maiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Trousers of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 77
Defense 417Magic Defense 327
Strength &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000158000000+158
Critical Hit &0000000000000148000000+148
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Trousers of Fending Icon.png  
Nabaath Trousers of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 77
Defense 595Magic Defense 595
Strength &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000158000000+158
Critical Hit &0000000000000148000000+148
Skill Speed &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Spear Icon.png  
Nabaath Spear
Gold chest icon.png
 Lancer's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 LNCDRG
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000154000000+154
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Katana Icon.png  
Nabaath Katana
Gold chest icon.png
 Samurai's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 SAM
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Determination &0000000000000154000000+154
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Grimoire Icon.png  
Nabaath Grimoire
Gold chest icon.png
 Arcanist's Grimoire  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ACNSMN
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 93
Intelligence &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000148000000+148
Critical Hit &0000000000000154000000+154
Determination &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Bottoms of Casting Icon.png  
Nabaath Bottoms of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 77
Defense 238Magic Defense 417
Intelligence &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000142000000+142
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000148000000+148
Spell Speed &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Choker of Casting Icon.png  
Nabaath Choker of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Spell Speed &0000000000000073000000+73
Determination &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Codex Icon.png  
Nabaath Codex
Gold chest icon.png
 Scholar's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 SCH
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 93
Mind &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000148000000+148
Piety &0000000000000154000000+154
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Coat of Scouting Icon.png  
Nabaath Coat of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 77
Defense 327Magic Defense 327
Dexterity &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000158000000+158
Skill Speed &0000000000000148000000+148
Determination &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Claws Icon.png  
Nabaath Claws
Gold chest icon.png
 Pugilist's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 PGLMNK
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000154000000+154
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Choker of Slaying Icon.png  
Nabaath Choker of Slaying
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 PGLLNCMNK
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Critical Hit &0000000000000073000000+73
Skill Speed &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Choker of Healing Icon.png  
Nabaath Choker of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Critical Hit &0000000000000073000000+73
Determination &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Choker of Fending Icon.png  
Nabaath Choker of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Determination &0000000000000073000000+73
Critical Hit &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Choker of Aiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Choker of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Necklace  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ARCROGBRD
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Critical Hit &0000000000000073000000+73
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Crown of Casting Icon.png  
Nabaath Crown of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 77
Defense 178Magic Defense 311
Intelligence &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000090000000+90
Spell Speed &0000000000000093000000+93
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Chakrams Icon.png  
Nabaath Chakrams
Gold chest icon.png
 Dancer's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 DNC
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 47
Dexterity &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000154000000+154
Skill Speed &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Cap of Healing Icon.png  
Nabaath Cap of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 178Magic Defense 311
Mind &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000090000000+90
Spell Speed &0000000000000093000000+93
Determination &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Cane Icon.png  
Nabaath Cane
Gold chest icon.png
 Two-handed Conjurer's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 CNJWHM
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 93
Mind &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000148000000+148
Spell Speed &0000000000000154000000+154
Piety &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Bracers of Striking Icon.png  
Nabaath Bracers of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 77
Defense 244Magic Defense 244
Strength &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Determination &0000000000000093000000+93
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Bow Icon.png  
Nabaath Bow
Gold chest icon.png
 Archer's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ARCBRD
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 47
Dexterity &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Critical Hit &0000000000000154000000+154
Determination &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Bottoms of Scouting Icon.png  
Nabaath Bottoms of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 77
Defense 327Magic Defense 327
Dexterity &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000158000000+158
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000148000000+148
Critical Hit &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Bottoms of Healing Icon.png  
Nabaath Bottoms of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 238Magic Defense 417
Mind &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000142000000+142
Critical Hit &0000000000000148000000+148
Piety &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Crakows of Aiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Crakows of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 244Magic Defense 244
Dexterity &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Skill Speed &0000000000000093000000+93
Determination &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Daggers Icon.png  
Nabaath Daggers
Gold chest icon.png
 Rogue's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ROGNIN
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 47
Dexterity &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Determination &0000000000000154000000+154
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Greaves of Striking Icon.png  
Nabaath Greaves of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 77
Defense 244Magic Defense 244
Strength &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Skill Speed &0000000000000093000000+93
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Fringe Boots of Fending Icon.png  
Nabaath Fringe Boots of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 77
Defense 444Magic Defense 444
Strength &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Tenacity &0000000000000093000000+93
Critical Hit &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Axe Icon.png  
Nabaath Axe
Gold chest icon.png
 Marauder's Arm  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 MRDWAR
Req. Level 77
Physical Damage 93Magic Damage 47
Strength &0000000000000154000000+154
Vitality &0000000000000164000000+164
Skill Speed &0000000000000154000000+154
Determination &0000000000000108000000+108

 Nabaath Gloves of Healing Icon.png  
Nabaath Gloves of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 178Magic Defense 311
Mind &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000090000000+90
Determination &0000000000000093000000+93
Spell Speed &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Gloves of Casting Icon.png  
Nabaath Gloves of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 77
Defense 178Magic Defense 311
Intelligence &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000090000000+90
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000093000000+93
Critical Hit &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Gauntlets of Maiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Gauntlets of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 77
Defense 311Magic Defense 244
Strength &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Skill Speed &0000000000000093000000+93
Determination &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Gauntlets of Fending Icon.png  
Nabaath Gauntlets of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 77
Defense 444Magic Defense 444
Strength &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Determination &0000000000000093000000+93
Critical Hit &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Fringe Boots of Maiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Fringe Boots of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 77
Defense 311Magic Defense 244
Strength &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000093000000+93
Determination &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Field Dressing of Aiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Field Dressing of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 244Magic Defense 244
Dexterity &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Critical Hit &0000000000000093000000+93
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000065000000+65

 Nabaath Doublet of Casting Icon.png  
Nabaath Doublet of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 77
Defense 238Magic Defense 417
Intelligence &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000142000000+142
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000148000000+148
Determination &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Earrings of Slaying Icon.png  
Nabaath Earrings of Slaying
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 PGLLNCMNK
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Critical Hit &0000000000000073000000+73
Skill Speed &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Earrings of Healing Icon.png  
Nabaath Earrings of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Mind &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Piety &0000000000000073000000+73
Critical Hit &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Earrings of Fending Icon.png  
Nabaath Earrings of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Strength &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Tenacity &0000000000000073000000+73
Skill Speed &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Earrings of Casting Icon.png  
Nabaath Earrings of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Intelligence &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000071000000+71
Spell Speed &0000000000000073000000+73
Critical Hit &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Earrings of Aiming Icon.png  
Nabaath Earrings of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Earrings  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ARCROGBRD
Req. Level 77
Defense 1Magic Defense 1
Dexterity &0000000000000074000000+74
Vitality &0000000000000079000000+79
Critical Hit &0000000000000073000000+73
Determination &0000000000000051000000+51

 Nabaath Doublet of Striking Icon.png  
Nabaath Doublet of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 77
Defense 327Magic Defense 327
Strength &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000158000000+158
Skill Speed &0000000000000148000000+148
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Doublet of Healing Icon.png  
Nabaath Doublet of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 77
Defense 238Magic Defense 417
Mind &0000000000000148000000+148
Vitality &0000000000000142000000+142
Piety &0000000000000148000000+148
Critical Hit &0000000000000104000000+104

 Nabaath Gloves of Scouting Icon.png  
Nabaath Gloves of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000412000000412&000000000000007700000077 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 77
Defense 244Magic Defense 244
Dexterity &0000000000000093000000+93
Vitality &0000000000000100000000+100
Determination &0000000000000093000000+93
Critical Hit &0000000000000065000000+65

NPCs (2)
Name X-Y Occupation Involvement

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